"But the opinion of the people..."

In the end, there was still concern in his tone.

"That's easy to say."

As Jiang Yan said, he asked Gan Yu to step forward and distribute the papers in his hands to everyone.

"I have formulated a policy here, called the population migration policy."

"First of all, to encourage regional population migration, people who relocate to new areas can enjoy official preferential policies, whether they are engaged in agriculture or business, they can have certain subsidies."

"Secondly, the first batch of migrants can enjoy the preferential policy of free housing distribution."

"Everyone knows my ability, building a house is no problem."

"So we can use this advantage to attract some people to take the initiative to go to new areas."

"In the end, we don't take forced relocation measures, it's all up to the people's voluntary choice."

"The reason why all the people gathered in Guiliyuan is because the emperor and us immortals are here. If we set an example and move there, many believers will also enter the new area independently."

Everyone nodded. They looked at these policies in detail and felt that they were very feasible.

"This idea is really good. In the end, you and Liu Yun will discuss it carefully and formulate a detailed plan for implementation."

"It is important to ensure the safety of people on the way of migration!"

Morax was finalized.

After all, several people looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, then the next thing is the second thing."

Seeing that this matter has been decided, Jiang Yan started the second matter.

"The second thing is our business."

Our business?

The immortals were a little confused.

"Everyone, this war is over, and our territory has expanded several times again!"

"Now we are sitting on Qiongjiye (Guiliyuan, Tianheng Mountain), Yunlaihai, Minlin, Lishajiao, Bishuiyuan (Qingcezhuang, Dihuazhou) and other large territories!"

Jiang Yan slammed the table and looked at everyone seriously

"It's time to build our own country!"

These words naturally aroused the unanimous approval of Tianzhen Lord Yixiao Dao, Ruotuo Dragon King and others.


Morax pondered.

The delicate female fairies are also frowning and thinking.

"I've thought about this too, but whether it's the name of the country or the capital, you need to choose carefully."

Morax opened his mouth, he looked at Jiang Yan, and asked:

"Do you have any good ideas?"

Jiang Yan smiled slightly at this.

How come there are no good ideas?

"That's why I just said that we have to lead by example with migrant populations."

Jiang Yan spoke, at this moment, Gan Yu stepped forward and carefully served tea for everyone.

After taking a sip of tea to moisten his throat, Jiang Yan continued:

"The reason for leaving is the reason for the war, and it is no longer suitable as the capital of a country."

"So I plan to use the fertile land south of Tianheng Mountain as the capital of our country."

Use the new region as the capital of the country to use...

Not only the immortals, Morax was also thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

"Everyone, don't forget."

"The area to the south of Mount Tianheng relies on the clouds to come to the sea. The climate is suitable and the environment is also suitable. Because Oser and the others fought most of the battles at sea, that area did not suffer much damage."

"It is most suitable as the capital of a country."

Jiang Yan's words also attracted the approval of the immortals.

"Indeed, from this point of view, that area is the most suitable as the capital."

"Because of the Demon God War in the inland area, the land has been destroyed all year round, and the land has long been dilapidated."

Returning to the end point, he took the lead in agreeing with Jiang Yan's statement.

"Well, it's really good."

Morax also agreed.

All the immortals have no opinion.

"Then this matter is settled like this. I will discuss the specific matters with sister Gui Zhong later."

Jiang Yan said.

"As for the name of the country, Morax, use the name of your former tribe."

"what do you think?"


Morax groaned, his eyes filled with nostalgia.

Liyue, this is the title I gave to the tribe where my people gathered when I was in Tianheng Mountain.

"That's right! You are the leader of this land. The name of the country is named after your tribe, which can also enhance the cohesion of the people in the territory."

Jiang Yan said that the name Liyue, whether it was in Tianheng Mountain or the Guiliyuan tribe after uniting with Guishang.

In fact, they are all Liyue.

It's just that the demon gods outside generally refer to the forces above the region by the name of the region.


Moraxel nodded in approval.

After all, immortals and demon gods such as Liuyun naturally have no objections.

"Then this matter is settled like this. Things like the founding of the country, Morax, you and finally discuss it."

"Eh??? Me again?!"

After all, his eyes widened.

She is there for everything!

Whether it is migrating people, building a city or establishing a country, why is everything up to her? !

"After all, you were responsible for these things before. With you here, we feel much more at ease."

Jiang Yan chuckled.

Of course it was definitely not because he didn't want to work.

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