Open the panel.

Age: 13 years old.

Height: 160.

Hanma Yujiro: 30% (Hanma bloodline, Yujiro's martial arts, Oni-back).

Armament Haki: Intermediate (hardening, entanglement).

Observation Haki: Primary (perception).

Conqueror Haki: Intermediate (intimidation). Kamehameha (depending on the amount of qi added by oneself).

Ye looked at his panel with a slight smile on his face (Haha, it has reached 30%. As expected, only by following the protagonists can one quickly increase the degree of one's panel. However, it is really difficult to improve the three-color domineering. It seems that I have to practice well in the future).

Erza looked at the laughing Ye and asked: What happened to Ye? Is there anything happy?

Ye smiled and said: Yes, my ability has been improved and the Oni-back has been awakened. I am sure I am happy.

Erza thought deeply: Ye, I think.......You are not a battle maniac, are you?!

Ye stopped and was stunned: Hmm~hmm~hmm, it seems so now that you put it that way, when I meet a strong opponent, I can always get excited unconsciously, hahahahahaha. Let's go, the sun is about to set, we have to question that stinky old man.

In the manor, the anxiously waiting owner looked at the two figures coming from the distance, feeling very uncomfortable.

After all, he had concealed a lot of things, but seeing them come back meant that the matter was resolved, and the mine could be back in his hands.

The owner of the manor walked quickly to the gate to greet Erza and Ye, and asked with a smile on his face: Two little wizards, has the matter been resolved? Ye said unhappily: Yes, the matter has been resolved, but owner, shouldn't you answer the truth about what you concealed?

The owner of the manor sweated and said: This........Well, I will tell you two.

The owner sighed and said: That group of thieves did come here a few months ago and occupied my mine. At that time, I was very rich and could afford it. I thought that the group of wizards could quickly deal with the group of thieves, but it was not as I expected. The wizards who came were too weak and were killed by the thieves every time they came. But for some reason, the group of thieves became stronger and stronger, and the wizards who came were not their opponents at all.

At this time, Erza said: Maybe it was the sacrifices again and again that strengthened the minotaur, and the power fed back to the group became stronger and stronger.

The owner continued: Have you seen that monster?

Ye Dao: Owner, have you seen that monster and can come back alive?

The owner shook his head and said: No, I haven't seen it. Among those wizards, there are still some who come back, but they are indeed corpses, and they are thrown out. When I saw the corpse of the wizard, it was like it was torn to pieces, so I issued the task of conquering the monster.

Ye Dao: Then why didn't you mention the monster to us at all.

The owner of the manor said helplessly: Because of the daily expenditure, in just the past few months, the money in my hand has been almost consumed, but the repeated failure of the wizard mission has made this commission more and more difficult, and the amount of the commission is getting bigger and bigger.

I can't afford it at all, but if I don't solve this matter as soon as possible, I will definitely go bankrupt.

So I concealed the difficulty of the commission and told every wizard who came that I was a group of bandits.

Because I acted very rich, they thought I had too much money to spend, so I raised the commission to 2 million.

In fact, I know in my heart that this mission has reached the S level, but the S level requires a minimum of 5 million.

I can't afford it at all.

This is the reason for the matter, but don't worry, when I restart the mining industry, I will give you the commission of 5 million without a cent.

Erza said angrily: Hum! I will inform the Council of this matter and wait for the Council's punishment. Let's go, Ye.

Ye said indifferently: Hi~hi~

The owner of the manor chased out anxiously and said: Don't! Please don't tell the Council, or I will be ruined and lose everything!

Erza said coldly: This is the punishment you must bear.

————————————————Dividing line———————————————————

Boom in front of the gate of Fairy Tail Guild! Yijio

Ye said happily: Hahaha, I'm back!

Makarov said angrily: Brat, I told you several times, don't kick the door!

Makarov said with a bad look: Brat, how is the commission going?

Ye said with a grin: Hahaha, of course it was completed successfully.

Makarov showed a surprised expression: Well, you should come and report the task.

Ye said indifferently: No, it's my meal time now.

Ye hurriedly walked to the bar and said: Hello, give me a barbecue dinner for 10 people(¯﹃¯)

Makarov was so angry that his teeth were bared: What did you say! Brat!

At this time, Erza came to Makarov and said: President, let me report to you.

Makarov calmed down a little and said: Okay, let's let that brat go for now.

After listening to Erza's report, Makarov looked at Ye who was eating in a panic with surprise.

Erza said worriedly: President, I am worried that Ye will......

Makarov smiled and said: Don't worry, I'm still here, I'll watch over him, but I have a feeling that soon, this brat will become extremely powerful.

Erza was stunned by surprise: Grandpa, you mean

Makarov confidently said: That's right, I think Ye didn't show his true strength at that time.

Erza thought (Damn, that's not his full strength, I have to improve my strength, I can't be compared with this guy)

——————————Time dividing line———————————————————————

Half a year has passed without me noticing.

Open the panel.

Age: 13 years old.

Height: 168.

Fanma Yujiro: 42.5% (Fanma bloodline, Yujiro's martial arts, ghost back, power elimination).

Armament Haki: Intermediate (hardening, entanglement).

Observation Haki: Intermediate (perception, super perception).

Overlord Haki: Intermediate (intimidation).

Kamehameha (according to the amount of qi added by oneself).

Ye looked at the panel in front of him and sighed: The panel can't show the size of my qi. I don't even know what level my qi is at this time. However, as the progress increases, I feel more and more that the body of the Fanma family is so powerful, which gives me seemingly endless qi. However, after completing the tasks for the past few months, I feel that I can't improve my progress. Oh, forget it, let's go to the guild first.

Boom! Jio

Makarov said seriously: Ye, why did you come so late?

Ye seemed to have seen something incredible, and blinked his eyes. This is Fairy Tail, am I here by mistake? ? ? , No, this is it, is the president possessed by someone? ? ?

Makarov roared with a face full of fangs: Brat, is there shit in your head?!!!!!

Ye said happily: That's more like a president. By the way, why are you all so serious today?

Makarov said unhappily: You are the only one missing, leaving so many of us waiting.

Ye said in surprise: Could it be that the guild is going to hold an event, and you can get a few more commissions for a commission?

Makarov turned into a face full of fangs again and said: How is it possible!! Cough cough cough, okay, I'm going to announce the list today

Oh! Oh! Oh!!!!!!!!!

The president is finally going to announce it!

Mirajane said: Humph! It must be me this year

Erza said: Just based on how many years you still need to practice

Mirajane said angrily: What are you talking about~ you armored girl!!!

Erza said angrily: I'm talking about you! You little gangster!!!

The two men faced each other with terrifying auras. The people around them immediately withdrew from the 2m radius of the two men for fear of being affected.

Makarov said: Okay, okay, I now announce that this year's S-class wizard is Laxus Dolea.

Laxus said coldly: Humph!

Felide said excitedly: Oh!!! I will definitely help Laxus get S-class!!!!!!

Makarov continued: And Ye!

Everyone turned around and looked at Ye who was eating madly, and they all broke out in cold sweats.

Ye was still eating wildly and suddenly felt that many eyes were looking at him. He turned his head and chewed the meat in his mouth and muttered: What's wrong, why are you all looking at me (babbling)

All the members of the guild were speechless. Everyone was thinking about how to let this guy be selected. Although his strength is very strong(╥╯^╰╥)

Makarov said angrily: You little brat, swallow what's in your mouth before you talk!

Ye nodded and swallowed it, saying: What happened?

Makarov's brain veins popped out: I said (gritting teeth) you were selected as an S-level person to participate in the S-level examination (gritting teeth)

Ye said ecstatically: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, the old man still has vision. If I were you, you would just give me the title of S-level, no need to make so many fancy things, I will make a good reputation for Fairy Tail. Hahahahahahahaha!

Makarov said angrily: You little brat, the S-level examination is a very serious matter, it must be reported to the Council, it's not as frivolous as you say!

Ye said nonchalantly: Hi~hi~ cough cough! Makarov said: Please ask the selected people to choose their partners as soon as possible, and set off for the S-level assessment site at the port tomorrow.

Makao said: President, are you the host of the S-level this year?

Makarov smiled mysteriously: I think that man should be back soon.

Makao also slightly raised the corners of his mouth and said: Really!

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