In the Magic Council

, the Iron Forest hijacked the train station and used the"Spell Song" to assassinate the major guilds. It has made headlines and spread throughout the Kingdom of Ophelia.

Oge said angrily:"This gang of dark guilds is so lawless that they actually want to attack the presidents."

Since there are too many witnesses, the Council cannot ignore it, so the members of the House of Representatives once again discussed how to resolve this incident.

"How about wiping out the Dark Guild?"

"So how to implement it?"


Ziklein suggested:"Let's put this matter aside for now and deal with this matter first. The Dark Guild was able to obtain Zeref's magic so easily. If they were to investigate, the management would not be able to escape the blame. Fortunately, Fairy Tail was there to resolve this matter. Otherwise, if the guild leaders of the major guilds were in trouble, I think those present would be in trouble."

The congressmen fell into deep thought after hearing what Zeklein said. Not only would they be in trouble, but they also didn't know if they could resolve the situation if the guild members alone started to make trouble.

"So I propose that Fairy Tail be rewarded this time."

The congressmen who disliked Fairy Tail felt very uncomfortable when they thought that they usually complained about Fairy Tail and wanted to reward it this time.

Oug said at this time:"Rewards are necessary, but punishments are also necessary. The main gate of the Onibas Railway Station, the seizure of the magic four-wheeled vehicle, and most of the Kuluki Railway Station were destroyed! The land in Kroba City also suffered extensive and serious damage!"

"Just thinking about these things gives me a headache. Can't these idiots be a little gentler when they hit us? They want us to clean up the mess."

Yakima said with a smile:"It's much better than before, isn't it? The most important thing is that they are doing good things."

Member Reggie suddenly shouted:"They must be severely punished, otherwise where is the dignity of our Magic Council."The reason why Senator Reggie hates Fairy Tail so much is that he destroys it randomly, but the main reason is that his granddaughter is obsessed with a member of Fairy Tail.

Everyone looked at Senator Reggie who was furious. Just now, Ziklain said that he wanted to praise Fairy Tail, but he wanted to severely punish it. No one agreed with him.

Senator Crawford Shim said slowly:"Then issue an order to praise Fairy Tail and arrest the criminal this time, Ye!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the Speaker say that Ye was going to be arrested."Speaker Crawford, why do you want to arrest this killer? Aren't you asking for trouble?"

"Okay everyone, I've made up my mind!"

In the Fairy Tail Guild,

Lucy said pitifully:"Ye, you guys are really going too far! If I get caught by the Council and get scolded for a whole day,

Ye will look at Lucy like this.:"Ma~Ma, didn’t I remind you? But this is also a good experience. Next time you encounter it, you will have experience. Hahahaha."

Lucy said with tears in her eyes:"I don't want to have this experience again.(•̩̩̩̩_•̩̩̩̩)"

Gray said hurriedly:""Don't be sad, Lucy. You've become famous this time. You're the Iron Girl of Fairy Tail, and you can tear up Curse Song with your bare hands."

Lucy said angrily.:"I would rather not have this title, and still be the Iron Girl!"

Natsu looked at Erza and said seriously:"Erza, please fight me!"

Everyone in the guild looked at Natsu with an incredible look.

Gray dissuaded him.:"You will be killed. You were beaten to a pulp half a year ago."

Natsu said seriously.:"I am no longer the same person I used to be. This time I have confidence.

Erza looked at the serious Natsu and said:"It seems that you have grown a lot in the past six months. I dare not say that I can easily surpass you now. Come on! Let me see your growth in the past six months."

"Oh! I'm excited."

Then the two of them came to the guild gate and had a duel.

"The odds are open! The odds are open! Erza wins 1:1.05, Natsu wins 1:10."

Lucy looked at the exaggerated ratio and found that Happy was also betting. Happy looked at the odds in front of him and decisively chose Erza to win.

"You heartless cat!"

"Don't say that, Lucy. I have to survive, too."

Lucy said helplessly.:"The strongest teams are about to face off.:-("

Gray wondered.:"What is the strongest team?"

Lucy asked hurriedly:"It's you, Natsu, Erza, and Ye, aren't they the strongest people in the guild?"

Gray exclaimed:"Ha~ Which bastard told you that? That’s not true at all!"

Mira cried.:"It's me. I just think that you guys will make a very good team together."

"You made Mira cry, you're done for! I'm going to kill you!"

Gray said in panic:"Mira, that? This! I didn’t mean it, don’t cry!"

At this time, Elmanfu said:"If we talk about the strongest girl, Erza is undoubtedly the one who deserves it. The strongest man must be my brother-in-law, a real man!"

"But there are still many wizards who are stronger than Natsu, such as me," Elmanf said proudly.

Lucy looked at Elmanf speechlessly and thought:"It seems that I don’t know the people in this guild very well."

At this time, the scene was ready to start the battle.

""Change clothes! Flame Emperor's Armor!" everyone exclaimed:"Erza even used this armor, it seems she is really serious."

Natsu said as Erza put on the Entei Armor:"I can finally let go!"

"Come on Erza, the iron fist of the fire dragon!"

Just when the fist and the sword were about to collide, bang! ~~~~~

""Okay, okay, stop your fight."

A frog in clothes came to the front of the Fairy Tail.

Lucy complained:"Don't you think it's strange that a frog is wearing clothes?(゚⊿゚)ツ"

"Now I will read the notice issued by the Council. Since everyone in Fairy Tail successfully prevented the incident from happening during the Iron Forest incident, I would like to commend everyone in Fairy Tail again."

"Secondly, due to the serious damage in the Kuruki train station, Kroba City and other places, the Fairy Tail wizard, Night, is hereby arrested!"

When the guild heard that the Council was going to take action against Night, they all showed incredible expressions.

"Someone, bring the magic-proof handcuffs."

Ye looked at the frog in front of him unkindly and said:""He's a man without rules. No one is here to teach him a lesson." Ye exuded a slightly domineering look.

The frogs in the Council trembled as they looked at the boy in front of them, as if they were seeing an evil ghost.

At this time, the captain of the soldiers appeared in front of the frogs, which gave them some confidence.

At this time, the captain of the soldiers came to Ye and said respectfully::"Lord Ye, they are all new here and don't know much. I will teach them well when I get back."

Frog watched the captain of the soldiers being so humble to a wizard.

"You guys!"

The captain of the soldiers shook his head and said nothing. He couldn't afford to offend both sides. Ye said slowly:"This thing is useless to me."He crushed the magic-forbidden handcuffs and said:"Let's go, lead the way. I haven't been there for a long time. Let's go see our old friends."

"The market opened, the market opened, Ye was released in court 1:1, Ye was kept for 1 day 1:2, kept for 2 days 1:3, kept for 3 days 1:4."

Lucy saw that no one cared about Ye at all, and said hurriedly:"Everyone, Ye was captured, but no one cares. Instead, they started gambling!"

Mira said slowly:"Because he is Ye!"

Lucy looked at Mira in confusion.:"Why do you say that?"

"Before, Ye would be called to the Council every time he came back from a mission. But after the Monster Forest incident, Ye was never called again, so no one was worried."

"But it was unexpected that Ye would be called over this time. It was a rare moment when the Council showed its strength."

Lucy said in confusion:"What happened in the Monster Forest?"

Mira smiled and turned around to look for something in the drawer.

"Look for yourself,"

Lucy murmured as she watched Mira holding the newspaper.:"What is this?"

When Lucy saw the report inside, she was in disbelief.:"this....Is this all true?"

"It’s true~"

Lucy suddenly said:"No wonder those soldiers were so respectful when they saw Ye Hou, but is this really something a human can do?"

"Because it is so shocking, many people are reluctant to believe it is true."

"If it were me, I wouldn’t believe it either!"

"But I think Ye is not like the lazy guy he usually is!"

"In Ye's words, there is no rival that can match him so far, so let's just live a good life, or simply play badly."

In the Council

"Oh~, it’s been a long time since we last met. You’ve aged a lot, Ou Ge."

Ou Ge said speechlessly.=_=:"How can I not look old when you're causing trouble everywhere?"

"Okay, stop chatting, Prisoner Ye, you destroyed the Kuruki train station and caused serious damage to the city of Kroba during the Iron Forest Incident. Do you plead guilty?

"I plead guilty!"

""Okay, I'll leave now. Thank you for your hard work!"

After saying that, Ye strode out of the Council and found a silver wolf waiting for him.

"Oh! Hati, you are here to pick me up. Let’s go and eat some meat!"



Look at him, Mr. Councillor. His attitude is so rude.:"=_=If you know it, don't say it. Really."

"Gerald, how do you feel about him?

Gerald said slowly:"It's very strange. I didn't feel any fluctuation of magic power from him, but there was a huge power in his body."

"So what do you think, is the Monster Forest incident true or false?"

"That's probably just exaggeration. The kingdom might need a hero to stabilize the people!"

"So who do you think is stronger, you or him?"

"Why are you asking this question again?"

"I was just guessing before, but now I have a direct feeling, so I just ask again."

Jellard thought for a while and said confidently:"Do you think he can catch up with my speed?"

Urutia thought of Jellal's magic. Few people in the magic world can keep up with his speed.

Urrutia said mysteriously.:"I'm really looking forward to your direct confrontation with him!"

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