Liu Ba suddenly remembered what happened at the Fox God Bridge last night.

Because Liu Ba was just a slave of the Liu family, he naturally did not know about Chu Xinyu, who left a legend a hundred years ago and disappeared.

At that time, the incident happened suddenly, and Liu Bazheng, who lost his beloved son, cried and didn't think much about it.

Looking back now, this black-haired youth was the fox-riding youth who had surpassed his broken electric beast on the road before.

Those two masters of the mysterious family did not kill the black-haired young man in front of him in seconds, that is to say, his true strength fully met the conditions for killing his son, and his level did not exceed level 30!

Although the black-haired young man in front of him did not show [Blood Battle] in yesterday's almost certain death game, he was still the number one suspect!

Because he and his son had a little conflict before entering the secret realm, in case Liu Cheng was attacked and killed by the black-haired boy in front of him when he encountered some powerful monster fighting hard...

Liu Ba's speculation is indeed a bit fantastic, but it is indeed the correct answer.

A voice came from the communicator: "Old Eight, another man came out of the hotel."

"Lao Jiu, it may be them, let's follow, this kid is very similar in stature to yesterday's mysterious black-robed man, and he and Young Master Cheng have a little grudge on the road."

"Do we need to check his identity?"

"No need, that mysterious woman has disappeared yesterday, just as he is a spirit master of less than 30 level, more than ten of us have not easily taken him down?"

Liu Ba and Liu Jiu are both fourth-order spirit masters, and the other subordinates are also more than 30 levels, so many people catching a little hairy child has already given him face.

"He looks like he's going out of town!"

"Follow him, I'll come right away."

Liu Ba looked at Li Jiu, who was moving towards the west of the city, through the binoculars, and grinned coldly: "Let me see if you are the murderer of Cheng'er!"

"If it's really you..... Heaven has a way you don't go, hell has no door, you come to cast!

"Yesterday you were lucky that a mysterious woman saved you, and no one will come to rescue you today!"


West of Crimson City.

This is a brown thorny field, and this tall brown thorn is the security line of Crimson City....

Li Jiu held the light and dark blades all the way through the thorns and thorns, this woodland is at least 500 meters, and these brown thorns are 4 meters high, higher than the walls of some backward strongholds.

Li Jiu had already summoned his spiritual pet and wandered around like Jiang Taigong fishing.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Even the most careful people here will be injured, but Li Jiu, who has a recovery effect, does not care about these painless injuries.

Fight for a while, you don't take advantage of yourself.



Yuguang cooperated with Yan Yu's Cold Thorn Sitting Lotus to calmly cut off a third-order thorn demon that intended to sneak attack.

"Master, they are coming."

"Huhu~" As if in response to Yuguang's words, a dusty voice came.

Li Jiu looked back, and at the end of the field of vision, a wolf-headed leopard body and oxtail were quite wind-pulling broken electric beasts, and the eagle-hooked old man on its back was Liu Ba.

Liu Jiu behind him surrounded Li Jiu with more than ten level thirty spirit masters.

"Lying groove, it hurts..." "

What is this kid doing in this place?"


Li Jiu looked at these Liu family members who were constantly approaching him, and he did not immediately notify the master to kill and kill people.

Because he wanted to know how much information did the Liu family know about him?

Li Jiu asked without humility, "Are you big brothers coming to find me?"

Liu Ba's sunken eye sockets emitted a ray of essence, and said fiercely: "Boy, do you remember me?" "

Well, the grandfather riding the broken electric beast on the highway, are you in trouble?"

"You killed Liu Cheng, right? I smell the blood on you.

Li Jiu smiled slightly when he heard this, he already understood, the Liu family just suspected that they did not have conclusive evidence, otherwise these people would directly cut themselves with spirit pets.

He is the one who left the Sakura Hotel and has an intersection with Yanagi Seung.

He should have chosen himself through the elimination method, and since the Liu family's blood seal was really completely invalidated, Li Jiu was relieved.

Kill them all and you're done.

The Northwest Liu family, which is far away, will always go to the door one day as a guest.

"Master, trouble you to strike."


A hint of foreboding flashed in Liu Ba's heart: "What master?

Under their perspective, a fluttering fairy dressed in white slowly appeared beside Li Jiu, and she instantly summoned the majestic white four-winged horse and flower fairy.

In the stunned eyes of the Liu family, Chu Xinyu slowly said: "Extremely cold realm! "

This is?"

Before everyone in the Liu family could react, a spiral ice storm more than ten meters high shrouded a radius of 100 meters with Chu Xinyu as the center!

The surrounding trees and thorns were all uprooted to form unique ice sculptures in the air, and the time in the entire extremely cold field seemed to be 'frozen'.

Before Liu Ba and Liu Jiu could resist the other spirit pets that summoned them, they were pierced by the thorns created by the flower fairy!

Thick green thorns like logs grew wildly from under the ground, looking for the next prey like a sensitive snake, and under the crushing of the [Domain Technique] and high-level spirit pets that only a level 50 spirit master could comprehend, everyone in the Liu family did not have any capital to fight back.

Sections of blood-colored thorns continued to pierce the bodies of one spirit pet after another, and the white steed flapped its four wings, one after another the feathers were as fast as a black line, and Rao Li Jiu's eyes could not keep up with their speed.

If this move kills himself, I am afraid that he will be killed in seconds if he can't even turn his sense of defense!

The level gap is too large, and an insurmountable heavenly graben has been formed.

A series of golden lightning burst out from the Pegasus wings, and those light feathers continued to strafe at the body of the Liu family like a Gatling with full firepower!

Zizi ~

boom, each feather exploded at the same time, and the string was like a spark, completely annihilating the Liu family in front of him.

Li Jiu looked at all this dumbfounded, in less than 10S, more than ten 30th-order spirit masters had no resistance and were lightly solved by Chu Xinyu like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Master, it's so strong....

"The little apprentice was dumbfounded, haha~" The flower fairy flew a few times on Chu Xinyu's head, and the white heavenly horse quietly leaned behind Chu Xinyu.

"This is the domain technique?"

"Xiaojiu, step up your practice, it's a small fight before you comprehend the domain technique."

Chu Xinyu patiently explained: "No matter how powerful a level 49 spirit master is, he is invincible, and even invincible at the same level, but if he meets a master who successfully breaks through the level 50 learning domain technique, he will not win at all.

"Now, can you rest assured to follow me back to Tianji Peak?"


After Li Jiu saw the strength of the master with his own eyes, he secretly clenched his fists, and his nails were almost sinking into his palms.

The recent successive upgrade breakthroughs made Li Jiu float unconsciously, and after watching this battle, he knew how weak he was.

If a level 50 spirit master really gave up his face and forcibly killed himself, he would definitely die.

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