Dark Guild Iron Forest (the day before yesterday)

"Which guild is that armored lady from?"

"I do not know"

"She looks like a good woman."

"Damn! I forgot to chat with her."

Several members of the Iron Forest were discussing their encounter with Erza yesterday. They were deeply attracted by her temperament.

At this time, the big ace of the Iron Forest, the God of Death, Eligore, asked:"Kagayama hasn't come back yet?"

"Wait a little longer, the seal is not so easy to solve."

"He is working slowly. Now is a good opportunity to eliminate this group of guild leaders. We cannot miss it. Remind him to hurry up!"


A group of people on the train at night

"Tell me, why did you follow me here?"

Habib immediately betrayed:"Natsu heard you invite Ye to do a commission together, so he was very curious and half-heartedly pulled Lucy over."

"It was you who pulled me out by force!"

"What about Gray?" said Habit.:"We found Gray at the place, and he followed us."

"I was also very curious about what the mission was so I sneaked over here, but I didn't expect to run into them and then be discovered by Ye."

"So that's it~"

Ye Lan said lazily:"Then you guys have to work hard when you come. I can finally be lazy hehe."

Erza looked at Ye with unkind eyes, making Ye sweat coldly.

At this time, the train started.


Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)Ugh,"It's still so disgusting after all."

Everyone looked at Natsu who was carsick, and Erza said distressedly:"Come here, I'll help you."

Erza punched Natsu in the abdomen, and Natsu's eyes rolled back and he fainted on the spot.

"Thank you~Thank you~........"

"Feeling better!"

Seeing Erza said"Feeling better","My God, feeling better", a physical exorcism."

Seeing Erza's familiar punch, Lucy broke out in a cold sweat.

After driving for an unknown amount of time, Lucy asked:"I have only seen Natsu and Yami's magic in the guild, and I have never seen the magic of other people in the guild. What kind of magic does Ms. Erza use?"

"Just call me Erza," said Happy.:"Erza's magic is very beautiful, it makes a lot of blood flow, the enemy's blood."

Lucy said with cold sweat:"Is this the definition of beautiful?"

"It's nothing special. I think Gray's magic is more beautiful."

Lucy looked at Gray curiously.

Gray clenched his right fist and placed it on the palm of his left hand. Light blue magic emanated from his palm, and soon a Fairy Tail symbol made of ice appeared on his hand.

"Mine is Ice Shape Magic"

"It’s really beautiful!"No girl doesn’t like shiny things.

"No wonder he and Natsu don't get along so well, it turns out it's because of the difference in attributes."

Erza looked at Lucy and asked:"Have you seen Ye use magic?" Because Erza knew that Ye had no magic source at all and could not use magic.

Lucy asked in confusion:"Yes, isn't Ye the magic of wind? That day I saw him wave his hand and it caused a strong wind that blew everyone out."

Erza said:"That's not his magic, you will have a chance to know it later."

Lucy looked at Ye who was sleeping curiously."That's not his magic?"

Ye found someone staring at him, slowly opened his eyes and saw Lucy looking at him.

"Although I am very handsome, I already have Mira. Even if you like me, it will be useless unless you can convince Mira."

Lucy(ꐦÒ‸Ó)Angry:"Who would like you! Stop being narcissistic!"

Ye saw that Erza was almost asleep, so he asked Erza:"Okay, Erza, you should tell us about this mission."

Ye knew Erza's character very well. Except for the first time when she helped Ye familiarize herself with the commission process, she completed the mission alone.

"Yes, you have encountered some difficult problems, it must be no small matter to call Ye." Gray also knew Erza's personality.

"That's true." Erza told everyone the news she heard in the tavern after completing the previous commission.

"Lalabai, it feels a little familiar." Ye thought

"you know?"

"Maybe! But I can’t remember it now." Ye roughly knew the plot of Fairy Tail, but it has been so long that he has forgotten many specific contents.

Lucy listened to Larabai’s name and murmured:"A lullaby, is it a kind of sleep magic?"

"I don't know, but magic that can be sealed must be very powerful."

"Maybe that group of people just came to unlock the seal or something like that? There's no need to make such a fuss."

"Yes, I thought so at first, until I heard the name of the god of death, Eligore."

"He is the ace of the Iron Forest. He is called the God of Death because he always takes assassination commissions. He is a member of the Dark Guild.

Lucy was shocked when she heard the words"God of Death" and"Dark Guild".

"I...I still have time to leave now," said Habbit.:"Lucy, you are so juicy."

"That's sweat!!!"

"Wait, they won't be punished? Erza nodded and said,"Although the president of the Iron Forest was arrested and the Iron Forest was disbanded, the dark guilds ignored the disbandment order and continued to operate. I was too careless. When I heard the name of Eligore, I should have arrested them and sacrificed them!"

"Hey, hey, hey! I shouldn't have come here if I had known. I'm really afraid that I'll lose my life here."

Ye thought:"Dark guild? This group of unpresentable, stinky rats in the gutter have popped up again. They are really intermittent. What happened in the past hasn't scared them yet."

Ye came to the world of Fairy Tail and wiped out so many dark guilds that he couldn't even count them all.

"There is no other way. Now that we are here, let's destroy the Iron Forest."

"Wow! Don't say such scary things seriously, that's the Dark Guild, we can handle it with just a few of us."

Lucy knew when she heard the word Dark Guild that they were a group of tough guys, they were the terrorists among the wizards, but Ye just brushed them off like killing a bug.

Habit said:"It's okay Lucy, Yami, Erza, Gray, and Natsu are all very strong!"

"Yes, that's right"

"Look, even Erza......."

"So our mission this time is to find them and destroy them."


"Lucy~, you've leaked so much juice again"

"I told you, it's sweat!!!"

Erza continued:"They want to free Larabai and they must be doing something very dangerous, I can't ignore it"

Gray said excitedly:"Destroy the dark guild, it sounds very interesting."

Lucy was completely desperate when she heard Gray say that:"Damn it, I shouldn't have let Natsu drag me here. Huh? Where's Natsu?"

"Eh?!!! Natsu is missing?"

"What? Natsu is missing?"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go find him!"

Ye said slowly:"Don't worry, where was the last time we saw Natsu?"

"On the train!! We left Natsu on the train"

"Didn't any of you call him?"

"We were talking about something and totally forgot about it." Natsu woke up on the train and found that everyone was gone.

"Save me~! How could you guys abandon me?"

Ye and his group rushed back to the Onibasi train station.

Erza said with great regret.:"Ah, it's all my fault. I was so busy talking about things that I left him behind. He's also carsick. Anyway, it's my fault. You guys give me a punch."

Lucy advised from the side:"Not yet, Natsu is not a child."


Erza ran to the train station and explained to the administrator:"That's it, I want to stop the train." There was no room for negotiation.

The administrator looked at Erza in confusion and said:"Yes?......Is that the case?"

Lucy was too tired to complain.:"Fairy Tail does things in the same way."

Gray said quickly:"Hey! We are serious."

"Put on your clothes first, exhibitionist!"

"Ah! When!"

The administrator said to Ye Yixing seriously:"Don't be ridiculous, I won't stop the train for a passenger."

Ye saw the emergency stop signal behind the administrator and walked towards it.

"What are you going to do, sir?"

"Nothing, I'll just look around"

"Wait, no one is allowed to enter there without permission."

Ye raised his foot and broke the door. He saw the handbrake and pulled it.

Suddenly,"ding ding ding", the people in the train heard the alarm and remembered

"Is there a problem ahead?"

In the management room

"Sorry, I accidentally touched this, luckily it’s not broken, I’ll pull it back for you."

The administrator looked at the damaged gate and his eyes twitched.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? The signal has been sent, what's the point of pulling it back?"

Erza said hurriedly as she watched the brakes being pulled down.:"Okay, now the train has stopped, let's catch up���"

"But the train has been running for so long, how can we catch up with it?"

Erza looked around and found a magic four-wheeled cart.

So she handed all the luggage to the administrator and asked him to deliver it to the hotel. Regardless of whether the administrator was willing or not, she got on the car and drove away.

The smoke and dust dissipated, leaving behind a confused administrator and a cart full of luggage.

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