The next day, in front of the Fairy Tail task bar.

Levy from the Lane Engine Team searched for the commission she had seen in the Elba Mansion in the task bar for a long time but couldn't find it.

Mira said:"You mean this task, it was taken by Natsu."

Levy said disappointedly:"I thought about it for a long time before I decided to do it, but it was intercepted by Natsu."

Suddenly, Makarov said to Levy:"You should be glad that you didn't go on that task."

Levy looked at the president puzzledly and said:"Why?"

"I just received a call from the client."

"Did the client decide to cancel the mission?"

"No! Instead, the commission has been increased to 200WJ!"

Leibi exclaimed:"10 times!! It's almost catching up with the mission of the crusade!"

Makarov said seriously:"Maybe something unexpected happened"

"Alas, it's a pity to waste such a good task.

There are many kinds of commissions in the Wizard Guild. The low-level ones are like finding things, fortune-telling about love, etc. These commissions range from 2000J to 200,000J. The medium-level ones are usually escorts or bodyguards.���The rewards ranged from 10WJ to 50WJ.

High-level commissions, such as subjugating bandits and monsters, ranged from 40WJ to 200WJ.

Above that, S-level missions had a starting price of 500WJ.

Makarov was furious when he saw Ye lying on the bar like a dead man.

"Brat, you are so free! Why don’t you go do the mission!"

Ye said slowly:"It is impossible to do the mission, it is impossible in this life. I can make a living by lying like this. The guild is like my home. All the guild members are talented and speak well. I like the members of the guild the most."

Makarov saw that Ye was getting more and more lazy and said,"Since you have nothing to do, accompany me to attend the regular meeting in two days."

When Ye heard that he had to accompany the president to attend the gathering of the presidents of various guilds, he refused and said,"I don't want to accompany you to brag with those old men and women, especially that President Bob. It makes people sick just thinking about it!"

Makarov saw that Ye refused, and it was not easy to say much, and continued to drink his wine.

Then Mira came to Ye and asked,"Accompany me to the magazine publishing house later. I need to get some information"


After a while, Ye walked out of the guild holding Mira's hand.

At this time, Makao said:"It seems that the two of them are almost at the age of marriage."

Wa Kaba responded:"Yes, if Lisanna hadn't happened, I think they should both be engaged."

Makarov sighed:"Lisanna has always been a thorn in Mirajane's heart. If this matter is not resolved, I don't know when they will be able to achieve a happy ending."

After Ye and Mira came out of the publishing house, they went on a date. The two held hands and walked slowly on the street.

"It seems like we haven't been out for a walk like this for a long time."

"You are such a busy person, you don't have time."

"Is there?!"

"Of course! Hum!"

"Haha, sorry sorry"

"Let’s go, I’ll take you for a good walk!"

——————————Time dividing line——————————————————————

The next day, in the Fairy Tail Guild

"Mira, give me three beers here!"

"Hi, here I come."

Makao said drunkenly:"Mira-chan, when can you go on a date with me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a fierce aura enveloped Makao, and Makao sobered up instantly.

"Just kidding, just kidding."

Mira replied with a smile:"Don't you have a wife?"

Then Mira turned into the appearance of Macao's wife.

"Mira-chan, please don't be like this."

Lucy came to the task bar at this time, thinking about what task to do, because she didn't make a penny from the last task she did with Natsu, and now she is worried about the rent.

Mira came to Lucy and said,"If you want to do any task, you can tell me. The president has gone to attend the routine meeting."

"Routine meeting?"

Ye said slowly,"It's just a group of old men and old ladies who get together to brag and exchange feelings."

"You are not allowed to lead the newcomers astray"

"But what Ye said was also right. If there is a lack of communication and cooperation between guilds, terrible consequences will occur."

"Terrible influence?"

Natsu said fiercely:"The dark guy will appear!"


"Coward Lucy is also known as Cowardly Lucy!"

"Don't give people nicknames, you stinky cat"

"However, there are indeed dark guys. They are a group of dangerous people who ignore the law and use magic at will."

Lucy looked at Natsu and complained,"You will be poached by them sooner or later."

"Okay Lucy, choose a mission quickly"

"What mission I choose has nothing to do with you!"

"Aren't we a team?"

"No! Our team is disbanded."

Natsu asked puzzledly:"Why?"

Lucy said resentfully:"Anyone can be with blonde hair, isn't that what you said?"

Natsu grinned and said:"We chose Lucy as our partner because you are a good person."

Lucy felt embarrassed when she heard Natsu's sincere words.

At this time Gray came out and said:"Actually, you don't have to form a team with him, there will be many people who will team up with you."

"Gray clothes"


Natsu said slowly:"It's so annoying"

Gray heard what Natsu said, and said angrily:"Did you just say it was annoying! Stinky flame!"

Natsu was not to be outdone:"Super annoying perverted naked man"

The two of them quarreled face to face.

Leo came to Lucy, hooked his arm around Lucy and said:"Lucy, do you want to form a love team with me, how about tonight"


Leo continued his attack:"I think you are really beautiful, even with sunglasses I can't resist your charm......"

Just as he was about to continue, he noticed the Celestial Key on Lucy's waist and said in horror:"You are a Celestial Wizard!"

Happy echoed:"Hey, she has a cow and a crab."

Leo said with great regret:"I didn't expect fate to play such a trick on me!!! Sorry that our beloved team has disbanded!" After that, he ran out.

Lucy complained:"It didn't even start, okay?"

"By the way, what's wrong with Ye? He looks so listless. Doesn't he have to go to work?"

"You say he is lazy, in his words, he can't complete many tasks in a year anyway"

"Ah~ Why, is he supported by you, Mira? That's terrible!"

Mira shook her head and said,"No, he is doing a different task."

Leo ran in hurriedly:"Oh no, Erza is back!" When the guild heard the news of Erza's return, they all seemed to be struck by lightning. Natsu and Gray also stopped arguing and showed scared expressions.

"Erza is? I think I heard Natsu mention it before."

Mira explained:"Erza should be the strongest female wizard in Fairy Tail."

"The strongest! What kind of person is this?

Outside the guild, Erza dragged her huge horns and came to the guild door.

The atmosphere in the guild instantly dropped to freezing point, and no one spoke.

"Is the president here?"

"The president is attending a regular meeting."

"Is that so?"

When Erza swept her eyes over everyone, she began her sermon. Most of the guild members were completely beaten to a pulp by her. When her eyes turned to Natsu and Gray, hey! Erza, we are still very good friends today."

"Really? Although good friends may fight, I still like to see you living in peace."

When Erza's eyes swept over again, as if looking for someone

"He is here!"

"Ye, you seem to have nothing to do. Come with me to do a mission tomorrow!"

"Ah? What a hassle!"

Erza put her sword on Ye's neck in an instant, thinking carefully before speaking.

Ye swallowed and said,"Okay! I will be there on time tomorrow."

"Mira, you supervise him for me."


Lucy looked at the beautiful and handsome Erza and said,"Why is everyone so afraid of him?"

"Gray was often naked and was punished by Erza many times. Natsu wanted to challenge her every day and was also severely punished.......She's like a discipline committee member."

"That night, Erza also taught him a lesson."

"Ye used to have a very bad character, and Erza took her to educate him for a month." (After the Lisanna incident, Mira asked Erza to educate Ye!)

"It’s scary to think about it!"

"That Erza actually invited Ye to do a mission"

"Are they planning to conquer a certain country?"

"I think we are finally going to take action against the Magic Council!"

Looking at the guild members who were getting more and more exaggerated

"How strong are these two people!"

The next morning, at the train station, Ye dragged his tired body to Magnolia train station.

Erza nodded with satisfaction,"This time���Okay, I'm not late. It was a good decision to ask Mira for help."

At this time, there were three sneaky figures in the station watching Ye and Erza meet.

Ye glanced at them and said,"Why don't you come out?""

"It's your fault that you were discovered."

"Good morning, Erza!"

"How did you guys follow me? But since you're here, let's go together."


So Ye and his group boarded the train to Onibasi.

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