Li Jiu, who successfully passed the New Soul Guard checkpoint, looked around and found that there were caves in this enchantment, surrounded by small houses... One of the most striking semi-finished guns, the dark breech, and the rounded base of the turret has been built!

A large number of grizzled dwarves worked around the battery machinery like workshop workers, and a few ruddy-looking dwarf overseers beat their own kind with leather whips.

"Move sharply!"

"If you can't complete the task today, you are not allowed to eat!"

Li Jiu stared blankly at the artillery that had not yet been completely built, and for a moment he was speechless.

What the dwarves are building in front of them is obviously the kind of old-fashioned artillery on Earth!

The Holy Spirit Star is still different from the earth, and the human combat power here is linked to the spirit pet, mainly because there are no thermal weapons in this world!

Swords, guns and clubs definitely can't beat powerful Warcraft, but RPG bazookas may be?

Artillery has already appeared in front of you, has the world also begun to study thermal weapons?

Jia Ba next to him seemed to find what Li Jiu was thinking, and explained in a low voice: "This is the design drawing brought by the New Soul Organization, and the finished product is called artillery... It is a large-scale weapon of destruction that uses spirit stones as energy. The

dwarf overseer not far away turned towards Jiahachi and shouted angrily: "Jiaba, have you come back from mining?" Hurry up and get to work!

"A good elder is not right, you have to oppose the patriarch, is this okay?"

"9494, follow Jia San to eat fragrant and drink spicy, follow Jia Lan to gnaw bark?"


Li Jiu whispered, "I know, you go to work quickly."


A hint of gloom flashed in Kaba's eyes, and he reluctantly walked towards the dwarf work queue.

Li Jiuxin said: It is better to thoroughly explore the military division here, and then rescue the dwarf patriarch and let him help him repair the weapon, and then go back to the master.


Li Jiu avoided the few new soul warriors in the town and began to probe around for information.

Whether it was a dwarf worker or a dwarf overseer, they saw Li Jiuhou's flattery, and they all nodded and went around.

So Li Jiu's plan went exceptionally well.

After turning around for more than ten minutes, Li Jiu determined that there were not many troops stationed here at all, and the local chickens and dogs were not afraid.

The combat effectiveness of these new soul warriors who are less than level twenty is too low, only 4, which is far less tricky than that Western Pole pariah.

With Sakura Wakayuki, he could easily take them all out.

Now only the area of the house in the center of the square, which looks like a conference hall, remains unexplored.

Generally speaking, this is where the little boss is hidden, right?

Li Jiu tiptoed over.

Sure enough, a very arrogant laugh came from the conference hall.

Another deep voice came: "Lin Gongzi is really happy, after the matter is done..... The money of the big family is refunded in full, and the money of leeks... How about 55 cents?

"Yes, this cannon is really magical, it really doesn't matter to me whether it can resist Warcraft or not, the main thing is Karyo~ make money... Shudder!

Li Jiu's ears moved slightly and his brows locked, this was Lin Tianhua's voice............. His ability to arrive here shows that the New Soul Organization and this Lin family have colluded!

No, Xiao Qin clearly said that he was a dogleg of the Spirit Master Association, could it be that this is the legendary inner ghost?

It sounds like they want to use the drawings of this cannon to create a standard sample to attract others to invest money in the project?

This 'other' has a high probability of being the Spirit Master Association!

Lin Tianhua, who was dressed in white, smiled proudly with a brocade fan, the Hu Guan with a broken arm beside him had disappeared, and the other black-robed man was a sword-eyed star, with a face like white jade, looking like a young man of twenty-three or four, with an indifferent smile on his face.

"In that case, I'll send Young Master Lin back, right? It seems that the Spirit Master Association also knows about the dwarves.

"It's possible that they asked me to come here to explore the veins, but where are the veins in this icy place?"

Steward Xiao said with a smile: "I can't bear the child to set the wolf, there is a mineral vein nearby, I'll take you there!"

Lin Tianhua covered his nose, and his eyes showed joy: "Let's go Xiao Guan, here is full of sweat and stench... Gee.

Li Jiu looked at the two, his brain racing to think.

Although Li Jiu is not a righteous partner, these garbled and broken things have nothing to do with him.

However, since the New Soul Organization sent people to imprison the dwarf patriarch, no one repaired the weapons for themselves.

If you want to free the imprisoned dwarf patriarch, you must use more violent means.

There is no doubt about this, so this battle with the New Soul Organization cannot be avoided at all.

Hu Guan is not the best time to do it yourself, and it may be variable to follow them to the mine to delay time!

Li Jiu's gaze swept away, this Xiao Guan's spiritual power level was only more than 30 levels, and Lin Tianhua's spiritual power level of 24 was not afraid at all.

Get ready to get your hands dirty! Get ready to get your hands dirty!

Li Jiu can now fight the four pets at the same time, and he is not afraid of group battles when he sits on the mobile battery of Chiyan Evil Fox.

Use the first hand sneak attack to solve one and then talk!

Kill the weaker Lin Tianhua first, right?

Lin Tianhua and Steward Xiao walked towards Li Jiu with a smile, how did they know that the God of Death had already set his sights on them?

Steward Xiao looked up and saw Li Jiu, who was wandering nearby, and said, "You, come here, hmm.. Good strength, go out with us!

"And a few of you, speed over!" He continued to shout towards a few new soul warriors not far away.

"Okay, Steward Xiao."

"Good." Li Jiu nodded slightly.

He naturally walked towards the defenseless two, Lin Tianhua and Xiao Guan could not imagine that someone would be able to infiltrate the dwarf tribe.

Ten steps away.

Suddenly, two identical double knives appeared in Li Jiu's hand, and the blade body was golden and bright, as if a small sun had appeared, shining in the entire enchantment like daylight.


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