Both physical strength and spiritual power have reached level 25, and everything is almost compatible.

Li Jiu and Yan Wan's fit is only 10% different, and they can use the Advent True Body.

Will the evolved demonization transform himself into a Saiyan?

It's a little exciting to think about it!

Yan Wan sensed the thoughts in Li Jiu's heart, and she pushed away the feather light that suppressed herself, and flew into Li Jiu's arms like a beautiful snake.

The soft voice whispered: "Master, shall we play again?" It's only a little bit closer~"

Although the double advent bonus made Li Jiu very excited, but today is really not good.

You must not give Yan Wan a sweet taste.

People are like this, once they break the rules they have set, the rules behind them are.

Li Jiu gently patted the peach that could almost pinch out water, "Not today, endure."

Yu Guang leaned to Li Jiu's left hand, squeezed Yan Wan to the right, and said with a red face: "That is, you forgot what I told you?"

"I'm here for the Seal of Perfection!" I am for the strength of the master!

Yan Wan pouted and said with a grievance on her face: "Look what you think, I just want to evolve."

Yuguang snorted softly: "Are you evolution?" You are clearly a gluttonous master!

Li Jiu hugged the two 'scuffling' girls in his arms without changing his face: "Don't make trouble, it's time to sleep." "

Before going to bed.

【System, I want a lottery! 】 "

Do you run daily sweepstakes?"


A more familiar light flickered out....

The system said intermittently: "Congratulations on obtaining a disposable item-a third-order spirit core package. "

In fact, the spirit core package is a real improvement in strength, and other disposable props cannot bring permanent improvement to Li Jiu.

After all, Li Jiu now needs to improve the combat effectiveness of the spirit pets.

Without the support that the system spirit core package has been converted, it is pure foolish to want to cultivate spirit pets with various attributes.

Li Jiu closed his eyes and spent more than ten minutes, using the conversion to convert all 30 third-order spirit cores obtained from opening the bag today into light attribute spirit cores.

[Holy Wing Angel]

Grade: Legendary Level

: Level 27

Sync Value: 90

Like a docile kitten's feather light stuck in Li Jiu's arms, he squinted lightly with a happy face: "Thank you master."

The big fox lying on Li Jiu's lap rolled in protest, "Obviously the people are the lowest rank!"

Yuguang gently picked up the coquettish big fox and helped her straighten her smooth and silky fur, "Next time."

Yan Wan gently bit Li Jiu's neck, and Lan Jiu kept drawing circles on Li Jiu's chest, and said with a grievance on his face: "Look at you, what have you taught angels to?" What must be next time, isn't it necessary this time? "


Li Jiu gently stroked the smooth and delicate jade back, and quickly comforted, "The advanced materials of Yuguang have been assembled, no card level, of course, priority is given to upgrades."

"I want too, master, I want!"

The big fox said sourly: "What tiger and wolf words?

The room was pitch black, and Sakura ran to the top of Li Jiu's head and curled up, angels and demons whispered softly in Li Jiu's ear, and he hugged left and right like this, and fell asleep in a daze.

Yan Yu, who had just woken up in the spirit pet space, looked confused: Everyone is asleep? Who plays with me?

At noon the next day, the dazzling sunlight shone through the curtains on Li Jiu's big bed.

Chu Xinyu's cold voice sounded outside the door: "Xiaojiu, you are almost resting, right?" It's noon.

The sleepy-eyed Li Jiu rubbed his eyes and quickly agreed: "Okay, master, I'll get up right away!" "

Spent 10 minutes washing and dressing.

Li Jiu showed the back of his left hand to Chu Xinyu, and said solemnly: "Master, I completely absorbed the Peng Zhiyu obtained in the secret territory yesterday, and that Liu family blood mark seems to have been completely eliminated just like that. Chu

Xinyu, who was sitting on the sofa, put down the teacup, and her blue eyes could not hide the surprise in the owner's heart, "Peng Zhiyu? That seems to be the inheritance of mythical-level monsters....."The

apprentice doesn't want to hide from the master, just last night the people of the Liu family have found the head, I want to ask the master to help solve these troublesome guys."

Chu Xinyu regained her usual majestic aura, "It turns out that this matter, you have become a disciple of my Tianji Sect, how can I stand idly by?"

Li Jiu saluted, "Thank you, Master."

"Then let's go."

Li Jiu looked at the majesty in his master's blue eyes, and no longer dared to look at her.

"Master, trouble you to stealth, I have a small plan."


In an ordinary small hotel two hundred meters away from the Sakura Hotel, Yanagi Ba, holding a spiritual telescope in his hands, worriedly observed everyone who left the Sakura Hotel.

No one will choose to use their spiritual power in the city to conduct a carpet search, peeping into the privacy of others, in case they provoke the hidden powerhouse...

There is only one end, that is, there is no corpse.

"Damn, why did the blood mark disappear?" Liu Ba gritted his teeth and said, the strength in his hand increased by a few points.

Last night, he took several spiritual masters of the Liu family to Li Jiu and found the Sakura Hotel where he was staying.

Preventing the grass from scaring the snake was also an agreement between the Xuanling Master family and the Spirit Master Association, and he did not choose to assassinate rashly.

But just after he drowsied and squinted for a while last night, the familiar blood qi in the air dissipated without a trace like Liu Cheng's last will.

Liu Jiu on the side spoke in horror, "We.... Tell the head of the household. "

Last night, I also guaranteed that I would absolutely complete the task, and today I lost the mission goal, and if I go back, I will definitely be better off than dead!"

Hearing this, Liu Ba's hand holding the telescope trembled: "Don't be in a hurry first, that is equivalent to admitting our failure, you and I will both be trained into blood zombies..."

Liu Jiu said anxiously: "Old Ba, what should we do!"

"Don't worry first, fortunately, this hotel is very large, ordinary people can't afford to live at all, we have enough people, everyone who comes out has to check it, his spiritual power does not exceed level 30, it is easy to recognize."

Liu Ba swore and said, "Moreover, I always feel that the figure of that black-robed man seems to have been seen somewhere?" I definitely recognized his back when I saw him again.

Liu Jiu nodded frantically as if he had caught a life-saving straw, "Old Eight, just do as you say, I will immediately send someone to stare."


After Liu Jiu led the people away, Liu Hachi continued to hold the binoculars and carefully stare at everyone who left the Sakura Hotel.

"It's not."

"This is a woman."

"This one is too fat."

When Liu Ba saw the triumphant Li Jiu alone, the steps that the six relatives did not recognize were like the devil's minions.

This figure, this person....

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