Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 680: Chaos Jade Crystal is born

Chapter 680 Chaos Jade Crystal is Born

 Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe it’s intentional.

 After several consecutive battles between the top true saints, this ranking of true saints was released.

Because the ranking is directly listed in the eternal book, and every true saint in the vast sea of ​​​​realms can clearly sense it, therefore, in a very short time, countless true saints and holy saints in the nine realms of time and space know this ranking.

“The True Sage Luo Quan is really fierce. After several battles, he even defeated the True Sage of the East Wing and managed to break into the top three.”

“The strength of the True Saint of Dongyi is extremely terrifying. He fought against the True Saint of Luanhai for a long time, but he was only slightly inferior.”

“Yun Sheng must be stronger, and he has also taken the fourth step. He is destined to become a saint in the future.”

“True Saint Bai Bing, who was previously ranked among the top ten, was directly killed by Saint Yun. Now he has not recovered yet and has been directly kicked out of the top ten.”

“Zhensheng Wu Yuan and Zhensheng Mingjian have both entered the top ten, and I am afraid they will be able to reach the top three soon.” Countless eternal powerhouses were talking about the super beings at the top of the list.

Since the beginning, since Wanyulu released the ‘True Saint List’, it has followed two rules.

 First, as time goes by, the overall strength of the true saints in the Endless Sea is getting stronger and stronger. After all, the true saints are eternal and their strength will naturally become stronger and stronger over time.

 Second, the strength shown by the top true saints fluctuates, and often after long years of silence, there will be a big explosion in some special periods.

This is the case with the birth of the Tenth Ruins Realm.

Like Yun Sheng, Luo Quan True Sage and other true saints who have been in seclusion for many years, there are some who occasionally step into the fourth step.

If it weren't for the sudden birth of the Tenth Ruins Realm, they would most likely not show up. It is estimated that after a period of silent cultivation, they would all enter the Holy Realm and no longer be included in the list of true saints.

 However, since the Tenth Ruins Realm was opened, they were not busy breaking through. Instead, they rushed to join the battle and dazzled for a while.

 Actually, are there hidden fourth-step masters of their own way? It's all a mystery.

For example, Luan Hai True Saint, who is ranked first on the True Saint List, also appears in the Tenth Ruins Realm.

 When he competed with other True Sages for the treasure, his strength was much weaker than that of Yun Sheng and Luo Quan True Sage.

 But is this all his strength? No one dares to say.

in addition.

It is foreseeable that when the Chaos Origin Heart is born and today's top True Saints break through one after another, the top ten levels of the True Saints list will usher in a general decline.

 “Now, it’s not the craziest time yet.”

“When the Chaos Jade Crystal is born, or even the Chaos Source Heart is born, those top true saints will become even crazier.” Countless true saints staying in the Tenth Ruins Realm were discussing.

Many true saints realize that it is difficult to break through in this life, but with their eternal lifespan, they don't care much.

 The ranking on the True Saint List has become one of the things they value.


 In the witch court realm, in the Ancestral Witch Hall, thousands of true saints gathered together, and the atmosphere was quite solemn.

 It’s no wonder they are like this. The two recent wars were both related to the Witch Court, and they lost both times.

 First, the True Sage of Dongyi lost to the True Sage of Luoquan.

 Subsequently, True Saint Bai Bing simply died.

“This Cloud Saint is indeed much stronger.” True Saint Dongyi, Wu Yuan, True Saint Puyang, and True Saint Qiguang all stared at the projection in front of them, which was what True Saint Bai Bing passed back during his lifetime.

 It was the scene of her fighting with Yun Sheng. It was a completely one-sided battle, and she fell in a very short time.

"What Bai Bing is good at is also a field." Wu Yuan frowned slightly: "But this method happens to be what Yun Sheng is good at. He was directly crushed. In terms of material defense, Bai Bing's True Saint can only be counted among the True Saints. generally."

 The strongest point is restrained by the opponent, and the physical defense is average.

 It is normal for True Saint Bai Bing to fall quickly.

"Bai Bing, she should be able to recover and return." Dongyi Zhensheng sighed: "But, the tenth ruin realm is opening, and she may not be able to catch up."

"Brother Dongyi, don't be too disappointed." True Sage Puyang smiled faintly: "This is the case in every era. Once the true saint takes the fourth step, he will naturally be dazzling for a while, just like the supreme saint Xuan Ya. Even if he breaks through, he will still be defeated by the Immortal Court. He has defeated dozens of true saints in a row, so there is no need to fight for a while."

“When you take the fourth step, you will not be weaker than Yun Sheng and Luo Quan True Saint.”

"I understand." Dongyi Zhensheng said in a low voice.

Wu Yuan's heart moved slightly.

The "Xuan Ya Holy Saint" mentioned by Puyang Zhensheng is exactly the most holy ancestral witch who has recently achieved breakthrough in the witch court.

Of course, the so-called "recently" refers to something that happened nearly ten times before the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

When Xuan Ya's Supreme Saint was still a True Saint, it was also an era when he conquered the sea and ranked first in the True Saint list for a long, long time. In that era, such as Yun Saint, Qingyan True Saint, Luanhai True Saint, Dongyi True Saint, etc. Every one of them was suppressed by him.

Like Yun Sheng, he fell into the hands of the Holy Saint Xuanya once before.

 In different eras, there are always outstanding people rising up on the list of true saints. This is normal.

 “It’s so difficult to take the fourth step.”

The True Saint of Dongyi sighed and looked at Wu Yuan: "Brother Wu Yuan, I'm afraid I have to look at you."

“Although my ranking is slightly higher, in terms of strength, I may not be stronger than you in Dongyi.” Wu Yuan shook his head.

Wu Yuan was a little surprised by this ranking on the True Saint List. The body-refining deity ranked fifth, which was quite objective. Almost all those in front had taken the fourth step on their own path.

 But the Qi Refining Master actually ranked tenth in one battle, which can be said to be very shocking.

 “Let’s continue hunting for treasure.”

"Everyone." Wu Yuan suddenly spoke loudly, and his voice echoed in the hall, instantly attracting the attention of all the true saints: "If there is news about Saint Yun and True Saint Luo Quan, be sure to spread it as soon as possible and try to avoid it. .”

“If you encounter danger, try to seek help from each other.” Wu Yuan said solemnly.


 “Listen to the true sage Wu Yuan.”

"This time, we can't compete with Yun Sheng. We have to keep a low profile." Many true saints responded one after another and gave Wu Yuan enough respect. After all, Wu Yuan is the highest among the thousands of true saints in the Wuting Court.

 For some ancient true saints, they are already used to it.

 They have experienced too much.

Have witnessed the glorious era when six of the top ten on the True Saint List were affiliated with the Witch Court.

Has also experienced the weakest period of the true saints of the witch court. There is no strong man from the witch court in the top twenty of the true saints list.

Now? I can only say that it is quite satisfactory.


In the dim void, Wu Yuan's Yuan body was swimming. Under normal conditions, his Yuan body was outside and his Dharma body stayed in the cave.

"I didn't expect that this Immortal Court's Yun Sheng would be so powerful." Wu Yuan said secretly.

 The fourth step of one's own path is, logically, very difficult to enter.

 But this time when the Tenth Ruins Realm was opened, numbers appeared one after another, which seemed a bit unusual.

"I can't interfere when others are strong." Wu Yuan was very calm in his heart: "What I have to do is to work hard to make myself stronger until I become the strongest."

Yunsheng's power allowed Wu Yuan to set another goal on his own path of cultivation.

 That is—defeat the opponent!


Wu Yuan never thought that he could not surpass this so-called Yun Sheng. In his heart, the ultimate goal was always the Emperor of Heaven and Hou Tu Zuwu.

“This is the token.” Wu Yuanyuan turned his palms, and the purple crystal in his palm was extremely round, shining with rays of light, exuding inexplicable fluctuations, making Yuan's eternal heart faintly tremble.


It has been several years since he obtained this token. No matter how much Wu Yuan probed, he was unable to peek inside the purple crystal, let alone get any useful information. He could only vaguely infer that this was a token and that it had something to do with it.

 What exactly is it? It's all a mystery.

“Is it because I am not strong enough? Or is it because the opportunity has not come yet?” Wu Yuan shook his head secretly and waved his hand to put away the token.

 In exchange for a treasure worth 100 million Blood Dream Points, Wu Yuan felt that it was not a loss.

 If you can make the eternal heart of the source body like this, once you really find out what kind of treasure it is, you will definitely gain a huge harvest.

 “Just wait patiently.”

“If the opportunity is unknown and you have a token in hand, there will always be an opportunity approaching.” Wu Yuan has a good mentality. This is the indispensable patience for an eternal strong man.


Wu Yuanyuan continued to fly and explore.


 Time is like water, year after year.

The powerful powerful forces from all sides of the territory and sea have been desperately exploring. Occasionally, a war will break out, but most of the time it will not lead to the fall of the true saint.

Once there are too many fightings, it is normal for true saints to fall. Six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred... Thousands of years have passed. Since the opening of the Tenth Ruins Realm, the number of true saints who have fallen has exceeded a thousand.

 This is an astonishing number.

“So far, even a Chaos Jade Crystal has not been born, let alone the Chaos Origin Heart, and thousands of true saints have fallen?”

"too crazy."

“How many true saints have to die before the Chaos Origin Heart is born? Since the beginning, when have the Chaos Ruins been so crazy?” Powerful people from all sides lamented.

It also made many true saints shrink back, because the fighting was too crazy.

  “Also normal.”

“This time when the Tenth Ruins Realm was opened, too many treasures emerged, far exceeding the treasures when the Ninth Ruins Realm was just born.”

“There are dozens of incomplete Chaos Spiritual Treasures, as well as other rare treasures... With so many treasures, how can it not be crazy to fight them.”


“The more you kill, the greater your harvest will be.” There are also many powerful True Saints among them, fighting and killing crazily in order to win treasures from the killing, and even hone themselves to achieve breakthroughs.


More than a hundred years later, another piece of news spread.

 “The True Saint Qingyan was defeated.”

“The True Sage of Qingyan encountered the True Sage of the East Wing, and the two sides fought fiercely. In the end, the True Sage of the East Wing won.”

“East Wing or East Wing, Qingyan True Sage ranks second in the Immortal Court, and still loses.” Many True Sages discussed, and soon this battle was no longer taken seriously.

The two sides fought, and it was normal for the True Saint of East Wing to win, but in the end he failed to kill the opponent, so the commotion was not big.


 In the territory of Wuting.

“In the past few battles, we lost one after another except Wu Yuan to gain some strength. We must establish some prestige for our witch court.” Dongyi Zhensheng said to Wu Yuan and Puyang Zhensheng.

 Obviously, winning this battle allowed the True Saint of Dongyi to vent his frustration.


In the blink of an eye, it has been more than 15,000 years since the opening of the Tenth Ruins Realm. After a long time, almost all the true saints who are willing to break into the Tenth Ruins Realm have arrived.

On the contrary, with the death of a large number of True Saints and the active retreat of many weak True Saints, the number of True Saints who are still in the Tenth Ruins Realm is constantly decreasing.


As for the top 300 powerful true saints on the true saint list, as long as they have not fallen, more than 80% of them have appeared, obviously they are extremely eager for the Chaos Jade Crystal and the Chaos Source Heart.

 With the constant battles between super strong men, the ranking on the True Saint List has become more and more stable.

 As for the top ten? There have been no changes since the last time Wanyulu released its rankings.

“It’s been so long and the Chaos Jade Crystal hasn’t been born yet?” Wu Yuan has been probing.

 The total value of the treasures he harvested has exceeded 600 million Xuanhuang Merit, which is enough to exchange for another Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

 But this was not his goal.


“Buzz~” Deep in the vast void of the Tenth Ruins Realm, time and space oscillated, followed by a huge and vast fluctuation that suddenly erupted.

Just like a chaotic divine beast awakening, the vibrations were so powerful that it was unbelievable, and it was instantly transmitted to endless time and space.

"Huh?" Wu Yuan, who was standing on a deserted star, suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the void.

"This kind of fluctuation?" Wu Yuan was shocked. Such a powerful fluctuation was simply unheard of.

 At least, he has never encountered one in the ten thousand years of wandering in the Tenth Ruin Realm.

“Is it Chaos Jade Crystal?” Wu Yuan made a judgment instantly.


Without hesitation, Wu Yuan soared into the sky and rushed towards the source of the fluctuations in time and space.

Being able to sense it means that there is hope of arriving, and according to Wu Yuan's vague judgment, it seems that it is not too far away from him.


 Outside of endless time and space.

 “Chaos Spiritual Treasure?”

"No! It's the Chaos Jade Crystal!" A man with long, elegant and elegant hair wearing a blue robe, squinting his eyes slightly, flew into the sky.



In a mighty and huge river that spans the entire starry sky, a fiery red figure soars out of the sky. His aura is powerful, domineering and fierce.

 “Chaos Jade Crystal?”

“Haha, it seems that I really have a great chance to Yanhuo.” The True Saint Yanhuo’s eyes were blazing: “It seems that it is not far away from me.”

"I hope Yun Sheng and Luo Quan are not here."

"This should be the first Chaos Jade Crystal that was born. It should be mine."


Zhensheng Yanhuo roared into the sky, stepping on the river, his speed continued to soar, and he quickly rushed towards the source of the fluctuations in time and space.


“Huh?” A skinny old man sitting on a majestic sacred tree tens of billions of miles away suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the depths of the void with slightly cloudy eyes: “Chaos Jade Crystal?”

 “The wait is finally over.”

“I haven’t made a move for a long time, and I don’t know how many people from all over the world still remember me.” The skinny old man said quietly.


His body moved hundreds of millions of miles away, and he rushed away quickly.

The first Chaos Jade Crystal was born, and the fluctuation was so great that it swept across an extremely wide area. Almost all the true saints in more than one-fifth of the area in the Tenth Ruins Realm were affected.

 “Chaos Jade Crystal!”

 “The first one was born.”

 “Run over immediately.” In an instant, the thousands of true saints in this vast area were all boiling, and they rushed over crazily.

 Especially those true saints who are stronger and think they have some hope are even more enthusiastic and full of excitement.

 In their opinion, this is an opportunity!

 After endless years of practice, they have been stuck at the level of true saints. In their view, this is a great opportunity to step into the holy level.

 If you don’t gamble now, when will you wait?


“Chaos Jade Crystal was born?”

“I don’t have any feeling here. It seems that the distance is too far.” The news spread quickly, making all the true saints in the Tenth Ruins Realm quickly aware of it.

  Many true saints immediately sighed, but none of them rushed over.

After all, if the fluctuations in time and space are not detected, it means that the distance is too far. It will probably take thousands of years to get there. By the time we get there, the fight for the treasure will probably be over.

“The first Chaos Jade Crystal was born.”

“The second one will be released not far away. It will not always be in the same area, but will appear in other areas.”

“Just wait patiently.” The top true saints like Yun Sheng, Luo Quan True Saint, Dongyi True Saint, etc. all chose to give up the fight for the first one and continue to wait for the next Chaos Jade Crystal.

There is no way, the Tenth Ruins Realm is too huge and it is too difficult to cross.


 Most of the true saints chose to give up after receiving the news.

 But within the dispersion range of time and space fluctuations, more than a thousand true saints rushed madly. This will definitely be a terrifying battle.

 A large number of powerful men belonging to the same force are also constantly communicating with each other.

 In the witch court, there were also powerful people who arrived immediately and passed the news to Wu Yuan.

“Zhensheng Wu Yuan, there is a huge formation here. We are temporarily unable to break the formation and are blocked outside.”

“Hundreds of true saints have gathered here.”

 “Some of the top 100 powerful men on the True Saint List have arrived.”

“The True Sage Yanhuo has arrived.” One message after another was continuously passed on to Wu Yuan, so that before Wu Yuan’s people arrived, they already knew a lot of information in advance and were prepared.

 In the witch court realm, in the ancestral witch palace, a large number of true saints looked at the scene in the light curtain.

“Wu Yuan, this battle depends on you.”

“We must defeat the True Sage Yanhuo and seize the Chaos Jade Crystal.” True Sage Dongyi, True Sage Puyang, and True Sage Qiguang all looked at Wu Yuan, full of expectation.


  Wu Yuan’s avatar nodded slightly: “Don’t worry!”

The True Saint of Yanhuo?

Wu Yuan couldn't help but think of the scene when he fought with the opponent. In that battle, he escaped. Now?

"Yanhuo, I hope you don't let me down." Wu Yuan finally arrived after traveling for nearly a hundred years.


 “Huh?” Wu Yuan saw it.

In the boundless void, there is an extremely huge formation. The diameter of the formation is probably more than ten billion miles, which is astonishing.

 Endless rays of light bloom from within the formation, shining in all directions.

  It reflects the endless void like daylight.

At the same time, a huge aura is spreading from inside the formation, full of extremely dangerous aura, so that the hundreds of true saints who have arrived dare not approach, let alone go deep into the formation.


Wu Yuan approached, and dozens of witch court true saints who had already received the news immediately came to greet him from a short distance away.

 “Wu Yuan is the true sage.”

 “Wu Yuan.”

“You are finally here.” These true saints spoke one after another, all quite excited, and looked at Wu Yuan.

This scene also attracted the attention of the True Saints from other forces.

 “It’s Wu Yuan!”

“Wu Yuan, who is ranked fifth on the list of true saints, is said to have reached the holy level of material defense.”

“When the Chaos Jade Crystal is born, we must join forces to entangle him.” The true saints from all forces were alert and focused on Wu Yuan.

 The prestige is outside.

With Wu Yuan's reputation in the past, he alone can rival dozens or even hundreds of true saints. He is definitely the strongest among the hundreds of true saints who have arrived now.

"There are many true saints." Wu Yuan's eyes swept across the vast void, and finally landed on the figure in fiery red robes outside the void in the far distance - True Saint Yanhuo.

“Wu Yuan?” Zhensheng Yanhuo also saw Wu Yuan from a distance.

"Your strength has become stronger." Yanhuo Zhensheng felt the terrifying aura emanating from Wu Yuan, and said silently in his heart: "But whoever is stronger and who is weaker will have to fight again."

 Zhensheng Yanhuo is not afraid at all.

  Around him, dozens of true saints from the Immortal Court were also gathered.

...Although the Immortal Court and the Witch Court are hostile to each other, the fight between the two sides in the Tenth Ruins Realm is not so brutal. After all, the main focus is on treasure hunting, and all major forces are present, and neither side is willing to let other forces take advantage. .

Outside of this huge formation, Wu Yuan and True Sage Yanhuo also had a tacit understanding. They did not directly fight or collide, but waited silently.

"This formation?" Wu Yuan observed it closely and felt that this formation was full of mystery, vast and mysterious, and it was impossible to start.

 It is more difficult to deduce.

"Chaos Jade Crystal?" Wu Yuan also sensed from a distance that at the core of the formation, there was a vague jade stone with a special aura and full of temptation.

It is the Chaos Jade Crystal.

As time passed, Wu Yuan tried to force his way into the formation, but with his strength, he was only close to the edge of the formation and was blocked.

“It’s not the time for the Chaos Jade Crystal to be born yet?” Wu Yuan was thoughtful, and he was not in a hurry, so he searched for a place and sat down.

 Meditate quietly.

"third step!"

“I am just one step away from taking the third step in body training. I can break through at any time.” Wu Yuan has been practicing hard and trying to break through.

 Once he breaks through, the strength of his body-refining deity will undergo earth-shaking changes.

 The physical strength of the source will also be greatly increased.

It’s just that, in my own deduction, this last line is often the most difficult. It can be broken through at any time, but it is difficult to break through in a short time.

Time has passed, and hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye. The Chaos Jade Crystal has still not been born, and this huge formation remains the same.

 Now, the number of true saints gathered here has exceeded 1,500.

There are close to two hundred powerful people in the Light Witch Court. Apart from Wu Yuan, the strongest one is the Tianpeng True Sage, and there are several True Saints and Perfect Powers.

“Tianpeng, we are together again.” Wu Yuan smiled.

 “Luck.” Tianpeng Zhensheng smiled.

The two of them joined forces to break into the Tenth Ruins Realm, but they separated as soon as they entered. They were separated for more than ten thousand years. With the speed and strength of Tianpeng Zhensheng, they also gained a lot in the Tenth Ruins Realm.

“If we encounter True Saint Luan Hai, we must join forces to deal with him.” True Saint Tian Peng said in a low voice.

"Yeah." Wu Yuan nodded slightly, his eyes couldn't help but look at the figure billions of miles away in the void.

 It’s not just Wu Yuan.

At this moment, outside the huge formation, the attention of the thousands of true saints was mostly focused on the long-haired figure in blue robes - the True Saint Luan Hai.

 The true saint list, number one!

In front of the Tenth Ruins Realm, the undisputed number one True Sage in the entire territory has surpassed Yun Sheng, Dongyi True Sage and many other strong men with absolute strength to reach the top spot.

He is also a direct disciple of Emperor Yantuo. He owns several Chaos Spiritual Treasures and has cultivated the Eternal Divine Body to a perfect level. He can be said to have no weaknesses.

Before the opening of the Tenth Ruins Realm, the True Sage Luan Hai had not appeared for a long time, until this time, he also entered.


Since the rapid rise of Yun Sheng and Luo Quan True Saint, Luan Hai True Saint's position at the top of the True Saint list has been shaken. Many powerful people believe that his strength is no longer as good as Yun Sheng and them.

  It is only limited to the top three ranking rules of the ‘True Saint List’, so it has not been replaced.

With the arrival of the True Saint Luan Hai, he immediately surpassed Wu Yuan and became the biggest threat recognized by all the major forces present.

  Nearly a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye, and fewer and fewer new true saints have arrived.

Unknown to others, True Saints like Wu Yuan and Luan Hai have sensed the presence of some True Saints with extremely strong deduction abilities. The birth of the Chaos Jade Crystal is probably very close.

this day.

 Very abrupt.

"Buzz~" The huge formation that was originally huge and endless, covering tens of billions of miles, suddenly shook, and immediately after, the extremely threatening "formation divine clouds" on the surface of the formation completely dissipated.

 Only one cornerstone of the formation is left, which is still functioning.

next moment.


 A ray of light rose into the sky from the core of the formation. It was the light emitted by the Chaos Jade Crystal.

In an instant, the thousands of true saints surrounding the huge formation all understood that the formation was no longer an obstacle, and the Chaos Jade Crystal was completely born.

  Boom! boom! boom!

 Streams of light soared into the sky, and each true saint rushed towards the huge formation not far away at the same time.


Wu Yuan's voice also sounded in the minds of nearly two hundred true saints in the witch court at the same time: "Fight! Remember, to capture the Chaos Jade Crystal, everyone depends on their ability and ability, but if anyone captures it, then the others must use their full strength to capture the Chaos Jade Crystal." Go help.”

“In addition, if the person who successfully seizes the Chaos Jade Crystal becomes a Holy Saint in the future, he will also have to give each True Saint a gift.” Wu Yuan said in a message.


 “Let’s fight!” Tianpeng True Sage and nearly two hundred true saints responded one after another. This was the agreement they had made early in the morning.

 Let’s fight together!

 Let’s seize it together!

  Boom! boom! In an instant, nearly two hundred true saints from the Wuting Court, led by True Saints Wu Yuan and Tianpeng, also rushed into the formation like a swarm.


Wu Yuan's figure turned into a stream of light like a ghost, no less than Tianpeng Zhensheng, who was famous for his speed. The two of them were almost the first to rush into the formation.

"Boom~" As soon as they entered, the two of them noticed that time and space were distorted, and strange time and space corridors appeared.

“This formation is definitely at the holy level. Even if the most dangerous part is dissipated, the power of the remaining formation cannot be underestimated.” Wu Yuan understood.

 Without any hesitation.


Wu Yuan suddenly slashed out with his sword, and the terrifying light of the sword directly swept across a large void in front of him, splitting the distorted time and space apart, causing the time and space in the formation to suddenly return to normal.

 Break the formation? Wu Yuan didn't have the patience. Every minute and every second was important at this moment.

 You can only break the law with force.


Wu Yuan was as fast as lightning, rushing directly through several time and space corridors and entering deeper, only to see a layer of time and space distorted again, continuing to block the way.

Having no choice but to swing the sword again, Wu Yuan could only swing his sword again, but his speed inevitably slowed down.

 “Wu Yuan is trapped.”

 “The True Saint of Luanhai is also trapped.”

 “Hurry, let’s go.”

"This is our chance." The three true saints who joined hands to move forward were extremely excited and rushed deeper without hindrance.

They entered the formation later than Wu Yuan, but rushed into the depths of the formation faster. Obviously, they had better luck than Wu Yuan.

 In fact.

Wu Yuan is not alone in trouble. Looking around, most of the true saints are trapped by multiple distortions of time and space, but there are a handful of lucky ones who are actually unimpeded.

“Luck is indeed very important when seizing treasure.” A thought flashed through Wu Yuan’s mind.

 Luck is unpredictable.

Wu Yuan said that his luck is very strong, but it means that he is strong most of the time, and not everything will go smoothly.

"Then let's rely on strength." Wu Yuan's eyes were slightly cold, and the nine swords in his palm suddenly changed into one.

 Chaos Spiritual Treasure Saber—The Heavenly Sword of Creation!


Nine dazzling sword lights streaked across the sky, one of which was so powerful that it completely shattered the layers of distorted time and space in front of him!


The remaining power of this spatula light directly cut across thousands of miles, hitting the deepest true saint, severely injuring him instantly.

 (End of this chapter)

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