"I didn't expect that you could still call out if your mouth was torn apart." Li Jiu smiled.

"Abominable: I can only use that trick....."The Steel Kur Beast slapped the floor and stood up straight.

In the Encyclopedia of Warcraft, the common Kur beast is a kind of Warcraft of the subhuman race.

But Li Jiu didn't know that the steel kur beast in front of him was actually not a demon beast, but a living person.

He underwent the Fuluzong's demonic experiments and mutated into the Steel Kur Beasts, which were actually the result of Fuluzong's experiments with him and ordinary women.

"Uh Boy, no one has ever dared to hurt me, do you know the consequences of doing this? You... Is it up to bear? The

Steel Kur Beast roared viciously, and his mouth, which had been slapped by Li Jiu, gradually healed at a recovery speed visible to the naked eye.

"The seal that Lord Tu left me..... I finally broke through. I'm not a human anymore! Boy, you give me death! The

body of the Steel Kul Beast suddenly erupted with dazzling green rays, and these green rays gradually burned like fireworks.

The iron armor on his upper body turned into pieces in an instant, the fragments of his armor rippled down the air, and on his naked chest was a tuft of thick green chest hair, and the size of the whole beast became a little larger again, and the appearance of serious injuries was particularly hideous.

There is a turquoise opening in the center of the chest, and a crystal clear 'heart' seems to beat slowly inside.

"This is your kernel?" Li Jiu frowned and took a few steps back.

[Steel Kur Beast]

Grade: Dominant

Level: Level 50

Introduction: A few successful cases of human bodies receiving the power of Warcraft, and weakness is the core of Warcraft.

Skills: Blazing Iron Fist, Steel Impact, Demon Flame Acceleration, Beast King...

After carefully inspecting the panel of the Steel Kur Beast, Li Jiu found that this hideous monster was actually a human transformation?

The level of the Steel Kur Beast that was liberated by power skyrocketed to level 50, and he felt that he was already invincible in the world.

The pupils of the Steel Kul Beast Eye shrank, and the cold light approached Li Jiu's face, and he said coldly: "In order to suppress my bestiality, I have been suppressing my own strength.... I didn't expect to be defeated by you, an ordinary human .... Go to hell! "

Li Jiu's face was not waveless in the face of the steel kur beast whose strength skyrocketed to level 50, he was not without seeing high-level monsters, this is the mentality of the enemy tempered by Li Jiulai's Holy Spirit Star, the stronger the enemy, the calmer he must be.

"Is it? You think you can win over me without being human? Pathetic experiments. Li Jiu, who was full of taunting skills, poked at the sore spot of the Steel Kur Beast.

"How much you can't afford to live.. Just choose the wrong person? As a former human being, now hunt human beings.... It's really a pig and a dog, today I will take the place of Skywalk. The

Steel Kur Beast suffered again from the mouth cannon, and he roared in annoyance: "Go and die! Little bunny! "

This thunderous sound can make ordinary people faint on the spot, and low-level spiritual masters will be scared.

The Steel Kul Beast pouted its butt, gathered its spiritual power with both fists, and sprayed Qingyan, and its body slammed towards Li Jiu's body like a streamer!

Li Jiu snorted coldly and was about to raise the knife to slash, and the majestic demonic power in his body was also agitated, and a soft voice came from behind him.

"Jiu, leave it to me."

Ha Yue, who had never spoken like a transparent person, rushed to Li Jiu's side, and under the impact of super high speed, the black robe on his head slowly fell to reveal a delicate jade face that made the sun and the moon dim.

Even the menacing Steel Kul Beast was shocked when he saw Hades Yue's true face, and the strength in his hand couldn't help but drop by 3 points.

Such a stunning woman

.................. Ha Yue gently closed his eyes as if he was chanting something, and the Extreme Heaven Demon Coffin floated in front of Li Jiu as if it was psychic, turning into a giant black coffin that was 10 meters tall!

"Insect trick, break it for me! Such a beauty should belong to me! "

The body of the steel kull beast is blue and bright, a pair of iron fists slammed fiercely on the black coffin, dozens of fist shadows that were so fast that they could not be seen clearly poured out, and Li Jiudu, who was standing behind the black coffin, felt that the air on the side seemed to become extremely distorted!

How destructive is this?

"Aaa Break! The

earth seemed to be shaken by the fiery iron fist of the Steel Kur Beast, but the black coffin was like Tarzan standing still, leaving not even a trace of impact.

"Well done!" The girl's praise sounded behind Ha Yue.

Two figures, one green and one gold, swooped out from both sides of the black coffin, and the sword and sword shadows tore through the void, causing the surrounding air to roar.

Light wing chopping, light wing suddenly, the star river shuttling three unique rays will flash the night like day.

The golden and cyan two rays of light are like two rounds of the sun floating, the brilliant light can flash people's eyes, the attack of the feather light and the shadow is very accurate on the two ribs of the steel kur beast, and after a bang, the three supreme forces are entangled together and then erupt!

Li Jiu himself also stomped and jumped hard, stepping on the giant coffin and holding a double blade to smash towards the head of the Steel Kur Beast from top to bottom.

The Steel Kul Beast didn't care about his head, and his head was once again hit by Li Jiu's full force, and the manic spiritual power slapped him away!

As the tyrannical spiritual power gradually stabilized, the whining wind also stopped, and an indescribable giant pit appeared in front of Li Jiu's eyes, and the surrounding boulders were crushed into powder by the fierce battle.

"Uh.... Group fighting.... Ahem..." A

slightly weak cough sounded from the deep pit, the huge body slowly got up, and the steel kur beast covered in green blood stood up.

At this time, the [Divine Order] in his body was injured by two spirit pets first, and he was severely slashed on the heavenly spirit cover by Li Jiuli Huashan Mountain, if he hadn't used the hardening technique to save his head in the end, I am afraid that he would have died violently on the spot!

The level 50 monster couldn't even take Li Jiu and the spirit pets' joint attack.

The Steel Kur Beast felt like a fresh Ao Li to give a grievance, originally thought that he would casually pinch Li Jiu to death, but was beaten flying twice.

Finally, the small universe broke out and was ready to hang Li Jiu, who did not know whether he was dead or alive in front of him, but he was seriously injured by him and the spirit pet twice, and almost lost his life.

The Steel Kul Beast couldn't help but wonder if he had been deceived by the Fuluzong?

What about the peerless power that is good?

Logically speaking, he would not be defeated so quickly in the face of a powerful demon beast of level 55 or so, so miserable?

"I'm not convinced... You guys are a gang fight, and I want it too! The power of the king! Resuscitate, my warriors. Li

Jiu looked at the Steel Kur Beast like a clown.

With the blue glow on the chest of the Steel Kur Beast, the originally seriously injured and dying Kur Beast group slowly climbed up, and like the Steel Kur Beast, their bodies gradually emitted silver brilliance, and their defense soared!

Yuguang scolded angrily: "Hmph, come on, let you lose heartily."

She hugged her two blades in front of her chest and took off into the sky, and then slammed into the ground like a falling meteor, and the imposing domineering spiritual power passed along the blade into the ground and caused a strong earthquake.

In an instant, the dazzling golden rays were like the sun, and the twelve holy sword phantoms spread out like fireworks, evenly spreading out in the direction of the hour hand, and each holy sword phantom cut a bottomless ravine into the wasteland, and the manic spiritual power swept through everything that stood in the way!

"Holy Sword Crack."

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