Rao is in the MC world, and Grandma Ping still has a lot of special effects.

Jiang Xuan looked at the changing figure in the light mass in amazement.

Originally, it could be seen that there were some squirmishes, but gradually, the figure stood tall.

Even gradually, the mountains are stacked, and the figure is a little slim.

All the immortals were a little happy, and the lively and active Pingzi back then seemed to be coming back.

“Sister Pingzi…”

Gan Yu squeezed Jiang Xuan’s hand with joy in his eyes.

Not without pride looked up at Jiang Xuan.

“Open your eyes and look well, Sister Pingzi, but she was the most amazing female fairy among the immortals back then!”

Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, the brilliance dissipated.

The old woman, who had been dying, disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there is a young and invincible beautiful girl who is full of youth and beauty, and her face is full of collagen.

Long blue-blue hair, pulled up with quaint hairpins.

The clothes on the body are no longer the original old woman’s dress, and the full-body cyan wide-sleeved dress sets off the other party’s outstanding figure.

A golden-red fairy pattern on the shoulders.

The face is delicate and beautiful, and the eyebrows have red dansa like water droplets.

A golden bell is tied around his waist.

Slowly open your eyes, and the blue-blue light like the end reflects the color of the sky.

Grandma Ping…

It should be called Pinky now.

Pingzi watched the end quietly, and after a moment, gently opened her hand and hugged the other party.

“At the end, welcome home…”

At this time, Pingzi, who has the appearance of aging just now, stands with the end, and anyone has to say that these are the two sisters of the cardamom years.

On the contrary, Liuyun, who wore glasses, looked older.

Liuyun pursed his lips and smiled, looking at Pingzi with a little joking.

“Finally willing to change back?”

Ping 25zi blinked slightly playfully.

“Since they have all returned in the end, then the invincible trio of young and invincible beautiful girls of that year should also return to their places.”

Pinky will become old, and the root cause lies in the death of the end…

The two became good sisters because of music.

The relationship between them is not weaker than that of Ying and Zhen.

In the end, Pingzi saw the changes in the world, her mentality could not be maintained, and she became the appearance of an old woman.

But now that he has finally returned, Pingzi doesn’t have to worry about anything.

From this point of view, Pingzi is more suitable for the final CP than Zhongli.

The immortals were very easy to accept the change in Pingzi’s appearance in a short period of time.

For them, changing people of all ages could not be simpler.

At that time, the moon was changed to look like a five-year-old child, and I was playing around.

However, Ying and Paimon and others were a little confused.

Ying looked Pingzi up and down, and after a long while, he said blankly:

“Grandma Ping… What a situation is this! Why do immortals still have this ability to control age! ”

Pingzi turned her head with a smile and nodded her forehead.

“Now you still call me Grandma Ping, I’ll be angry.”

Ying smiled stupidly and tentatively said:

“Sister Pingzi?”

“That’s good.”

Pinky smiled and touched Ying’s head.

Walnut scratched his cheek and muttered:

“Let Xiangling know that her master has become a girl like her, I don’t know what Xiangling will think…”

Liuyun pursed his lips and smiled, and explained softly:

“The faces of the immortals do not really age, and Pingzi was just passed away at the beginning, which stimulated the state of mind.”

“If you have to say it, such a pingzi is what she should be.”

“Otherwise, how could we be a trio of beautiful girls of the Immortals?”

Obviously, after the final resurrection, Pingzi returned to her youth, which made Liuyun very happy.

Otherwise, how could this nickname, which had made her extremely ashamed before, say it so calmly.

“I haven’t seen the original appearance of Pingzi in thousands of years…”

Shaoyue sighed with some emotion.

“It seems that our bunch of old friends can’t have a greater impact on Pingzi than the resurrection of a person after the end.”

In the end, he raised his head proudly and snorted.

“I am Ping’er’s most important sister! How can you compare with me! ”

Ning Guang and the others looked at Pingzi in amazement, who now had a little bit of an old woman’s appearance.

Youthful, I don’t know, I thought that their group were all sisters of the same age.

The secret passage is the magic of the immortals.

Ning Guang said softly:

“There is still some time, why don’t we go out and talk again?”

“Presumably, in the end, adults also have a lot of questions to know.”

Finally, he winked with a grin.

“Just call me the end, are you the contemporary Heavenly Power Star? I happen to have a lot of things I want to ask you. ”

Ning Guang pursed his lips and chuckled and nodded.

Jiang Xuan didn’t grind, his thoughts moved, and after a while, he condensed out of the portal.

Everyone stepped through the portal and returned to Liyue.

Kujo Goro wanted to immediately rectify the new army of Inazuma, but was stopped by Miko.

It is useless to rectify it now, and everyone is obviously more concerned about the final resurrection.

Even if it is rectified today, it is enough to choke and be resettled.

Ning Guang went to order people to bring the banquet, but in the end, he looked around the small courtyard curiously.

In the simple courtyard, she couldn’t see any doorway, she could only feel that it was strange here.

But after all, she is a demon god, and with the help of the authority of dust, she quickly understands the general situation of Liyue at present.

After a long while, he finally exclaimed a little:

“Is human wisdom really powerful, and without the guidance of gods, has it developed to such a point?”

“I can’t say that.”

Jiang Xuan shook his head with a smile.

“Zhong Li, this guy also just abdicated not long ago, but he still led Liyue forward for more than 3,700 years.”

“But human wisdom really has no upper limit.”

In the end, he turned around and temporarily stopped to investigate Liyue’s situation.

She died too early, and the Demon God War was not over.

There is also too much lack of understanding of Liyue’s progress.

Just by looking, you can’t see anything. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You’ll have to wait until you know what to do.

As for now…

Finally turned around, looked at Jiang Xuan curiously, and said with a grin:

“I haven’t officially thanked you yet, Mr. Jiang Xuan, thank you for helping me resurrect, I can see Liyue thousands of years later.”

Jiang Xuan smiled dumbly.

In the end, this demon god was indeed lively and cheerful, and looked eccentric.

“I’m just providing a channel to resurrect you, or Zhongli and Liuyun are doing it.”

“The channel is the most important thing!”

In the end, he waved his hand indifferently, glanced at Zhong Li, and complained:

“In other words, your current name is Zhongli?”

Zhong Li took a sip of tea and said indifferently:

“Now I’m just a guest of the past life hall, naturally I have to have a name that matches the human race.”

Jiang Xuan glanced at Zhong Li meaningfully, and said with a slight deep meaning:

“Zhongli, Zhongli… Finally in Li? It turns out that your name still has this statement? ”

Zhong Li paused for a moment, and then said calmly:

“It is indeed not without this significance, and it can be regarded as commemorating the return and end of the year.”

Jiang Xuan and Wendy looked at each other, and suddenly felt that a shocking gossip slowly unfolded.

“Eh, hey!”

Wendy was just about to open her mouth to tease, but saw that she finally took a step back with a cold face.

“Can you change a name? What a hemp! ”


Jiang Xuan and Wendy looked at the end with a confused expression.

The situation is not right, teacher!

In the end, you shouldn’t be a little moved, at the very least, you should be very shy!

How is this kind of progress a little weird?

Zhong Li naturally guessed the confusion of Jiang Xuan’s people, smiled in his heart, and said softly:

“In terms of the principle of universality, I am used to using this name, and it also leaves many bonds belonging to Zhongli, which cannot be changed at will.”


Zhong Li looked at Jiang Xuan lightly.

“Now, you believe it, right? There really is no affection between us that is worthy of your gossip. ”

Before Jiang Xuan could answer, he finally jumped up angrily.

“Feelings? What the hell are you guys talking about! Do not tarnish my innocence! ”

Jiang Xuan pursed his mouth, looked at Gan Yu, who was snickering on the side, touched his nose, and said with a slight embarrassment:

“So… You and Zhongli…”

“Nothing! Why is there such outrageous gossip! ”

In the end, he grabbed his hair in anger, and Liuyun was a little weak-hearted, and quietly retreated behind Qianxiao and the others to hide.

Wendy was curious:

“But you gave the earthly lock to the old man…”

“That’s what was given to him when the alliance was formed! It’s an alliance gift! It’s also a covenant challenge! Speaking of which, I won! ”

In the end, he raised his head with a proud face.

God knows how difficult it is for her to win Zhong Li from this Martial God once, and this matter is worth writing about in the end.

“Then you also say that all your wisdom and what you want to say is in the earthly lock…”

“803 is what it is! With my wisdom and the force of Morax, the fusion of the two, in my opinion at that time, would indeed make the survival of the people who had returned to the assembly better! ”

In the end, he crossed his waist and looked at Wendy calmly.

“As for what I want to say…”

In the end, he grinned, took out the earthly lock and tinkered for a while, and the earthly lock that had plagued Zhongli for a long time was unlocked.

A note fell out.

In the end, he picked up the note and showed it in front of everyone.

Jiang Xuan fixed his eyes and looked at it, his head full of black lines.

On the note, there was no special message, no…

It should be said that leaving this kind of words is in line with the character of the end.

“Morax, you are definitely an earthly lock that was opened by brute force!”


Everyone was silent, and for a while, they didn’t know where to complain.

In the end, it is not without self-satisfaction:

“That’s my wisdom! I expected that Morax was not a good deciphering being. ”

“So, I guessed that he would forcibly tear down the earthly lock, and deliberately left a sentence to despise him!”

“What the hell are you thinking?”

Jiang Xuan, Wendy and the others looked at each other, not without embarrassment, and hurriedly drank tea to hide their weakness.

The corners of Zhong Li’s mouth raised slightly, glanced at the end, and said indifferently:

“Your wisdom is not so good occasionally.”

Hearing this, he was a little frustrated in the end, and muttered:

“The devil knows that you guy has hidden this thing for thousands of years!”

“Friends’ relics naturally cannot be forcibly demolished and cracked.”

“Blah blah! This girl is alive and well now, what a relic! It’s really ugly. ”

In the end, he glared at Zhong Li and handed over the earthly lock to Condensing Light.

“This contains some of the means I used to manage the separation set, as well as some of my mechanical design drawings.”

“I originally thought that Morax is not good at management, and my magic can help many of the people of the Collection.”

“But now, you people have cured, and there are many opportunities that I can’t understand.”

“It shouldn’t be used, but it’s left to you anyway, don’t you need to think about it yourself!”

“That said… Am I just resurrected and about to retire? It’s frustrating! “。

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