After receiving the passionate speech of the school leaders, the oath meeting of the "National Youth Fencing Championship" was over.

On the podium, under the podium, many eyes looked over, Lu Chen and Ying were undoubtedly the absolute main force in the varsity team, and they were also the most eye-catching center in the crowd.

Lu Chen nodded towards Zhang Zikai's father, and Director Zhang had a smile on his face and confidence written on his face.

Because of Director Zhang, the school seems to have fought chicken blood, and this time the goal has finally changed from "competing for bronze and silver" to "securing silver and winning gold".

Finally, I was a little ambitious.

There were many students in the recess playground, and everyone was looking at the school team neatly changing into sportswear.

Although the varsity team's sportswear is rustic, but the varsity team is a varsity team after all, they are a group of tall, radiant boys and girls, just standing here is enough to attract attention.

Faintly, you can also hear the cheers of some little girls.

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, the fencing school team that was about to be cut at the end of the crane in the past also had such a popular time as today.

The current fencing team is indeed very popular, almost surpassing the basketball team and the football team.

As for the reason... Of course, it was because of the successive addition of Ying and Lu Chen.

He heard Zhou Yang say that now the two of them have their own support clubs, and every time they go out to play matches with other schools, the group of fans will watch it all at once....

While thinking, Shadow suddenly touched himself with his elbow.

"Huh? What's wrong? Lu Chen looked at her puzzled.

Then I saw Ah Ying pursing the corners of his mouth, and his little face tightened.

"Nope! Allow! Laugh! Finish! "

Eh..." Lu Chen's gaze crossed the shadow and looked at the girls who were cheering for the school team.

It seems that they are indeed looking at themselves....

Lu Chen immediately retracted his smile.

But in my heart, I sighed: My charm that has nowhere to put


During the third class, the school team assembled at the main entrance of the school, where a bus stopped.

Lu Chen watched the team members get on the bus and did not get on the bus with them.

In a moment, the Son of God will come to pick them up.

When the two were waiting for the car, Wendy came over from the door holding a textbook, because she was too focused on the truth, and she didn't find Lu Chen and Ying.

"Teacher Wendy?"

Wendy was startled by Lu Chen when she came closer, and he quickly closed the textbook.

Lu Chen asked suspiciously, "What do you see, so serious?" "

Er... Nothing, when did the Divine Son Zhongli come over from them? "

It should be soon..." Lu Chen said, glancing at the textbook in his hand, which contained a subject and an exercise book sandwiched inside.

Miko's driver's license is down, Wendy is still studying subject one, I have to say... Wendy really doesn't have the talent to learn to drive.

Of course, his own explanation is that he can't keep mental concentration when drinking, and he can't memorize those topics.

When he quit drinking, he was in a trance, and he couldn't memorize the question when drinking, and

he was reasonable anyway.... Lu Chen felt that the bar was getting farther and farther away from Wendy.

The three of them stood in the doorway and chatted for a while, and two music students who went out to buy things greeted Mr. Wendy, both with excited expressions.

Wendy smiled and nodded to them.

The percussion teacher, who seemed to exist only in the hospital, was finally discharged and has returned to school in the past few days.

Mr. Wendy's special contract expires at the end of the month, and now he is really leaving this Haizhou College.

The students were naturally wailing, reluctant to accept Teacher Wendy's resignation.

He also organized a farewell party for Wendy, but Wendy declined.

Glancing at Wendy, who was studying seriously, he never cared about these scenes, and he didn't want the students to be harassed by the percussion teacher who returned to school because of this incident.

Lu Chen was also a little entangled... Should he tell him that the students had prepared a "surprise" without him?


The weather was a little hot, and the three of them waited for a while in the shade of the tree at the door.

When Lu Chen's face gradually became impatient, an extended RV pulled the wind stopped on the side of the road.

Miko pulled open the car door and pointed behind her with a thumbs-up.

"There was a traffic jam just now, get in the car quickly!"

As soon as I stepped into the RV, I felt a coolness, and when I looked back, the family was already sitting on the sofa, waiting for me.

This multimillion-large RV looks like a medium-sized bus, and after entering, it feels like entering a small villa.

The area in front of the carriage has a large sense of space, with a liftable dining table and opposite-seat sofa on the left, and a set of couches on the right, similar to the living room at home, where you can watch TV.

Zhongli was making tea at the table, and Wendy got into the car and sat across from him and placed a bottle of wine.

"Want some?"

Zhongli lifted his teacup and took a slow sip.

"Still not."

"Oh..." "

I remember you didn't want to quit drinking?" Miko, who was in the driver's seat in front, turned around.

"Ugh." Wendy looked at the wine close at hand, and then at the driver's book that was on the table ready to be studied.

The expression is a little tangled.

After Lu Chen got into the car, he pushed the door shut.

He remembered that this was the twelfth time Wendy had tried to "quit drinking."

Of course, a program to quit alcohol for no more than one day at a time will fail.

Don't mention it.

Lu Chen walked around in the car for a while, the middle part of the RV is a rest area, and there are expansion cabins on the left and right sides, which can accommodate four double beds when parking.

However, all of them were converted into single beds by his request, so that six people could have one bed each.


Now there is no way to enjoy intimate time with Ying.

It's a little pity.

But come out to play, you can't be comfortable with yourself, you also have to consider everyone....

Ying blinked, not understanding what Lu Chen was suddenly looking at himself for, his eyes were still so strange.

She sorted out the broken hair on her forehead suspiciously.

At the back of the RV was the kitchen and bathroom, nothing to see, Lu Chen walked back to the passenger seat and sat next to Shenzi.

"Hey, dear passengers, are you ready?" Miko looked excited as she drove, and she looked in the rearview mirror.

Tea drinkers, drinkers, and TV watchers all look into the driver's seat.

"This Tiyvat Express is about to leave, why aren't you excited at all?" Miko frowned.

A few applause sounded from behind.

is the embarrassing shadow of the god son, and the expressionless Qiqi.

Shenzi still wanted to say something, but Lu Chen snatched the words impatiently: "Let's drive quickly!" The school team bus is going to get on the highway!

Miko pouted, then looked ahead and stepped on the accelerator hard.

Before Lu Chen could sit still, his head hit the back seat.

The whole interior of the RV shook a bit.

"Miko, I recognize your car skills..."

"But can you slow down every time you start?"

This is not Lingshan Bay where you can race casually....

Miko giggled.

Lu Chen looked at her helplessly, in order to drive conveniently, Shenzi was wearing a short jacket, a white shirt, and goggles pinned to her head, and I didn't know that I thought she was a racing driver.

That said, she's really hooked on driving lately.

It's always good to be able to return to reality from that bunch of light novels, this family has a very fulfilling life every day, he and Ying and Wendy need to go to school, and even Qiqi will follow Uncle Zhong down the mountain if he is fine.

Only Miko stayed at home all day reading novels.

It's almost the same as the shadow of the past....

"Let's go~" Miko looked forward expectantly.

Lu Chen's line of sight also looked over, and the car slowly merged into the endless road and drove towards the front called travel.



(Off-topic: An ordinary driver's license can't drive this kind of RV, here is the plot needs.) )

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