As soon as those cured Kur beasts got up, they were struck solid by a holy sword crack from Yuguang.

The Steel Kur Beast couldn't help but rub his eyes when he saw everything in front of him..... Could it be that I didn't wake up?

What about my little brother?

All by the opposite side of the move for a second?

Li Jiu launched a fierce attack on him with the shadow, spiritual power circulating wildly in his body, and the double blades in his hand ignited blood-colored flames and smashed towards the Steel Kul Beast!

The Steel Kul Beast resisted Xiaoying's attack hard, intending to fight with Li Jiu to break the net, and the cyan spiritual power on his fists was as cold and compelling as ghost fire.

In the face of the desperate attack of the Steel Kur Beast, Li Jiu did not dare to be careless, he clenched the double blade in his hand, the broken knife was a little stronger, and the weapon in his hand seemed to come to life!

"Bang bang!" There was an aura of death in the sound of metal clashing.

The swords were staggered, and the cyan sword qi and red sword radiance easily penetrated the body of the Steel Kul Beast.


Yuguang also joined the battle, and the whole person seemed to turn into a sharp golden sword qi, and the double blades stabbed through the chest of the steel kur beast, and the turquoise blood sprayed all over the ground like a high-pressure water pump.


The core weakness of the Steel Kur Beast was penetrated by the lethal knife, and not even a trace of cold snort was emitted, and the giant mountain-like body lost its balance and smashed to the ground motionless.


Because of the shattering of the core of power, some of the remaining Kur beasts that had not yet died due to the power of the beast king also exploded and died at the same time.

"Win." Xiaoying held a sharp sword and looked at the dead Kur beast.

A special green glow slowly emerged on the girl's body, which was a special sign of defiance.

The Steel Kur Beast, which is higher than the Shadow level, provides her with a lot of unique breakthrough points.

[Blood War Eagle

] Grade: Epic

Level: Level 42

Introduction: A unique spiritual pet that continuously transforms and evolves, and the power of fusing [Soldier] accelerates the evolution speed of the Eight Barren Dances, and the chance of evolving into a Shinra-level Eight Barren

Peng has greatly improved the skill: Obedience Reverse Dance Eight Wilderness Battle Lonely Soldier Seal of the Breeze Star River Shuttle Wings Tu Nan Contempt Blood [

Breaking the Wind]: A blow to the breaking wind, Detonate all Seal of the Wind

Sync Value: 69

Sky Shadow has comprehended a unique attack skill after this upgrade, and the combat power of Sky Shadow that lacks powerful attack means has been greatly enhanced.

By superimposing the Seal of Clear Wind in battle with the enemy, and then detonating all the Seal of Clear Wind by breaking the wind, it is very suitable for tug-of-war with the enemy, and it is also very suitable for the passivity of Xiaoying.

Li Jiu happily touched the dull hair on the top of Xiaoying's head: "Not bad, Xiaoying has become stronger again."

"Thank you brother." Xiaoying smiled faintly and sorted out the dull hair on the top of his head with his silky little hands.

The hairstyle should not be messy.

With a wave of her hand, the Extreme Heavenly Demon Coffin like a huge shield turned to its original size again, and she followed closely behind Li Jiu with a shallow smile and didn't say anything.

On the contrary, the state of the feather light is not very good, and although the Holy Sword Cracking Attack is hugely lethal, the amount of spiritual power consumed is too high.

Yan Yu and Ying Ruoxue cleaned up the foul-smelling corpses around them, and immediately restored their spiritual power to Yuguang.

"Yuguang, you worked hard, you did a beautiful job." Li Jiu gently hugged her waist.

"Able to help the host.... That's fine. Taking

advantage of the feather light's efforts to restore his spiritual power, Li Jiu checked the body of the steel kur beast, the spirit core on his chest was shattered by the feather aurora blade, and there were no other condensed spirit cores in his body.

That is to say, he was originally a human, and it was because of the power of that spirit core that he became this ghost.

Have human trials in this world been so successful?

The abnormalities in the bodies of the Steel Kul Beast and the White Silk Cat are all related to Lord Natu.

A burst of black light flashed, and the soft thing clamped Li Jiu's neck: "Master, I.." Tired. "

Yan Wan transmitted more and more spiritual power to Li Jiu due to the increase in synchronization value and fit, which caused her to need to sleep alone for a while after each big battle.

"Well, you have a good rest, there is Hades Yue.... Rest assured. Li Jiu gently kissed Yan Wan's cheek and withdrew her back to the spiritual pet space.

"Honey, what are we going to do next?" Sakura Ruoxue held a box containing the head of the Steel Kur Beast.

"Look at what happened to Du Ying's dead goods.... Just don't swallow.

Xiaoying pointed to a red thing not far away and whispered, "Brother, that scoundrel.... As if thrown to the stone by a steel kuhl beast ... Blurred flesh and blood. When

Li Jiu heard this, he looked in the direction of Xiaoying's finger, and sure enough, Du Ying, who was originally dying, hit his head on the rock, and he was killed on the spot.

Now that all those in the know have died, Li Jiu is sure that Du Ying's brother, the head of the Fuji Mei Stronghold, must know the inside story, and the evil of the Steel Kur Beast in the suburbs must be inextricably linked to him.

"Forget it, let's go find Yun Fan, I don't want to care about this broken thing." Li Jiu spread his hands.

"This neighborhood should be the lair of the Steel Kul Beast, let's see if you can find a living mouth!"


So Li Jiu held Yuguang and rode on Ying Ruoxue to search back and forth in this uninhabited wasteland.

The kung fu paid off, and after killing a few monsters that did not have long eyes, Li Jiu found a large number of human bones at the door of what looked like a monster's lair.

As soon as he entered the cave, he was greeted by a disgusting fishy smell, and the smell of feces and blood tangled together almost didn't confuse Li Jiu.

But unfortunately, Li Jiu came too late, countless human corpses were discarded in a pile like garbage bags, most of these victims were human women... Their organs are still there.

"Ruoxue, burn it." Li Jiuyu couldn't bear to turn his head sideways.


The Flame of Nothingness burned these unfortunate guys to the ground, ensuring that their bodies would no longer be insulted by the executioner, which was the only thing Li Jiu could do.

"Master, I came to search the cave for anything." Yuguang said with a serious expression.

"Go ahead."

Li Jiu looked at the vigorous flame in front of him, but his heart was full of thoughts: Why are these people so cruel to their fellow human beings?


Just as Li Jiu was thinking about where to go next to look for Yun Fan's traces, Yuguang's voice came from inside: "Master come quickly, there is still a living one here!"

Li Jiu was stunned for a second: The Steel Kur Beast was so violent and bloody, how could it still leave a living mouth?

When he walked to Yuguang's side, he realized that it turned out that the living one was referring to the Kur beast?

A relatively short blue kull beast, about 2 meters tall, squatted behind a stone pillar that could not hide his body at all, and his trembling thighs had betrayed him.

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