Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 674: Gathering of true saints

Chapter 674 True Saints Gather

 “According to the records left by the holy ones.”

"There is also information compiled by the True Saints who entered the previous ruin realms when they were opened." True Saint Yueluo thought silently: "A newly born ruin realm contains a huge amount of treasures, including various incomplete innate spiritual treasures. , innate treasures...even incomplete chaos spiritual treasures."

 That’s right!

 In the Nine Ruins of Chaos, there are almost no intact magic weapons that are born directly. Those that are born are basically incomplete, and it is very difficult to repair them.

“But there will be a lot of super large ones like Chaos Adamantite Veins.”

"There are many other treasures." Yueluo Zhensheng's eyes were full of passion: "Every time the Ruins Realm is opened, it is a grand event."

“A grand event that can drive countless true saints crazy in the endless sea. As long as I grab a little bit from it, it will be of infinite use.”

 “I should be the first one to come here.”

"This is my great opportunity. The guidance of fate made me get here first." Zhensheng Yueluo glanced at the void in all directions: "According to records, the time and space cracks in this passage will become more and more severe. It’s huge, until it reaches tens of thousands of light years…it can’t stop other forces from entering.”

“It can’t stop other forces from exploring.”

Tens of thousands of light years!

 The fluctuations are so astonishing that when the time comes, the Eternal Powerhouses in a small half of the entire Ninth Ruins Realm will feel it.

 As news spreads, true saints will appear one after another, and many major forces will join forces. There is no way the Abyss Alliance can resist it.

 Destined to be fully public.


 It will take at least hundreds of years for the entrance to expand from its current diameter of several light-years to tens of thousands of light-years.

Hundreds of years are enough for Zhensheng Yueluo to do many things.

"We can't delay any longer. The longer we delay, the easiest treasure to collect is likely to be missed." Yueluo True Saint made up his mind: "My strength is too weak compared with the top True Saints in the entire domain sea. In the end, You can’t rob them.”

"Chaos Source Heart, Chaos Spiritual Treasure... I don't dare to hope too much, but it is still possible to seize a Chaos Fine Gold Mine and a dozen incomplete innate treasures."



Zhensheng Yueluo rushed directly into the space-time rift filled with black and yellow energy. With his strength, it was relatively easy to resist the impact of time and space.

at the same time.

 He has quickly passed the news to the highest level of the Abyss Alliance through the Divine Realm.

Seize the treasure by yourself and get the treasure by yourself.

Similarly, according to the news, in the future, the true saints who take the lead in the Abyss Alliance will all owe him a share of karma.


Phew! call!

Zhensheng Yueluo kept moving forward. His speed was extremely fast. In less than ten years, he had passed through the time and space channel deep in the crack of time and space.


“It’s almost here.” Yueluo Zhensheng was extremely excited.

 He has sensed that at the end of the time and space channel, there is a vast and mysterious world.

 At the same time, he was also extremely vigilant.

 The Xu Realm, in addition to the eternal strong men of other forces, also contains great dangers, such as the tides of time and space, such as the Xu Spirits...especially the newly born Xu Realm, which is destined to be full of dangers.

 You have to be careful.

Don't lose your life if you don't get the treasure.


Yueluo Zhensheng finally traveled to another world.

This is the tenth ruin realm that has just been opened up.

The endlessly bright void, time and space is distorted, and the terrifying space-time cracks extend to the very depths of the void... But the most eye-catching thing is the endless blazing, star-like towering celestial bodies at the end of the void, with endless light.


Each of these celestial bodies is more than a million times more dazzling than the stars.

"These stars and celestial bodies?" Zhensheng Yueluo was stunned for a moment. He noticed that there were more than a hundred celestial bodies and stars gathering in this void, which was obviously quite strange.

"I have never seen these celestial bodies in the Ninth Ruins Realm or the Eighth Ruins Realm." A thought flashed through Yueluo Zhensheng's mind: "Could they be a unique product of the Tenth Ruins Realm?"

The previous nine major ruin realms, each of them has its own unique features.

“These starry objects seem to contain danger.”

"I'd better leave here first." Yueluo Zhensheng said secretly: "Let's explore some safe places first."

He didn't dare to wander around randomly, so he found a relatively safe direction and flew over based on his vague perception.

at this time.

 “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

 In the originally silent void.

Those fiery red celestial bodies seemed to last forever. Each star was millions of miles tall. They suddenly exploded and shot into the sky like magma-like fire. These fires far exceeded a hundred times the speed of light.

In an instant, hundreds of stars erupted at the same time, and endless fire covered the endless void.

Haunted and submerged the True Sage Xiang Yueluo.


"Not good!" Yueluo Zhensheng was confused. In his perception, these blazing stars and celestial bodies seemed to come alive at that moment.

Every star or celestial body brings him an endless sense of threat.

 Hundreds of them, erupting at the same time!

 “It’s the Xu Ling!”

“These flaming stars are powerful ruin spirits similar to the Nine-Chen Heavenly Tree.” True Sage Yueluo has woken up and realized the truth: “The strength of each star is probably no less than the full strength of the True Sage.”

 He was aware of the approaching danger.


 It’s too late.

Hundreds of ruin spirits broke out together. The attack at this moment definitely reached the holy level, and it passed over the body of True Saint Yue Luo in an instant... Even though he was wearing the innate treasure battle armor and had cultivated an eternal divine body, he still fell instantly. .

 Zhensheng Yueluo, die!


 Abyss Realm, this is the Divine Void Realm used by the eternal strongmen of the Abyss Alliance to communicate with each other.

 The eternal plane of Nanga, in the deepest temple.

The incarnation of Yueluo Zhensheng is talking to the incarnation of Nanjia Zhensheng.

"Yue Luo, you are the first one to break in, and you have the best chance." The Holy Saint of Nanga smiled and said: "We must strive to capture the source of chaos. That is your hope of becoming the Holy One."


 “I will definitely work hard.”

"I have just entered the tenth Ruins Realm and haven't found any danger yet." True Sage Yueluo was slowly reporting: "I am ready to further explore the depths of the Ruins Realm..."


"No!" A trace of panic suddenly flashed across the face of the incarnation of Yue Luo Zhensheng, and he instinctively shouted: "It's the Xu Ling! The Xu Ling!"


The incarnation of Holy Saint Yueluo dissipated instantly, leaving behind the stunned Saint Nanga.

 “Falled?” The Holy Nanga couldn’t believe it.

 In an instant, True Sage Yueluo died?

 What kind of danger is this?

"Ruth Spirit? Could it be said that there will be a very terrifying Ruins Leader Spirit in the Tenth Ruins Realm?" The Supreme Saint of Nanjia secretly said: "But no matter how strong it is, it stands to reason that it can only reach the threshold of the Saint at most, and Yue Luo will not fall instantly. , unless there is an attack."

“The Ruins Spirits of the Tenth Ruins Realm are very good at hiding?” The Holy Saint of Nanga judged this point.

 “Pass the information to other true saints.”

“Pass it to the Dust Demons as well.” The Supreme Saint Nanga made a decision: “It’s so dangerous, I don’t know how many true saints will go there, and I don’t know how many treasures I can eat in the end.”

 He shook his head slightly and immediately stopped thinking about it.

 Although the newly born ruin world is good, it is not that tempting to the Holy Saints.

Besides, what if the Holy One longs for it? Can't get in again.

 We can only watch the true saints fight.



“Among the Nine Ruins of Chaos, is a new Ruins Realm born?”

 “Extremely dangerous?”

"Zhensheng Yueluo was the first to discover the entrance. He was also the first to break in, but he has already fallen?" The highest level saints of the Abyss Alliance, after sensing the danger of the Tenth Ruins Realm.

 Finally, he no longer concealed anything and quickly conveyed the news to the true saints under his command.

  It is up to the many true saints to decide whether to go or not.

 “Go for it!”

“Haha, the other ruins in the Nine Ruins of Chaos have long been plundered over the years. Now even if I spend a lot of time, I may not be able to get the treasures. I am too lazy to go there.”

“The birth of the Tenth Ruins Realm will surely bring countless treasures!”


 “It’s definitely a big opportunity.”

“Fight it, I have been cultivating for endless years, but I am still stuck at this step, so I will go and try it out. I don’t expect to get the Chaos Source Heart. Even if I get the Chaos Jade Crystal, it is worth it. It may help me break through.”

"No big deal, I will die once. With my accumulation, I can revive and come back." The countless true saints of the Abyss Alliance suddenly boiled.

 Immediately, the true saint began to set off.

 That’s right!

 The opening of the Ruins Realm is destined to be extremely dangerous, and a large number of true saints will die, but this cannot stop the enthusiasm of the true saints to enter the world.


After living for endless years, these true saints are even more eager to break through.


Although the Abyss Alliance tried their best to block the news, once the news spread on a large scale, it would be difficult to completely conceal it.


In the Ninth Ruins Realm, the space-time cracks on that side are getting bigger and bigger, and the fluctuations are becoming more and more alarming. Strong men from other forces have begun to notice the movement.

 The news began to spread continuously.


Wanyulu is one of the fourteen first-rate forces in Endless Territory Sea, and can also be called the most mysterious force.

 Where its old nest is is a mystery.

  Different from major forces such as the Witch Court, the Immortal Court, and the Blood Dream Alliance, although their headquarters are also mysterious, they still have fixed coordinates, but they cannot be breached.

 Only the Wanyulou headquarters.

Everyone knows that it is within the eternal realm of the "Wanyu Holy" at the headquarters of Wanyu Tower, but what are the specific time and space coordinates? It's a mystery!

 No one knows.

 In other words, no one can know where the eternal realm of the Holy Spirit is.

Even the strong men of Wanyu Tower can only enter or leave through the ‘Eternal Realm Passage’ through tokens.

 The eternal world of the universe is also known as the most mysterious eternal world.


In the eternal realm of the universe, in a plane very deep, a silver-haired young man has been sitting on a mountain peak. It is covered with snow all year round and the wind is freezing.

I don’t know how many years it has been frozen.

The silver-haired boy has been sitting here, like an ice sculpture.


“Huh?” The silver-haired boy suddenly opened his eyes, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes: “Ancestor called me?”


He did not dare to neglect, and took one step forward. Suddenly, time and space changed and he entered a mysterious space and time, where the stars were brilliant and the time and space were distorted like a brilliance.

An old man with white hair is sitting on the river of time and space.

 “Old Ancestor.” The silver-haired boy saluted respectfully.

His character is extremely unruly, and many saints are not taken into consideration by him, thinking that he will be able to surpass them in the future.

 Only the white-haired old man, he respects from the bottom of his heart.

Without the guidance of the old man, let alone standing at the pinnacle of true sainthood in this life, he might not even be able to achieve eternity.

"Yinyu, sit down." The white-haired old man smiled and waved his hand to reveal a jade platform.

 The silver-haired boy sat down obediently.

 “How long have you been in seclusion this time?” the white-haired old man asked.

 “Eight heavens and earth have been reincarnated.” The silver-haired young man said.

"Can we find a way forward?" The white-haired old man looked at the silver-haired young man. He also had high hopes for the young man.

 “I have some vague feelings, but I’m still not sure.” The silver-haired boy said.

"It is indeed difficult to go from the third to the fourth step. The more powerful the self is, the harder it is to take this step." The white-haired old man said with emotion: "Those Dao masters only opened up the upper self's path, so it was easy. But your own way...although it is not as good as the original one's way, it is already very strong among the top ones, at least stronger than mine back then."

"The way of our ancestors is the best in time and space. Even the Tao Master of time and space is not as good as you." The silver-haired boy said solemnly.

"Haha, don't underestimate the Taoist Master of Time and Space. He can't fight head-on, but his other various methods are very good. Even the Emperor of Heaven and the Houtu Ancestral Witch will easily suffer at his hands." The white-haired old man said with a smile: "I'm sure you will be good in the future. If you are stronger than me, you can hope to get close to the Emperor of Heaven and others."

 “The fourth step of your own path is naturally difficult to take.”

 The silver-haired boy listened.

How intelligent he is, and he has some sense of destiny. He has vaguely understood that the ancestor may have something important to say to him.

 “Chaos Nine Ruins, you know it.” The white-haired old man said.

"I know." The silver-haired boy nodded: "I spent a long time in the Eighth Ruin Realm..." "Yeah."

"The Tenth Ruins Realm is born." The white-haired old man looked at the silver-haired boy with a smile: "You should understand what I mean."

 “The tenth ruin realm?”

"Chaos Origin Heart? Chaos Jade Crystal?" The silver-haired boy was completely shocked and even couldn't help but stand up.

 “That’s right!”

“Since the beginning, there have been six ruin world births in the Chaos Ruins.” The white-haired old man said: “Every time the ruin world is born, one Chaos Source Heart and nine Chaos Jade Crystals will be born.”

 “They are all treasures that assist in enlightenment.”

"You were born late, so you haven't experienced any of them." The white-haired old man said, "And this time is your chance."

 “I understand.” The silver-haired boy breathed a little urgently, his eyes twinkling.

 The path of one’s own path becomes more and more difficult the farther back one goes.

Especially those who have insufficient potential in their own way and have taken the wrong path will find it even more difficult to practice. After reaching the bottleneck, it will be difficult for them to make progress in hundreds of reincarnations.

 And the vast sea.

 There are some special treasures that can help the eternally powerful break through bottlenecks.

Just the Chaos Jade Crystal, there are several kinds of treasures at the same level that can assist enlightenment in the endless sea.

 And the source of chaos.

However, it is extremely precious and is recognized as the first auxiliary spiritual treasure. It cannot be surpassed and is of great use to the Holy Spirit.

 What if the true saint is obtained?

 In the history of the Endless Sea, a total of eight Chaos Source Hearts were born, except for two which were obtained by the Holy Saints from the cliff on the other side.

 The other six copies were all born in the Nine Ruins of Chaos and were captured by the six True Saints.

 In the end, five of these six true saints entered the holy realm.

 “On strength.”

"Yinyu, you are no weaker than the six true saints who have captured the source of chaos in history, and you are even stronger." The white-haired old man said: "If you can capture the source of chaos, the probability of you becoming a saint is, It will be more than 90%.”

The silver-haired boy nodded heavily.

 90% probability? It’s incredible!

No matter how peerless the monster is, as long as he is not a Taoist master, no one can say that he will definitely be able to reach the level of the Holy Saint.

 “However, it must be extremely dangerous.”

"In today's Yuhai, the true saints are generally getting stronger and stronger. If they go, they are in danger of falling." The white-haired old man looked at the young man: "You decide whether to go or not."

 “Of course I want to go.” The silver-haired boy grinned.


The white-haired old man nodded: "I will personally take you to the edge of the Nine Ruins of Chaos... Once you enter, you will have to rely on yourself."

“Although this news has spread, except for the few true saints who are already staying in the Nine Ruins of Chaos, you should arrive relatively quickly.”

 “Thank you, ancestor.”


Finally, about six years after the Abyss Alliance spread the news, the news about the ‘Tenth Ruins Realm’ could no longer be concealed and spread completely.

 Witching Court, Immortal Court, Blood Dream Alliance, Wanyu Tower, Nine Saints Alliance, Yaohui Alliance, Jiuzhong Mountain, Eight Domains Alliance... The sea is vast, and all the top powers in the Nine Domains time and space are known to them.

 These big forces also immediately conveyed the news to their true sages.


 The Ninth Ruins Realm, the Sea of ​​Black Light.

 A group of witch court true saints have gathered here.

Wu Yuan and True Sage Qiguang are both there. As for True Sage Tianpeng, he has been out hunting and will not be able to come back for a while.

"Everyone, I believe you all know the news." Qi Guang True Sage sat on the main seat, his eyes scanning each true saint: "The tenth Ruins Realm has been opened, I don't need to say more about the relevant information."

“Except for things like incomplete Chaos Spiritual Treasures and Chaos Adamantine Mineral Veins.”

"The most precious ones are the Chaos Source Heart and the Chaos Jade Crystal." Qi Guang Zhensheng said: "Those are the treasures that are expected to allow us to enter the holy level."

 Many true saints were listening.

Wu Yuan was also listening silently. In fact, when he first received the news, he was quite shocked.

 Especially after learning the relevant information, I was even more amazed.

 Historically, of the six true saints who captured the source of chaos, five stepped into the holy realm.

 Dozens of true saints who have captured the Chaos Jade Crystal, more than 50% eventually become the Holy Saint.

 The probability is surprisingly high.

Of course, most of the true saints who have been able to capture these treasures in history are true saints with perfect strength. They are only one step away from the true saints in terms of realm, so the probability of breakthrough will naturally be higher.

But there is no denying the power of these two great auxiliary tools for enlightenment.

"Houtu Ancestral Witch has given an order that all true saints in the entire witch court who are willing to go can go." Qiguang True Saint said: "But whether it is our witch court true saint or the true saints of other major forces, who want to rush to the Ninth Ruins The world will take at least five to six thousand years."

 “Not even tens of thousands of years.”

"And we are originally stationed in the Ninth Ruins Realm. It only takes a thousand or two thousand years to get there. This is our opportunity." Qiguang True Sage said in a low voice: "If you are willing to go, you can set off directly, but I have to remind you , the new world’s initial stage of birth is extremely dangerous.”

“Historically, every time the Ruins Realm was opened, at least a thousand true saints died.”

 Everyone present was slightly shocked.

 Thousands of true saints have fallen? What a terrifying and cruel scene it was. Even if it could be revived and returned, some of the true saints would definitely die completely.

 This is the path of spiritual practice.

Even if you achieve eternity, if you want to chase the peak and stand at the top of the sea, you may still fall.


"Whether you want to go or not is up to you." Enlightenment of the true holy way.

Shortly after.

 Most of the true saints in the Black Light Sea chose to leave.

 Obviously, although the Tenth Ruins Realm is dangerous, these true saints’ desire for the holy surpasses the fear of death.

 Inside the palace.

Soon only Wu Yuan and Qi Guang True Sage were left.

 “Brother Qiguang, aren’t you going?” Wu Yuan asked doubtfully.

"I won't go for the time being." Qiguang True Sage shook his head and said: "Although there are many treasures in the Tenth Ruins Realm, Black Light Sea requires people to stay and guard it in order to guide the subsequent True Saints. Later Tuzu Wu ordered me to guard it. , I will be compensated specifically."

“This time, the first batch of true saints from our witch court to enter the tenth ruin realm will be led by you and Tianpeng.”

“In our Wuting Court, I am afraid that you and Tianpeng are the most promising to seize the Chaos Source Heart and Chaos Jade Crystal.”

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

Among the dozens of true saints in the witch court, he and the Tianpeng True Saint are the most powerful. They are also the first batch to break into the Tenth Ruins Realm, so they naturally have the greatest hope.

"I will stay with you for a while just to remind you." Qi Guang True Sage looked at Wu Yuan: "In the past two billion years, it has been difficult for Xianting to find good opportunities. If they mobilize the True Saints on a large scale, It's easy for us to detect him, so we haven't set up any targeted killing tactics."

"But this time, the Tenth Ruins Realm is opened, and if all the forces from all sides are combined, there will probably be tens of thousands of true saints pouring into it... All the other forces want to seize the treasure, but Xianting is the only one who probably wants to take this opportunity to kill them all in one fell swoop. you."

“Even if you can revive, every time you are killed, you will be weakened.”

"What I am most worried about is Yun Sheng." Qi Guang Zhensheng said: "There is a high probability that he will take action."

Wu Yuan’s pupils narrowed.

Yun Sheng?

Wu Yuan has not just stepped into the realm of true saints. He knows very well who Qi Guang True Saint is talking about. The second on the list of true saints-Yun Sheng!

He is also the number one true saint in the Immortal Court.

"The 'True Saint of Luanhai' who ranks first on the True Saint List has not appeared for dozens of reincarnations in the world. Only Wanyu Tower proves that he is still alive, and there is no news that he has entered the Holy Saint." Qi Guang True Saint Said: "This time the Tenth Ruins Realm is born, the True Sage Luan Hai may not appear."

"Yun Sheng, in a sense, may be the strongest among the true saints who appeared this time."

"Of course, True Saint Tianchan's strength may be no less than him, or even stronger." True Saint Qiguang said helplessly: "But I remember you said that True Saint Tianchan would practice in seclusion, and he would step into the holy level in one fell swoop. of."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly, feeling quite helpless.

 This is fate.

If True Sage Tianchan had not entered the Holy Sage, with his help, the chances of entering the Tenth Ruins Realm this time would be much greater.


For True Saint Tianchan, he is sure to have a breakthrough. Neither the Chaos Origin Heart nor the Chaos Jade Crystal has much effect, and it is impossible for him to take the legendary fifth step.

The so-called supreme treasure that assists enlightenment is, after all, most effective for saints and true saints.


"Remember to separate an incarnation and go to the 'Ancestral Witch Palace'. All the true saints in our witch court will gather there to exchange information with each other." The true saint of Qiguang smiled and said: "I can't help you in this battle, I can only wish you a good move. Seize the source of chaos."

 “Haha, okay, I’d like to lend my brother Qi Guang some kind words.” Wu Yuan said with a smile.


Wu Yuan also left the Black Light Sea and rushed straight towards the space-time rift in the Tenth Ruins Realm.

 …in the dark void.

 “More than the True Sage Qiguang reminded me.”

"Tianpeng, Taiyuan, and Luan Jiang all sent messages to me, asking me to be careful of Xianting's killing spree." Wu Yuan flew in the void at high speed and received one message after another.

 These are all messages from friends and elders.

 Wu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

“Xianting’s killing spree?” There was light in Wu Yuan’s eyes: “In the past billions of years, apart from the initial riot in Shuangzi Mountain, I have never deliberately been hostile to the powerful Xianting.”

 “This time, the main focus is on grabbing treasures.”

"But if Xianting doesn't know whether to live or die and insists on a fight, then let them see how powerful they are." Wu Yuan was eager to try.

Yun Sheng?

   It has been millions of years since he obtained the two Chaos Spiritual Treasures, but Wu Yuan has never found an opportunity to explode.

“If the Dharma Body and the Origin Body join forces, I wonder, Yun Sheng, can you handle it?” Wu Yuan’s eyes were cold.

 What he desires most in his heart is the source of chaos.

“It’s just Chaos Jade Crystal, I’m afraid it will have very little effect on me.”

"The effect of the Chaos Source Heart on my deduction of the Wuji Way is probably not obvious." Wu Yuan thought silently: "However, if the Qi Refining Lord takes the fourth step, if he has the Chaos Source Heart, he will definitely make it quickly. A big chunk."

“The most important thing is that it can help me reach the holy peak faster.”

As a Taoist master, Wu Yuan never worried about becoming a saint, it was just a matter of time.

 But what about after becoming the most holy?

Nanga Holy Saint, Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch, Dijiang Ancestral Witch, and Emperor of Heaven are all holy saints, but can they be the same?

 “The opportunity is in front of us, how can we do it if we don’t fight for it?”

"Whoever blocks the road will be killed." Wu Yuan's murderous intention was fierce, and he did not have the slightest worry in his heart.

 In any case, it is the source body of the Dharmakaya that is wandering around. Even in the worst case, it will not truly fall.

Of course, if the source body of the Dharmakaya falls and many of the magic weapons he carries are lost, the loss will still be very great.

 How can there be absolute safety when traveling across the sea?


 Wu Yuan was on his way to the Tenth Ruins Realm.

Xianting Universe is a secluded world. There is no aura in the entire world. This is a mundane world.

 An ordinary city in the world.

“Thousands of years ago, the whole country migrated because the Central Plains was weak...” A man in a white robe was giving a leisurely history lesson.


 “The birth of the Tenth Ruins Realm? The Origin of Chaos?” A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the man in white robes.


 Silently, the man in white robe is still giving lectures, but in fact, his true body has left this world.

 Outside the world.

A man wearing silver armor who looked like a **** of war was standing at the end of the void, commanding the heaven and earth.

“Emperor Donghuo.” The man in white robe smiled slightly and cupped his hands slightly to show respect.

If other true saints saw this scene, they would be extremely surprised.

The true saint, when he saw the emperors from all directions, he just handed over his hands?

"What the Emperor of Heaven predicted back then was indeed correct." Emperor Donghuo sighed with emotion: "The next most holy person in our Immortal Court is indeed you. You have spent endless years in this mortal world and finally transformed completely."

“Yunxing, I’m afraid it’s only in your thoughts that you can become the most holy person.” Emperor Donghuo looked at the white-robed man.

 The bookish man in white robe smiled and said nothing.

"However, this is fate." Donghuo Emperor smiled and said: "If you have broken through, you will not be able to defeat this tenth ruin realm."

“If you go now, you will be truly invincible. Even if the True Sage Luan Hai appears, I’m afraid he won’t be your match.”

"This time, in addition to grabbing the treasure, you have another mission." Emperor Donghuo solemnly said: "That is to kill Wu Yuan of Wu Ting."

 “Wu Yuan?”

"The new Taoist Master of Creation?" The man in white robe nodded slightly: "I have heard of him, the first genius since the beginning."

 “I will kill him.”


The man in white robe took one step and disappeared into thin air.

 (End of this chapter)

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