Ning Guang took the earthly lock with a smile and said softly:

“I have always heard that the demon god returned to the end of the world, and the people who returned to the world lived and worked in peace and contentment under the reign.”

“Even if time passes, these things are still treasures, and we will use them carefully, thank you.”

In the end, he waved his hand nonchalantly.

“Don’t comfort me! I saw through the dust before, and now Liyue, Seven Stars and the General Affairs Department are much better managed than me. ”

“And those strange machines floating in the sky, which are much stronger than my magic skills.”

“It seems that I am still behind the times, but when I study it well, I will definitely be able to develop more powerful mechanics!”

In the end, he was not a self-pitying person, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Liyue doesn’t need the Demon God to guide her now, which is also a good thing.

In the year of the Demon God War, each Demon God firmly believed in his own methods, which would bring a better life to his people.

Demon gods are all lovers from the bones.

Like parents.

But there is also a difference in the love of parents.

Gui Hui and Zhongli belong to the kind of parents who look far away and are very enlightened.

They see the infinite possibilities of human beings, the infinite wisdom of human beings.

Willing to help mankind develop and master its own future.

On the other hand, the lone king of the tower of Mond, although he is also the same lover.

But the other party is more like a self-righteous parent.

To blindly think that to love is to protect them from any danger, as long as they follow the direction he has planned.

Therefore, there was the tower period of Mond’s suffering, and there was also the human beings in the tower.

From this point of view, the death of the Lone King of the Tower was actually the death of his heart after being rebelled by his beloved human being…

Otherwise, it would be just a wind elf Barbatos, with the help of humans, who could overthrow the Lone King of the Tower with the help of the genuine Wendy?


How can I say that he is also the top of the top demon gods…

The demon god has the starting point of the demon god, and human beings have human nature.

In essence, say no and who is wrong.


Jiang Xuan pursed his lips and muttered:

“You really have nothing between you and Zhongli?”

Zhong Li took a sip of tea indifferently, he had said this kind of thing eight hundred times.

Jiang Xuan didn’t listen when he was tough, and always said that he was a dead tsundere.

Zhongli lay flat, and now, it was his turn to explain to him.

In the end, he waved his fist angrily, obviously threatening, but he looked cute.

“Just! Not! Yes! ”

“Talk nonsense again, insult my innocence, even if you help me resurrect, I will beat you!”

Jiang Xuan snorted and raised his head proudly.

“You can’t beat me! So, obediently tell me what the hell is going on, or I’m going to beat you up! ”


In the end, he looked at Jiang Xuan incredulously, his eyes turned, and he changed into a pitiful look, and his big eyes flashed with a few tears.

“You actually said such cruel things to a girl…”

Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes and complained:

“In my heart, unless it is Gan Yu, regardless of gender, they will be treated equally!”

“So… Obediently explain, the province was beaten just after being resurrected. ”

In the end, he pouted, looked at Zhong Li, and said dissatisfied:

“Morax, this guy is threatening me so much, shouldn’t you help me beat him up!”

“What does the covenant say! You help me deal with foreign enemies, and I help you manage your people! Hurry up and fulfill it! ”

Zhong Li took a leisurely sip of tea and said indifferently:

“In terms of the principle of universality…”

“First, just to explain, it is very appropriate to return your innocence and my innocence.”

“Second, now that Liyue is ruled by people, they can manage themselves or fight against foreign enemies by themselves.”

“Third, my name is Zhongli now.”

“Fourth, I can’t beat him.”

At this time, I was finally shocked.

“Are you kidding?”

The person Zhong Li personally admitted that he couldn’t beat, in the final impression, there was only heavenly reason.

Even in the face of multiple top demon gods, Zhong Li dared to raise the gun and say, the general trend is me, this battle will be won.

Now, he actually admitted that he couldn’t beat Jiang Xuan?

Zhongli shook his head and said calmly:

“What’s so strange? The heavens and the earth are big, and there are enemies that I can’t deal with, and Jiang Xuan himself controls the world after all, and is the master of the world. ”

In the end, he was stunned for a moment, scratched his cheek and muttered:

“It seems to be the truth…”

As soon as the words fell, he immediately came over with a smile and took out a contract.

“Naa Brother Jiang Xuan, do you want to sign a covenant with me? You help me deal with foreign enemies, and I help you manage the world? ”

Jiang Xuan smiled dumbly, if he didn’t know that he was a demon god after all.

Anyone will feel that they are the same age as Walnut in the end.

It’s so lively…

“Forget about the covenant, my world is very weird and can’t be managed.”

“But protect you…”

Jiang Xuan smiled and took out a string of immortal totems from his arms.

“This thing, you carry it with you, an immortal totem can withstand a mortal injury, as for the rest…”

“If there are enemies that you can’t deal with, I will naturally strike, and I will be resurrected from my world anyway.”

Immortal Totem…

In the end, his eyes flickered, and he once again had a new understanding of the strangeness of Jiang Xuan’s world.

She was not polite, and put away the immortal totem.

“Now, after receiving my things, it’s time to talk about your gossip, right?”

Jiang Xuan looked at the end with a smile.

The latter’s face froze, and when Yu Guang saw Gan Yu, he immediately said with a smile on his face:

“Isn’t this Xiao Ganyu? It’s all out of this way! I remember you were a little fat unicorn! ”

“Often gurgling down the mountain from the cave mansion of Liuyun.”

Gan Yu instantly decayed.

Well, why did you talk about her! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mention black history in front of so many people, is it possible that Liuyun can’t chat, is it and the final learning!

Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes and hugged Gan Yu tightly.

“Don’t use my family Ganyu to change the topic, even if Ganyu becomes a little fat unicorn, I like it, how cute the meat toot is.”

Suddenly, the decadence of Gan Yu was swept away.

He looked at Jiang Xuan with fondness.

What happened to Black History?

What happened to Fat Qilin?

She has successfully counterattacked the unicorn girl who has become a symbol, and there are men.

No matter how much black history, as long as Jiang Xuan likes it, she doesn’t care!

Finally blinked and said with a grin:

“It turns out that Xiao Ganyu has already found a man… Congratulations, little Ganyu. ”

Gan Yu nodded happily.

“Thank you, Lord Endless.”

Jiang Xuan sighed helplessly.

“Can you not change the subject? We want to know a clear answer! ”

In the end, he was suddenly a little angry.

“You guy, why are you so persistent! At this time, you should follow my words and forget about this matter, right! ”

“Don’t even think about it!”

Jiang Xuan smiled.

“How long have I been thinking about Zhong Li’s gossip about the 6,000-year-old widow dragon! What do you say, Wendy? ”

Wendy, who was pulled into the water, instantly felt Zhongli’s piercing gaze.

He smiled and said embarrassedly:

“Actually… I’m not particularly curious, only one loss, one loss…”

Jiang Xuan patted Wendy smoothly.

“Look, Barbatos is also very curious, you can talk about it!”

Wendy suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

Jiang Xuan is not afraid of Zhongli settling the account, but he Wendy can’t hide ah!

Looking at Zhong Li’s gaze, he was afraid that he was going to find himself to drink again.

Morax’s wine, not so delicious.

In the end, he also felt everyone’s eyes full of curiosity and gossip, and said with some helplessness:

“Okay, okay, I said, I don’t know what this guy Morax thinks, but I just think of him as an older brother and confidant.”

Saying that, in the end, he crossed his waist a little smugly.

“But even if Morax likes me, then I can understand it, after all, I am a young and invincible beautiful girl!”

Zhong Li took a sip of tea and said indifferently:

“In terms of the principle of universality, you think too much, I just regard you as a confidant and sister, in addition, my name is Zhongli now.”

“Got it, Morax!”


Zhongli shook his head, still not continuing to change the final statement.

As long as she didn’t call him Morax in front of the Liyue people.


Jiang Xuan looked at the end without dying, and the latter said calmly:

“Of course! At that time, it was the time of the Demon God War, starting a war every day, the Demon God was around, and I had to take care of my people, how could I have the heart to think about such a thing! ”

Jiang Xuan was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said:

“I don’t believe it!”

“…… Why are you so stubborn, can I beat you? ”

“You can’t beat me.”

“Won’t you let me! I’m a girl! ”

“What? Are you going to start a fair samurai duel with me? ”

“…… How the hell did you hard-hearted guy fool Xiao Ganyu! You won’t be using some shady means! ”

“Huh… Naturally attractive, not only Ganyu, but also walnut, condensation and Lisa! ”

The two fought when they saw it, and everyone was a little ridiculous.

Zhong Li also had some emotion.

In the past, Gui Yi has always been sharp-tongued, although he is a martial god, but in the end, he is indeed the person he can’t deal with the most.

(Is Wang Hao) fight and can’t fight, can’t say it.

Zhongli has always taken a policy of out of sight, out of mind.

Now, finally, someone can cure the end.

As for what he said in the end, Zhongli actually thought the same way.

At that time, he was either fighting or on the way to war every day.

The people lived in difficulty, eating the last meal but not the next, and they had to worry about the attacks of monsters and hostile demon gods.

He, the patriarch, has always been worried about bringing a good life to his people.

Where is the kung fu to care about the private affairs of children.

In the end, it is similar to him.

Both men see the infinite possibilities of human beings and have similar attitudes towards their people.

After the alliance, he was responsible for fighting foreign enemies, fighting every day, and the immortals also fell frequently, and there was no time to think about this.

In the end, he is responsible for managing his people, and he is very busy.

The two worked together seamlessly, and the separation was peaceful.

It is a confidant, a close friend, to put it bluntly, it is called a revolutionary comrade-in-arms.

At that time, Zhongli only regarded her as a reliable sister who managed the rear.

In precarious times, there is really no spare time to think about other things.

Perhaps, if it can last until the end of the Demon God War, this peaceful thousand years can also breed different feelings.


Past is past.

Zhong Li doesn’t think much about it, and it will be the same in the end.

Fate is not only about humans, but also about demon gods.

In the final analysis, he Zhongli, the martial god Morax, has no heart, and is destined to be widowed for six thousand years! .

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