Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Yunjia Xiaojiu Super Pic!

Where did the dark clouds in the sky know the calculation in Heixingjiu's heart, it could not wait to float above Yunchujiu's yard.

I am looking forward to Yun Chujiu giving it three cloud wings at once, but it can't speak, and it trembles anxiously to express urgency.

Heixinjiu naturally understands that the black cloud is coming to ask for three cloud wings, but this cargo has always been an iron rooster that can't get in and out. Where would it be silly to send the cloud wings to the black cloud? !

She blinked her eyes and said with a smile: "My dearest little Yunyun, you are finally here, I want to die you!"

Obviously, Wu Yun was still not accustomed to Yun Chujiu's enthusiasm and shivered uncomfortably. He said, "What are these useless?" ! Didn't you quickly return Yunyi to it? !

In order to express its urgency, it split a sky of thunder against the swing frame in the yard, and the swing frame suddenly became a place of coke.

Yun Chujiu's eyes narrowed, and then he suddenly realized: "Xiaoyun Yun, are you anxious for the three cloud wings?"

Wu Yun trembled in excitement, and said to herself, this stinky girl was finally awakened, but it was really anxious to death!

However, it listened to Yun Chujiu and then said: "Xiao Yunyun, don't worry, you came with a mission this time? You did the mission first, and I will give you Yunyi before leaving. late.

Otherwise, you are thinking about fusing the cloud wings and thinking about how busy the task is! Come on, hack me! Come on, my dear Xiao Yunyun! Let Tianlei come fiercer! "

Wu Yun is not stupid, he thought a little, thinking that Yun Chujiu was afraid to give three cloud wings to it first, it would hack her to death, so let it hack her first.

Wu Yun thinks this is nothing. Anyway, this metamorphosis can't be hacked, and it's normal that it can't complete the task.

So, the black cloud began to split up randomly.

Tianlei was so chopped, the people of the Unknown Sword School were scared!

How come this thunderous one has brought down the thunder? ! And it ’s scary to watch this posture!

Someone said right away: "That's Yun Chujiu's yard! Ah, isn't she Tianlei Linggen? It's estimated that Tiandao came to kill her!"

"It makes sense! That Yun Chujiu was usually very ridiculous, and this time the utterance is over! It must be hacked to death! And the souls and spirits are extinguished.

"Not necessarily? I heard that Yunchujiu often seemed to be struck by lightning in the southern continent before, but didn't he jump to the northern continent alive ?!"

"Cut, can the sky thunder in the southern continent be compared with the north continent ?! Look at the thunder of that day, let alone one cloud at the beginning, even ten thousand have to be slagged!"


Where do they know that Black Heart Nine in the courtyard saw the long-lost Sky Thunder and couldn't even laugh with his mouth shut!

My baby, Lightning, you are finally here! I really want to die Miss Sister!

Not to mention the goods, even her three ancestors in Dantian were pleased.

They had wasted a lot of lightning power in order to let Yun Chujiu break through, and this time it was necessary to make up for it, so he kept urging Yun Chujiu to start absorbing those lightning.

The little black bird and the little mushroom can't wait to come out of the bag of spirit beasts, and began to show that they can absorb the thunder.

The dark clouds in the sky saw the black heart nine with a smiling eyebrow and a smiling eye, and he cursed inwardly. This is a metamorphosis! I'm afraid I can't find the second pervert who likes to be struck by lightning in this world!

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