Qin Wujie took Li Jiu to his room.

Qin Wujie's boudoir is very beautiful, pink wallpaper, kawaii's two-dimensional girl pillow.... The layout of the room and the attributes of the eldest lady who looks cold and proud have nothing to do with each other.

Li Jiu teased her: "It turns out that you are also a second hedgehog." "

Shhhh Don't look, those are my private collections.

Qin Wujue quickly explained: "I don't really like watching anime....... Just love these cute outfits.

"Ahhh Yeah.

Li Jiu turned around and looked at Qin Wujie, who was dressed in a red robe in front of him, and his beautiful short green hair was about to reach his shoulders.

It seems that she is obedient to grow her long hair.

That's nice.

Li Jiu approved, "Very obedient, Xiao Qin." "


Qin Wujie's heart was very flustered....... She was very afraid of Li Jiu's request in that way here.

I couldn't refuse... This is so shy....

Li Jiu didn't know what was going on in her heart, grabbed Qin Wujie's jade hand, held her directly in his arms, and the two sat on the pink mattress like this.

The truth of one slap and one date, Li Jiu still understands.

Li Jiu's big hand gently lifted Qin Wujiu's chin, and said affectionately: "Xiao Qin.... Obedient maids are rewarded.

Qin Wujue's eyes did not dare to look at each other, and said duplicity: "I'm just.... Didn't listen to you.

Li Jiu looked at her panel properties.

Name: Qin Wujie

Age: 19

Experience: 0

Favorite things: jade flute, cute clothes, handsome spiritual pets, color things

weaknesses: snow peaks, earlobes, apples.... To be developed

, obedience: 50

Yes, women are generally more colorful than men, and Miss Qin is naturally no exception.

Li Jiu naturally knew that it was very difficult to train the proud young lady who remained awake to serve her maid wholeheartedly, but this was interesting, wasn't it?

Pushing her down directly is simple, but boring.

Let's break through her psychological defenses first.

Li Jiu turned her over, looked at the pair of round peaches condescendingly, and a sneer hung at the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Qin, do you like this very much?"

As soon as Li Jiu's words fell, he saw Qin Wujiu's body tremble obviously.

"Whew..... I didn't. "


"Xiao Qin, you forgot to add the honorific title, call the master!"

Qin Wujue's body trembled again, but the powerful power of the system props made her unable to lower her noble head, "Master... I didn't. "

Know what you're mine?"

Qin Wu never dared to turn back and whispered, "Your servant."

"Wrong, it's a maid, sister shaking!"


Li Jiu smiled slightly, and gently patted it on the round and straight back mountain.

"Woo~ don't."

"You should have the maid's clothes, right?"

Li Jiu took out a maid suit prepared in advance (the same style as Daido) from the system space, and said viciously: "If not, I can only strip you naked and wear it for you."

Qin Wujie said aggrievedly: "Master, I wear....... Please don't rip me off.

In this way, Li Jiu slowly appreciated the changing process of the maid eldest miss.

Not to mention, Qin Wujiu, who was 20 years old, was extremely mature, and if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Jiu wouldn't have believed that her capital base was so fat.

It seems to have been earned!

Qin Wujie, who was dressed in a slightly smaller maid costume, presented a devil-like curve, and the larger ball held the white clothes on his chest high and hooked a towering perfect shape.

This design that exposes the southern hemisphere is a bit evil.... Very nice.

A pair of slender jade legs wrapped a thin layer of white silk, which makes people addicted!

Li Jiu patted his leg and signaled her to come over: "Very good, come here." Qin

Wujiu had no choice but to sit on Li Jiu's lap with his eyes closed, trying to avoid that... Shameful....

Li Jiu unceremoniously led the troops to charge and took the lead and reached the pinnacle.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't you still want to seduce me before? Why are you still scared now?

Qin Wuji's consciousness was a little fluttering: "Hmm~~ha... Master..... What are you doing?

Li Jiu did not come up to humiliate her, but used the Qin family to tempt, while gently kissing her round and cute earlobe, and hummed gently: "I have something I want you to do, and if you do it well, it will also be extremely beneficial to your Qin family."

"If it's not done well... You're by my side every day, right? The eldest lady who has no use value can only become my plaything.... I'm lacking a maid to warm my bed.

Qin Wujue's face turned crimson, and his jade arm unconsciously hugged Li Jiu's neck, exhaling like a lan: "I will try to do things....... I'm not a plaything.

"Well said, I don't need a maid who can only vent X's desires, I need a shrewd and capable Qin Wujie."

Li Jiu withdrew a hand and pinched her beautiful and straight Qiong nose, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "There is something for the secretary to do, nothing to do for the secretary, do you understand?"

"Yes.... Master.

Li Jiu said slightly: "Of course, your posture is indeed good and delicious, but I value your loyalty as a maid, not your body."

"Of course, your body is also mine, and you are not allowed to let other men near you..."

Qin Wu had no way to do anything, like a rag doll, at his mercy.

It's over... I'm going to drop h....

"There is a group of mysterious dwarves in the northern depths of the Northern Green Snow, I have drawn the map for you, you take the servants you can fully trust to settle them, it will be useful in the future, it doesn't matter if your father knows, he won't make a big deal about you, right?"

Qin Wujue leaned on Li Jiu's neck and said weakly: "Yes, for the sake of the Qin family... Father wouldn't do that kind of thing.

Li Jiu smiled: "You are still too tender, where is this?" That's it for today. "

I have written the details in this space ring, and settling them down will be a good thing for me for your Qin family."

Li Jiu helped her sort out her clothes, hugged her on the bed and covered the quilt: "Okay, you rest slowly, practice playing a musical instrument well, and check your homework next time."

Qin Wujue's eyes were confused, and he muttered and asked, "Master..... What exactly are you going to do? Want an endless body? Or the Qin family's inheritance?

Li Jiu clenched his fists and said with a smile: "I want them all."

"The reward has already been given, do you come on?" Failed words.... You know the consequences. "

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