The next morning, Ye and Erza were on their way to the mine.

Erza said seriously: Ye, don't you find it strange? This is clearly a commission to subjugate a monster, but the owner of the manor didn't mention a word about monsters. Ye said indifferently: You are right, this old man has a big problem, there must be some unknown secrets behind this commission.

Erza was surprised: Why did you accept this commission? What if you encounter a danger that neither you nor I can solve?

Ye said arrogantly: This is my first commission. If I return empty-handed, wouldn't the old man laugh to death? Then I will have to talk to him for a long time if I accept commissions to subjugate monsters in the future.

Erza: Uh........Forget it, let's take it one step at a time.

Erza and Ye arrived at the entrance of the mine not long after they walked.

Erza wondered: Didn't they say it was occupied by bandits? Why is there no one guarding the door, not even a miner?

Ye looked around and activated his observation skills and said: There is no one here, but deep in this mine, I feel a very evil aura.

Erza wondered: The depths of the mine (is this perception so strong, or is it the instinct of a beast trained in the forest) Since there is nothing to find here, we can only move on.

Ye said slowly: Ah~ Let's go.

Ye and Erza walked into the mine, but nothing happened along the way, as if it was an abandoned mine.

As they walked, Erza looked at Ye who suddenly stopped and asked: What's wrong? Why did you stop suddenly?

Ye smiled and said: It's not far ahead. I feel more and more danger inside. There are about 80 people ahead. In my perception, there should be only one capable person. I think that person should be the leader, but he doesn't give me much of a threat. I think the wizard who came before can escape even if he can't defeat him. And just now, the dangerous aura suddenly disappeared.

Erza thought deeply: Let's go in and take a look.

Ye: Well, let's go.

In the cave (not long ago), the leader said crazily: Just now, the demon god said that two mice came in and let us treat them well. Hahahahahaha!

At this time, Ye joked: You who look very happy are their leader, you don't look very good, and your smile is really ugly.

The leader said: You are finally here, we have been waiting for you for a long time, but we didn't expect that two little kids would come. We haven't played with little kids for a long time. Your president really loves you and sent you here to die.

Ye said disdainfully: It's not certain who will die. By the way, what about those miners?

The leader joked: You are talking about them~ They have long been the food of the Demon God, it is their honor, hahahahaha!. Ye said in a low voice: I will leave those miscellaneous soldiers of Erza to you, I will deal with this leader.

The leader said angrily: Little brat, do you think that you two can compete with so many of us? You are too arrogant, dark magic! Spirit fire!

I saw a pitch-black fireball with a diameter of about one meter heading straight towards Ye.

Boom! A lot of smoke came out in the distance. The leader said disdainfully: I thought you were so powerful, but such third-rate stuff dared to come and attack me.

Suddenly, Ye's voice came from a distance: Hey, hey, hey, your fireball didn't even mess up my hair, what are you sighing about here?

The leader was surprised: How is it possible that you are safe when you clearly saw it hit you.

Ye said disdainfully: Oh~you are talking about this, it did hit you, but your purity is too low, it doesn't even interest me at all, just like your fireball can't hurt me at all.

The leader said frantically: Impossible, I have been baptized by the devil, how can I be defeated by a stinky brat like you, what are you still looking at? Go and kill this brat.

Ye said helplessly: Villains are villains. They can never see the gap between their strength and that of their opponents, Erza!

Erza said seriously: I understand! Change clothes! Armor of Heavenly Wheel!

The soldiers said: So fast. Why is she changing clothes so fast!

Sword of Tianlun Liaoluan

️️️Run, run, we are no match for this female magician. Ah~!

After a rain of swords, all the soldiers in the cave lay on the ground.

Ye said in surprise: Huh~ It's really amazing (as expected of a magician who will be called the Fairy Queen in the future, she has shown strength far beyond ordinary people at this age)

Ye turned around and said to the leader with a terrified face: Okay, your brothers have been cleaned up, so let the Lord Demon in your mouth come out.

The leader came to his senses: Yes! Yes! I still have Lord Demon, you are ready to die. Hahahaha!

While speaking, the leader took out a bead from his chest and shouted: The most expensive Lord Demon, I will offer all my souls, please give me extremely powerful power to let me defeat the enemy in front of me, and I will offer you a more delicious soul.

After he finished speaking, the bead in the leader's hand emitted bursts of red light, which became brighter and brighter until it illuminated the entire cave. Bursts of black smoke slowly floated out of the bead, covering the entire cave ceiling.

Ye said seriously: Erza, be careful with the black smoke, don't touch it.

Erza nodded seriously: Got it!

The black smoke slowly fell and drifted into every soldier lying on the ground.

Suddenly, a soldier shouted: No!! I don't want to die yet! Save me, save me! Ah!!!! More and more painful groans were heard.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the sky and said: Blood sacrifice!

Ah!!!! Ah!!!!!!......

Erza said seriously: What is this thing? It's good at devouring these people.

Hahahaha! Hahaha! See, kid, this is the Demon God I am proud of. The Demon God is about to revive. Wait for death!

Suddenly, a wisp of black air floated to the leader.

The leader knelt on the ground and said in horror: Demon God, I am your most devout believer. do not.....Can't be this right...I......

All of a sudden, all the black fog gathered together, and suddenly a claw stretched out from the black fog, and gradually the whole figure appeared, and a huge bull-headed monster appeared in front of Erza and Ye.���What kind of monster is this? Ye, let's go. This is not something we can deal with! Ye! Ye?

At this time, Ye lowered his head, his body trembling slightly, and he muttered: Very good, very good, great!

Erza asked in confusion: Ye, what's wrong with you?

Ye looked up with excitement and madness in his eyes: Erza, oh, I'm happy, I'm so happy, since I left that forest, I haven't met a decent opponent, it's really great, great!!!!

Erza widened her eyes and said: Ye, you are so.......

At this time, the demon with a bull head and a human body was fully revealed (refer to the bull head in the second floor of Sword Art Online).

At this time, the bull head said: Foolish human, you are the most devout believer if you offer your soul, hahahaha!

Next, it's your turn, two little devils.

Ye said excitedly: Erza, you step back, let's fight, big guy!

The bull head said disdainfully: Little human, let you feel the power of this adult, feel your own insignificance, human!.

While speaking, the bull head raised his fist and swung at Ye. Ye dodged the fist and rushed towards the bull head frantically, and instantly came to the belly of the bull head.

He shouted: Arm!

Ye's fist turned black and hit the bull head, and Ye's fist hit the bull head directly.


Blue blood spit out of the bull head's mouth.

Ye did not stop and shouted in the air: Hit continuously!

The painful screams of the bull head kept reaching Erza's ears.

Erza looked at Ye dumbfounded and said: How can you be so strong!

The Minotaur roared:"You pissed me off, little brat!" Cannon Hammer!

The Minotaur endured the pain and crossed his fists to attack Ye in midair.

Seeing this, Ye crossed his arms and covered them with armed color to catch the Minotaur's cannon hammer. The moment he touched Ye, he was smashed into the ground.

The Minotaur said madly:"Boy, did you enjoy your combo just now? Now it's my turn, go to hell!" Die! The Minotaur attacked the pit madly.

Suddenly, a message came out

:"Change clothes!""Armor of the Heavenly Wheel!""Sword of the Heavenly Pentagram!"

The sword light hit the Minotaur, and only a little smoke and scratches appeared on the Minotaur. The

Minotaur stopped attacking and turned his head to look at Erza and said:"I almost forgot there was a little bug here." He slowly walked towards Erza.

At this time, Ye's roar came from the deep pit:"Erza! This is my battle, you are not allowed to interfere!"

Erza said seriously: We are partners, I can't just watch you get beaten and do nothing!

The Minotaur said: Boy, I really underestimated you, you are not dead yet.

Ye slowly walked out of the pit and said disdainfully: You gave me a very comfortable massage just now, it seems that I can't hold back any longer, otherwise my partner will be sad.

Just now, Ye's Armament Haki broke through to the intermediate level. Ye thought: I didn't expect that this time I wanted to try the power of this calf, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Armament Haki broke through to the intermediate level. Even the template has increased to 30% awakening ghost back!

Erza exclaimed: Ye, are you okay!

Ye said easily: Ah, it's okay! It's time to deal with this calf.

The Minotaur roared: Damn it, I must tear you to pieces, you reptile!

Ye smiled slightly: Stupid bull, you have no chance.

Ye slowly spread his hands, and the ghost back emerged, unfolding the domineering aura of the Overlord. The purple aura emitted by the ghost back merged with the domineering aura. The shadow of the evil ghost gradually emerged behind Ye. The minotaur couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the scene in front of him. In those eyes, he saw his own death, and the fear in his heart instantly filled his body.

In a trance, Ye had come to the minotaur, gathered his strength into his fist, and the black fist exuded a wisp of ghost energy.

Ye said seriously: You can go to death.

Ye's fist hit the minotaur's chest directly, and instantly shattered the minotaur's body.

The minotaur said in disbelief:!

Boom! The body of the Minotaur fell to the ground.

Erza came to her senses after watching the Minotaur being killed instantly by Ye's punch. Erza ran to Ye and said: Ye, what was behind you just now? It exudes such an ominous aura, just like a demon.

Ye said nonchalantly: You are talking about that, that is the innate gift of our clan, the demon back.

As he spoke, he revealed a demon face formed by the muscles on his back.

Erza looked at the back and was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Ye said: Okay, I've come to my senses. We should go back to settle accounts with that old man.

Erza came to her senses and said: OK, I know.

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