Yuan Tianzun

: November summary

  November summary

  November is coming to an end, so follow the old practice of the previous book, open a single chapter at the end of the month, and talk about it.

   Report updates and grades first.

  30 days, 370,000 words per update month, 15th place in the starting combat power list, not very fast, but for me personally, I really tried my best. After six or seven years of writing, the second highest update month.

   This is an update on the bright side. The various waste drafts, setting frameworks, and outlines add up to at least 50,000 words.

   In terms of grades.

  On the day of launch, 2800 first orders and 2400 regular orders.

  On the shelf for 30 days, 11,000 high orders! 8900 are ordered! 10,000 monthly tickets!

  This result is not dazzling, after all, several books have been ordered over the same period, but for me, it has set a record, the best result! The average subscription has surpassed the previous book!

   Brothers cowhide! Thank you for your great support!

  Yuan Tianzun cowhide!

  Let’s talk about the plot. What I have always pursued is “coolness”. My original intention is to let brothers relax and forget their troubles when they are tired from work and study. They can be “refreshing” for a few minutes a day.

   In the past two days, I spent a lot of time reading through the updated content. There are advantages and disadvantages, so I rebuilt part of the framework and outline.

   There will be two adjustments.

One is to reduce the description of the setting, and the "branch line" that I think is not bad. Maybe I want to write a "full and detailed" world of immortals and demons. Maybe the level is really limited. The writing is like deliberate hydrology. Brothers seem to really not like to read it , stand at attention when you are beaten, and this will be corrected in the follow-up, advancing towards "coolness" and simplifying the setting description.

  The second is the chapters. I originally thought that the 4D Dazhang brothers would be more enjoyable, but my coding speed and time are really slow. Therefore, the number of words in each chapter will be adjusted to 3,000 words, and try to update a chapter as early as possible every day.

  December, we will still work hard to update! Try not to be worse than this month.

  I am still full of fighting spirit.

  10,000 subscriptions! It’s just a step away. I’ve been writing a book for six or seven years, and I’m always obsessed with it. I really want to make a subscription. I sincerely hope that brothers who are able to support can come to Qidian to subscribe as much as possible!

   Please subscribe!

   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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