Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 133: The name of Fang Xia (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 133 The Name of Fang Xia (ask for a monthly ticket)

  The entire cloud mountain was boiling, and countless Hengyun Sect disciples were excited, and they all looked up at the scene in the night sky.

  The huge golden palm makes their blood rush!

  In the world, a grand master who is on the ranking list is so powerful that he can rule the world, but even the most ordinary warriors know the "Legend of the Tianbang".

   That is the stalwart power that completely surpasses the mundane.

  Perhaps, for some big powers and empires, the masters of the Tianbang rarely show up, but their existence is a deterrent.

  It is Dinghaishenzhen! Optimus!

   Today, the Hengyun Sect also has a celestial list, and it has proved its strength by stepping on the blood and bones of a celestial list master.

  …the night sky.

   "Squeezed to death a master of heaven with one palm?" Wu Yuan also stared at that giant golden palm with breathless breath.

   At close range, you can feel the incredible power contained in the giant palm.

   It's incredible, it's too exaggerated!

  Just now, why did Wu Yuan dare to suddenly attract the power of heaven and earth to support himself to fly up, is it really courageous?


   It was Fang Xia who came out, and Chuanyin told Wu Yuan that he didn't have to be cowardly, and that he would 'carry' behind when something happened.

  Fang Xia did hold it, and the way was beyond Wu Yuan's expectation.

   On strength.

  When the 'Wu Jianzhong' whose body was turned into flames charged over just now, Wu Yuan's soul felt like it was bursting, and he knew instinctively that he couldn't stop it.

  Worthy of the name of the master of the heaven list.

  But such a master, in front of Fang Xia, couldn't even make a move, and the shock it brought to Wu Yuan can be imagined.

   No, from the beginning to the end, Fang Xia never showed up.

   Until then.

   Hoo! A figure in white robe quietly walked out from behind Wu Yuan.

  He, dressed in a loose robe, surrounded by streams of golden air, has an indifferent expression, like an emperor overlooking everything in the world.

  The breath emitted is terrible.

   Such a heroic posture.

  It is completely different from the 'Old Fang' who had a playful smile with Wu Yuan before.

   "Eight layers of Qi Sea? Territory!"

   Wu Yuan sighed secretly: "This is a realm monk! One person can sweep away a large number of high-ranking monks in Qihai."

   This battle alone made Wu Yuan aware of Fang Xia's strength.

  No matter how weak Wu Jianzhong is, he is a Qi refiner at the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm.

   Was instantly killed by one move?

  In Wu Yuan's view, unless the Master Jindan descends, more than ninety-nine percent of the Qi Sea Realm is not Fang Xia's opponent.

   "Compared with extraordinary monks, my strength is too far behind." Wu Yuan had a trace of desire in his heart: "I must, become a sorcerer as soon as possible."

   Wu Yuan has always been proud.

  Although, Fang Xia is the protector arranged by the 'landlord'.

  But from Wu Yuan's heart, he doesn't want to be protected all the time, he also wants to join the war.

"very scary!"

   "This kind of breath, this kind of mighty power! When did the thirteen states of Middle-earth give birth to such a terrifying powerhouse?" Meng Cai, who was only a hundred meters away from the giant golden palm, felt his whole body was icy cold.

  Fang Xia, in Wu Yuan's perception, is powerful.

  But in Mengcai's perception, it was like a magical weapon that wanted to pierce the world, with endless sharpness, which made his soul tremble faintly.


   This is the power of heaven and earth that Fang Xia specializes in, the way of gold, the most rigid and powerful, and the killing is extremely fierce!

   "Om~" without a sound, the golden giant palm dissipated.

   Only the spirit weapon battle armor and storage magic weapon with obvious signs of shattering remained, which turned into streamers of light and fell into Fang Xia's palm.

   Kill people and seize treasures.

   Facing this scene, Meng Cai didn't dare to make a slight change.


  Fang Xia took a step forward, spanned hundreds of meters, and came to Mengcai.

  Wu Yuan also followed.

  Fang Xia said indifferently: "Fellow Daoist Mengcai, why, you haven't seen me for more than a hundred years, don't you recognize me?"

  On the road to Xiuxian, people in the same realm generally call each other 'dao friends'.

   "More than a hundred years?"

  Mengcai felt a little astonished, staring wide-eyed at the middle-aged man in white robe standing a hundred meters away, and suddenly lost his voice: "Fang Xia? You're still alive!"

   Wu Yuan immediately understood.

  Fang Xia has an old relationship with the master of the Tianbang 'Meng Cai'.

   "Hehe, back then, when I first came to the list, you had been famous for a long time." Fang Xia said indifferently: "Unexpectedly, more than a hundred years later, you are already a Qi refiner at the fifth level of Qi Sea."

   "Compared to fellow Taoist Fang Xia, it's far behind."

  Meng Cai smiled wryly and said: "Fang Xia Daoist, I am afraid that you have become the ninth level of Qi Sea, and you are only one step away from the legendary 'Golden Elixir'."

  Fang Xia smiled lightly, but did not respond.

"If you dare to act wildly in my Yunshan, according to my temperament, I should slap you to death." Fang Xia said leisurely: "However, since you and I have an old relationship, and you didn't do anything directly, today's matter will be revealed first." pass."

   "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Fang Xia, for not killing me." Meng Cai said in a low voice.

  He understood Fang Xia's words, he and Wu Jianzhong went to Yunshan, uttered nonsense, and even took the initiative to attack Wu Yuan, and was killed, no one could be blamed.

can only say

  No one would have imagined that the little Hengyun Sect would hide such a monster as 'Fang Xia'.

  Meng wanted to leave, but Fang Xia didn't speak, so he didn't dare to leave.

  Life and death are in the hands of man, how can there be room for resistance?

   "The Supreme Master of the Seven Star Building, is he still Daoist Dong Gan?" Fang Xia asked suddenly.

   "Master Dong Qian, he went to Xinzhou decades ago and disappeared." Mengcai said in a low voice: "Now, the highest empress of my Qixing Tower is Fellow Daoist Niu Hao."

  These messages are public in the Tianbang.

  He didn't have to hide it.

   "Okay, I won't make things difficult for you."

  Fang Xia said indifferently: "You can go back and tell Niu Hao that this is only one time, and if you dare to come to Yunshan to act wild next time, Wu Jianzhong will be a lesson from the past."

   "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Fang Xia." Meng Cai breathed a sigh of relief.

   Finally survived.

After thinking about it, Mengcai couldn't help but said: "Fang Xia Daoist, I know you are powerful, but if you kill Jin Qing first, you will definitely anger the Jin Empire, the three great holy places of Jin, and more than a dozen Qi refiners." , not to be trifled with."

   "Especially the Jin Emperor 'Jinquan', who was already at the ninth level of Qi Sea decades ago."

   "There are also 'Zhao Xing' from Yuanxia Palace and 'Hai Feizhang' from Xinghai Pavilion, all of them are high-level Qihai monks." Meng Cai said solemnly.

   "Dajin, there are so many high-ranking Qihai?" Fang Xia's face showed a look of surprise, and a trace of fear seemed to flash in his eyes.


"If it weren't for the strength of the three holy lands of the Great Jin Dynasty, how could the major forces in our Linhai counties retreat to the Great Jin step by step? They have already occupied 40% of the territory in the seven states of the Central Plains." Mengcai shook his head and sighed: "The Great Jin, is it Enemy Hengyun."

"Now, Fellow Daoist Fang Xia, you have killed Wu Jianzhong again. He is average among Qi refiners in Qunxinglou, but the 'Wanxing Daoist' has been on the Megatron List for three hundred years, and his strength is unfathomable. Even the Emperor Jin can't do anything about it. "

   "It is unwise for you to offend two major forces at the same time." Meng Cai said.

In his opinion.

  Fang Xia showed his strength, just to frighten Wu Jianzhong, there is no need to kill him at all.

   Only provoke enemies.

   "Fellow Daoist Mengcai, I have returned from hiding from the world. I haven't learned the information yet. Thank you for letting me know. I have taken this information." Fang Xia said softly.

   "However, I don't need to worry about how I should deal with these two forces."

   "Fellow daoist, please go ahead." Fang Xia said lightly.

   This is an order to evict guests.

   "Farewell." Meng Cai didn't dare to say any more, and bowed his hands in salute.

   It quickly turned into a cyan streamer and left.

   "Young master, don't worry, follow me back to the ruins first." Fang Xia's voice sounded in Wu Yuan's mind.

   Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

   Whoosh! Whoosh!

  The two also quickly disappeared into the night sky.

  The night sky returned to calm.

  But Yunshan is destined not to be peaceful. Soon, a piece of news came down from the high-level sect: "The master of the Tianbang who made a move on Yunshan today is the ancestor Fang Xia. The patriarch already has the best strength in the world."

  One stone stirs up waves.

   "Fang Xia Patriarch?"

   "I, Fang Xia, the greatest patriarch of Hengyun Sect, didn't die?"

   "No. 1 in the world? Being able to slap other heavenly rankings to death with one palm, so what if you can be called No. 1 in the world with such unfathomable strength?"

   "No. 1 in the world! Patriarch Fang Xia!" Countless disciples of the Hengyun Sect discussed excitedly, and the news spread quickly.

   However, Heng Yunzong did not obstruct at all, and even pushed waves to block it secretly.

  If you want to unify Jiangzhou, you must first shock the world!


  The jade room of the ruins is still extremely empty, and the overall layout of the jade on the ground seems quite regular.

  Only a cave on the edge of Yushi is still shrouded in streamer light.

  Buyu Grandmaster is still in retreat.

   This battle did not affect her.

   "Here?" Wu Yuan glanced at the jade room, it seemed that there was no difference from the previous two days, but he, who had further comprehended the power of heaven and earth, noticed many special things.

  There are many mysterious lines on the four sides of the jade room, full of charm.

  The most variable.

   is the center of the Tamashiri.

  The tripod dug up by Fang Xia reappeared, but the way it was connected to the surrounding jade was completely different from before.

   But it gave Wu Yuan a sense of 'naturalness'.

   Much more perfect than ever.

   "As expected of the young master, you noticed the difference so quickly?" Fang Xia said with a smile.

  In front of Wu Yuan, he no longer had the mighty and domineering aura he had just now.

   "With blind eyes, I can't see the mystery." Wu Yuan shook his head.

   "Haha, you will understand when the young master breaks through." Fang Xia smiled and said, "Don't worry, the young master, the insight formation and the enchantment formation have already been arranged for the most part, and the arrangement can be completed in another hour."


   "Even the monks of the ninth level of Qihai, it is impossible to directly kill the sky above Yunshan like Meng Cai and Wu Jianzhong." Fang Xia said solemnly.

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

  After the previous battle, he was full of confidence in Fang Xia.

   "After the two formations are deployed, I will slowly arrange the killing formation." Fang Xia said with a smile: "If the killing formation is completed, my cloud mountain will be as solid as gold."

   "At that time, together with the killing array, the entire Yunshan City can be covered."

   "Oh? Such a large area?" Wu Yuan was surprised.

   "If it's a Jindan master, it's not uncommon to arrange a formation that covers a thousand miles." Fang Xia shook his head and said: "My killing formation that only covers a hundred miles is nothing compared to the Jindan master."

   "Old Fang."

  Wu Yuan couldn't help but said: "Listen to what Nameng said, there are actually three high-ranking Qihai monks in the Great Jin Empire? Emperor Jin is still alive?"

  Emperor Jin!

   is a contemporary myth of the Thirteen States of Middle-earth.

  It is a legend in the hearts of countless warriors to be powerful in the world, to create the Great Jin Empire, and to create a great cause.

   "Can we stop Emperor Jin?" Wu Yuan asked.


  ps: Chapter 2, a new month is coming soon, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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