Li Jiu had seen Wang Chen's message through his mobile phone before, and the 1000W earned by this kid using the Neon Pass had developed a small-scale spiritual master organization.

Da Lan and the master's injured feud, I must repay it!

Relying on Li Jiu's own level spirit pet to challenge the entire New Soul Organization was tantamount to dreaming.

At present, the forces that may be controlled by his subordinates are also the eldest brother Inoue Hong and the little maid Qin Wujue.

The forging techniques of the dwarves are so powerful... It will definitely be useful in the future.

Leaving them alone will definitely be discovered by the Spirit Master Association or the New Soul Organization, and it is better to become my Lijiu's helper than to become the slaves of others.

Just do what you say.

Li Jiu looked natural, and tentatively asked, "Patriarch Jialan, I don't know if you believe me or not?"

Jia Ba frowned and said, "Li Jiu, you are our savior, just say it."

"I don't want to investigate your past, but this is within the Terran realm, and it is only a matter of time before it is discovered... And I can find a group of people who are completely at my command to help you settle down.

Li Jiu continued: "The decision is in your hands.

"Of course, I will not enslave and force you to forge equipment for me, I just hope that if I need your help one day, I can contact you immediately."

Kahachi asked, "Won't you force us to work overtime every day?"


Patriarch Jialan flashed with essence in his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "What about the food supply?"

Li Jiu patted his chest: "Naturally, there will be a special person in charge, you can rest assured, the person who manages this matter is my confidant, and she cannot resist any of my orders, so there will be no accidents."

"On the basis of your willingness, they can provide you with enough forging materials to try forging equipment.... I know it's your favorite.


Patriarch Jialan is not a fool, and dwarves without spiritual power can only rely on other races to live.

Li Jiu is right, those masked people may strike again soon, but the second Li Jiu may never come...

As the savior of their dwarf race, Li Jiu's speaking credibility is far higher than that of ordinary humans.

Because he can now suppress the entire dwarf race alone now.

A dwarf elder nodded and said, "I agree with this proposal, the life of gnawing the bark is not a quality life, and the children of the sixth aunt next door are starving to death."

Jiaba also nodded and spoke, "I also agree, Li Jiu is very good, and he invited me to eat puffs."

Disbelief flashed in the eyes of the other dwarves: "What? It turned out to be the legendary puff? "

When they were enslaved and forced to work by the Jiasanfaction, the beasts beat themselves while eating puffs....

Ten minutes later.

The dwarves unanimously passed it, and they fully agreed with Li Jiu's proposal.

After all, give food and drink for nothing, and give you your favorite materials for you to cast, do not require overtime, occasionally make equipment ... Such a life is far better than 007's slave life.

Disagree, that's a fool!

Patriarch Jialan showed a strange brilliance on his face: "Li Jiu, what is the code word as a connection?"

Li Jiu thought for a while: "Domo Solamo, flash the light, you, light messenger."

The dwarves looked confused: ???

Li Jiu laughed: "Haha, this is the line from my favorite cartoon when I was a child, I wonder if you will have a chance to cast mecha warriors in the future?"

Patriarch Jialan wiped the sweat on his forehead and spoke, "Li Jiu, you are really childlike, as long as you have enough materials, we can create anything."

Riku didn't believe that this group of dwarfs could create Gundam.

He took out a space ring and left, leaving a voice before leaving: "Okay, I'll contact her immediately, this is a little bit of my heart, you guys take care."

"Lord Savior! Bon voyage! "

Congratulations Lord Savior!"


After the dwarves watched Li Jiu's departing back gradually disappear, they rushed to Jia Lan's side: "Clan elder, quickly open it and see, what is inside the space ring left by the savior master?"

"It is." Kaba said longingly, subconsciously putting his hand on his stomach.

The little puffs are delicious.

Jia Lan calmly opened the space ring, and when he saw what was inside, he was shocked!

The jaw dropped completely!

Bengbu lived!

This space is filled with a variety of ingredients, grain, rice, salt oil, cabbage and potatoes, a variety of snacks, tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea, which can be called a small warehouse!

A very light noodle fragrance also naturally emanates from within!

Facing overflow........ The noisy crowd instantly quieted down!

Jiaba's whole body was trembling, and he said incoherently: "This... This seems to be the legendary white-faced steamed bun! "

Green onion cake!"

"Oh my God, millet porridge!"

"These are just fantastic ingredients! I'm not dreaming, am I?

"Oh my God!"

That's it..... The dwarves were completely moved by the small gift given by Li Jiu and cried tears, and they couldn't wait to hold Li Jiu's thigh and cry bitterly...


a day later.

The southern part of the Giant Bear Country of the Shenlong Continent is also a snowy area in the northern region of China, west of the Northern Green Snow.

This place is called Western Qin Snow Land, and as the name suggests, it is the inherent territory of the Qin family of the Xuanling Master family.

There are no strongholds set up by any spiritual master associations in the vicinity, which is to prove the friendly and common development of the two.

The Qin family established a 'Western Qin City' in the center of this Western Qin Snowland, and it has been developing steadily for a long time, becoming a well-deserved double hero of the Northern Regions!

One family controls one city!

The Qin family's mansion.

Dressed in a red robe, Qin Shuang of Yu Xuan Ang wandered and paced in the courtyard.

Qin Shuang heard his daughter say that Li Jiu would come to the Qin family as a guest immediately, and he was overwhelmed with joy in his heart.

To be honest, he didn't believe that Li Jiu would join the Qin family at all... This kid is too arrogant and will not become anyone's vassal at all.

But Qin Wujue would never lie to himself.

A stout Qin family slave ran over and knelt down on one knee and said, "Sir, the young lady has returned with Elder Li!"

Qin Shuang heard the joy behind him, and hurriedly urged, "Hurry up and invite them in."


Soon, the extraordinary and handsome Li Jiu took Qin Wujiu's little hand and walked in naturally, as if he was going back to his own home.

Li Jiu saw Qin Shuang smile slightly, seemed to have completely forgotten the embarrassment of the day, and made a spirit master salute very generously: "Hello, Master Qin." "

After all, her daughters are all their own people, and the Qin family's future things are all their own, what enemies and me are divided?

Qin Shuang smiled and quickly waved his hand: "Li Jiu Xiaoyou, what is polite?" The Qin Family Advisor Elder can be exempted from those rules and regulations... In addition, there is only one advisory elder in the Qin Mansion.

Li Jiuxin said: This old fox is quite good at being a person, and what I said really made me much more comfortable.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Qin Shuang glanced at Qin Wujie, who had a flushed face, and the look of shame of falling in love was tempting, and his heart couldn't help but rejoice.

Qin Shuang was also forced to carry out a family education for Qin Wujie since he was a child... Qin Shuang only had one daughter, Qin Wujue.

Qin Shuang knew very well in his heart how important the woman's other half really was.

Now seeing his daughter's shy face, and it didn't seem to be trusted, Qin Shuang felt very happy.

Double happiness is coming, belongs to yes.

Qin Wen Qin Wu grabbed the lines: Sir, we died in vain!

Qin Shuang knew that Qin Wujue's face was red because Li Jiu had bullied her sister all over again...

Qin Shuang said with a kind face: "It's good to go home, then Li Jiu's little friend and the little girl's marriage..." Li Jiu's face

was as usual, but he politely refused: "I and Wujiu are still young, and it's not too late to get married after a few years of hard work... And the purpose of my trip today is to exchange feelings with my endless being....... Did you say so? Endless?

Since that time in the Sunset Forest, Qin Wujie no longer dared to look directly at her father's hopeful eyes, because she found herself less and less listening to him.

"Hmm..." Qin

Shuang smiled, he didn't expect that there was that kind of relationship at all: "Young is good, you can take Li Jiu around the house and cultivate more feelings!"

"I'll go out on an errand first."

"Master Qin go slowly."

"Dad: Be careful on the road. "

After Qin Shuang left the Qin Mansion, Qin Wujie was the boss of the Qin Mansion.

The other house slaves left the two one after another, knowing that Qin Wujue was not allowed to approach within ten meters.

Li Jiu looked at Qin Wujie beside him and smiled: "Little maid, let's go?"

Qin Wujue looked up at Li Jiu, who was smiling badly in front of him, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart... I know why I can't help but listen to him.... As well as any command.

What am I going to do?

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