Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 678: The power of Mingjian

Chapter 678 The power of the ringing sword

 The Tenth Ruins Realm is a mysterious place.

There are strange mountain peaks suspended in the void. The rocks are quite different and strange, and there are faint fluctuations in time and space.

Many mountains seem real and illusory, occasionally appearing in the void and sometimes hiding.

 Under the massive distortion of time and space, cracks in time and space occasionally appear, which is very strange.

Today, more than thirty true saints gathered in this strange void, all staring at one of the mountains, not daring to move rashly.

On the surface of the mountain, there are many ruins of ruined palaces built at the bottom and mountainside, and there are four figures on the top of the mountain.

 Among these four figures, two are the Immortal True Sage and the Taiyuan True Sage.

The same member of the time and space road owner, this time the tenth market opened, the two of them agreed to break together.


 A layer of hazy brilliance enveloped the entire mountain, and also faintly protected the four figures on the top of the mountain.

"Dongcang! Hand it over, otherwise don't blame me for turning against you." A cold voice echoed through the void.

I saw six figures standing outside the majestic mountain, each with a vast and extraordinary aura. The leader was a man in purple robe, with a rather evil aura. The most eye-catching thing was that between his eyebrows, there was a twisted The purple lines look like a closed eye at first glance.

This purple-robed man is the tenth-ranked True Saint with Divine Eyes on the True Saint List, and the number one True Saint in the Nine Saints Alliance.

The Nine Saints Alliance is one of the six first-rate forces in the Central Universe and is also very prestigious.

  Being able to join forces with the Divine Eye True Saint, the other five powerful ones are naturally extraordinary in strength, and the weakest one is also among the top 300 on the True Saint list.

 The top 100 on the True Saint List, all of them are True Saints, perfect and strong, and they will all have accurate rankings.

 And the top three hundred on the true holy list? Wan Yu Lou will not give an accurate ranking, only a ranking range.

Over the years, as more and more True Saints were born, the strength of the True Saints in the entire sea of ​​​​realms generally became stronger and stronger, so that a large part of the top three hundred beings on the True Saint list also had the full strength of the True Saints, but It will be slightly inferior to the top 100 experts on the True Saint List.

 “Haha, joke.”

“God’s Eye, no matter how powerful you are, do you still dare to attack this ‘lost mountain’?” The snow-white figure like a big bear inside the mountain roared: “If you have the ability, attack in.”

 “Yes! If you have the ability, attack us.”

"We have asked for help. The top experts from the Blood Dream Alliance will be here soon." Taiyuan True Sage and Immortal True Sage also roared, full of anger.

The four of them joined forces to fight together, with Dongcang True Saint being the strongest and one of the top 300 beings on the True Saint list.

 The strength of Taiyuan True Saint and Immortal True Saint is much weaker, and they are only at the peak level of True Saint.

 In fact, a team composed of four of them is relatively powerful in the Tenth Ruins Realm and can solve most of the problems.

 For this reason, for so long before, neither Taiyuan True Sage nor Immortal True Sage sent a message to Wu Yuan for help because they had never encountered a desperate situation.

Not long ago, they were lucky enough to capture a special token. Unexpectedly, this news was quickly leaked by other true saints who had not competed for the token.

Then, it attracted the pursuit of the team led by the Divine Eye True Saint.

You must know that the place where dozens of true saints compete for the treasure is very special, located in this strange time and space.

 Easy to get in, hard to get out.


 When the team of Divine Eye True Sage arrived, Dongcang True Sage and Taiyuan True Sage had not had time to escape from this space and time.

 It was blocked directly.

Fortunately, Dongcang Zhensheng and the others stayed in this strange time and space for a long time, which enabled them to study this area very deeply, and they had already penetrated many mysterious mountains. In the end, they were able to drill into one of the mountains and control it. The operating rules of the mountain.

 For the time being, it blocked the pursuit of the Divine Eyes and True Saints.

"A bunch of bastards, even if the True Saint Mengguan from the Blood Dream Alliance comes, I'm not afraid, and you still want to scare me? Furthermore, it will take thousands of years for the True Saint Mengguan to come over. He is busy seizing the treasure, will he?" Are you here specifically to save you?" The Divine Eye True Saint's eyes were cold, and he shouted coldly: "Dongcang, I will give you one last chance to hand over the treasure, and I will let you leave, otherwise I will kill you all when I break the formation. "

On the top of the mountain, True Saint Dongcang and another True Saint looked very embarrassed.

How come they don’t know what the Holy Eye of God says?

The difference in strength between the Blood Dream Alliance’s number one true saint, ‘Mengguan True Saint’, and the Divine Eye True Saint is only a hairsbreadth, so it’s hard to tell the winner.

 As for other true saints? Unless several True Saints and Perfect Saints join forces to kill him, it will be difficult for them to do anything to the True Saint of Divine Eyes.

It can be said.

If this continues, they will definitely lose, but do they really want to hand over the treasure? They were also extremely unwilling.

 Because they had been exploring this special time and space for nearly two thousand years, and even missed the best opportunity to hunt for treasure, they got this token.

"How about handing over the treasure." Among the four true saints, the last true saint, Mingsha, couldn't help but said: "It's better than losing your life."

 The eyes of the True Saint Dongcang change.

"No need to pay." A quick voice sounded, and True Sage Dongcang and True Sage Mingsha couldn't help but look at them.

“Taiyuan, are you sure?” True Sage Mingsha stared at True Sage Taiyuan.

"Someone has come to save us. We just need to hold on for two years." Taiyuan Zhensheng said in a low voice.

 Wu Yuan's message was for "three months", but Taiyuan Zhensheng extended the time.

“Who is going to save us?” Dongcang Zhenshenglian asked: “Are you sure you can block the Divine Eyes Zhensheng?”

Taiyuan True Sage and Immortal True Sage looked at each other. If Wu Yuan’s body-refining deity came, they would naturally be confident.

 But they already knew that the person Wu Yuan came over was the Qi Refining Lord.

Can you block the Holy Eye of God? They really didn't dare to confirm.

"If you dare to come, you will be sure of it." Taiyuan Zhensheng said firmly.

"Who is here? The place where True Sage Mengguan appeared not long ago will take thousands of years to come." True Sage Mingsha said in a low voice, not that he did not trust True Sage Taiyuan.

  But when it involves your own life, how dare you be careless?

“Stop asking.” Dongcang Zhensheng shouted: “Since Taiyuan dares to say, okay, I believe you once. I hope you won’t disappoint us.”

"If we can survive this time, the value of this token will be 50% of Taiyuan's profit." Dongcang Zhensheng said solemnly.

The Taiyuan True Sage and the Immortal True Sage both had their eyes lit up.

The two of them are weak. According to the previous agreement, the two of them can share 20% of the treasures captured.

“God’s Eye.” Dongcang Zhensheng shouted angrily: “If you leave as soon as possible, you can seize other treasures, so why waste time on us?”

 “Looking for death!” The Holy Eyes of God stared at the four figures in the mountain.

If it were a head-on confrontation, with his strength, even one against four would be easy, and he could even defeat them all.

But he had tried it before. The entire mountain was hundreds of millions of miles tall and integrated into one body. It was very difficult to shake. It was almost impossible to break the formation with force.

And want to find flaws in the formation?

 Very difficult! At least for a long time, with the strength of the Divine Eye True Saint, I didn't find any flaws.

“Everyone, what clues have you been able to discern after such a long time?” The True Sage of Divine Eyes sent a message to the five True Sages who followed.

 Several true saints could not help but shake their heads.

Only one true saint remained silent and frowned.

"Qiu Lie?" True Saint Divine Eyes looked at True Saint Qiu Lie with a hint of expectation in his heart. He knew that the opponent was extremely accomplished in formations.

 “Can break the formation.”

"In other words, we don't have to completely break the formation at all." Qiu Lie Zhensheng said directly: "Shenyan, I have been conducting formation deductions for so long, and I have preliminarily deduced that this area of ​​time and space is vaguely integrated. Here All the mountains are faintly connected to each other as one, and it seems that a certain super being has set up a world-shattering formation with supreme magical power."


“This vast space and time is all one big formation?” The True Sage with Divine Eyes was slightly startled. He originally thought that the mountain formations were independent of each other.

 He can naturally sense the strangeness of this time and space and the vastness of the dispersion range.

 As to who can set up the formation?

 There is no doubt that it is the Holy Being.

"This vast formation is constantly moving. The mountain where Dong Cang Zhensheng and the others are located is currently in the operating stage and is protected by the origin of the entire formation. Therefore, it is almost impossible for us to forcefully break the formation. , it is difficult for the Holy Saint to take action." True Saint Qiu Lie: "There are only two ways, the first is to wait."

"As long as we wait, as the formation moves, the power of the formation that originally enveloped the mountain will completely dissipate and return to normal, just like some ordinary mountains now." Qiu Liezhen said.

 “How long do we have to wait?” Divine Eyes True Sage frowned.

"It can take as short as a hundred years, or as long as a thousand years." Zhensheng Qiu Lie said very vaguely.

 Because he was only preliminary deducing the formation and could not make an accurate judgment at all.

“It’s been too long, it’s been too long.” The True Sage of Divine Eyes shook his head and said, “This special token may be a treasure, but we can’t waste time here all the time. We still have to fight for the Chaos Jade Crystal.”

Other true saints couldn’t help but nod. They were willing to follow the true saint of God’s Eye, and they all received promises and each had their own goals.

How can you stay here forever?

"The second way is to use your divine eye to attack with force." Zhensheng Qiu Lie said: "I will guide you to attack the most critical node. This is not to break the mountain, but to speed up the entire mountain." The operation of the space-time formation."

“Then, maybe within a few years or even a few months, as the formation operates, the mountain will return to normal.”

 Showing the divine eye?

There was a trace of hesitation in the eyes of the true saint. He was ranked tenth on the list of true saints. The divine eye between his eyebrows played the most important role. He even used the "divine eye" as his name.

 However, the cost of using this rare treasure is very high, and he does not fully control the divine eye.

 Naturally, he was reluctant to use it easily.

In the plan of the Divine Eye True Saint, once the Divine Eye is activated, it is prepared to fight for the Chaos Jade Crystal and even the Chaos Source Heart.

“No, it can’t be used here.” The True Sage of Divine Eyes shook his head and said: “I can use it three times at most in ten thousand years. If I waste it here once, it will be detrimental to the subsequent fight for the Chaos Jade Crystal.”

"Qiu Lie, think of other ways." The True Sage of Divine Eyes said in a low voice: "If you can break the formation in advance, you can get 50% of this treasure."

Zhensheng Qiu Lie felt helpless, pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Then please attack hard first to see if you can shake the formation a little, and then I will try to find some flaws."

 It's like a battle between strong men. Unless you really take action, you will never be able to tell the winner.

 The same goes for breaking the formation.

It is too difficult to deduce out of thin air, but if you can feel the strong movement of the formation, it will be much easier to break the formation.


"Everyone, follow me and attack a little at the same time." The Divine Eye True Sage roared, followed by a mighty power suddenly erupting. The power was terrifying enough to make everyone watching in the void in all directions. Really holy color change.

"Behead!" The True Sage with Divine Eyes waved his palms, the palms of his palms were like knives, crystal clear as jade, and struck the towering mountain heavily.


"Give it to me, break it." The other four true saints, either waving their weapons or casting spells, were all trying their best to attack the towering mountain.

Well ~ The surface of the mountain is flowing, and the prestige is vast, resisting the attack of five powerful real saints.


The five true saints joined forces, and their power was extremely frightening. They were specifically targeting a mountain, so the brilliance on the surface of the mountain was faintly shaking, and it was faintly shaken.

"Can you block it?" True Saint Dongcang and True Saint Immortal were both quite nervous and stared at it.

"It should be possible." Taiyuan True Saint said in a low voice: "This large formation should be enough to withstand the Holy Saint's attack."

 Among the four of them, Etai Yuan Zhen Holy Formation was the most accomplished, and it was he who led him to hide in this lost mountain.

 And outside the mountain.

"The deduction is much easier than before. Let me think of a way." Qiu Lie Zhensheng said.

"Okay, everyone, keep attacking and don't slack off." Shenyan Zhenshenglian ordered.

For a time, the five true saints all went all out to bombard this lost mountain.

 “How pitiful!”

“If the treasures can be handed over, the Holy Eyes of God will probably let them go.”

"Huh? Hand over the treasure? It's so hard to get such a treasure, who is willing to hand it over?" Many true saints in this space and time whispered.

time flies.

 One day, ten days, one month... With dozens of true saints watching, what happened in this special time and space also spread very quickly, and many powerful people in the Blood Dream Alliance also got the news one after another.

When it was known that the true saints with divine eyes were leading the siege, these true saints could only express their helplessness.

 In the entire Tenth Ruins Realm, it is very rare for a strong person to dare to confront the Divine Eye True Sage.

 Just five months later.

"Ha ha."

"God's Eye, I have deduced a few nodes of the Lost Mountain Formation, which may speed up the operation of the formation." True Saint Qiu Lie, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, suddenly said in surprise: "Come, let me guide you to attack, listen to me Order."

 “Okay.” The True Sage of Divine Eyes was immediately overjoyed. He had been attacking for so long but still had no results, and he had no idea.



 Under the leadership of Qiu Lie Zhensheng, the attack direction of Shenyan Zhensheng immediately changed, and they no longer attacked one point. Instead, they began to disperse their attacks in a very special pattern, attacking different areas.

 “Crash~” I saw the huge brilliance on the Misty Mountain immediately trembled, and there were faint signs of destruction.

“What?” “This lost mountain is about to be conquered so soon?”

 “He is truly a saint with divine eyes.”

"It should be that Qiu Lie. In terms of formation attainments, the True Sage Qiu Lie may be ranked in the top twenty among the True Saints." Many True Saints were talking about it, becoming more and more awed.

 Inside the mountain.

"not good."

"This! This Lost Mountain?" The expressions of True Saint Dongcang and True Saint Mingsha changed greatly. They did not expect that the Lost Mountain Formation would be broken so soon.

"Don't worry, it's just an appearance. It can last for at least ten years." Taiyuan Zhensheng said in a low voice. He stared at the brilliance on the surface of the mountain and continued to deduce it secretly.

 In fact, Taiyuan True Sage and Immortal True Sage are also quite anxious.

Wu Yuan clearly said that he could arrive in "three months", but now it has been five months.

 In the blink of an eye, another six months have passed.

The glow on the surface of the Misty Mountain has become increasingly dimmer, as if it is about to be breached at any time. The faces of Dongcang Zhensheng and the others on the top of the mountain are already very embarrassed.

"Can you hold on?" True Sage Mingsha was the most desperate and had no bottom.



I saw time and space oscillating in the void in the far distance, followed by a white-robed figure carrying a divine sword, and then appeared at the end of the void.

 He stepped directly through the void and flew towards the Lost Mountain.

 “Going to save people?”

 “He rushed over directly?”

"Who is that?"

 “Never seen it!” After so long, many of the true saints watching the battle have left, but there are still more than a dozen true saints here.

 They all looked at this scene in surprise.

 Less than a year sounds like a long time, but it is a very short time to wander in the Tenth Ruins Realm.

Who could it be that came so quickly?

"Someone is coming." The six true saints outside the mountain naturally noticed the white-robed figure approaching. One of the true saints said: "The divine eye seems to be the ringing sword! The ringing sword true saint of the Blood Dream Alliance."

"Mingjian? Is he the peerless evildoer who is as famous as Wu Yuan? One day he proves eternity?" The True Sage of Divine Eyes looked indifferent: "True Sage Dongcang and others dare to reject me, it turns out they have reinforcements."


“If Chang He was as famous as he was during his life, how could he be as famous as True Sage Wu Yuan in the eternal stage?” The True Sage of Divine Eyes said indifferently: “The True Sage Wu Yuan is someone who is valued by the Houtu Ancestral Witch. How can the Blood Dream Alliance compare with him?”

If they were hundreds of billions of years apart, the True Sage of Divine Eyes would value the True Sage of Mingjian.

 But Fang Cai has only practiced for billions of years.

As a being who stands at the pinnacle of the True Saint, how can the Divine Eyes True Saint care about the other party.

 “Singing Sword?”

“It’s True Sage Mingjian!” True Saint Dongcang and True Saint Mingsha also recognized it.

 After all, Ming Jian is recognized as the number one genius in the Blood Dream Alliance. Even the Blood Emperor and the Dream Emperor have praised him, and they have also heard about it.

"Just one person, he can now match the True Sage of Divine Eyes?" True Sage Mingsha was a little worried.

"Let's see." Taiyuan Zhensheng said. He didn't know Mingjian's current strength, and he didn't dare to guarantee it.


 Wu Yuan was quickly approaching.

"Senior Taiyuan, Immortal Master, I'm sorry, I entered this space and time, fell into a void formation, and was trapped for a long time." Wu Yuan directly transmitted the message: "I'm late."

Wu Yuan is also quite helpless. In the Tenth Ruins Realm, there are murderous intentions at every step. Even if he falls into some traps with his strength, it is difficult to escape quickly.

 “It doesn’t matter!” the Immortal True Saint said.

 “Are you sure?” Taiyuan Zhensheng asked via messenger.

 “Yes.” Wu Yuan only replied.

 …Communication room.

Wu Yuan has rushed to the outside of the mountain and quickly approached Shenyan Zhensheng and Qiu Lie Zhensheng.

Rather than waiting for the Holy Eyes of God to speak.

“Get away quickly!” Wu Yuan’s Dharmakaya took the initiative and spoke in a cold voice: “Otherwise, don’t blame me for killing you.”

The True Sage of Divine Eyes and the True Sage of Qiu Lie could not help but be stunned, and then became furious.

"Seeking death!" the True Sage of Divine Eyes roared and shouted directly: "Jingqiu, Qiu Lie continues to deduce, I will continue to attack the formation to prevent Dong Cang and others from escaping."

“The four of you join forces to kill this Ming Jian.”

 Suddenly, Jingqiu Zhensheng and the four of them cursed in their hearts, not understanding the thoughts of the Divine Eye Zhensheng.

 How can anyone be stupid if he can cultivate to the level of a true saint? Mingjian Zhensheng dared to attack so arrogantly, so he probably had something to rely on.

 So, the Divine Eyes True Saint wanted them to take the lead and test each other's depth.


 “Kill!” Jingqiu True Sage and the others did not hesitate too much, and turned into four streams of light to kill them. The weakest among them were close to the full strength of the True Sage, and they were also full of confidence.

 Even the True Saint with Divine Eyes would not be able to defeat a few of them in an instant.


  "Overturning the sea and the world." I saw the 'True Saint of Ten Thousand Seas' dressed in blue, and he took action directly. With him as the center, endless turbulent water droplets immediately spread out.

Countless water droplets are like ripples, impacting in all directions, making the entire void under his control.

 This is an extremely powerful realm secret technique.

 In this field, the strength of Jingqiu Zhensheng and others have improved a lot, and they are more confident.

“The power of such a domain is comparable to the black and white domain of the body refining deity. It is indeed extraordinary.” Wu Yuan praised in his heart.

The top 300 can be ranked in the Zhenxian list, all of which are not bad, and they all have a trick standing for the eternal forest.


 “Meet me.” Wu Yuan’s eyes were slightly cold: “Original Golden Lotus!”


At the feet of Wu Yuan's body, a golden lotus platform instantly appeared. The lotus leaves were flowing, the Taoist rhyme was eternal, and it contained endless power. Countless lotus flowers were born out of thin air in time and space.

Each lotus flower has faintly transformed into an independent space and time. In an instant, it seems as if countless layers of time and space are crushing it.


 Countless golden lotuses collided with the water droplets, just like a stone hitting an egg. The water droplets exploded and dissipated in an instant. The most powerful domain trick of Wanhai Zhensheng was destroyed in an instant.


In an instant, all 300 million miles of void were controlled by Wu Yuan. The four of them, Jingqiu True Sage and Wanhai True Sage, fell into one level of time and space. Even if they use the magic power to break through one level of time and space, they will fall into another level of time and space. Totally stuck.


"What kind of realm is this?" Jingqiu Zhensheng and Wanhai Zhensheng panicked immediately. They had never encountered such a powerful field trick.


"Boom!" This space-time domain is so vast that even the extremely distant True Sage of Divine Eye and True Sage of Qiu Lie fell directly into the domain.

"How can this Mingjian's domain be so strong?" The True Sage of Divine Eyes was a little unbelievable: "He has only practiced for billions of years, but his domain's unique skills are so strong? Even Yun Sheng's domain is not that strong."

 He had fought against Yun Sheng before, and had also fallen into Yun Sheng's domain. The nightmare experience was still fresh in his memory.

Yun Sheng has been recognized as the number one in the field of true saints for countless years, and no one can match him.

 And today.

The True Saint of God’s Eye has come across, and the power of the domain is no less than that of Saint Yun.

 In an instant, the Holy Eyes of God judged that they could not win.

With such a powerful domain, it would be easy for True Saint Mingjian to rescue True Saint Taiyuan and True Saint Dongcang.

However, the Divine Eye True Sage was extremely puzzled, how could this Ming Sword be practiced so fast? How can the power of secret magic be so strong?

 Like Wu Yuan, he is the master of the Tao of Creation. He is favored by the original and can deduce his own way very quickly, which is far beyond the ordinary eternal strong people. It is normal.

But Mingjian? Why?

Moreover, even if one has a high level of understanding of Tao, it is extremely difficult to completely transform it into one's own strength and create a unique skill that perfectly suits oneself.

But he didn't know that in terms of cultivation speed, Wu Yuan's Qi Refining Master was no less than the Body Refining Master, or even faster, because the Qi Refining Master's own path deduction was even more difficult, and it was almost the same from the first step to the third step. There is a bottleneck.

After billions of years, Wu Yuan’s Qi Refining Master has already reached the limit of the third step, and is only one step away from reaching the fourth step.

  There is a difference in the secrets of the secrets.

The exchanged Chaos Spiritual Treasure 'Original Golden Lotus' made up for this weakness, and it can be called one of the Chaos Spiritual Treasures most suitable for Wu Yuan's Qi Refining Master.

Of course, the Holy Eyes of God do not know all this.

Although he couldn't figure out the reason, it didn't prevent the Holy Sage from seeing the reality clearly. He shouted angrily and sent a message: "Jingqiu, Wan Hai... quickly join me before leaving."


 Zhensheng Shenyan and Zhensheng Qiulie immediately joined forces and rushed towards Zhensheng Jingqiu and the others.

As long as they can gather together, with the strength of their six true saints, I believe Mingjian can't do anything.

“Want to get together?” Wu Yuan sneered. He could naturally see why the other party separated in the first place.

If they all attack you from the beginning, it will be easy for True Saint Dongcang and the others to take the opportunity to escape.


Now that they are separated, Wu Yuan will not let them get back together easily.

 “Split the sky!” Wu Yuan thought in his mind and pointed in the distance.

  唰! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! A flying sword that exuded a terrifying aura immediately flew out from around him.

Rumble~ The nine innate treasure flying swords flew out and immediately combined with the original golden lotus to form a more special and powerful formation.

This is Wu Yuan’s strongest means of refining Qi (Dharmakaya) in material terms.

 Primordial Golden Lotus, as the top magic weapon in the system with the Origin Boundary Bead and the Holy Source Bead, was refined by Yuan Sheng himself. Its greatest characteristic is that it can be combined with other magic weapons.

These nine innate treasures, the Flying Sword, were also bought by Wu Yuan specifically for the Dharmakaya.

“I haven’t made a move for billions of years, let’s try the power of the sword domain first.” Wu Yuan thought in his mind.

  Wow! Wow! Wow!

 Under the suppression of the domain, the overwhelming sword light struck directly at Jingqiu Zhensheng and the others.

The Divine Eye True Saint is too strong, and Wu Yuan is not absolutely sure to kill him, so he naturally wants to kill the other four weaker True Saints.


 “He’s so powerful that he can stop him.”

"If you delay until the Divine Eye True Sage arrives, you can survive." Although Jingqiu True Sage and Wanhai True Sage were trapped, their vision was extremely high and they could feel the chilling aura in the endless void, so they immediately used all their strength He took action, or waved a weapon.

 Or manipulate the innate treasure to form defense means around the body.


 In the blink of an eye, sword lights filled the sky and the four true saints clashed head-on.

 However, it was not possible to completely suppress the four true saints.

 “His material attacks are not very strong.”

 “Far inferior to God’s eyes.”

"Stronger than us, but only limited." Jingqiu Zhensheng and Wanhai Zhensheng were convinced, and they were immediately full of confidence.

"Sure enough!" Wu Yuan felt very peaceful, as he expected.

 My training time is short after all, and I haven't created any special skills in material attack, but Chaos Golden Lotus is better at domain and control.

 In addition, the magic power of Dharmakaya is far less than that of Source Body, so it is naturally difficult for pure material attacks to reach it.

If the source body's material attack is close to the holy level, then the dharma body's material attack can also enter the top 100 on the true saint list.

This is still blessed by the realm. Without the realm formed by the original golden lotus, I am afraid it would only be at the level of Jingqiu Zhensheng.


“My Qi-refining deity and Dharmakaya are never good at material means.” Wu Yuan’s eyes instantly became misty.

At the same time as the endless sword light bloomed, an invisible wave appeared, passing through the vast void.

 The secret technique of the soul—eternal tribulations of reincarnation!

 (End of this chapter)

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