Yun Family’s Little Nine is Super Mischievous

Chapter 3988: Because Mao Fei wants to haunt her

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Yun Chujiu Bacheng was able to see the dark clouds' thoughts, and added: "If you think it's too cheap for me to be chopped to death by sky thunder, then this is the case. Is that right ?! "

Wu Yun saw Yun Chujio saying this, and more or less believed it was lost, mainly because it didn't believe it! It really is no way to get this stinky girl!

As Wu Yun pondered, then try again, if this stinky girl still lied to it, hum!

Wu Yun thought of trembling here, and then drifted away.

After Wu Yun floated out for a distance, this only came to mind. What's wrong, Bacheng was cheated again! Qingtian mainland does not have the idea of ​​the heart demon oath, that stinky hair has a hair use? !

However, it has no way to clean up Yunchujiu, and can't help but sorrow from it!

When I thought it came, it was a joy and joy, but now? If it did n’t react fast enough, maybe the stinky girl was turned around by a cloud wing, and this day ca n’t be passed!

The days of Wu Yun can't be over, but Heixinjiu can't help laughing!

This day's thunder cracked down. Not only did the small mushrooms and the little black bird eat enough, even the three ancestors in her body also absorbed a lot of thunder and lightning power. In a short time, she didn't have to worry about cultivation.

Her spiritual power level also jumped from five levels of psychic power to eight levels of psychic power at once, the speed of this practice is almost a bar!

However, this cargo felt that she had just made a breakthrough not long ago, so she adjusted her spiritual power level to five levels of psychic power, and waited until there was a chance to show her real spiritual power level.

Although it was the middle of the night, many people came to watch after the dark clouds dissipated, and even the head of Ouyang sent someone to ask.

Yun Chujiu had thought about his remarks long ago, pointing to the large and small pits in the courtyard and saying, "The black clouds just scare me, in fact, not much lightning strikes me."

Everyone saw those deep pits and Yun Chujiu's lively jumps and doubts, but there was no other explanation. Can't this stinky girl endure those thunders? !

After the people dispersed in twos and threes, Yun Chujiu, regardless of the chaotic yard that had been split, turned into the house and fell asleep soon.

Between half a dream and half awake, Dan Tian was in pain. When Yun Chujiu woke up, he saw a cloud of red mist constantly pouring into the house, sneaking close to her.

Yun Chujiu took out the relic, and finally let the red mist out of the room. She had a hunch that it seemed that as time went by, the reliance of the relic on the killing gas became smaller and smaller.

The original happy mood suddenly cast a shadow, these **** killing madness haunted her for Mao? ! Isn't she like the big devil who likes to kill? !

The next day, Yunchujiu did not climb up until three days ago. When he opened the door, he was surrounded by the killing air. From a distance, Yunchujiu was like being in a red mist.

Yun Chujiu took out the relics while cursing Heavenly Dao. Finally, he scared away those killing gusts. After all, the Thunder yesterday night scared them enough.

Those killing gas gathered in the place where the swing was originally jumping and jumping, the meaning is obvious, they want to play on the swing! If there are no swings, they will make trouble!

Yun Chujiu gasped straight, what kind of blood mold did she provoke to these things? !

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