In the afternoon, the car drove out of the city and onto the highway.

The sky is getting dark, and the school bus in front of you can no longer be seen, only the taillights on the highway can be seen.

Lu Chen sat in the passenger seat, chatting with Shenzi without a ride.

On the one hand, she is not at ease, on the other hand, chatting can keep her spirited and not tired driving.

Looking back, the remaining four people were sitting around the couch playing cards.

The old man and Qiqi can't play, they were taught by Wendy on the spot, this guy seems to have lost five in a row, and the car is full of complaints.

"What! You ran away first, and your luck is too good..." Zhong

Li looked at the thunder movie that had just played Wang Fried, and said to Wendy: "Rationally speaking, poker is not only a game that relies on luck, but also has a certain card strategy.

"No, no, no!" Wendy was still unconvinced, "One more hand, I have to win her today!"

After that, he took a sip of wine, looking like he wouldn't give up if he didn't win the shadow.

Lu Chen and the helpless shadow looked up, her hands empty, obviously the biggest winner of the game.

From behind, you can see the cards in Wendy's hand.

Well...... Can't you win with four twos?

Don't blame luck for this bad card skill....

But then again, Ah Kage does have a talent for playing cards, and he practiced it when Inazuma and them played song cards.

Song is a game that tests concentration, memory, and presence.

After practicing hard under the cherry blossom trees in the past, she won her first victory, and she formed an indissoluble bond with Sweetheart.

Well, I also got the title of "Inazuma's first card king".

This name was used by Lu Chen to ridicule her at that time....

"What are you laughing at? Laughing so much?

Miko yawned and glanced over.

Ying and everyone had already played the sixth hand, Lu Chen retracted his gaze and leaned lazily on the co-pilot.

"Don't talk to me?" Yae Miko pouted.

Lu Chen was helpless, leaned on the back of the chair and told her about the past.

"Hahaha!" Shenzi laughed wildly, "I know that, one night I sneaked out to find food, and I saw her secretly reciting poetry in the dark, and I found out that I didn't let me tell you, the embarrassing look of being broken into the secret was really funny-

" "Yes..." Lu Chen opened half of the window, allowing the slightly cold air of the night to pour into the cab.

"She is sometimes very stubborn, always looks like she has to win, and she doesn't know who she learns from..."

Miko's hair was slightly blown by the wind outside the window, "But I know the reason for her stubbornness and stubbornness."

"Because... True?

The son of God gave Lu Chen a blank look.

"Because... I? Lu Chen said hesitantly.

Shenzi held the steering wheel with one hand, then stretched out his right hand and patted Lu Chen's head.

"Are you a fool?"

Lu Chen patted away her restless little hand, and then sighed slightly.

To say that it is all because of himself, not necessarily, Ah Ying actually just wants to prove something in front of everyone.

Makoto and Kage, these two twin demon gods have very different personalities, and this natural imprint has led them to two diametrically opposed paths.

Miko put her hands back on the steering wheel and looked straight ahead.

"Do you know what Kage did in Inazuma after you left?"

"I know." Lu Chen nodded.

"What about the thought of a mad demon..."

Miko's tone was different from usual, without the usual banter and teasing, her eyes kept looking ahead, as if she was looking for something at the end of the road.

"You and Makoto 'left' made her more determined to seek eternity, she almost reshaped Inazuma, she wanted to keep all time as before."

Lu Chen did not answer, the shadow in this life, to some extent, is even more crazy and decisive than the shadow in the original setting.

The death of loved ones and loved ones, the heavy burden of carrying the truth of the world, the collapse and reshaping of ideas...

To this day, Shadow's heart knot has not been untied.

Even if he returns to her, even if she lives happily and fully every day....

This is also the reason why Lu Chen has to reopen the gate of Tivat no matter what, and the seed of the cherry blossom tree must be replanted by her.

Some things are useless to tell her, and it is up to her to experience and comprehend them....

And he can also see the last side of Raiden.


It seemed that seeing Lu Chen who fell silent, Shenzi suddenly laughed.

"Ann la la! Don't reminisce about those bitter pasts, aren't we all good now?

Lu Chen nodded and looked at the Son of God.

"I still have to thank you, in those days when I was away, in Inazuma, only you came to accompany Kage..."

Yae Miko smiled charmingly, "It's really rare, I can hear praise from your mouth~"

Lu Chen was helpless, Yae Miko smiled more and more happily, and the fox's eyes were bent into the shape of a crescent.

"You might as well thank yourself." She smiled and said, "Without the teaching of you old guys, I wouldn't have grown from a little fox demon back then to a solitary appearance." "

Old fellow..." Lu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, is he that old?

Looking at himself in the rearview mirror, he still looks like a teenager, but the feeling in his words and between his eyebrows is a little difficult to speak.

There is no boyishness at all, always frowning, with a kind of restrained color of always thinking.

It's really old-fashioned....

When Shenzi saw Lu Chen looking in the mirror, he immediately smiled.

"Hahaha, it's not that old!"


She nodded, "That's what three thousand years old looks like." Lu

Chen said angrily, "I'm just praising me."

While the two were chatting casually, there was a wail from the back of the RV, and Wendy lost again.

Lu Chen looked back and met those amethyst eyes.

She returned with a "my family's Aying is the most powerful" expression, and then silently extended her thumb.

Wendy took a sip of wine and quickly regrouped to continue with the seventh round.

Ying's eyes were full of helplessness, the two met their eyes, and Lu Chen read what she wanted to say.

'Achen, should I lose him on purpose?

Lu Chen lip-synced, "Do you have a bet?" Shadow

nodded, "It's dessert." '

Since Ah Ying wins dessert heart, if Wendy wins, it must be wine...

' Lu Chen suddenly showed a sinister smile on his face, wine? I was miserable by Wendy's wine pit!

'Win! Win me to the death! Shadow

withdrew his helpless smile and, at Wendy's urging, touched a card.

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