After Wendy's words fell.

Lu Chen saw that the doctor was still wearing that indifferent smile, and under this scene, he looked a little arrogant.

This couldn't help but make him curious, wondering where the hole card of this executive officer of the fools was? What exactly made him dare to stand in front of the four gods.

"Since I know that the missing god may be in your camp, how could I not be prepared." The Doctor laughed softly and clapped his hands.

Then, the ground under everyone's feet suddenly rumbled loudly.

It was a dull march with extremely uniform steps.

Lu Chen extended his perception, and in Meru City, a pitch-black military formation suddenly emerged.

The mysterious soldiers who suddenly appeared were all tall, wearing dark armor and masks, like a wall of steel, approaching the location of everyone with a murderous aura.

"The Winter Army?" Wendy looked into the distance with a little surprise, "How did this group of guys appear here?"

"Did you actually mobilize a group of troops in a short period of time?" Lu Chen frowned and looked at the pitch-black soldiers, they didn't say a word, they were well-trained, and they quickly surrounded the upper echelons of Meru City.

The human wall formed by tall soldiers emitted a thick aura in the silence.

This kind of aura is by no means owned by ordinary soldiers, it is definitely a hundred battle elites who have fought from the battlefield, and those mercenaries of the thirty-person regiment with scattered formations are simply as harmless as pieces of paper compared to them.

But if it's just like this, it can't make Lu Chen feel jealous.

What he feared the most was the leader at the front of the pitch-black army formation, who wore the mask of the foolish officers, and the black hole in the mask could not see his face even in the sunlight, only a dark blue dazzling glow.

Although he had never seen him, Lu Chen immediately knew his identity.

Executive of the Fools - "Captain".

Wendy didn't have a serious expression of imminent battle, he touched the old man and said curiously: "Is that the strongest human in the legendary Tivat?" Looks pretty awesome, huh? Lu

Chen didn't expect that the fools would attach so much importance to this plan, not only the doctor and the captain were here, but also the elite forces under the captain were dispatched.

The Doctor's smile deepened when he saw the captain appear.

"Don't come unharmed, Captain, this time I transferred you back from the front line, but it took me a lot of talk."

In the mask of the black hole hole, a particularly deep voice came, "Dortore, does your so-called plan include confrontation with the gods of the four countries?" This kind of reckless behavior is not something that your character can do.

"No way." The doctor smiled and said, "His Excellency the Prince of Inazuma over there, but it disrupted our rhythm a lot, I just made a lot of preparations, I didn't expect that today it really needs your turn to come out." The

captain said coldly: "You'd better get the research results that are equivalent to the allocation of resources, otherwise, I won't leave any mercy for you in front of the empress."

The Doctor laughed gloomyly.

"The results of this research, the Empress will definitely be satisfied

..." "This will be one of the cornerstones of our great accomplishment, believe in my ability, since the evil eye, I have been proving myself again and again..."

The captain said.

"Stop talking." Lu Chen directly interrupted the conversation between the two, and he looked at the captain, "I heard that you are a dedicated and respectable soldier, do you know what you are doing now?" This dispute involves the forces of the four countries, do you want to start a war? A war involving all of Teyvat?

The captain stood silently in place, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice: "It is precisely because of my dedication that I appeared here." "

Could it be that your Empress overslept?" Or is your commander-in-chief clown delirium? Lu Chen looked at everyone around him, "Even if it is a retired god, it is not something you mortals can fight against. Here

, he doesn't believe that there is any foolish executive who can resist the gods, not to mention that everyone around him has been strengthened by the "power of faith", excluding Nasida who is not good at fighting, the remaining old man, Wendy and Aying, none of them are good lords, and they are not afraid that their elite strength will be exhausted here?

After several people talked, the Winter Kingdom army was all majestic, and the atmosphere was still solemn and silent.

Although the big war is imminent.

But in the face of Lu Chen's group, even if he was arrogant as a doctor, he did not take the lead.

Lu Chen couldn't help frowning, he always felt that the other party seemed to be waiting for something.

"Something isn't quite right..." Nasida tugged at Lu Chen's cuffs.

Lu Chen lowered his head and saw that she also looked puzzled.

"Could it be that the appearance of the Doctor and the Captain is just a delay?" She couldn't help but look at the height of the sacred tree, the location of the Pure Goodness Palace.


The shadow looked around vigilantly, and the "dream heart" in his hand suddenly appeared.

"There's a very strong ... The elemental breath is deep in the sacred tree

..." "I also feel it..." Lu Chenhu said suspiciously, could it be the heart of Naxida's god that kept the void running? But Nasida is around?

"This force is very familiar!" Wendy looked at Lu Chen in amazement.

Lu Chen's perception continued to expand, he sensed that two unprecedented powerful energies were operating, and Wendy also reversed the unhurried appearance just now, and her face tightened.

"It's the heart of God." Zhong Li, who had been silent, said: "And it's two divine hearts. "

Two Hearts of God?" Lu Chen was suddenly shocked, he looked at the captain and the doctor who were waiting for Yan but did not make a move, no wonder these people stood at the door to fight or not, and chatted for so long, it turned out to be dragging time!

The two masterless god hearts also made Wendy feel familiar, and the truth seemed obvious.

"Come with me!" Lu Chen immediately looked at Nasida, and then he used his spatial power, the gap between time and space.

In front of everyone's eyes, a dark void suddenly opened in the air like a zipper, and Lu Chen pulled Naxida and was about to drill into the gap.

"What?" The doctor suddenly couldn't sit still, he didn't expect Lu Chen to have such ability.

"Can't let them go! Drag them down! He commanded coldly.

The pitch-black army formation of the Winter Kingdom finally moved, and they were like a war machine that suddenly launched, directly towards the position of several gods.

And the captain's figure flashed, and the huge black sword in his hand directly slashed towards the position where half of Lu Chen's body disappeared.

This sword was simple and direct, unpretentious, but it had an unstoppable power, which even made all the mercenaries of the thirty-person group present hold their breath, and their hearts were beating wildly.

The coercion displayed by the captain is indeed no less than that of the gods.

There was an explosion in the air, and Shadow's "Dream One Heart" blocked the captain's attack, but the captain seemed to be not afraid at all, still clinging to Lu Chen's disappearing figure, and his only purpose at this time was to delay the group at the main entrance.

"You guys help me block it, I'll go over with Nasida!"

Lu Chen's voice disappeared into the air, Wendy and Ying nodded at the same time, and at this moment, the skirmishers standing with them suddenly flashed.

"Take me!"

The last moment when the gap in time and space disappeared into the air, the figure of the skirmish also disappeared into it.

Lu Chen exerted his power, constantly moving towards the top of the sacred tree with a gap in time and space, he looked down, Ah Ying had already fought with the two executive officers of the Fools, as well as the army of the Winter Kingdom, but to his surprise, the skirmishers actually followed behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Lu Chen asked puzzled.

"I..." the skirmishers rose in a rare manner.

Bypassing the Pure Zen Palace, the three of them came to a strange workshop hidden inside the sacred tree, with various huge equipment that was completely different from the style of Meru Castle, and at first glance it came from the Winter Kingdom, and the power of the Heart of God was at the end ahead.

The skirmishers hesitated for a long time, and finally said,

"Nasida told me that she can take me to the entrance of the World Tree."

"The entrance to the World Tree?" Lu Chen looked at him, "What are you going to do in that place?"

"He wants to find out the truth." Nasida explained to the troubled skirmisher, "Ever since Sister Miko told him that there were many hidden secrets about the accident and the betrayal of his friend, he has been trying to find out what happened back then.

"So it is."

Nasita laughed, "In this regard, I am the same as him, so after solving everything, go to the World Tree."

"There, there are the last memories left to me by King Dacishu."

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