After following Lu Chen into the gap in time and space, Nasida observed the environment in the workshop, and her brows became deeper and deeper.

"They actually built such a large secret workshop so close to the Jingshan Palace..."

Lu Chen looked at her and said in a low voice, "Such a workshop can definitely not be built overnight, I am afraid that the sages have been secretly cooperating with the fools for a long time.

Nasida's face became more and more bad, and her whole little face was red with anger.

Lu Chen helplessly thought that for a long time, Nasida had always felt that her strength was not enough, so she acquiesced to the control of the Holy Yuan over Meru, and she thought that the Imperial Council was more suitable for managing Meru than herself.

But what happened today may make her completely give up this illusion, just say that this huge secret workshop in front of her was completely secretly built under her nose, but she herself knows nothing about it

.... What the Holy Court concealed from her would only be more.

With all kinds of questions, the three of them continued to go deeper, getting closer and closer to those two extremely powerful sources of energy.

After entering a wide and magnificent hall, the three saw a shocking scene.

The skirmish looked up in amazement, "This is... What the?

"High, high, Gundam?" Nasida was surprised to find that this thing was so similar to the toy Lu Chen bought for herself.

But... The guy in front of me is too big.

It was two huge humanoid mechs more than 100 meters high, standing in front like two iron towers that were difficult to shake.

At the foot of the mecha, the fools and the scholars of the Order Academy were busy going up and down, their bodies as small as ants compared to the huge mecha.

"This is the plan of the sages?" Nasida subconsciously looked at Lu Chen, her eyes widened.

"It seems that it should be..." Lu Chen looked up and muttered, the two powerful energies came from the top of the mecha, and he felt the thick "rock" and the clear "wind" respectively.

"God-like breath..."

the skirmishers looked at the mech with a yearning look, "They are... Making God?! Under

the operation of many staff, the two behemoths trembled slightly, their heads flashing cyan and earthy yellow, respectively.

At the same time, an eerie laugh sounded in the square.

"A giant machine created by the power of the six academies of the Decree Academy... Complete this last step and you can unleash the power of the gods!

"It's me! Hahahaha!

"Huh! The Decree Academy! And the late sages. The man laughed maniacally, "I really want you to see this scene!" "

Grandiose gods can also be made by mortals, but you don't cherish such talents of mine

, hehe..." Lu Chen and Nasida glanced at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

The man who laughed wildly turned out to be, Doctor?

His speed is actually faster than his own? Didn't they hold this executive officer back?

Lu Chen immediately ruled out this conjecture, because he saw that the doctor in front of him was obviously different from the one outside, this doctor was younger, and his temperament was not so stable.

"Not just two doctors!" Nasida's voice appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

Lu Chen followed her fingers and looked at the location of the huge mech in the distance.

Above the head of one of them, where the cockpit is, there was also a teenager-like Doctor who showed half of his body.

"Three doctors?"

"What the fuss about." The skirmishers beside him said faintly.

Lu Chen and Nasida both looked at him, and the skirmish explained: "This crazy guy slices himself of different ages into a prosthetic body, each slice has the ability to act and think independently, and the personality is also different.

"But don't think that just slicing underestimates their strength." The skirmishers hugged their arms and added.

"So it is." Nasida muttered, "Three doctors... This is trouble..."

Lu Chen looked at the young version of the doctor in the distance, and until now, all doubts had been solved.

The reason why the Decree Academy squeezed the collective dreams of the people was actually to create gods, and the brains of the people in the city of Junsumi were all reduced to humanoid mining machines and were taken to concentrate computing power....

According to the doctor, this plan was originally prepared for skirmishers, and it may be that the lack of his body so close to God led to repeated failures in experiments, and the infinite reincarnation of void dreams until today....

And what maintains the core of the energy operation of the "gods" has also become the heart of the two gods of wind and rock.

Nasida also understood why the Dead Domain spread on a large scale, even to the extent of flooding.

"The Void was originally used as a means to combat the contamination of the World Tree, and the Void Terminal was just a by-product... But they use it for this purpose, and the computing power originally used to offset the pollution must be seriously insufficient..."

Lu Chen said seriously, he remembered that the doctor said just now that those two big guys were only one step away, and if the fools gave birth to two more god-level helpers, it was difficult to say which side the balance of strength would fall.

After speaking, Lu Chen manipulated the gap in time and space, took Nasida and skirmishers, and quietly lurked towards the location of the two huge mechs.

When passing by the doctor's side, Lu Chen saw Nasida glaring at him viciously.

For the initiator of this Meru incident, Nasida must have been extremely disgusted, and even gave him a middle finger in the end.

In other words, the middle finger was still learned from Lu Chen....

Looking at her angry look, Lu Chen shook his head and smiled.

Because the little grass god-sama is so cute, even if he is angry like this, it does not give people a dangerous feeling, but like a little wild cat sharpening its paws....


The Doctor looked ahead a little suspiciously, and for some reason, he always felt as if he was being watched by something dangerous.

But there is clearly nothing in front of you.

"Doctor? What's wrong? The foolish guards on the side asked.

"Nothing." The doctor frowned, and he immediately ordered: "Restart the Void Dream, refocus our computing power, and our progress will be faster, so as not to dream more at night."

"But the sages said..." The foolish guards hesitated: "A large number of carriers are already at a critical value, and if they are restarted frequently, they may cause unpredictable damage to the carriers..." The

doctor said nothing, just glanced at him lightly.

The foolish guards suddenly felt an agitated spirit, "Subordinates understand!" A

moment later, outside the secret workshop, the entire city of Meru was quiet again, and countless people returned to that strange dream.

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