Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 679: new ranking

 Chapter 679 New Ranking

 Material attacks are not what Wu Yuan Qi Refiner is good at after all. After all, the path he has opened up is not material. He is destined to be weak in this aspect and can only rely on magic weapons to make up for it.

 But what is really powerful about him is the dual combination of material and spiritual means, which is the most unnatural.

“Boom!” “Boom!” Invisible fluctuations instantly invaded the eternal hearts of the four true saints, Jingqiu True Saint and Wan Hai True Saint.

 The origin of the eternal strong man’s soul is all hidden in the eternal heart.

"Ah!" Jingqiu Zhensheng's eyes instantly became confused, and the speed of the Innate Supreme Treasure Divine Sword and the Innate Spiritual Treasure Divine Sword waving in his hand immediately slowed down.

“No, it’s just a dream in the mind!” The True Saint of Wanhai has the strongest mind and will, and has an innate treasure like soul to protect his soul. He was the first to realize the terrifying attack of the True Saint of the Mingjian.


Awareness does not mean that he can be completely awake. Wanhai Zhensheng kept roaring and roaring in his heart, trying to break away, but he felt that his consciousness was like falling into an abyss, breaking through the illusion again and again, and sinking into it again and again.

 “Pfft~” “Buzz~” As for the other two true saints? Their performance was even worse than that of Zhensheng Jingqiu, and they almost completely sank.


"Wow!" "Wow!" As the dream in his heart fell, the overwhelming sword light also invaded the divine body of Wan Hai Zhensheng. Although he wore the innate treasure battle armor, he had also cultivated his body to the point where the eternal divine body was small, with material defense. It's pretty good, but compared to the material attacks at the perfect level of the True Saint, it's still a bit unsatisfactory.

 "Bang~" "Bang~" Wan Hai Zhensheng was knocked upside down by the bombardment, and his life breath was sharply reduced.

If he is awake, he can fully control the magic weapon. If he resists it first, the physical impact he will receive will be much smaller.

 But in a mental illusion? He could only be beaten passively.

Even if the Eternal Divine Body is perfect, it is impossible to completely withstand the attack of the True Saint Perfection Level.


The Eternal Heart was damaged and the terrible pain caused the True Saint Wan Hai to wake up instantly. With a wave of his hand, countless cyan spheres turned into water droplets and turned into a water bloom, struggling to kill those who were coming to suppress the True Saint Mingjian. Wisps of sword light.


“Keng!” “Boom~” In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought hundreds of times. One-on-one, it was very easy for Wu Yuan’s physical attacks to suppress a True Saint of Ten Thousand Seas.


Finally found another flaw. Wu Yuan controlled the innate treasure Divine Sword and knocked the True Saint Wan Hai upside down again, causing his life force to decline violently again.

no way!

 In terms of vitality, Wan Hai True Saint is the weakest among the four true saints.

 In addition, Wu Yuan controls the field and is good at mental dreams, completely controlling the situation.

 It seems like it’s one-on-four or even one-on-six, but in fact, Wu Yuan can hit whoever he wants.


Wu Yuan once again used the "Eternal Reincarnation Tribulation", and the invisible illusion once again enveloped the True Saint Wan Hai, making his eyes become confused.


"Boom~" The fierce sword light swooped forward again, knocking the True Saint Wan Hai upside down again.

Three consecutive kills, which caused more damage than thousands of rounds of normal melee combat. There were obvious cracks in the Eternal Heart of the True Saint of the Ten Thousand Seas, and it was already seriously damaged.

 “Retreat!” There was a hint of fear in Wan Hai Zhensheng’s eyes. He was indeed afraid.

 He asked himself, even if he fought against the True Sage of Divine Eyes, he would not lose so quickly.

 The strength of the Mingjian True Saint is really powerful.

 But, where can he escape?

As Wu Yuan performed the eternal tribulations of reincarnation again and again, he could only sink again and again. Just like this, after several consecutive blows, Wanhai Zhensheng had completely lost the ability to resist.


Wu Yuan waved his hand, and a pagoda appeared in his palm. The pagoda flew out and instantly released a powerful swallowing power, which directly acted on Wan Hai Zhensheng.

"No!" Wan Hai Zhensheng struggled, surrounded by countless water droplets, trying to resist this swallowing force.

In normal times, he wouldn't care about a sealing innate treasure, he could easily get rid of it.

 But now, he was seriously injured, his strength was greatly reduced, and he was still shrouded in the Golden Lotus Domain.

 The most important thing is that the Mingjian Zhensheng displayed his inner dreams again and again, which made him exhausted.

 Only two pulls.


Wan Haizhen was finally able to support it, and he was about to be included in the town seal pagoda.

"Give it to me, destroy it!" Wan Hai Zhensheng suddenly roared, glanced resentfully, followed by his body expanding rapidly, and chose to self-destruct the Eternal Heart.

 If you die by self-destruction, you will be able to recover in the future.

Or being captured alive and suppressed, it would be difficult to die, so the eternal strongmen would not be willing to be captured as long as there is a slight possibility.

 “You are indeed strong enough.” Wu Yuan murmured to himself: “He will not beg for mercy until he dies.”


With a thought in Wu Yuan's mind, the pagoda quickly collected the many treasures left behind by the True Saint Wan Hai.

 At this time.

The powerful shock wave caused by the self-destruction of Wanhai True Saint made Jingqiu True Saint and the three other true saints wake up again. In fact, they were true saints after all. They had also woken up one after another before, but each time they were cast again by Wu Yuan to cast the eternal catastrophe of reincarnation. Fall into ruin.


 “Wan Hai, self-destructed?”

“In less than two breaths, True Saint Wan Hai was forced to self-destruct and fall?” The expressions of Jingqiu True Saint and the others changed, and the eyes they looked at True Saint Mingjian had completely changed.


"I can't defeat him. How can he be so strong with the strength of the Mingjian True Saint? It shouldn't be."

"How long has it been since he became a true saint?" These true saints were completely panicked.

You must know that their strength can barely be regarded as the perfect level of true saints. It stands to reason that if the four powerful men join forces, even if they fight with the true saint of God's Eye, they can fight back and forth in a short period of time.

 But when fighting against the Mingjian True Saint, he was at an absolute disadvantage, and even lost one of his men in an instant.

If the fighting continues like this, won't everyone die soon?

However, they don’t know.

 As the most powerful trick in his own way, there is no doubt about the power of Wu Yuan's Dharmakaya move.

Looking at the entire sea of ​​​​the territory, in terms of the dream state of the mind, among the true saints, Wu Yuan Qi Refining deity is expected to be ranked first.

 “This Mingjian is too powerful.”

"God's Eye, save us." Jingqiu Zhensheng and the others tried their best to escape, but they were caught in the golden lotus. Their speed was too slow and they could not escape at all.


At this time, Wu Yuan had caught up with True Sage Jingqiu, and once again used his mental dream and sword array to deal with True Sage Jingqiu at the same time. It can be said that it was only a matter of time before True Sage Jingqiu fell.

 “This Mingjian.”

“So strong?” The Divine Eye True Sage and the Qiu Lie True Sage have been coming at a fast pace, but they are hundreds of millions of miles apart and bound by the realm. Even with their speed, it will take them a while to catch up.

But Wu Yuan did not waste any effort to deal with them, and only used domain restrictions, so they watched the fall of the True Saint Wan Hai throughout the whole process.

 Therefore, the two of them were most shocked.

"Xin Meng Liu, how can he be so strong?" Shenyan Zhensheng is a little unbelievable. It's not that he has never encountered a strong Xin Meng Liu, but there are too few pure Xin Meng Liu strong people, and most of them are concurrent practitioners. Most of the true saints just opened up the dream world.

 In the final analysis, whether it is a long life or an eternal life, there are very few people who are good at divine attacks.

And what about Wu Yuan’s Qi Refining deity? It is the one who opened up the dream universe. Just looking at the foundation of the dream flow, it is on the same level as Houtu Zusha.

  It's not at the same level as them at all.

"God's Eye, if it doesn't explode, Jingqiu and the others will all fall here." Zhensheng Qiu Lie gritted his teeth.

"I understand." The Divine Eyes were solemn and said in a low voice: "Don't resist, I will take you into the cave."

Zhensheng Qiu Lie nodded, he couldn't get what he asked for.


The Divine Eye True Saint waved his hand and took the True Saint Qiu Lie into the cave world. Then his eyes became bright, as if they contained two vast universes.

next moment.

"Boom!" The third eye between the eyebrows of the Divine Eye finally opened, and suddenly a vast and endless aura spread out, and the divine eyes released streaks of rays of light.

 His expression became slightly distorted, showing a trace of pain.

Even a true saint's heart, soul and will cannot bear such pain, which shows how huge the burden is on him to use his divine eyes.

However, the power brought by the divine eye is also huge.


The divine eye between the eyebrows of the True Saint shoots out a terrifying ray of light, which instantly penetrates tens of millions of miles of void and directly sweeps across a large area of ​​void. Its power is so terrifying that it destroys the golden lotuses.

Wherever the rays of light reach, the originally turbulent space and time seems to have been crushed by a steamroller, instantly becoming smooth.


The speed of the Divine Eye True Saint soared instantly, from the original dozens of times the speed of light to hundreds of times the speed of light, and he was close to the True Saint Jingqiu and the others in the blink of an eye.

 “Is this the legendary divine eye?”

 “Is the Divine Eye really holy?” A trace of curiosity flashed in Wu Yuan’s eyes.

It is said that the Divine Eye True Saint’s own strength is only at the top ten level of the True Saints list, but once he uses the Divine Eye rare treasure, he can definitely hit the top three.

This rare treasure is a Chaos Spiritual Treasure? Or some special treasure? It's a mystery.

 “Eternity of Reincarnation.” Wu Yuan gave up attacking Jingqiu True Sage instantly, and an invisible wave hit the Divine Eye True Sage.

 Just tried to invade the opponent's eternal heart.


The True Saint of Divine Eyes shouted violently, and released another terrifying wave from the center of his eyebrows, directly blocking Wu Yuan's Heart Dream attack, and then quickly reached Wu Yuanfa's body.

too fast.


The Holy Divine Eye after displaying the Divine Eye is like a chaotic **** and demon, with overwhelming power. With one palm turning into a sword, it struck Wu Yuan fiercely like it fell from the sky.

 He did not rescue Jingqiu Zhensheng immediately, but tried to kill Wu Yuan Dharmakaya.

"Good luck." Wu Yuan's dharma body turned his palms, and two divine swords appeared in his palms. The divine swords carried a vast and ethereal aura, and instantly stabbed the overwhelming palm knives.


"Keng!" "Keng!" "Keng!" The two sides clashed dozens of times like lightning, and Wu Yuan's body was repeatedly knocked backwards by the terrifyingly powerful palm knife.

 It's just that Wu Yuan's life aura decays very slowly.


 “You weren’t seriously injured?”

“The physical defense is so strong?” Jingqiu Zhensheng and the other three were slightly startled. Far away in the void, Taiyuan Zhensheng and the others who were originally worried were also relieved.

 “The Eternal Divine Body is completed?” The Divine Eye True Saint also calmed down. He could feel the solidity of the Mingjian True Saint Divine Body. It was simply indestructible and truly terrifying.

 He was also surprised in his heart. This Mingjian True Sage was too evil. His enlightenment had progressed so quickly.

Even the material way has been cultivated to this extent in such a short period of time.

“God’s Eye, I want to see how long your power can last.” Wu Yuan laughed loudly, very calmly.

Wu Yuan knew very well that the conditions for the use of the True Holy Divine Eye’s ‘Divine Eye Rare Treasure’ were extremely stringent.

 It cannot be cast infinitely.

 Otherwise, he would not be in the top ten of the True Saints list, but in the top three of the True Saints list, comparable to Dongyi True Saint and Yun Saint.

 As for Wu Yuan Dharmakaya? Although the innate treasure battle armor combined with the Dacheng Eternal Divine Body is far inferior to the Origin Body, it can still block it in a short period of time.


The Divine Eyes True Saint looked indifferent, glanced at Wu Yuan's Dharma Body, and finally pulled away. His power was too terrifying, and the golden lotuses bloomed, but they could hardly restrain him.


In the blink of an eye, True Sage Divine Eyes approached True Sage Jingqiu and the others, and was about to wave the three of them into the cave.

“Haha, God’s Eye, I’ll give you one last gift.” Wu Yuan suddenly grinned.

This laughter resounded throughout this time and space, and it immediately made the Divine Eyes True Saint feel something bad in his heart. He felt a terrifying aura rushing towards him.

 “That’s it?” The True Sage with Divine Eyes suddenly turned around, and he vaguely saw it.


On top of Wu Yuan's head, there was a vaguely vast universe blooming. What a vast and vast universe it was, it contained endless mysteries, and in that universe, there was a dazzling invisible sword.

 The Divine Sword is completely black.

  Illusory, yet full of chilling, extremely cold.

"No, it's a heart weapon! This ringing sword is a heart dream and a heart weapon." A look of shock and anger finally flashed across the face of the Divine Eye True Sage that had not changed for thousands of years.


At the critical moment, the Divine Eyes True Saint could only take care of himself. He only saw the Divine Eyes blooming between his eyebrows, and invisible fluctuations protected the eternal heart in his body.


At the top of Wu Yuan's head, the illusory divine sword finally thrust out. In the next moment, it had thrust out tens of thousands of miles and directly pierced into the body of True Saint Jingqiu.

 Pierced into the eternal heart of Jingqiu Zhensheng.


Just like the sound of an egg breaking, or like the sound of porcelain falling to the ground, a trace of fear flashed in Jingqiu Zhensheng's eyes, and then they darkened completely.

 Jingqiu Zhensheng, die!

This scene scared the other two true saints to the point of freezing their bodies, and the true saint with divine eyes also had an extremely solemn expression.

 The true saints from all over the void were also dumbfounded and somewhat unbelievable.

With just one thought, he killed a true saint, a perfect and powerful man across a vast distance in time and space?

this! this!

 What an outrageous method this is. I’m afraid the Holy One is no more than this. "Walk!"

The Divine Eye True Saint shouted angrily, and waved his hand to put away the other two True Saints. The Divine Eye released brilliance, covering him and quickly escaped from the Golden Lotus Domain, and quickly disappeared into the distorted time and space.

Wu Yuan Dharmakaya stood in the void with an indifferent expression, but did not continue to pursue him.

 with the primitive golden lotus domain covering hundreds of millions of miles of void quickly retracted.

 The entire void returned to calm.


Wu Yuan suddenly turned his head, looked around in the void, felt the presence of the powerful aura, and said calmly: "Have you had enough of watching the show? The battle is over."

 Only calm for a moment.

“Haha, Mingjian Zhensheng was joking, let’s leave now.”

"The True Sage of the Mingjian can defeat six with one, overwhelming the True Sage of the Divine Eye. He is destined to be famous in the sea. We admire and admire him!"

 “Let’s go now.”

“The True Sage Mingjian is worthy of being as famous as the True Sage Wu Yuan.” The true saints in the void responded one after another, either flattering or flattering.

 They all left quickly after that.


The Mingjian True Saint can kill Jingqiu True Saint with just one thought. Is it difficult to kill ordinary True Saints and peak True Saints like them?

Even the Holy Eyes of God have retreated, how can they dare to challenge them?


The entire void became completely quiet, and Wu Yuan also walked to the majestic lost mountain that was hundreds of millions of miles away.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! With a flash of light in the lost mountain, four of them, True Saint Dongcang, True Saint Mingsha, True Saint Taiyuan, and True Saint Immortal, all walked out.

"Senior Taiyuan, Senior Immortal." Wu Yuan bowed slightly, then looked at True Sage Dong Cang and the others, and said calmly: "Dong Cang, Ming Sha, I have long admired these two great names."

Taiyuan True Sage and Immortal True Sage couldn't help but smile.

 Especially Taiyuan Zhensheng, he felt even more comfortable. He had helped Wu Yuan many times in the past, wasn't it just for today?

Furthermore, Wu Yuan's attitude also made him feel at ease. Even though his strength far exceeded him, he still respected him.

“The Mingjian True Saint is joking.” Dongcang True Saint said with a smile.

 “Thank you, True Sage Mingjian, for the rescue.” True Saint Mingsha’s posture was even lower, and he also admired Wu Yuan very much.

“It’s the two seniors Taiyuan and Immortal who asked me for help. If you want to thank them, just thank them.” Wu Yuandao passed the credit to Taiyuan Zhensheng and the two people.

 After all, Wu Yuan did not need this favor.

“We both belong to the Tao Master’s sect, so we should help each other.” Taiyuan True Sage smiled and said: “Ming Jian, after this battle, your reputation will be so great that I’m afraid you will be among the top ten on the true saint list.”

"Even the two true saints, Wan Hai and Jingqiu, and even the divine eye retreated." True Saint Dongcang also sighed: "It's really powerful."

 In fact, the four of them are still a little dreamy until now, and they were still on tenterhooks not long ago.

in a blink.

  Not only did he turn the corner, but he also witnessed an incredible battle.

“It’s not about forcing the Divine Eye back. If we really have to fight to the death, I may not win. He just doesn’t want to fight to the death.” Wu Yuan said with a faint smile. This is the truth.

Using the inner weapon ‘Tongyou Sword’ to kill Jingqiu Zhensheng this level can only be said to be a fluke.

Want to kill the Holy Eye of God directly? Wu Yuan was not sure at all.


Like Wu Yuan's Dharmakaya's repeated use of the 'Eternal Reincarnation Tribulation', it is not unlimited. Each time it is used, it consumes a lot of mental energy, and the duration is also limited.

Once the mental energy is exhausted and the Holy Eye of God has not been killed, it will be ravaged.

Of course, if it comes to such a dangerous moment, Wu Yuanyuan will show up and take action.

 No more than that.

In Wu Yuan's view, even if the Dharma Body and Source Body explode at the same time, they may not be able to kill the Divine Eye True Saint, and since they are not fighting for the Chaos Source Heart, there is no need to expose the strongest trump card.

 “Haha, Mingjian, there is no need to be humble.” The Immortal True Sage smiled and said: “If you win, you win. In any case, if the Divine Eyes True Sage retreats, it means that he is afraid.”


Wu Yuan smiled, stopped arguing, and changed the topic: "For what treasure does the True Sage of Divine Eyes persecute you like this?"

Hearing this, the four of them all calmed down. True Saint Taiyuan and True Saint Immortal were very calm, but True Saint Dongcang and True Saint Mingsha were a little hesitant.

"Well, my survival is all thanks to True Sword Mingjian. There is no need to hide it from you. It's because of a token." True Saint Dongcang smiled bitterly. He turned his palm and a crystal ball suddenly appeared in his palm.

 The sphere is purple in color and exudes invisible waves.

 “This sphere?” Wu Yuan looked calm, but there was already an uproar in his heart.


The moment this purple sphere appeared in front of Dharmakaya, in the cave world, the eternal heart of Yuanshen faintly trembled, and endless desire arose in his heart.

It's as if I've encountered something that fits me perfectly.

Even, Wu Yuan could clearly sense that the imprint of the body-refining deity on the origin of the great avenue of creation was faintly vibrating.

In an instant, Wu Yuan made a decision—this token must be obtained.

"According to the fluctuation of the birth of the treasure, this treasure is very precious, but we can only judge that it is a token." Dongcang Zhensheng said: "But what kind of token is it specifically? We don't know, and we have never been able to get a glimpse of its secrets."


Wu Yuan smiled faintly: "I am interested in it, Dong Cang, are you willing to trade this token with me?"

 After making a decision in his heart, Wu Yuan decided to get straight to the point without making any detours.

 Suddenly, the place became quiet.

No one is stupid. Taiyuan True Saint and Dongcang True Saint have their own judgments in their hearts. Mingjian True Saint may have spied some secrets, so they want to get it into their hands.

Dongcang Zhensheng wanted to refuse, but he didn't dare.

After all, with the strength shown by the Mingjian True Saint, he is completely capable of crushing him.

 There are also many cases of the same forces fighting each other to seize treasures.

Moreover, Taiyuan True Sage and Immortal True Sage will most likely stand on the side of Mingjian True Sage.

“Haha, it’s a trivial matter.” A smile appeared on True Saint Dongcang’s face: “I wonder how True Saint Mingjian wants to trade?”

“A treasure worth 100 million blood dream points.” Wu Yuan smiled and said, “How about it?”

 There was sudden silence.

 The four True Saints all looked at Wu Yuan in shock. Immediately, the Immortal True Saint and the Taiyuan True Saint both looked at the Dongcang True Saint.

“One hundred million?” True Saint Dongcang held his breath.

 The situation was stronger than the people. He originally thought that if Wu Yuan could spend 10 to 20 million blood dream points, he would switch.

"Okay." Dongcang Zhensheng said directly. He naturally realized that this was definitely a valuable treasure.

 However, the treasure must be taken with death.

Mingjian Zhensheng is willing to take out 100 million Blood Dream Points, indicating that he is bound to get it. What if he refuses? I'm afraid what will happen is a **** blow.

Taiyuan Zhensheng and the others naturally have no objection. After all, according to the agreement between the four of them, even if this is a valuable treasure, they can only share the power, but not the power to dispose of it.


After paying for a treasure worth 100 million Blood Dream Points, Wu Yuan successfully obtained the token.

“Okay, everyone.” Wu Yuan put away the purple spherical crystal and said with a smile, “I have other things to do, so I’ll leave first.”


"Sage Mingjian makes it easy to walk." True Sage Dongcang and True Sage Mingsha said in unison.


Wu Yuan quickly left, leaving the four true saints in this void.

"One hundred million Blood Dream Points, Mingjian True Sage is so generous, I'm afraid his harvest is not small." Mingsha True Sage couldn't help but asked: "What is that token?"

"Don't ask, asking too many questions will make you wrong." True Saint Dongcang shook his head and said: "After all, it is just a token, not a treasure... maybe it is one of the access tokens to seize the source of chaos."

Mingsha Zhensheng couldn't help being surprised.

"But it's better to be calm. Can we seize the treasure?" Dongcang Zhensheng said: "Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. The Singing Sword Zhensheng is willing to trade instead of directly snatching it. I'm afraid All for the sake of Taiyuan and Immortal."

"One hundred million Blood Dream Points is quite a lot." Taiyuan Zhensheng said: "Including what we have harvested before, each of us can probably exchange for ten innate treasures."

 “Go back to the holy world.” Taiyuan Zhenshengdao.

 “It’s time to go back.” The Immortal True Sage said.

“Well, let’s go back first. If these treasures are lost, the loss will be great.” True Saint Dong Cang nodded.

Their thoughts represent the thoughts of most true saints. Even if they come to enter the tenth ruin realm, most true saints do not have such great ambitions.

It would be a big harvest if you can seize a few innate treasures.


 The four true saints joined forces and quickly left this special time and space and rushed towards the entrance of the tenth ruin world.


“Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of True Saint Mingjian.” True Saint Qiu Lie said with a bitter smile.

Seeing that True Sage Mingjian did not pursue him and True Sage Shenyan fled for several days, he released True Sage Qiu Lie and the three of them.

 “That Mingjian is really too strong.”

"The domain is terrifying, and the material attacks are not bad. The strongest thing is his mental dream. I have never seen such a terrifying mental dream." The two true saints who survived still felt scared.

They fought for just a moment, and two of their partners died.

"It is indeed difficult to deal with, and his physical defense is also good." The Divine Eye True Sage frowned: "I didn't get the treasure this time, Wan Hai and Jingqiu are still dead, and I used my Divine Eye once."

 He only felt that he had suffered a huge loss.

"God's Eye, the news about this battle has spread." True Saint Qiu Lie's face suddenly changed slightly as he received the news: "Those True Saints who were watching the battle actually said that True Saint Mingjian defeated us with one against six. You all lost."

"You said I lost?" The True Sage with Divine Eyes frowned slightly: "If we really want to fight to the death, the sounding sword may not win me."


“It doesn’t matter, the rumors are not trustworthy, and there is no need to care about these reputations.” The Divine Eye True Sage said indifferently: “Let’s continue hunting for treasures.”


A battle broke out in the mysterious time and space. There were many true saints watching the battle. These true saints came from several major forces. Therefore, the news about this battle spread quickly.

Especially when it involves the True Sage Mingjian, who is the first person since the beginning to realize eternity and become a true saint.

 “The Mingjian Zhensheng is so scary!”

“He is worthy of being as famous as Zhensheng Wu Yuan. His cultivation speed is not slow at all. With such strength, he is probably not inferior to him.”

 “You are in a dreamy dream, and you actually want to kill the True Sage Jingqiu?”

“His domain is also powerful and terrifying.” Countless true saints and holy saints from all sides gradually received the news, and at the same time they were shocked when they saw the battle images of this battle.

Mingjian Zhensheng's strength exceeded their imagination and predictions.

 “Xinmengliu, the best among the true saints! Mingjian!”

"The power of the domain is probably close to the level of Yun Sheng." The True Saints and Supreme Saints from all the forces made their judgments and had a certain understanding of the strength level of the True Saint of Mingjian.

As time goes by, as each important treasure is released, more and more top true saints begin to fight against each other.

Even some of the top ten strongest people on the True Saint List began to break out continuously. In the following hundreds of years, two terrible wars broke out one after another.

 One of the battles.

It was a battle between True Saint Luo Quan and True Saint Dongyi. The two sides fought for a long time. In the end, True Saint Luo Quan won the battle.

 Another battle was the encounter between True Saint Bai Bing and Saint Yun from the Witch Court. In this battle, True Saint Bai Bing lost.

 And lost extremely miserably.

Because, in just a few dozen rounds, Bai Bing True Saint, who was ranked among the top ten True Saints, was killed by Yun Sheng in a direct battle. This explosive news spread throughout the entire sea in an instant, causing great confusion within the entire Witch Court. All shake.

Just after this battle, Wanyulu directly listed the new rankings on the True Saint Ranking:

Chaos Sea True Saint (First, Ancient Yuyu)

Yun Sheng (second, Immortal Court, suspected of taking the fourth step)

Luo Quan Zhensheng (third, Dongyue Yuyu, suspected of taking the fourth step)

Tianchan Zhensheng (fourth, unknown force, suspected of taking the fourth step)

 Wu Yuan Zhensheng (fifth, Wu Ting)

 East Wing True Saint (Sixth, Witch Court)

 Qingyan True Sage (Seventh, Immortal Court)

Yinyu Zhensheng (eighth, Wanyu Tower)

Mengguan True Saint (Ninth, Blood Dream Alliance)

 Singing Sword True Saint (10th, Blood Dream Alliance)

The True Sage of Yanhuo (11th, Immortal Court)

 The Holy Eye of God (Twelfth, Nine Saints Alliance)

Shayin True Saint (Thirteenth, Yaohui Alliance)

Puyang Zhensheng (14th, Wuting)


 (End of this chapter)

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