"Uh.... I..." The butcher seemed to want to say something, and then he closed his mouth forever.

After everyone joined forces to defeat this rather tricky butcher, Yuguang immediately toured the 6th floor of the ancient tower.

Yan Yu hurriedly healed Xiaoying, fortunately, Xiaoying is not the kind of girl who likes a comfortable environment, she can sharpen herself in constant battles, and it is best to challenge her own limits in battle.

Only in this way will Xiaoying's defiant breakthrough value be greatly increased, and her potential can be stimulated, and the later the spiritual pet, the more accelerated the cultivation.

However, Li Jiu was still reluctant to let her hurt more.

Sure enough, a dazzling green light shrouded Xiaoying's body, and the feathers that had fallen off her body grew out again, and the entire eagle became more fierce and fierce, and the level was also raised to level 40.

Winged Tunan has been upgraded and enhanced, and can now generate more winds at the same time.

"Thank you Sister Yan Yu." Xiaoying said sweetly.

Yan Yu hugged Xiaoying's body and rubbed it, "It's really good." After

the gentle Yan Wan left Li Jiu's body, she just took his big hand, and the two walked around the entire 6th floor.

The mural on the 6th floor is a bit odd, with several balls of all sizes depicting them, one of which is white and one of which is very eye-catching.

It's just that the picture behind has been a little blurred by the iron hook of the butcher and the erosion of the death demon qi for an unknown number of years, and nothing can be seen clearly.

"The host.... It's a pity. Yan Wan's head rested slightly on Li Jiu's shoulder.

Li Jiu took her hand and carefully examined this flower-like face, "You have worked hard Wan'er, if you are tired, go back to rest first."

"Well, it's not a secret..... It's a bit tiring to perform possession without damaging your body. Yan Wan smiled gently, her gaze was like a summer spring breeze, which warmed Li Jiu's heart.

(● 'З'●) The

pair of delicious and sweet red lips came up and took a bite, and then she turned into black stars and disappeared back into Li Jiu's spiritual pet space.

Li Jiu quickly rushed back to the center of the secret room to join the spirit pets.

"Color master! It's the spirit nucleus, alas. Yan Yu held a piece of dark crystal.

"Well, I'll use it for your sister in the evening." Li Jiu took it quietly.

Yan Yu naturally knew what he was talking about, but she had always had a valuable first perspective.

"The Great Color Wolf... I... Hum! Li

Jiu hugged Xiaoying, carefully examined it and found that she had healed, and the recovery effect of passive self-contained was also quite good.

Yuguang fell steadily to the ground, "Master, there is nothing left on the 6th floor, presumably all of them were killed by that butcher."

"Well, we should go meet the dragon for a while." Li Jiu raised his arm, and the miniaturized Xiaoying stood firmly on it.

Now Li Jiu has become a spiritual pet shelf, holding a war eagle in his arm and wearing a red fox neck.




three hours later.

Inside the labyrinth on the sixth floor of the Black Tower.

With a sharp roar and the end of the flapping winged Tunan, a greedy demon spider fell into the violent spiritual power wind, bursting out a shining fifth-order dark spirit core.

"Xiaoying has become powerful!"

Li Jiu sighed, then pocketed the dark spirit core and looked around.

Even with the guidance of Yuguang, he had been wandering around here for a full three hours, and if it weren't for the system's own time function, I'm afraid Li Jiu wouldn't know how long he had walked in this dark labyrinth.

If only someone else had strayed into this place... I'm afraid I won't even see the butcher's face.

Because the maze is really intricate and dangerous, I encountered a variety of fifth-order insects and monsters along the way, and I don't know which king bastard designed it?

Every Warcraft dormant in the maze is several times stronger than the Warcraft of the same level in the outside world, but they are still no match for the abuser-Xiaoying, because the large Warcraft have long been killed by the butcher.

Yuguang nodded: "Master, it should be almost here." "


Left... Turn right... Go straight.

In the gray space in front of Li Jiu's eyes, a faint white light suddenly appeared?

"Arrived?" Li Jiu came to the spirit.

About half a meter ahead, there was a dark iron door on the gray wall, and a faint white light reflected through the iron window.

What is it?

How can there be white light?

"Oh? You weren't actually slaughtered by that butcher? A slightly vicissitudes man's voice came from inside the iron gate.

Li Jiu was not that kind of stupid Bai Tian, he did not move forward but took a step back: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? My name is Bai Xiao, and I am the Dragon King who was framed by an adulterer and imprisoned here.

Li Jiu frowned: "Dragon King? As far as I know, the dragon clan is an extremely powerful creature, how can you become a prisoner as the king of the dragon clan? And will you crook your mouth?

Bai Xiao roared with some excitement: "It is said that it is framed by an adulterer!"

Li Jiu waved his hand: "It's okay, when I didn't ask, then are you the dragon spirit in charge of the Divine Dragon Trial?"

"I don't know what kind of trial, the devil knows how long I've been locked up here, you let me out!"

"That's all right, bye, Lord Dragon King." Li Jiu didn't even drag the mud and water and turned around.

Two pairs of hands suddenly stretched out from inside the barred window, and Bai Xiao shouted: "Don't go!" Just now, I just recognized the wrong person and looked a little excited!

"I didn't mean to kill you, really!"

Bai Xiao never expected that Li Jiu would not play cards according to the routine at all, he lowered his head that did not surrender to death, and said with a pleading tone: "This human friend, now killed by an adulterer, only a wisp of remnant soul remains, I just need you to give me some treasures to replenish my strength, wait for my dragon yuan to become a great success, reshape the gods, will definitely take you back to the god world, this planet gives you rule, how about?"

Li Jiu laughed: "Me? First Emperor? Hit the money?

"Don't laugh, I'm getting down to business."

Li Jiu walked back: "To be honest, I don't need your commitment in the future, let me let you out.... But you have to give me enough benefits.

"The devil knows if you're a guy who turns his face and doesn't recognize people."

Bai Xiao sighed: "Then you can open the iron gate now, my soul has been bound by this tower and cannot harm you."

Li Jiu snorted coldly: "I don't believe it, what if I see you and slaughter me?" Unless..." Bai

Xiao is like a drowning man grasping the last straw, he has been detained here for an unknown number of years, Li Jiu is the first living person to arrive here, he does not seize the opportunity, maybe he will not be able to go out in this life.

"Unless what? I really didn't lie to you!

Li Jiu said, "Show me the dragon yuan you said in your mouth, otherwise there is no need to talk."

Bai Xiao was silent for a minute after hearing this.

"Well, I can only show you through the barred window, I will die without Long Yuan, and you will never be able to leave this fake floating meteorite tower."

Li Jiu: ???

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