Magic Council

""Bang!" A congressman slammed the newspaper in his hand onto the table.

"It's the Fairy Tail gang again. In order to catch a group of small human traffickers, they destroyed half of the port. The letters complaining about them are already as high as a mountain!"

"Councillor Ou Ge, calm down first. This kind of thing happens every day. Although they have done it before, countless dark guilds have been destroyed by them in recent years, so their merits and demerits can be considered to be offset."

"Councillor Yajima, I know you are very familiar with the president of Fairy Tail, of course you will speak for them."

Yajima was not affected by Councillor Ouge's words at all:"Is there anything wrong with what I said? In these years, Guangye Boy has probably destroyed more dark guilds than our Council."

Ouge's blood pressure rose after hearing what Yajima said:"You!!!.....You!!!

Crawford Shim knocked on the table and said,"Okay, okay, stop arguing, now is not the time to argue, let's deal with this problem, otherwise it will affect our image among the people."

Suddenly, a beautiful female congressman said to the young and handsome congressman next to her,"This is the martial god Ye who is known as the strongest creature on the surface of the earth. What do you think of him? Can he be dealt with?" The handsome congressman said to the beautiful congressman,"You seem to be looking forward to my fight with him."

The female congressman smiled and said,"I'm just curious about who is better between you and him."

————————————————————Dividing line——————————————

"Wow, this is Fairy Tail, it's awesome." Lucy said excitedly while looking at the gate in front of them.

Natsu and Ye looked at each other as if to say"You kick me and I kick you."

Ye nodded to Natsu, who understood and kicked him!

"We are back!"

The bucktoothed man looked at Natsu and said,"Hey, Natsu is back. You guys have done something spectacular again this time......"

Natsu was so angry that he kicked the bucktoothed man and said,"You bastard, the information you told me is totally false!" The bucktoothed man stood up and said angrily,"How do I know it's false? I just heard about the information about the fire dragon, so I told you out of kindness!"

Natsu said angrily,"What did you say?"

""Want to fight, huh, asshole!"

Suddenly, the chaos of Fairy Tail began. Lucy looked at the scene in front of her and stayed there stupidly. Coming back to her senses, she said with emotion:"Great! I finally came to Fairy Tail"

Ye looked at Lucy and smiled and said:"Let's go, don't stand here, go find Mira to stamp the guild's emblem for you"

When Lucy heard Mira's name, her eyes showed an expression of admiration:"Mirajane! I've seen her in a magazine!"

"Let's go!"

Lucy said worriedly:"But is it really okay to leave them like this?"

Ye said slowly:"It's okay, this is commonplace, someone will stop it."

Ye took Lucy to the bar where Mira was

"I'm back, did you miss me!" Ye looked at Mira affectionately.

Mira smiled and said,"Ala, you are willing to come back. You've been away for a month and you came back with a beautiful girl. Are you going to confront me?"

Ye knelt on one knee with a sad face and looked at Mira:"Oh~ How can you doubt my feelings for you? You know how hard I have been going through this month. There are ugly monsters everywhere, and I am about to get needle holes."

Mira looked at Ye like this and couldn't think of a way to deal with it for a while:"Okay, stop playing. It will be bad if newcomers see it."

Lucy was surprised and said,"It's okay, you can continue without caring about me." She thought to herself,"It turns out that Ye and Mira are a couple, but these words are really corny. I have to stay away from Ye in the future."

Suddenly, Gray flew over naked and looked at Lucy:"Miss, if you don't mind, can I borrow your underwear!"

Lucy was frightened and came to her senses in an instant. She picked up the bench and hit Gray away."Of course not!"

Leo picked up Lucy and said,"How can you rough guys treat girls like this?"

Before he finished speaking, he was punched away by Elmanf."Be a man and use your fists!" After saying that, he was punched away by Natsu again. Elmanf flew over and overwhelmed Mirajane. Mirajane was pressed to the ground and looked like she was about to die. Ye's face was gloomy and exuded a terrifying momentum.

"You bastards, how dare you hurt my Mira? Go to hell." Ye swung his fist and instantly generated a strong wind pressure, knocking all the people in the guild out.

Lucy looked at this scene dumbfounded.

Suddenly Lucy found that the surroundings became darker, and she felt that there was something huge behind her."Little boy, didn't I tell you not to fight in the guild!"

"Hey, President, you're here. You've grown so tall in just one month."

Makarov's forehead veins popped out when he heard Ye's teasing:"Smelly boy!"

Then he punched Ye and sent him flying, looking at Lucy with an unfriendly look and said,"You are the new one~"

Lucy was scared and said,"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Makarov instantly lifted the magic and slowly shrank in front of Lucy.

Lucy looked at the giant just now, who turned into a short old grandfather and said in surprise,"So small! The president is so small?"

Makarov said kindly,"Please give me more advice!"

Mira appeared beside Lucy and explained,"Yes, he is the president of Fairy Tail, Mr. Makarov."

After Makarov said hello, he instantly jumped up and jumped to the second floor, but unfortunately he didn't control the strength well and hit his head on the railing.

Everyone saw this scene and mocked Ye,"Pfft~ so lame!"

Makarov stood up, too lazy to pay attention to Ye, and said angrily:"You guys are in trouble again! Have you seen these materials in my hand? They are all from the people who complained."

"First of all, Gray, someone complained that you were running naked and stealing other people's clothes."

Gray said slowly:"I can't just not wear clothes."

Elmanf complained:"Then why don't you just not take them off."

"And Kana, you were drinking at the client's place and you reported the name of the Council."

Ka said unconvinced:"Tsk! Were you discovered?"

"And Elmanf, you beat up your client."

"The most infuriating thing is Ye, who destroyed half of the port in order to catch the human traffickers!"

Ye was dissatisfied and said,"That was obviously done by Natsu, how did it become mine?"

"You guys make me get scolded by the Council every day!"

Lucy looked at the angry president, and looked at everyone with a little worry.

Makarov's tone changed, and he used magic to burn the complaint letter and said seriously:"Let the Council eat shit about these things!"

"Listen up!

The power beyond persistence all comes from the belief of persistence.

Magic is not the power of miracles, but the power that becomes concrete when the air currents in our bodies merge with the air currents in nature.

This is achieved through mental strength and concentration.


Only by injecting all of your soul can you form magic.

If you always follow the eyes of those superiors, you will never be able to improve your magic.

Don't be afraid of those guys in the Council, just move forward on the path you firmly believe in!

This is the wizard of our Fairy Tail!


Oh!!!! Oh!!!! Yeah!!!!.......

Lucy looked at the scene in front of her and thought:"Mom, I seem to have entered a great guild!"

After Makarov's education, the guild returned to its former tranquility. Lucy also got her own Fairy Tail emblem as she wished, and happily ran to Natsu to share:"Natsu, look, it's my emblem."

Natsu said indifferently,"Really~ Congratulations, Louise!"

Lucy showed her sharp teeth angrily and said,"It's Lucy!!"

Just as Natsu was looking at the task bar and wanted to choose a commission, a child's voice came from the bar asking Makarov

"My dad hasn't come back yet? We said it would be three days, but it's been almost a week."

Makarov looked at the child in front of him and said,"You are so nagging, Romeo. Since you are the child of a wizard, you should believe in your father and wait for him to come home."

Romeo punched Makarov angrily and ran out crying. Natsu looked at the scene in front of him and punched the task bar angrily, then walked out with Happy.

Ye looked at what was happening in front of him and said,"Lucy, go follow Natsu!"

Lucy said in a daze,"What do you mean by me? I will go."

Ye pinched his ears and said,"Just treat it as your first mission in the guild, so that you can get familiar with the process."

Lucy was speechless and chased in the direction of Natsu.

At dusk, Natsu and Lucy supported Makao and came to Romeo. Lucy looked at the warm scene of father and son in front of her and felt extremely envious.

Lucy finally took root in Fairy Tail, rented a house for 70,000 yen a month, and began her daily life of paying rent.

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