"What did you say?"

"Without my help, you will never be able to leave this tower." Bai Xiao said calmly, "This tower is not a cage that imprisons me.

Li Jiu's face changed: "Isn't this the Divine Dragon Trial Secret Realm?" How did I get in again?

Bai Xiao continued, "I can probably understand the Divine Dragon Trial you are talking about, but I can't tell you this secret right now.

"Hmph, I don't believe it!"

Li Jiu immediately rummaged through the mysterious teleportation stone left by Liu Mengyao in the system space, and he injected spiritual power into the teleportation stone with some trembling.

"Ding~ The current space is limited by the Four Forbidden Heavenly Extinction Array, and all space-type skills and props cannot be used!" The mechanical voice of the system rang in my head.

I Gan!

Bai Xiao seemed to have anticipated what Li Jiu wanted to ask: "The Four Forbidden Heavenly Extinction Array has completely sealed the interior of the space of this iron tower, and the only entrance has long been closed. "

Li Jiu:".....""

It was the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the weapon in your hand that led you here from spatial teleportation, if you want to blame them, hahahaha!"

"Then how can I get out?"

"Help me cultivate Long Yuan to reforge my body, and when my strength is complete, I can easily break this iron tower."

Li Jiu clenched his fists and said coldly, "Show me Long Yuan."


At this time, the light behind the barred window became more and more dazzling, and there was a round white spirit bead in those hands stained with dirt!

[Dragon Yuan]: The token of the dragon emperor, after use, it can strengthen the exclusive ability of the dragon family itself, and can be inherited and condensed by other dragons.

Li Jiu looked at those hands.

[Light Dragon Baixiao]

Grade: Mythical

Level: Level 0

Introduction: Because of the particularity of the dragon yuan, only a trace of the soul was suppressed here, acting as the energy of the special enchantment, and the strength plummeted.

Skills: A whole bunch of too lazy to make up.

"This is Long Yuan? Isn't it just a glowing glass ball? Li Jiu said deliberately.

"You said he was a glass ball? Hahahaha! To get it... I killed my father. The more Bai Xiao spoke, the more excited he became.

Li Jiu saw Bai Xiao's panel go to zero, and his sense of security increased greatly, "Okay Bai Xiao, I agreed, I can't go out anyway." "

Oh? You are interesting, you are not afraid of me? Bai Xiao's voice carried a hint of hope.

Li Jiu scratched his head. "Aren't all royal struggles like that? It's not weird.

"Then you open the door quickly, and I will definitely give you a good reward."

"What good stuff? First of all, I'm afraid you'll lie to me. Li Jiu began to engage in a tug-of-war with him.

Bai Xiao swore and said, "How about giving you the blessing of the dragon when I reforge my body?" With the blessing of the Dragon King, you will never be afraid of the Dragon Clan again.

Li Jiu spread his hands with disdain: "Is there a point of practicality then?" When you recast your body, I'm afraid that the yellow cauliflower will be cold.

Bai Xiao sighed: "But I have nothing on me now..."

"You mean....... Information?

"That's right! I'm interested in something, I don't know if you can answer it.

"Good, good, open the door!" Bai Xiao was about to cry, why didn't this guy look at the blessing of the dragon at all?

"Okay." Li Jiu kicked open the iron door violently.

The 7th floor of the Black Tower is actually a secret room with a small space.

I saw a young man with a shawl, unkempt and ragged clothes in the secret room, and five dark chains binding his limbs and head.

The walls of the chamber are made of special purple crystals, and they are engraved with dense and strange special words, which seem to be an ancient and mysterious incantation.

Bai Xiao, who was kneeling on the ground, slowly raised his head, and at this moment he cried.

I don't know how many years of captivity I finally saw other intelligent beings.

"Bai Xiao, where is my reward?" Li Jiu stood in front of the door and smiled.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Who the hell are you, why are you stuck here, and what does this tower do?" Li Jiu threw out his own questions in one breath.

"My name is Bai Xiao, I am the Supreme Dragon King on Obsidian, I don't know how many years ago I died after losing to a bastard, and when I woke up again, I was trapped here."

"Obsidian? What is that? How have I not heard?

Bai Xiao's expression changed from disdain at the beginning to horror: "Are you stupid as a human being?" I'm not in Black Flare......... Wait a minute... Which is this?"

Bai Xiao looked up to the sky and roared, "Prison... You bastard actually dares to do this to me! I will seek revenge on you after I go out!"

Li Jiu looked at Bai Xiao who was crazy on the ground with some disdain: "Bai Xiao, you are normal, this world is called the Holy Spirit Star, and there is no obsidian at all." "

He has already sorted out the intelligence since the first day in this world.

In the huge universe, there are no other planets with intelligent life except the sun, moon and Holy Spirit, so there is no such thing as Star Wars.

Li Jiu naturally accepted this reality.

Bai Xiao raised his head and looked at Li Jiu blankly: "Is this really the case?" That's terrible..."

What are you talking about? Let me be clear.

Bai Xiao lowered his head in disappointment: "It's over... I can't go back to my hometown anymore..... It seems that the legend is true, there is more than one planet in the world.

Li Jiu suddenly remembered the earth, and at this moment he seemed to understand Bai Xiao's feelings.

"Say, what the hell is going on?"

Bai Xiao looked at the iron gate without a god and said to himself: "The moment my consciousness awakened, I heard a vague human voice.

"I should have been treated by them as some kind of ritual initiating energy seal... The power is constantly draining, and the bastard in prison uses the characteristics of the dragon yuan to make me live forever and never die well. Bai Xiao gritted his teeth and said.

"Prison? Who is he? Li Jiu frowned.

Bai Xiao stared at the Xueyue Double Blade in Li Jiu's hand: "He is a bastard, a scumbag who coaxes Yue'er!" The weapon in your hand is from the hands of this bastard... But hahaha... He wouldn't have thought you could release me.

Li Jiu looked at the weapons in his hand suspiciously, could it really be that they had brought themselves to this strange place?

There won't really be such a pit master's weapon, right?

Bai Xiao continued, "If my guess is correct, this iron tower and the Divine Dragon Secret Realm in your mouth are one existence, one yin and one yang. "

You were sent to the 'yin' side by that bastard's weapon, I'm afraid you won't even want to go out in the future... Let me go! When I am Dragon Yuan Dacheng, I will take you out of here.

"So that's it, I've fulfilled my promise, I'll leave first if it's okay." Li Jiutou left without looking back.

"Hey! Boy, you haven't let go of me yet! Bai Xiao was dumbfounded.

Li Jiu turned around and smiled: "You only said let me let you out, now I open the door.... You can't get out and don't blame me.

"If you want to blame, blame those who set the ban.... Unless..." "

Unless what?"

"Give me Long Yuan, I Li Jiu will never trade at a loss."

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