Yun Family’s Little Nine is Super Mischievous

Chapter 3987: Want Yunyi? no way!

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The dark clouds ca n’t wait to get three cloud wings, so this day the thunder is very random. Although most of them fell in Yunchujiu ’s yard, they did n’t all split into Yunchujiu ’s body, so Yunchujiu suffered No pressure.

The thunder continued until the middle of the night, and the entire night sky was illuminated by purple lightning!

Rao is some disciples who are gloating and panicking. They are also a little nervous. This day Thunder is too terrifying. Wo n’t they hurt Yunchujiu by accident? !

Also, it has been split for three or four hours. Why haven't you finished it? Isn't that Yun Chujiu still hacked to death?

Finally, Tianlei began to sparse, but the coercion still did not disperse, and no one dared to approach Yunchujiu's yard.

Wu Yun shivered with excitement, and finally got Yunyi, which is really great!

However, it waited for a while, seeing Yun Chujiu just meditating cross-legged, and didn't mean to give her back Yun Yi at all.

It had to crack Yun Chujiu again, and then shuddered, but Yun Chujiu still didn't respond.

Wu Yunxin said, Is it because of dizziness?

It had to lower its height to the height of the roof, and split it a few more times towards Yunchujiu.

Yun Chujiu opened his eyes and looked at the dark clouds only at the height of the roof. A fine light flashed in his eyes.

It is a pity that Wu Yun learned well this time, seeing Yun Chujiu's unwillingness in his eyes, and flew into the air immediately.

Yun Chujiu regrets this! But there was no way, yawned and said, "Sleep to death! Now that you are done, then go back, let's see you back!"

Yun Chujiu said that when he stood up, he would enter the house, and Wu Yun was almost mad!

What does it mean to go back? What about its cloud wings? !

Wu Yun cracked and yelled at Yun Chujiu. Yun Chujiu raised his head and looked at it, then patted his thigh: "Ah, I remember, do you want Yunyi, right?"

Wu Yun was trembling, yes, yes, this smelly girl just forgot, and thought she was going to deny it!

Yun Chujiu said Xiao Baiya: "Xiao Yunyun, don't say my sister bullied you, you see, the two flowers you sent me before are naturally mine!

Later, although the flower I abducted had part of your credit, but you broke my swing shelf, it was just used to pay off! So, we do n’t owe each other, right? "

A big head ghost for you!

What is it that gives her two wings of clouds, is she obviously robbed of it? !

Can your broken swing shelf be compared with Yunyi? ! What a shame!

The dark clouds are almost crazy!

This stinky girl is a shameless rogue! It's so mad! Hack her! She must be hacked to death today!

However, Wu Yun found out that its lightning power had been used up just now, and only a part of it was chopped on the smelly girl, and the rest was wasted!

It finally found out afterwards, especially what was cheated!

The dark cloud is just crying without tears, the routine of this smelly girl is too deep! Where is it her opponent? !

When Wu Yun was going mad, he heard Yun Chujiu said again: "Xiao Yunyun, Miss Sister, I am the most soft-hearted. You are very busy working through it all together. So, you will cheat a few dark clouds over in a few days. At that time, I promise to give you half of Yunyi.

I'm talking, if I still lie to you this time, let me be chopped to death by Tianlei! "

Wu Yun was even more angry, and was chopped to death by Tianlei? Would n’t you like this pervert to die? !

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