Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 676: Five thousand years of pioneering, astonishing harvests

Chapter 676: Five Thousand Years of Opening Up Wasteland, Amazing Harvests

 As long as it doesn’t break out.

Wu Yuan's sudden outburst revealed far more strength than the Saints of the Abyss Alliance expected.

 “How can it be so strong?”

“In the past billions of years, he has obviously been taking action, and he has never shown such terrifying strength!”

“I have actually cultivated the eternal divine body to the perfect level, which is really terrifying.” Many true saints were shocked and unbelievable.

 The way of matter is very difficult to cultivate.

Many true saints have not even cultivated the eternal divine body. It is considered good to be able to cultivate to a small degree.

 The attainment of the Eternal Divine Body is already at the level of most true saints, perfect and powerful ones.

 As for the perfection of the eternal divine body? Even if they are the Holy Saints, not everyone may be able to achieve it through cultivation.

 But how did these true saints know that Wu Yuan had made a breakthrough earlier in the material way than in the law of his own way, and he had incredible talent on this road.

the most important is.

As the master of the Tao of Creation, he has unique advantages in cultivating the way of matter.

Just like the previous Taoist Master of Creation, the Taoist Mountain, the way he opened up was not very strong, but he cultivated it into a black and yellow body and gained an astonishing reputation.


Wu Yuan's speed was astonishing, and the innate treasure wings on his body made his already exquisite body skills even more terrifying. His body was majestic but extremely flexible, and he caught up with the fleeing true saint in just a few ducks.

Wu Yuan’s eyes were cold, staring at him as if he were staring at a dead person.

 “Not good.” The true saint was indeed panicked and furious: “Save me! Save me!”

 It’s just that the battle situation changed too quickly.

From Wu Yuan's sudden explosion and sweeping away more than a dozen true saints, to specifically hunting down one true saint, it only happened in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the True Saint who was close was just blown away, and they were all afraid. As for the one who was far away? It was too late to save him.


"Fellow Taoist Wu Yuan, misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! Stop looking at your hands." A rapid voice sounded from the side of the void, and it instantly resounded through the endless void through the fluctuations of time and space.

  Whoosh! A black-robed figure was flying quickly through the formation full of hazy light.

 “This is the true sage Mo Lin.”

"He is still here? He is so powerful, but he has not broken into the tenth ruin realm?" The other true saints who were fighting against the true saints of the Abyss Alliance immediately noticed the coming person.

"True Saint Mo Lin is here, be careful." True Saint Tianpeng also sent messages to Wu Yuan. With his strength, it was easy to resist the attacks of nearly ten true saints, but it would be difficult to get rid of them even for a while.


Wu Yuan simply turned a deaf ear. Hundreds of thousands of miles away from him passed by him in an instant, as easily as taking one or two steps in ordinary life, and he caught up with the true saint of the strange beast.

 The dazzling sword light erupted immediately afterwards!

“Ah! Damn it!” The True Saint, a strange beast from the Abyss Alliance, roared angrily. He suddenly waved his hoofs and claws and attacked fiercely, trying to block Wu Yuan’s attack.

 “Hold him off.”

 “Hurry!” Other true saints are also rushing over.


Wu Yuan flew directly past the True Saint of the Alien Beast, and saw the mighty sword light directly drowning his opponent. The terrifying impact contained in the sword light directly bombarded the eternal heart of the True Saint of the Alien Beast to pieces. Cracked.

 Two fights.

 A true saint has fallen!

Even Wu Yuan did not have to use the Chaos Spiritual Treasure Saber. This was because the strength of the Alien Beast True Saint was too weak, and it was not even the peak strength of the True Saint.


“This sword technique! It’s so terrifying, it’s probably close to the holy level.”

“Even if we have not reached the threshold of the Holy Saint, we are definitely not far behind. Run away!” These Abyss Alliance True Saints were frightened.

 It’s really scary!


"Hurry up and leave." The other Abyss Alliance True Saints did not dare to stay any longer and fled in all directions. They really did not dare to stop him anymore.

How long have they been fighting and one of them died?

If the fight continues, I'm afraid they will all perish.

"Wu Yuan, you are too bold." Zhensheng Mo Lin, who was coming from a very far away place, shouted angrily: "Stop immediately, we will let you go. If you continue to kill, you will force hundreds of us to The Holy Spirit will surround you with all its strength."

Zhensheng Mo Lin was indeed in a hurry. He was ordered to guard the formation, so there was not much danger.

What if you meet someone with super strength? They just let it go. For example, Qingyan True Sage was let go.

Then, when there are too many true saints who have invaded here, and the number reaches 200, the formation will also be withdrawn.

 Essentially, it is to delay as much time as possible and create more conditions for the true saints of the Abyss Alliance who have broken into the tenth ruin realm.

Where can I think of it?

Wu Yuan, who was considered "aggressive" in the Wanyulu Tower intelligence, was actually so powerful in battle.

 “Siege and kill?”

“At this point, you still dare to threaten me?” Wu Yuan’s eyes were cold, and he glanced at the more than ten true saints who were fleeing, and for a moment he became murderous.

 Wu Yuan's principle is to repay kindness and grudges tenfold.

 It’s just that it’s not easy to kill!

If the dharma body takes action, it is ordinary to control a space and time with the Chaos Spiritual Treasure 'Original Golden Lotus' and suppress dozens of true saints, allowing Wu Yuanyuan to kill with ease.

 However, Wu Yuan has not even entered the tenth ruin realm yet, so Wu Yuan does not want to reveal his trump card now.

 The purpose of exposing the perfection of the eternal divine body is to scare Xiao Xiao, there is no need to expose more means.

"Use another move." Wu Yuan thought, and immediately the nine swords in his palm flew out at the same time.

 Flying into the void in all directions.

  Wow! Wow! Wow! The nine innate treasure swords flew tens of millions of miles away in the blink of an eye, instantly causing the 'black and white field' to change and become even more terrifying. A stream of terrifying sword light was born in the field.

 This is the world of knives!

 The world of knives.

The change of moves was too fast. Under the suppression of the domain, eight of the twelve true saints who fled did not have time to escape.

These eight true saints all felt the astonishing oppression of the black and white realm, much stronger than before.


"The secret technique of long-distance attack? Wu Yuan was originally a body refining stream during his life. His secret technique of long-distance attack is not worth mentioning, and his power may be limited." Mo Lin Zhensheng thought in his heart.

 There are many true saints who think the same as him.

Everyone’s energy is limited, and the most important thing is that one’s own path is hard to change. The experience of a long life stage will greatly affect one’s own path forward, so most of the eternally strong are only good at one or two aspects.

 Even if you practice both, it is difficult to reach the top in most cases.

"Black and white sword domain, explode!" Wu Yuan's eyes were cold, and he had already activated the nine-handled innate treasure sword that was integrated with the black and white domain.

 In an instant.

The sword light in the entire field exploded, like a budding flower suddenly blooming, emitting a dazzling light.

It was as if a star filled with blades exploded, impacting in all directions.

 Nine knives!

 Mainly attacking the three weaker True Saints, all of whom are only ordinary True Saints.



Pffff~The eight true saints had no time to escape, and they were hit by the overwhelming sword light impact. With only two domain sword light impacts, the three true saints who were attacked were completely destroyed.

As for the other five true saints, they were also severely wounded, but they finally escaped from Wu Yuan's territory.

So far.

 Four of the thirteen true saints who besieged Wu Yuan died.

"Sure enough, I'm still not very good at long-distance attacks. If it were controlled by the dharma body, it would only be more terrifying." Wu Yuan frowned slightly.

 It is difficult to take care of other true saints at the same time.

 But they are different. Although the two deities have their own paths, they have many insights and cultivation experiences in common. The most important thing is that the eternal strong one has unique magic power. In essence, it can control both melee and long-range attacks at will.


Wu Yuan's body-refining deity, while deducing his own way, would occasionally combine domain secrets and long-range attack sword formations with each other to form a long-range attack killer move 'Black and White Sword Domain', which would naturally not work against super strong people.

A move like Wu Yuan's is very difficult to deal with the strongest people at the peak of True Saints, and it is difficult to kill them quickly.

But if you want to kill some ordinary true saints, it is easy. You can kill them with the flip of a palm.

 “It’s a pity that my mental capacity is limited.”

“You have to go all out to use the Black and White Sword Domain. It is difficult to maintain the peak of melee combat.” Wu Yuan thought thoughtfully.

 For the strong, consuming mana is only one aspect of manipulating powerful magic weapons and performing powerful secret techniques.

 The most important thing is that it is mentally draining.


“Such a secret technique, Wu Yuan’s long-distance attack is actually so terrifying!”

"How is it possible? Doesn't he have any shortcomings?" The scene of Wu Yuan turning his palm to kill the three true saints made the many true saints in the void in all directions even more shocked.

As True Saints, they have a good vision and can all see that the secret technique of long-distance attack that Wu Yuan just performed can definitely be regarded as the perfect level of True Saint.

If not, how can we quickly kill several true saints?

 Melee combat is almost at the holy level, and long-range attack is also at the perfect level of true saint? The material defense is extremely deficient.

Just thinking about it makes these true saints tremble with fear.

Perfect, no flaws*.

Whistle~ Wu Yuan did not continue to chase, but waved his hand and quickly collected all the treasures left by the three true saints, dedicating a little of his energy to exploration.

  Where can the harvest of adventure come faster than the killing?


A black stream of light passed through the void and landed not far from Wu Yuan. It was Zhensheng Mo Lin.

"Zhensheng Wu Yuan, your murderous intention is too serious." Zhensheng Mo Lin stared at Wu Yuan and said in a low voice: "I told you to let you go, why do you need to kill again?"

 “The revenge of the fallen, these true saints will eventually revive.”

"Why should we have such a big hatred?" True Sage Mo Lin said in a low voice, seeming to be angry, but also a little puzzled: "We have hundreds of True Sages coming together, and you may not be able to kill them all."

  Whoosh! Whoosh!

Not far away, the True Saints of the Abyss Alliance who were besieging True Saint Tianpeng were rapidly retreating.

At this moment, hundreds of true saints in the void were all looking at True Saint Mo Lin and Wu Yuan.

 “A serious intention to kill?”

Wu Yuan suddenly smiled, then his smile faded and his voice was cold: "I have said before, anyone who blocks my way will die!"

"Mo Lin, I've only killed four of them now, so I'm showing mercy. If you, the Abyss Alliance, are not convinced, you can fight again."

 There was silence.

Mo Linzhen Saint stared at Wu Yuan with great reluctance. He was also one of the top 100 true saints on the list, and he commanded hundreds of true saints to guard here.

 He wanted to give an order to besiege Wu Yuan with all his strength.

 But he knew that he couldn't!

Leaving aside whether Wu Yuan can be killed or not, after Wu Yuan showed such terrifying strength, few of the hundreds of true saints on the Abyss Alliance side were willing to continue to kill him.

 The true saints are not willing to give away their lives in vain.

 After being silent for half a breath.

True Saint Mo Lin took a deep breath and forced a smile: "Okay! True Saint Wu Yuan, I respect you. This time it is my Abyss Alliance who is at fault, but the several true saints you killed, can you return the treasures they left behind?" Give us?"

"This is my trophy." Wu Yuan said indifferently: "I have never been in the habit of returning treasures."

Mo Lin Zhensheng became increasingly angry in his heart, but also felt a sense of powerlessness. He could only work hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

 Half a sound!

"Okay!" Zhensheng Mo Lin gritted his teeth and almost said a sentence from between his teeth: "Make way for Zhensheng Wu Yuan."


Like a tide, the true saints of the Abyss Alliance, who had long been reluctant to fight Wu Yuan, immediately made way for a passage in the void.

“Tianpeng, let’s go.” Wu Yuan greeted.


  Whoosh! Whoosh!

Wu Yuan and Tianpeng True Saint turned into two streams of light and rushed into the depths of the space-time rift, quickly disappearing from all the True Saint's induction.

 “Stop the rest of them.” True Saint Mo Lin said in a low voice, his eyes fiercely sweeping over True Saint Kuangshuo and the others.

 Seems like he wants to vent his anger.

 “This true sage Wu Yuan actually doesn’t want to take us with him.”

“The Abyss Alliance actually surrendered.”

 “This group of **** bully the weak and fear the strong.” Kuang Sheng Zhensheng and the others all felt aggrieved and helpless.

Wu Yuan didn't want to take them with him. As they expected, they were both competitors. It would be fine if they didn't kill them. How could they be willing to help?

However, they did not expect that the Abyss Alliance would bow their heads after losing four true saints.

If the two sides continue to fight, they will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.


 This battle broke out at the entrance to the Tenth Ruins Realm. Many true saints watching the battle came from many major forces.

Wu Yuan has exploded with such terrifying strength, and the Tenth Ruins Realm is now the focus of many powerful forces in the sea. therefore.

 Very quickly, news about this battle spread like a hurricane.

 “The perfection of the eternal divine body?”

“Zhensheng Wu Yuan’s strength is even more terrifying than imagined! His material attacks have actually been raised to such a level.”

“Billions of years ago, when he fought against True Saint Yanhuo, he would be suppressed by the other party. In the blink of an eye, he might be more terrifying than True Saint Yanhuo.”

 “The pace of progress is terrible.”

“The original number one genius is truly worthy of his name.” The true saints and holy saints from all the forces were shocked and sighed.

"In terms of material defense, billions of years ago, he was ranked among the top ten or even the top five true saints. Now that the eternal divine body is complete, it will only be more terrifying. He can definitely hit the top three or even the first place in material defense."


“The True Saint’s material defense is number one, he has hope!”

"In terms of attack, it can definitely be ranked among the top ten. So, how high is Wu Yuan Zhensheng's ranking? Top ten? Or top five?" You Zhensheng asked.

 “Definitely can break into the top ten.”

“But whether it ranks among the top five, it’s hard to say.”

"Let's see! This time when the tenth Ruins Realm opens, there will definitely be many powerful true saints appearing and bursting with strength. It is destined to be a storm. When the Ruins Realm ends, there will probably be several Holy Saints born in the Endless Realm." Strong from all sides. The authors argued endlessly.

 There is no doubt that with Wu Yuan’s strength, it is certain that he will reach the top ten of the True Saint List.


Perhaps considering that the Tenth Ruins Realm has just opened and the battle of the top true saints has not yet begun, it is rare that Wanyu Tower did not immediately update the ranking of the true saints.


The Ninth Ruins Realm is an inconspicuous place of emptiness.

A man in a blue robe, with extraordinary bearing, elegant and free-spirited long hair, was strolling leisurely.

He seemed leisurely, but his speed was astonishingly fast. He easily broke the limit of Yuhe's rules and reached a thousand times the speed of light.

 Such speed is terrifying in the Ninth Ruins Realm.


He is the True Saint of Luanhai. He has experienced a series of **** battles and finally stood at the top of the True Saint of the sea. He is recognized as the "No. 1 True Saint on the True Saint List".

 “Haha, interesting and interesting.”

"With such strength in just a few billion years, this True Sage Wu Yuan will reach the pinnacle of sainthood soon. Maybe even the Great Emperor will not be as good as him in the future." True Sage Luan Hai smiled slightly: "Yes. Hurry up and bully him quickly."

“Otherwise, when he breaks through, he will only be ravaged by him.”

"There are also Yun Sheng, Yin Yu, Dong Yi, Meng Guan and the others...haha, we will ravage them one by one before we can break through."

 His mentality is very good.

As a direct disciple of Emperor Yantuo, he has always targeted Emperor Yantuo.

 “The source of chaos?”

 “Tsk, tsk!”

"According to what Master said, there are great secrets behind the eight dangerous places in the Endless Sea... What are the nine ruins of chaos, no, I should say the ten ruins of chaos, what is hidden behind them?"


 More than ten years later.

Phew! call!

Wu Yuan and True Sage Tianpeng easily broke through the rift in time and space and arrived at the Tenth Ruins Realm.

What caught their eyes was the endless dark void, like a ruined universe.

 The dim void, the ferocious cracks in time and space.

 In the endless void, there are some huge stars.

 Some stars are very dazzling, like stars, giving people a sense of endless vitality.

 But most of the stars look very old and full of vicissitudes of life.

“The suppression of the Tenth Ruins Realm is even more terrifying than that of the Ninth Ruins Realm!” True Sage Tianpeng couldn’t help but said, “However, not a single True Saint has been seen.”

“I’m afraid the true saints who came in first have scattered in all directions, searching for their own treasures.” Wu Yuan said.

According to Wu Yuan's estimation, except for the strong ones from the Abyss Alliance, there will be very few true saints from other big forces breaking in.

 They were those who entered very early.

"Tianpeng, you have to be careful in your next forays." Wu Yuan said: "This tenth ruin realm is no better than the first nine ruin realms. It is completely unfamiliar. There is no information in the witch court. We are already the first batch to break in. .”

“We don’t know what kind of killing formation or special ruin spirit there is.” Wu Yuan said.

“Understood.” Tianpeng Zhensheng nodded and said, “We are the pioneers.”

 Open up wasteland!

Like the first nine major ruins, over the long years, one true saint has traveled through the world and gathered a large amount of information.

 As long as they rely on intelligence, they can avoid most dangers.

For example, if Wu Yuan didn't know about the Jiuchen Tianshu when he first encountered it, he would probably just think it was a treasure place. Once he broke in recklessly, he would be killed by the terrifying Ruins Spirit.

As for the Tenth Ruins Realm, everything is unfamiliar. In a sense, it is necessary for forerunners such as Wu Yuan and Tianpeng True Sage to provide information for the later True Sages of the Witch Court.

  “Also good.”

"I always take advantage of the witch court. This time, I will be a pioneer." Wu Yuan felt quite calm in his heart. He had strong strength, so he had to admit the corresponding responsibility.

 Now in terms of strength, he can be called the number one true saint in the witch court, probably no less than the true saint of Dongyi.

 It is natural to acknowledge the corresponding responsibilities.

"Wu Yuan, I thought about it, why don't we just separate and go on our separate ways." Tianpeng Zhensheng suddenly said.

 “Separate?” Wu Yuan was stunned and thoughtful.

"You are extremely powerful. It will be extremely safe to travel with you." Tianpeng Zhensheng smiled and said: "But it is precisely because you are so strong that even the secret techniques of long-distance attack are so terrifying... I am completely a burden when I am with you. I can’t help you with anything.”

"Then, it's better to separate." Tianpeng Zhensheng said: "And if we attack separately, we can explore more areas faster. If we need support, we can just send messages to each other."


"If you want to go separate ways, I don't mind." Wu Yuan smiled lightly and said, "Maybe we can get double the harvest."

"Then I'll take the first step." True Sage Tianpeng handed over his hand and left quickly.

 Looking at Tianpeng Zhensheng, he was far away.

   “Split up?”

Wu Yuan shook his head slightly and said secretly: "I'm afraid, Tianpeng Zhensheng is worried about encountering a valuable treasure, so he won't be able to fight with me."

With the strength of Tianpeng True Saint, he can protect himself enough. He is confident of protecting himself when facing the top ten strong men on the True Saint List.

 He came for the important treasure. If he and Wu Yuan encountered the source of chaos, would they be able to compete with Wu Yuan?

People all have selfish motives.

Wu Yuan knew this very well and was unwilling to point it out.

"That's fine, I'm more free to go out alone." Wu Yuan was very calm, and following his vague sense, he quickly chose a route to explore.

 …The tenth ruin realm is huge and vast.

 At the beginning, the areas Wu Yuan explored along the way were all areas that the True Sage had already searched.

 So the gain is very small.

 But decades later, Wu Yuan quickly became “rich” through the route he chose.

 Obviously, the Tenth Ruins Realm is too vast, and no one has passed through most of the areas.

“These plants are all of the eternal level and can be used to refine eternal level elixirs!”

 "Incomplete middle-grade innate spiritual treasure? Take it!"

"This star? Where is this star? It is completely an abandoned war fortress. If it is refined again, its value may be comparable to that of a low-grade innate spiritual treasure."

 “This palace is also a treasure! Collect it all!”

"What a huge vein of Chaos Adamantite! It's been discovered!" Wu Yuan was quite excited and frantically collected the treasures.

Although most of the treasures are of very low value, they are only worth a few or dozens of Xuanhuang merit points.

 Occasionally, some treasures worth tens or hundreds of thousands of Xuanhuang merit will appear.

 But Wu Yuan did not dislike it at all.

Secondly, there are too many treasures in the Tenth Ruins Realm.

In just four thousand years, Wu Yuan harvested treasures with a total value of hundreds of millions by "picking up rags" along the way.

“The speed of harvesting wealth in this way is no less than killing, and it is much safer.” Wu Yuan was quite happy.

You must know that in the billions of years he spent in the Ninth Ruins Realm, his gains were not as good as those in these thousands of years.


Wu Yuan knew it.

  This is because I can fly so fast that I can gain so much.

The ordinary true saints and peak true saints who entered the Abyss Alliance may not have gained so much, but at least they have gained millions of Xuanhuang meritorious deeds.

  Secondly, it is strength.

"In these thousands of years, I have only encountered two true saints. They both stayed far away and no conflict broke out." Wu Yuan said secretly: "But I encountered a lot of dangers along the way."

It was too unfamiliar and there was no information provided, so Wu Yuan had no choice but to break in.

Wu Yuan broke through several killing formations with his absolute strength.

The most dangerous time was when he encountered a strange and unpredictable Ruins Spirit, which was in the shape of a river. Its strength was terrifying to the extreme, and it had definitely reached the threshold level of the Holy Saint.

 In the end, it was Wu Yuan's dharma body and source body who joined forces to escape from the river.

"According to the information, the Abyss Alliance may have lost more than a hundred true saints now." Wu Yuan secretly said: "There are also four true saints who have fallen in my witch court."

Even though forerunners such as Wu Yuan and Tianpeng True Sage provided information, the subsequent True Saints were generally weaker and could not escape some dangers.

 It is easy to fall.

 As time passed, a large number of true saints poured into the Tenth Ruins Realm.

According to the Wuting's estimation, over the past few thousand years, more than 6,000 true saints have broken into the Tenth Ruins Realm. On the one hand, the 'land reclamation' is almost over, most areas have been initially explored, and most of the easily obtained treasures have been It has been collected by the eternal strong men.

On the other hand, with the large amount of intelligence, the understanding of the Tenth Ruins Realm by the major forces in the region and sea is also rising sharply, and the probability of the true saints falling due to the Ruins Realm itself is constantly decreasing.

 “Keep exploring.”

"Although most areas have been explored, no one has dared to enter some truly dangerous places." Wu Yuan secretly said: "Secondly, so far, no real treasure has been discovered."

Like incomplete innate treasures, Wu Yuan collected two pieces.

But Wu Yuan could not find any trace of the incomplete Chaos Spiritual Treasure or the super-large Chaos Adamantine Mine.

I haven’t heard of anyone getting it.

There is also a possibility that the Eternal Powerhouse has secretly obtained the important treasure, but if he harvested it alone, he would naturally not be exposed.


“After all, no one has harvested the Chaos Jade Crystal and Chaos Origin Heart yet,” Wu Yuan said to himself.

  Different from other treasures.

Like the emergence of a super-large Chaos Fine Gold Mine, although the movement and noise are large, they are all within controllable range.

According to the experience of the birth of several major ruin realms in the past, when the Chaos Jade Crystal and Chaos Origin Heart were born, the noise was so great that it could alarm at least half of the ruin realm.

 Can't hide it at all.

 It will cause a large number of true saints to gather together. Not only does it require a certain amount of luck, but also strong strength to seize the treasure.

Even if you want to seize the treasure, you must be able to avoid the encirclement and interception of a large number of true saints and escape from the Tenth Ruins Realm to be considered a success.


Wu Yuan chose a direction and continued to move forward in the dark void. In the blink of an eye, another thousand years passed.

There are more True Saints entering the Tenth Ruins Realm. According to statistics from the Witch Court, there are probably tens of thousands of True Saints. The Fallen Ruins Realm itself is in danger and there are more than 400 True Saints who have fallen in battles.

 The tenth ruin realm has been basically explored.

  It can be said that the land reclamation stage is basically over, and there are already many weaker True Saints who, after making huge gains, are beginning to consciously want to leave the Tenth Ruins Realm.

this day.

 “Huh?” Wu Yuan was walking forward in the void.

 Suddenly, he sensed an astonishing fluctuation in time and space suddenly erupting in the void far away.

 Rumble~ Terrifying fluctuations in time and space swept into the void in all directions.

 “Heavy treasure!”

"Incomplete Chaos Spiritual Treasure? Or a super-large Chaos Fine Gold Mine." Wu Yuan thought in his mind: "It's really weird. During the land reclamation stage, I haven't heard of any important treasures being released."

"Now, such a valuable treasure is born on its own initiative?" Wu Yuan had no time to think about it.


 With a movement of his body, he quickly rushed towards the source of the fluctuations in time and space.

 (End of this chapter)

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