Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 675: In the first battle, whoever stands in the way will die.

Chapter 675: First battle, whoever stands in the way dies

 The deepest part of the sea.

 Here, it is already very close to the scope of the Dongyue Yuyu Territory.

 There are countless flames burning inside the continuous mountain.

These flames may seem inconspicuous at first glance, but they actually contain incredible power. If a saint is contaminated by them even a little bit, they will fall instantly.

Two figures, one white and one purple, were sitting cross-legged on top of the endless flames. No matter how many flames eroded them, they could not shake their sleeves at all.

The woman in white robe, her breath is as ethereal as a fairy, exuding endless holy aura.

The man in purple robe is extremely heroic.

"Hmm?" The man in purple robe suddenly opened his eyes and said directly: "Xiaoyu."

 “Husband, what’s wrong?” The woman in white robe opened her eyes, with some doubts in her eyes.

Until then, people can clearly see that the woman in white robe is sitting on a special divine cauldron, which is emitting a hazy light, and the light faintly envelopes the woman in white robe.

"There is a good thing." The man in purple robe smiled slightly: "Do you know about the Nine Ruins of Chaos?"


The woman in white robe nodded: "One of the eight top dangerous places in the Endless Sea, and also one of the dangerous places with the largest number of true saints."

“The Tenth Ruins Realm is born.” The purple-robed man said: “Now the news has spread. The Holy Ancestor of Dongyue just sent me a message, hoping that we can go to participate in the war.”

"Nowadays, many forces in the Central Universe, as well as the Ancient Universe, Daoyan Universe, etc... I am afraid that most of the true saints in the entire domain will go there, and the top true saints will definitely show up, just to compete for the source of chaos. , Chaos Jade Crystal." The man in purple robe said solemnly.

"Chaos Origin Heart?" The woman in white robe was stunned, and a trace of desire flashed in her eyes.

As a true saint and a powerful person, the white-robed woman is very aware of the value of the source of chaos, and she will definitely make all true saints covet her.

 Even the sages will pay attention to it.

If it was said that when the Fourth Ruins Realm was first opened, it was not well known and it was not crazy enough, then, as time goes by, every time the Ruins Realm is born, the true saints of the Endless Realm Sea will become more and more crazy.

“Husband, what do you mean?” The woman in white robe looked at the man in purple robe.

"Since we returned from the Blood Territory, the harvest has been great enough, and I am already confident of entering the Holy Level." The purple-robed man said in a low voice: "For me, although the Chaos Origin Heart is good, its attraction is not that great. …But you’re different.”

“Although your gains in the Blood Domain are not small, it is still extremely difficult to become the Holy Saint. But if you have the help of the Chaos Source Heart, it will be different.”


“Both of us, husband and wife, have become the Holy Saints, which should be a great story in the endless sea.” The purple-robed man said sonorously.

 The woman in white robe nodded slightly, she naturally understood.

"It's too dangerous." The woman in white robe couldn't help but said, "Husband, are you sure?"

"Haha, if we go to the Bloody Vast Territory, I'm not sure." The purple-robed man smiled: "But now? If we are one-on-one, even if they are Luanhai Zhensheng and Yun Sheng, I will not be afraid at all, and even have the ability to overwhelm them. them."

 In the past, the man in purple robe was just one of the many true saints and perfect powerful men.

 But once he broke through and took the fourth step in his path, his strength was greatly improved and it was already different.

"With your assistance, Xiaoyu, in your dreamland, I will be a perfect match for a head-on fight." The man in purple robe said: "We join forces to control the entire Tenth Ruins Realm, which is definitely not a problem."


"But you still have to be careful." The white-robed woman said softly: "Most of the peerless experts in the Witch Court and the Immortal Court have matching Chaos Spirit Treasures and are extremely powerful. Besides, there is no guarantee that anyone will break through."

"I see."

“There are some true saints who have not taken action in endless years, and it is normal for them to have hidden strength.” The man in purple robe nodded.

 Different from the long river of life.

Those masters, in order to prove their eternity, must constantly attack and take action, so it is difficult to hide their strength all the time.

 But the true saints are different.

The Endless Sea is too vast, and many true saints are wandering in secret, but they are not known to anyone. Perhaps the public information has not taken action for several reincarnations of heaven and earth or even longer.

 Is it a breakthrough?

 To what extent has the strength transformed? It's hard to tell until the moment it really breaks out.

 The rankings on the True Saint List can only be used as a reference.

“The Holy Ancestor said that he will take us to the Tenth Ruins Realm quickly.” The man in purple robe said.

Shortly after.

 This pair of True Saint Taoists quickly rushed to the Nine Ruins of Chaos.

 But after all, they are too far apart. Even if there is guidance from the Holy Saint, it will take at least thousands of years to reach them.


Juhai, a bright and endless holy world.

This holy world has opened up a strange and unpredictable world of time, space, and world, which is very different from the normal structure of the holy world.

And countless time, space, heaven and earth are connected to each other, faintly pointing to the same node, which is also the core of the entire holy world.

On the gray royal family, a majestic figure in gray robes was meditating with his eyes closed.


Wow~A hazy brilliance flashed by, and a majestic and endless blood-robed shadow condensed out of thin air.


The gray-robed figure opened his eyes, stood up, bowed slightly and said, "I've seen the Blood Emperor."

The person who came was the ‘Blood Emperor’, the supreme leader of the Blood Dream Alliance, and one of the sages who stood at the pinnacle of the entire territory. In terms of prestige and fame, he was not inferior to the emperors Jiang Zuwu and Emperor Yantuo.

"Meng Guan, long time no see." The Blood Emperor's voice boomed: "You should already know the news about the birth of the Tenth Ruins Realm. Are you ready to go?"

Wu Yuan would definitely be surprised if he heard the name of the figure in gray robe.

 Mengguan Zhensheng.

He is the most outstanding among the many descendants of the Taoist Master of Time and Space. Over the long years, he has already cultivated to the level of true saint perfection, and is only one step away from becoming the supreme saint.

 “I haven’t thought about it yet.” Meng Guan Zhenshengdao.

"You have been ranked in the top ten of the True Saints list for a long time." The Blood Emperor said: "You have been trained by Master Time and Space. It stands to reason that if you can step into the Holy Saint, you will be able to break through. Now that you have been stuck in a bottleneck for too long, it is time to use some external forces. No, if you don’t ask for the Chaos Source Heart, the Chaos Jade Crystal will probably be of great benefit to you.”

"Of course, I'm just reminding you that it's up to you whether you go or not." the Blood Emperor said.

 “Thank you Blood Emperor for reminding me.” True Saint Mengguan said respectfully.


"Can we contact the Taoist Master of Time and Space, and your junior brother, the True Sage of the Mingjian?" the Blood Emperor said casually.

"I have not contacted the Taoist Master." Zhensheng Mengguan shook his head and said: "The Taoist Master has a destiny. Without his order, you cannot contact him at will."

"As for the True Saint Mingjian, I have never seen him. He seems to have been meditating in Yuhe." Meng Guan True Saint said.

"Okay, I know." The Blood Emperor nodded: "Think about it carefully."


 The shadow of the Blood Emperor dissipated, leaving only True Saint Mengguan alone in this mysterious space and time.

 “The tenth ruin realm?”

“The Chaos Jade Crystal is of no use to me. Senior Tianxu asked me to use it a long time ago.” True Saint Mengguan frowned slightly.

Other true saints may long for the Chaos Jade Crystal, but he is very peaceful in his heart because he has already used it.

 As the best descendant of the Taoist Master of Time and Space, he has received many benefits and opportunities.


  The journey from true saint to supreme saint was so difficult that it trapped him for many reincarnations of heaven and earth.

"Chaos Origin Heart?" True Saint Meng Guan shook his head slightly: "The probability that I want to get it is very, very small..."

He is self-aware that there are too many powerful True Saints in the endless sea. Unless one person can truly compete with thousands of True Saints, whether he can capture them all depends on luck.


 “For such a grand event, we have to fight for it.” True Saint Mengguan murmured to himself: “Even if he really falls, it will only cost some money to recover.”

 “It’s the Blood Emperor.”

"For billions of years, he has been trying to contact Senior Tianxu? Contact Junior Brother? He has sent me messages several times." Zhensheng Mengguan said thoughtfully: "It seems that Senior Tianxu did not tell me before he was reincarnated. The truth about the Blood Emperor."

 “The Blood Emperor cannot be trusted.” True Saint Mengguan came to the conclusion.

Although the Taoist Master of Time and Space, the Blood Emperor, and the Dream Emperor jointly founded the Blood Dream Alliance, it does not mean that the three have absolute trust.

 “It’s my junior brother.”

"this time."

"I'm afraid that the Immortal Court will set up a killing plan against his body-refining deity." Meng Guan Zhensheng smiled slightly: "Forget it, let's go and have a look to see where he is better than me, so that Senior Tianxu can finally choose him."

“Maybe I can help this little junior brother.”

 He is actually left behind by the Taoist Master of Time and Space, and is one of the back-up men besides Wu Yuan.


 In the endless sea, every time some great opportunity breaks out, many eternally strong men who have been practicing latent cultivation will appear and break out.

 This is often the time when the changes in the True Saint List are most intense.


 Three thousand years have passed by in a flash.

  Whoosh! Whoosh!

 Two streams of light streaked across the dim void.

 It is Wu Yuan and Tianpeng Zhensheng.

Soon after Wu Yuan set off from the Black Light Sea, he caught up with the True Sage Tianpeng. After a little discussion, the two decided to go forward together and temporarily join forces.

 When hunting for treasure, no one is usually willing to suffer losses, so they are usually willing to join forces only when their strengths are close to each other.

Although Wu Yuan is confident, Tianpeng Zhensheng is also very powerful and is a good helper.

 At least it will be safer to go there on the road.

“Brother Wu Yuan, I estimate that we will arrive in a few decades.” True Sage Tianpeng smiled and said, “We should be one of the first true saints in the witch court to arrive.”

 “Yeah.” Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

They were already in the Ninth Ruins Realm, and they set out as soon as they got the news, so they naturally arrived quickly.

According to the Wuting Intelligence Network, most of the top true saints are still on their way.

"There was a lot of movement this time. Dong Yi, Bai Bing, and Pu Yang all showed up on their way here." Tianpeng Zhensheng smiled and said, "I don't know if any of them have made a breakthrough."

 “Maybe.” Wu Yuan smiled faintly.

 The ones mentioned by Tianpeng True Sage are the most powerful True Sages in Wuting today.

 East Wing True Saint, third on the list of True Saints.

  Bai Bing is the true saint, ranked eighth on the true list.

Puyang True Saint, the twelfth on the True Saint List.

Judging from the ranking on the True Saint Ranking, Wu Yuan is now the fourth most powerful True Saint in the Witch Court.

“Rankings on the True Saint List are rankings after all.”

Wu Yuan thought secretly: "Who is stronger and who is weaker can only be known by fighting each other. Besides, there may be some humble true saint who suddenly bursts out with terrifying strength."

 There are precedents for these.

For example, the number one true saint in the witch court, the "East Wing True Saint", his battle to become famous was a sudden outbreak, killing several powerful true saints in one battle, and he directly rushed into the top ten from the top three thousand on the true saint list.

 Another example is Wu Yuan himself, who knows his terrifying strength now? Thirteen on the True Saint List? Wu Yuan was not convinced.


"Huh?" Tianpeng Zhensheng's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and even a hint of anger, and he looked at Wu Yuan: "Wu Yuan, have you received the news from Emperor Jiang's ancestral witch?"

“Well, I received the news.” Wu Yuan’s eyes were cold.

Just now, both of them received news - at the entrance to the Tenth Ruins Realm, hundreds of true saints from the Abyss Alliance have joined forces to set up a large number of formations in an attempt to prevent other powerful forces from entering.

 In fact, after such a long time, many true saints who are close to each other have broken into the entrance of the Tenth Ruins Realm.

 However, they were all blocked from the formation and could not break through the formation, so naturally they could not enter.

“Abyss Alliance, this is causing public outrage.” Wu Yuan frowned and said, “It will provoke all forces to join forces.”

"They were the first to get the news, and they also sent the True Saint to rush over immediately. A strong man like me from the Witch Court must first reach the Black Light Sea before rushing there." Tianpeng True Saint said: "But the strong man from the Abyss Alliance can directly It only takes more than ten years to arrive at their base and rush from their base to the entrance."

“It is said that hundreds of true saints have broken into the Abyss Alliance.”

“Some relatively weak true saints stayed behind to guard the entrance to the passage.”

"For the Abyss Alliance, it will be good if they can stop us for a while." Tianpeng Zhenshengdao.

Wu Yuan's eyes were cold: "I want to see how strong the formation deployed by the Abyss Alliance is."

Shortly after.

Wu Yuan and True Sage Tianpeng finally arrived at the entrance to the Tenth Ruins Realm.

From a distance, they followed the induction and saw the terrifying crack in time and space.

The rift in space-time is thousands of light years long, as if a big wound has opened in the endless void.

 Haunted and terrifying.

There are also countless black and yellow energy condensed and formed, which are constantly pouring into the cracks in time and space, like a giant glutton. “Formation!”

“There are so many true saints.” But when Wu Yuan and Tianpeng True Saint got really close, they discovered that although the space-time rift was huge, the actual passage to enter was not that big.

 At this moment.

The figures exuding a majestic aura are standing in the endless void, densely packed.

 More than three hundred true saints.

These true saints are scattered throughout the void, forming a complete and unified formation, covering a small half of the space-time rift.

 “Here comes another person.”

“That one is True Saint Tianpeng, and the other is… True Saint Wu Yuan, two super beings from the Wuting Court.”

“They are all true saints, perfect and strong, and finally the powerful true saint has arrived.” On the other side of the void, there are still some figures scattered. Their auras are quite powerful, and they are all true saints.

 More than fifty true saints.

  “Belongs to other big forces.”

“It seems that they are all blocked out.” Wu Yuan and Tianpeng Zhensheng looked at each other.

 They all have a very high vision, and they saw many familiar figures, including those from the Blood Dream Alliance and those from Jiuchong Mountain.

 It’s just that the strength is generally not very strong.

 At least judging from the rankings of these true saints on the true saint list, this is the case.

 In fact, the Black Light Sea is far away from the Abyss Alliance’s usual active area, so they arrived relatively late.


 A stream of light flew over, and at the same time, a direct message was transmitted: "True Sage Wu Yuan, True Sage Tianpeng, stay here."

Wu Yuan and the others stopped, not afraid of delaying the moment.

 “Zhensheng Kuangshe.” Wu Yuan looked at the visitor and said, “What’s the matter?”

The True Saint Kuangsuo is a True Saint from Jiuchong Mountain.

"I'm really excited to see you two." Kuangshuo True Saint said humbly: "The Abyss Alliance blocks our way. Dozens of us True Saints have tried to break through, but we have all been blocked. In other words, True Sage Qingyan relied on his astonishing speed to break in directly when the formation was first formed."

“His strength is also extremely powerful. Several true saints from the Abyss Alliance tried to resist, but they were directly blasted away by him.”

“True Sage Qingyan?” Wu Yuan and True Sage Tianpeng were both slightly surprised.

That is also an extremely powerful True Saint, ranked fifth on the True Saint list, which is even higher than Yanhuo True Saint.

"This Qingyan True Sage has been stationed in the Fourth Ruins Realm before, but he came here so quickly. It seems that he has been in the Ninth Ruins Realm for a long time." Tianpeng Zhensheng said.

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

“With the strength of True Saint Qingyan, it is normal to break in. True Saint Kuangshuo, thank you for informing me.” Wu Yuan said, they did not know this information yet.

Unexpectedly, True Sage Qingyan took the lead.

“I wonder if True Sage Wu Yuan and True Sage Tianpeng can take me on a journey through this formation?” True Sage Kuangshe asked: “I am willing to pay for a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.”

“Just take me to the tenth ruin realm.”

Wu Yuan and the two looked at each other.

"True Saint Kuangshu, we are very grateful for your information." True Saint Tianpeng said in a cold voice: "It's just that the opening of the tenth Ruins Realm is a matter of great importance, and we can't help you."

 “Just wait a moment.”

"In a few years, it is estimated that a large number of true saints will gather together, and then the Abyss Alliance will be unable to stop them." Wu Yuan said: "It won't be too late."

Zhensheng Kuangshuo couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had already expected it.

 If you enter early, you can seize some opportunities. They are not the same force, so Wu Yuan and others naturally do not want to take them with them.

"Wu Yuan, let's go." Tianpeng Zhensheng urged: "There is no need to waste time with him."

"Kuaishu True Saint, if you are willing, you can follow us and break in together." Wu Yuan said: "If you don't want to take risks, then forget it."

The voice fell.


Wu Yuan soared into the sky and rushed straight towards the gray formation in the distance.

  Whoosh! True Sage Tianpeng also jumped up and rushed over.

 Seeing two super true saints rushing towards the formation.

"Follow us?" Kuang Sheng True Saint's eyes flashed. The power of the formations set up by hundreds of True Saints was absolutely terrifying. He gritted his teeth and said, "Fight, if we wait, who knows when we will be able to wait." Hundreds of true saints join forces."


True Saint Kuangshuo rushed over immediately.


“Wu Yuan and Tianpeng join forces, this is definitely an opportunity.”

"Fight." In fact, not only Kuangshu True Saint, seeing Wu Yuan and others rushing towards the formation, most of the dozens of True Saints who were originally scattered in the void took the opportunity to rush towards the formation.

 Previously, no one dared to take the lead because they were not strong enough and would easily fall if they were attacked by the strong men of the Abyss Alliance.


 With two superpowers at the top of the list of true saints leading the way, the other true saints are naturally not afraid.


 “It is an existence at the forefront of the list of true saints.”

“It’s Wu Yuan! Wu Yuan, who is ranked thirteenth on the list of true saints, and True Saint Tianpeng, they rushed over.”

"There are other true saints, all rushing over." More than three hundred true saints in the Abyss Alliance all saw this scene, and their expressions could not help but change slightly.

In their original plan, it would take at least hundreds of years for other powerful forces to gather hundreds of true saints to join the battle.

If they get to that point, they will directly disband the formation and let them come and go as they please.

 Have never thought about it.

First, True Sage Qingyan broke in directly with his speed, and now, two more powerful True Sages came.

 “to fight.”


"So what if the true saints are perfect? ​​After all, there are only a few of them, and we are hundreds of true saints joining forces." Many true saints of the Abyss Alliance took action to fight.


To maintain such a large-scale formation, these true saints must guard some key nodes.

  It is impossible to work together to get to one place.

 So, there are only a few people who can really fight against a certain strong person.

  Boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, thirteen true saints flew over from all directions and attacked Wu Yuan. They immediately took action, either using their innate spiritual treasures or waving weapons.

 Joined forces to kill Wu Yuan.

“Three peak true saints and ten ordinary true saints.” Wu Yuan made a vague judgment in an instant, his eyes were cold: “With this little strength, you dare to come and fight me?”


I saw an invisible hazy mist, instantly covering the vast void, and directly oppressing Wu Yuan.

 The power of the formation! Domain oppression!

 Why are the strong men of the Abyss Alliance so confident? It is because once the formation is formed, they will all be blessed with combat power, while the enemies caught in the formation will be weakened.

 One side strengthens and the other weakens, which will greatly affect the performance of strength.

 “Give it to me, break it!”

Wu Yuan suddenly shouted angrily.

  Wow! Wow! His whole body suddenly aroused thousands of brilliance, and countless black air currents and white air currents intertwined, instantly covering the void of nearly a hundred million miles in radius.

 Eternal secret art—the realm of black and white.

"Boom~" The huge black and white field collided with the endless mist that was oppressing them, and there was an astonishing collision and fluctuation, just like the collision of two huge worlds.

 For a time, Wu Yuan's black and white realm actually had the upper hand.


"Our formation can't suppress him? Wu Yuan's domain is so strong?" A group of Abyss Alliance true saints were shocked: "According to the intelligence, his domain is not that strong."

 It is very difficult to practice the unique skills in the field to a very high level.

 But how did they know that after two billion years, Wu Yuan had not only cultivated the realm of black and white further, but also had many other eternal secrets, all of which had been refined to extremely advanced levels.

“Wu Yuan’s strength is so powerful! He actually hides such powerful domain methods.” Tianpeng Zhensheng, who was not far away, was also extremely surprised.

You must know that he is facing the siege of nearly ten true saints.

 He was still troubled by the formation that suppressed his speed advantage.

Now, with the outbreak of Wu Yuan's domain, Tianpeng True Saint's troubles were swept away, and his speed soared again, killing the group of Abyss Alliance True Saints.


Wu Yuan's domain is limited after all. He cannot destroy this huge formation and can only affect a very small area.

 Hence, most of the true saints who break into the formation cannot enjoy the blessing of the formation.

 In other words, Wu Yuan had no intention of actually breaking the formation, he just wanted to break through on his own.


That group of true saints surrounded him.

 "Boom!" I saw wisps of terrifying knife light, sword light blooming, and even a glint of gun light across the void.

There was also a stream of light that looked like a flaming star and struck over with endless power.

 The brilliance of one's own way is revealed.

The thirteen true saints joined forces and exploded with all their strength at this moment, and terrifying fluctuations enveloped the void.

 Nearly drowned Wu Yuan's figure.

This scene attracted the attention of almost all the true saints in the void, and everyone wanted to know the outcome of this battle.

Wu Yuan, can you handle it?

 However, the scene that broke out in the next moment shocked almost all the true saints!

 “Those who stand in the way will die!” An explosion rippled through time and space, resounding through the endless void.


  Wow! Wow! Streams of terrifying sword light suddenly erupted, and the dazzling sword light swept across the vast void, directly scattering all attacks.

 The nine innate treasure swords simultaneously used the move of "Creating the World".

 The power is endless.

 I saw that every piece of high-grade innate spiritual treasures and innate treasures were blasted away.

 Several of the true saints who were fighting in close combat were directly blown away, and all of them suffered heavy injuries.


 “His attack?”

"In the intelligence, didn't it say that the attack of this True Sage Wu Yuan is not strong?" These Abyss Alliance True Saints were all panicked. They dared to fight, so naturally they were somewhat confident.

According to their estimation, if more than ten true saints join forces, even if they cannot suppress Wu Yuan, they can at least be able to barely match him.

Have you never thought that they are at an absolute disadvantage?

at the same time.

  Boom! A vast and endless aura suddenly burst out from the chaotic void, and the original majestic figure was growing crazily, and the aura of life was expanding even more.

 One hundred thousand miles!

 Millions of miles!

 Thousands of miles!

In the blink of an eye, Wu Yuan went from a height of thousands of miles to a towering towering of thousands of miles, like a terrifying chaotic **** and demon awakening, its aura violent and crazy!

 “I didn’t expect that!”

"Just the first battle forced me to reveal part of my true strength." Wu Yuan's eyes were cold.

At this moment, his body was thousands of miles tall, holding nine swords, each of which was millions of miles long.

The aura is blurry. Now, it seems as if a knife can split a space and time of stars.

 “The perfection of the eternal divine body.”

“Is it true saint Wu Yuan, who has perfected the eternal divine body, that he has cultivated the eternal divine body to such an extent?” In an instant, all the true saints in the entire void looked at this scene in shock and astonishment.

 That’s right!

 The eternal divine body is complete!

In these billions of years of latent cultivation, although Wu Yuan has never taken the third step, he devoted part of his efforts to understanding the "Original Dharma" and achieved astonishing progress.

 Unknowingly, he has cultivated the material way to the perfection of the eternal divine body.

 The perfection of the eternal divine body not only brings super strong physical defense, but also contains amazing power.

With the blessing of powerful power, Wu Yuan's sword skills more than doubled with the same power of moves and the same magic weapon.

If we talk about the past, Wu Yuan relied on the Holy Cloth of Creation and his superb material defense to rank at the top of the True Saints.

So, now with physical attacks, it is enough to rank in the top twenty or even the top ten of the True Saints.

 This is still without using the Heavenly Sword of Creation.

If the Chaos Spiritual Treasure is used, Wu Yuan's physical attack will be even more terrifying.

However, the Heavenly Sword of Creation is the real trump card, and it’s not time to use it yet.

"Death!" Wu Yuan shouted angrily, and the nine innate treasure swords in his palm, which contained the secrets of his own way, exploded again.

 The sword light bloomed, like slashing through a universe. It was gorgeous and unpredictable, with a different kind of beauty.

It was an extremely terrifying killing move. In an instant, several rays of sword light struck a powerful True Saint who was unable to dodge.


This true saint suffered heavy injuries in an instant and was thrown far away, with his vitality reduced sharply.

 (End of this chapter)

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