"Humans ... What do you want? Kaba asked in a hushed voice.

Li Jiu smiled and asked, "Jiaba? What a strange name, here's the thing, I have a broken weapon that I want to ask you dwarves to help fix it. "

The humans that Jiaba has met are all fierce-looking evildoers, completely treating them as slaves, and Li Jiu's relatively kind tone is already a great respect.

"If it had been before, the patriarch would have agreed... Right now.. Ay. Kahachi lowered his head in annoyance.

Li Jiu asked, "What happened?"

"To put it simply, there is civil strife among the dwarves, the current patriarch colludes with a human organization called 'New Souls', and the dwarves are about to be enslaved again."

"I am a member of the original patriarch's faction, and I can't bear the hunger, so I secretly ran out to get some bark to eat."

Li Jiu suddenly realized that he had not read the script of this power struggle.

Li Jiu took out a small bag of small puffs from the system space and shook it a little: "So, you're already hungry?" "

It has been a long time since Kahachi has eaten, and he can't control his facial expression when he sees the box of beautifully packaged food.

The eyes are like copper bells, and the eyelids are not blinking, as if the satyr sees the peerless beauty of the whole body.

"This scent..... Is it a good toast?

Li Jiu's current smile is like a demagogic demon: "This is a cream puff, it is all sweet and delicious cream~ "Puff


These two words turned up in Jiahachi's heart, and hit his fragile heart fiercely, which is the ultimate delicacy in the mouth of radicals!

Saliva flooded like the Yellow River flowed wildly from the corners of his mouth...

"I can give it to you, but the next questions to ask, you must answer me truthfully."

"Good!" Kaba didn't even want to nod frantically.

"Puffs... Puffs! Where

could Jiaba resist this temptation, he quickly took the cream puffs from Li Jiu's hand, "It's really the same as those guys described!" This sweet smell! It's heavenly smooth!

He took out a small puff with trembling hands, and the sweet aura that he had never enjoyed before made Kaba flutter!

It's worth it!

Jiaba took a bite, countless essences were released in his eyes, and he gobbled up the whole box of puffs....

Even if he is not killed by Li Jiu, he will be killed by the radicals in a few days, eat something good and go on the road, and cannot be a starving ghost.

Li Jiu suddenly felt that the legendary dwarf was like a starving ghost reincarnated?

This is just the same thing in Yan Yu's snack package.

Yan Yu: ┭┮_┭┮


"Kahachi, do you know where there are caves in this mountain range?"

"In return to the words of the benefactor, I really don't know.... Patriarch Jialan may know, but he is locked up and his life is in danger. Kaba licked his fingers.

"Well, can you take me to the territory of the dwarves?"

"Okay, but it's dangerous there, are you sure you want to go in?"

"Hmm." Li Jiu replied without thinking.

"Okay then, you come with me."

Li Jiu took back the little blue bird and followed Jiaba along the mountain.

About ten minutes later, the two bypassed the endless snowy forest, and in front of them was an exceptionally steep mountain that almost soared into the sky.

Kahachi took Li Jiu to a steep and somewhat outrageous mountain, and his body went straight into the 'mountain', which was quite magical.

"It turned out to be a special enchantment!" Li Jiu suddenly realized.

This advanced blinding method did not even notice Yuguang, Li Jiu followed Jiaba through this 'mountain', and a slightly wider passage entrance gradually appeared in Li Jiu's eyes.

Several fist-sized circular wall lamps hang near the stone wall passage, constantly releasing a soft light to illuminate the cave that should be extremely dark.

This kind of wall lamp, if Li Jiu is not mistaken, is everywhere in the main human city, and it is particularly outrageous in the Beiqing snow where birds do not!

"This is.... Human footprints!

"That's right, this is the new soul gang safe." Kahachi raised his head and looked at the wall lamp and said indignantly.

"The front is the checkpoint..... There are a few guards guarding the door, how do you want to get in?

Li Jiu took out a pitch-black hood from the system space and grinned: "Are they wearing this kind of hood?"

"How do you know?" Kahachi froze for a while.

"Because I have some connection with them." Li Jiu skillfully put on the hood.

"I admit I have a blockage, let's go."

"Good.... bar. Jia

Bayi gritted his teeth, ruthlessly fanned his mouth with two mouths, followed Li Jiu and whispered: "You pretend to be fierce, it should be fine." "


With Li Jiu's understanding of the new soul, the combat effectiveness of this organization's skirmishers is really average, mainly relying on the copied Demon Wolf Type X to win by quantity, and only cadres of this level of stewardship have good combat effectiveness.

The dwarf race, which has no combat effectiveness, should not have any strong bosses in the troops sent to suppress it, right?

He lightly kicked Jia Ba next to him and shouted, "You damn fellow, you actually dare to secretly go out to find bark to eat?"

Li Jiu walked towards the end of the passage while acting, and was greeted by a slightly rudimentary checkpoint, and several lazy-looking new soul warriors sitting in chairs around with hoods.

They glanced at Li Jiu and Jia Ba and didn't care too much.

Because the dwarfs who have no combat effectiveness are completely worthless to the new soul warriors who have the standard demon wolf, a new soul warrior can hang several dwarf warriors.

A phoenix warrior pointed at Jiaba and spoke, "This guy seems to have sneaked out several times, is the bark so delicious?"

"If it weren't for keeping them useful, Lord Steward would have ordered them to be cleansed, and these wastes escaping would have been self-defeating!" Hahaha! Li

Jiu kicked Jia Ba several times in front of the new soul warrior, cursing and cursing and leading him through this checkpoint.

At this moment, the phoenix warrior led by him glanced at Li Jiu's back and couldn't help but speak: "Slowly, what is our slogan today?" Jia

Ba hurriedly lowered his head, because his face instantly turned livid...

It's over!

Does this new soul organization still have a saying about slogans?

Several women in Li Jiu Ling's pet space are ready to go, and they are ready to fight!

Li Jiu turned around very naturally and shouted: "Glory and wealth family!" The

phoenix warrior waved his hand with some annoyance, and lost interest in Li Jiu: "Cut, it's really not interesting, I thought you were an inner ghost who sneaked in outside."

"Boss, are you stupid? Where does this bird not? Who will come? Without the toads that don't manage the matter, we would have been frozen to death long ago .." The little brother beside him spoke.

"Also, let's play Gomoku and play 100 yuan."

Li Jiuxin: This kind of illegal organization usually uses this brain-dead slogan to attract people to join, but I didn't expect to be really blinded by me?

I'm a genius!

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