The next day in Fairy Tail,

Lucy saw that Ye was not in the guild and asked Mira:"Ye hasn't come back yet."

Mira looked at Lucy and said:"He hasn't come back yet, Lucy, when did you start caring about him so much!"

Mirajah suddenly said:"Are you going to steal the night from me?"

"That's not the case at all!"

Natsu suddenly walked up to Erza and said:"Erza, let's finish the duel we didn't finish!"

Erza said in a bad mood:"Natsu, I'm not in the mood right now, let's do it another day!"

Natsu exclaimed:"No, we have to decide the winner today. Here I come!"Natsu rushed towards Erza.

Erza said:"There is no other way. Since you care so much, then come on." Erza punched Natsu and knocked him to the ground.


Everyone in the guild burst into laughter when they saw this scene.

At this moment, the door of the guild was kicked open.

"Everyone, I'm back!"

A man and a wolf appeared at the entrance of the guild.

Mira said kindly:"Welcome back. Oh, Hati is here too."


"Mira, I'm hungry, hurry up and prepare something delicious for me."

"Then you wait a moment,"

Makao said enviously.:"I'm so envious! Ye, you have such a beautiful girlfriend who cooks for you when you come back."

Ye said proudly:"You can't learn it, hahaha!"

Mira said darkly.:"Lucy was still talking about you just now."

Ye turned his head and looked at Lucy seriously.:"Didn't I tell you that you have to get past Mira? How come you don't understand?"

Lucy said with her fangs bared :"That's not true!!"

Lucy muttered,"Damn, these two people are so bad!"

At this time, Ye said:"Lucy, have you made the rent money?"

When Lucy heard about the rent, she was petrified and cried.:"No, I didn't earn a dime from the missions I completed these days. After I finished the missions with Natsu, I didn't have much left.(╥╯﹏╰╥)ง"

"No, I have to find a mission quickly."

Lucy hurried to the commission column and looked at the commission.

Emmmm, destroy the volcano demon, 100WJ! Very good. Natsu is the Fire Dragon Slayer, this mission is just right.

Just when Lucy was about to take the commission, she felt dizzy.


After a while, everyone in the guild fell asleep except the president and Ye.

"Yo, Mr. Gang, you're here. Do you want a drink?"

"Next time"

"When you have time, hang out with the people in the guild. Don't be so dull."

Mister came to the commission column and took the one Lucy saw.:"This commission is not suitable for a newcomer like you."

After saying this, he walked out without looking back.

"Brat, break the magic!"

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"

Everyone slowly woke up.

"What is this feeling? That's right, it's him! Mistergang!"

"As always, a powerful sleeping magic.

Lucy woke up and found that the commission she valued was gone.

She wondered:"What happened?"

Mira explained:"It's Mistergang

"What is Mistergang?

Gray replied.:"He is one of the strongest candidates in the guild?"

Lucy replied.:"Isn't Ye the first? And there are backups? Then why did he make everyone fall asleep?"

Mira said:"He didn't want everyone to see his appearance, so every time he came, he would daze everyone to accept the task. Only the president and Ye had seen his appearance."

"How suspicious!"

At this time, a sound came from the second floor of the guild.

"No, I've seen it too. Mistgang is very shy, so please stop talking about him."

Everyone in the guild looked towards the second floor.

"Laxus, come and duel with me!" Laxus said disdainfully:"Didn't you just get beaten up by Erza?"

Natsu said angrily:"Come down!"

Laxus said jokingly:"Come up here"

"Oh! Natsu's hands were wrapped in flames, and he jumped to the second floor. Before he reached the second floor, he was knocked to the ground by the president's punch.

"You're not qualified to go there yet."

"You can't even beat Erza, and you still want to fight me?"

Erza said angrily:"What did you say? Bastard!"

Makarov said angrily:"Stop talking, Laxus."

"Humph, whether it’s you, Mistgang, or the guy eating over there, I’m the strongest. When I become the president, I’m going to drive out all the weaklings and build the strongest guild! Hahahaha!"

Lucy asked.:"Who is this?"

Gray replied:"He is Laxus, one of the strongest candidates"

"What did the president mean when he said we can't go to the second floor?"

Mira answered.:"That is a place where only those who are approved by the president can go."

"President approved?"

"It means becoming an S-class wizard. All the commissions stored on it are S-class and above."

Lucy was a little curious when she heard the new term.

Mira answered::"The commissions are divided into low-level, medium-level, and high-level ones. The ones that are accessible to the lower level are S-level tasks. For the tasks above, a slight misjudgment can cost a person's life."

"Eh!! So dangerous!"

"Of course, the commission amount is also very generous, starting at 500WJ."

Lucy's eyes lit up instantly when she heard 500WJ!

"500wJ, you can work for 5 years without worrying about rent, and still have some money left"

"So far, only Yoru, Erza, Mistgang, Laxus, Gildarts, and I can go up"

"Mira is here too, why did she retire so early?"

"Well~ A lot of things happened in the middle. Anyway, you have to remember that S-level missions are not enough for several lives."

"I understand that S-level equals monster!"

"You are right to think so."

In the evening, Lucy was walking home thinking

"Now the strength of the guild is very clear. The top is the president, then there are the S-level ones like Ye, who belong to the first echelon, then there are the quasi-first echelon of Natsu and Gray, and the next is me, so I still have hope!"

Lucy bounced back to her apartment and found that Natsu and Happy had come to their room, curling up dumbbells

"Yo, Lucy is back!"

"Yo you ghost!" Lucy kicked Natsu, and Natsu was kicked off the bed and fell to the floor

"What are you doing here at my house this time?"

Natsu said with a smile.:"Of course I'm going to do the mission with you, you see!"

"? ? ?! 500Wj! This is not an S-level mission, why do you have it?"

"I asked Habib to get it. He picked the one with the smallest amount. Let's do the S-level mission together."


Habinaz tempted:"As long as you complete this mission, you won't have to worry about rent anymore."

Lucy was a little moved by what the two said.

"Let's make it 50-50 first."

Happy's eyes turned into money and he said,"Lucy, I didn't expect you to be so generous. Natsu and I will split it 50-50, but you don't want it, Lucy. You are such a good person!"

Lucy said angrily:"You two will get 250, and I will get 250."

Lucy felt that there was something wrong with what she said.

Natsu smiled and said:"Let's go!"

The next day in the Fairy Tail Guild,

Makarov was drinking tea comfortably.

"It's unexpectedly quiet today. I wish it was like this every day.

Gray said slowly.:"Natsu doesn't seem to be in the guild?"

Mira hurried downstairs.

"Guildmaster, something bad has happened! One commission on the second floor is missing!"

"Puff! What! Did you check it wrong?"

"I watched it several times but there was one missing"

"Which one is missing?!"

"Devil's Island"

Makarov said angrily:"Who is not in the guild now?

Gray said slowly:"It seems that Natsu and Lucy are not here."

Laxus interrupted:"It seems that a cat took away a commission last night."

"It's the Harpy!"

Makarov said angrily:"Why didn't you stop it when you saw it?"

Laxus said indifferently.:"How do I know that's it, harpy?"

"Then you go and get Natsu back now."

"I still have to do commissions, I don't have time!"

Laxus joked:"Grandpa, in this situation, seems to be expelled from the guild."

At this time, Ye yawned and came to the guild.

"What happened? Why is there so much noise so early in the morning?

Makarov realized that night had come and hurriedly asked:"You came just in time, you should go chase Natsu, he took the S-rank commission privately,"

Ye said slowly.:"He finally took this step. I thought he would have gotten it earlier. Hahahaha!"

"You little bastard, hurry up and go!"


"Take Gray with you!"


"Okay, don't doubt it, it's you, follow me."

Ye walked to the company gate and took out the whistle!

Beep! ~~~~

After a while, a silver lightning flashed from the front.


Gray said excitedly:"It's Hati. I've been wanting to sit here for a long time."

"Come on up, let me show you how to experience it today��"

"Hati, let's go catch Natsu! Charge!"


Hati used wind magic and disappeared in an instant.

Hargeon Port

Lucy sighed:"I miss this place so much!"

"Hey! This is where Lucy was abducted."

Lucy said with her fangs showing:"Don't bring up things that are not related to the topic!"

"Okay, let’s go find a boat!"


Naz and the others asked around, and when the boatman heard that they were going to Devil's Island, they all refused.

"Damn it, why is no one willing to go?!"

At this time, an uncle asked:"May I ask what you are going to do there?"

"Uncle, we are wizards from Fairy Tail, and we are here to solve the problem."

"Well, I'll take you there."

"Really, uncle! You are such a good person!"

When Ye and Gray arrived at the port, Hati stood at the port and looked at the other side of the sea.

"It seems that we are a step too late. They have already left by boat."

"What should we do at night?"

"By the way, you are good at modeling, so build a boat and let’s row over there!"

"Good idea!"

The two men and the wolf took the ice boat to Karna Island.

"So slow, Gray!"

(ꐦÒ‸Ó)"Then why don't you come and row with us!"

"All right, hold on tight!"

Turtle ~ Pai ~ Qi ~ Gong ~ Wave!

With a whoosh, the ice boat was on the sea, leaving a brilliant color.

"You can stop now, it’s about to hit! It’s about to hit!"


The ice boat suddenly crashed open the gate of the island village. Natsu, Lucy and the others were startled inside the gate.

"It's an enemy attack!"

The smoke cleared, and the two men and the wolf walked into the entrance of the village.

"You are so brave!"

""Aiya! They're chasing me!"

Happy flew over and begged:"Ye! Natsu forced me to do this!""

"Ahhh! You ungrateful cat!"

Lucy ran over and hugged Ye's thighs.:"It was Natsu who forced me to do it!"

Ye looked at Natsu with a bad look in his eyes.

Natsu said with a hard heart.:"I must do S-level tasks!"

"Then I will destroy you today!"

Ye went up and kicked Natsu away, knocking down 10 houses in a row.

"Have you forgotten Lisanna?"

Another punch sent Natsu flying into the air.

Rather than crying for you later, it's better to let you retire in the guild now.

Before Natsu free-falls to the ground, Ye's foot hits Natsu's stomach from top to bottom, and Natsu is instantly embedded in the ground.

"Why don't you say something?"

Lucy complained:"You have to give him a chance to speak.=_="

Ye's eyes instantly turned to Lucy and Habby, and the two trembled under Ye's eyes. Lucy would clean the guild for a month after returning, and Habby would not be allowed to eat dried fish for a week.


"Who is your village chief?"

"It's old"

"I'm sorry that my guild took this task privately, but don't worry, since we are here, we will help you solve it."

"Thank you so much for your help, Master Wizard!"

"You three carry Natsu back to the room."


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