"Then one last thing."

Jiang Yan began to tell the last thing.

"Recently, due to the sudden increase of our territory, whether it is the appeasement of the people in the territory, the reconstruction after the war, or the chaos in the new territory and many other things."

"Obviously, just by us, although we can handle it, there is always a feeling of powerlessness."

As Jiang Yan said, Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind and Guizhong all agreed with him.

Speaking of this matter, they are the most vocal.

If they hadn't forced Jiang Yan, Morax and the others to work, they probably wouldn't have known where to go to learn martial arts at this time, just because of their fishing nature.

"So, after the founding of the country, I plan to set up the Liyue Seven Stars among the people, and the Liyue Permanent Discussion Committee to be responsible for Liyue's political affairs."

"That is Tianshu, Tianquan, Tianji, Tianxuan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang Seven Stars."

Jiang Yan's words caused an uproar among the immortals.

Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind to frown, and looked at Jiang Yan.

"You mean, you want mortals to intervene in Liyue's affairs?"

Jiang Yan nodded, then shook his head again.

Everyone suddenly didn't understand what Jiang Yan meant.

"Once a country is established, whether it is formulating policies or anything, each era should have its own characteristics."

"The lifespan of a mortal is only a hundred years, and each generation of mortals also corresponds to an era."

"I do have plans to let mortals intervene in Liyue's political affairs, but not all powers are delegated."

"As I said, the Liyue Seven Stars are Liyue's permanent discussion committee. They will formulate the policies that Liyue needs to develop in the next hundred years. But if they want to implement the policies, they need the approval of the emperor and the approval of us immortals. It can only be carried out, and the power is not in their hands."

"Moreover, the candidates for the Seven Stars of Liyue will be chosen by the emperor, us immortals, and the people of Liyue. The mortals selected will definitely be the most suitable for this position. Don't worry that he will play with his power because of this."

"Having the Liyue Seven Stars to handle political affairs, for us, not only liberates ourselves and can do our own things, but also allows our country to enter a stage of continuous prosperity."

The immortals were silent, and some even looked at Morax.

Morax frowned, thinking for a long time.

What Jiang Yan said, he was indeed a little moved.

The handling of political affairs in the past few days also made him deeply aware of the hard work of Gong Mo and others.

"It's feasible, then the candidates for the first Liyue Seven Stars need to be carefully selected."

After a while, Morax spoke.

"The first generation of Liyue Seven Stars is not only the first policy implemented after we established the country, but also a test of whether the profession of Liyue Seven Stars can establish trust in the hearts of the people."

Jiang Yan nodded, what Morax said was also a question he weighed.

"As Morax said, the first Liyue Seven Stars should not only shoulder the responsibility of handling Liyue's political affairs, but also be able to bear the trust of the people!"

"So the first Liyue Seven Stars should not only be chosen by us, but also an immortal should be one of the Seven Stars."

"Seven stars with immortals can not only make the people trust seven stars faster, but also a transitional stage for Liyue to gradually transform her political affairs from immortals to mortals."

"Also, after the establishment of the Seven Stars, we need to establish the Eight Gates to further divide the rights of the Seven Stars. The Eight Gates will represent the official departments and be responsible for the planning of industries large and small in Liyue..."

The immortals listened to Jiang Yan's plan, constantly discussing and improving the deficiencies.

Jiang Yan listened to everyone's opinions and made revisions on the paper.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was night.

Jiang Yan looked at the paper he was constantly revising and revising in his hand, and looked at the immortals.

"Then that's it, these things will be settled in this way first."

"If you have any thoughts about the future, you can come and find me alone. After all, Dijun and Liuyun are fine."

"Now for the last thing we haven't nailed down yet."

Jiang Yan looked at the immortals. After an afternoon of discussion, everyone was a little tired at the moment.

Morax took a sip of tea, waiting for Jiang Yan to speak.

The immortals also stopped their discussions and looked at Jiang Yan.

"Then the last thing, and the most important thing."

"Who will come and go for the immortals who need to join the Liyue Seven Stars?"

Jiang Yan looked at the crowd with seriousness in his eyes.

After all, as the first Liyue Seven Stars, who will come and go the immortal is also a big problem.

Every fairy has its own thing.

Moreover, the prestige of immortals among mortals varies from high to low.

"The immortal who wants to join must have a high reputation among the people."

After Jiang Yan finished speaking, almost everyone's eyes were fixed on Jiang Yan.

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