Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 932 The current status of various civilizations

Although his life would not get much better in a short time, it was enough for him to survive now. As for the rest, he would wait until these were almost arranged, and then he would start to repair some other facilities, wouldn't it?

So he made a decision very quickly. First, he solved the basic survival problem, then found a way to let the players increase the amount of resource collection, and finally let the players buy a few mechas first, so that there would be at least a certain degree of security. Then he could continue to summon more players to join in.

By then, there would be more people and each person would have a mecha. Even if that civilization came to him, he would not be afraid, and the most important thing was that according to his estimation. It would only take a few months at most to complete all this.

There shouldn't be any big problems.

And while he was still thinking about the future, he was here with the players.

At this time, several players were communicating while controlling the drones to mine.

"Brothers, I have to say that the scene modeling of this game is really exquisite."

At this time, through the drone, the players also saw the planet they were mining.

There are all kinds of gravel and sand on the planet.

And these things are made very delicately, and players can even control drones to pick up these things and play with them.

"Details, this game is really detailed."

"Even these scenes are so detailed, I wonder how shocking this mecha will be."

"I'm thinking about this question too."

While the few people were still chatting, Suifeng seemed to think of something.

"By the way, brothers, I know a way to improve our efficiency."

At this time, the other two people looked at him curiously after hearing what Suifeng said.

"It's like this, we are now controlling drones to collect and transport, but the overall process is still quite complicated."

"I think we can do this, two people are specifically responsible for collecting, and the remaining one is responsible for controlling the drone to fly to the collection site and looking for new mining areas at the same time. If we divide the work in this way, I think our efficiency can be further improved."

Hearing Suifeng's suggestion, the two people couldn't help but brighten up.

"Isn't this a model similar to a production line?"

Hearing this, Suifeng also nodded.

"Yes, it is the production line model. In this way, everyone's process is simplified, and the efficiency will be greatly improved after they become proficient in the operation."

The three decided to give this suggestion a try.

After some discussion, they decided that Suifeng and Tianqiong would be responsible for mining.

And Xingkonglong is mainly responsible for controlling the drone to go to the mining area, finding new mining areas and transportation. After all, he is still responsible for the script. If he does these, it will be convenient to optimize and change the script when necessary.

It must be said that this idea of ​​several people is still very useful.

After using this method, their efficiency has obviously improved greatly.

After a day of busy work, the players also began to sort out their harvest today.

"Brothers, we dug up resources worth about 40 points today."

At this time, everyone was a little excited looking at today's harvest.

"Sure enough, my method is feasible. The efficiency has obviously improved a lot after the division of labor."

Said Suifeng and began to calculate.

"We changed our plan after working for half a day today. If we follow this routine all day tomorrow, I estimate that tomorrow's output will be at least 50 points."

"And the number of drones that each person can control will increase a lot, which means that our total efficiency will be higher than we expected in the later stage."

After hearing what Suifeng said, the two of them agreed.

The busy day ended just like that.

The players used the points they earned today to buy four mining drones.

After one wave, the number of their mining drones has reached 34.

They also estimated the collection efficiency of their new routine. If they work harder, they can reach about 1.5 to 2 points a day.

Two points are too hard for them to reach, but they can still guarantee 1.5.

This means that 34 drones will become 41 tomorrow.

According to this efficiency, the number of drones will increase from 41 to 47 the day after tomorrow, and this increase in efficiency will increase geometrically over time.

At this time, compared with the players who are calculating how long it will take them to buy a mecha.

Chen Yao is thinking about a problem.

"Start mining when you enter the game."

"Although there are things in the mall that can attract them, this alone is not a long-term solution."

"I must find a way to give players more places to play."

As a game planner, Chen Yao knows very well that no matter how good a function of a game is, it will get boring after a long time.

So more functions must be added, otherwise it will be embarrassing for these players to quit mining when they get tired of it.

"But what functions should be added?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yao began to think.

"By the way, the ecological cycle system cannot be fixed in a short time, so I might as well change my mind."

"Build a temporary plantation on the planet, and then purchase some fast-growing food seeds in the system for planting."

"Although the absence of an ecological cycle system will greatly increase the maturity cycle of seeds, after all, it will not take too long for special seeds to mature."

"The food I have in hand should be used sparingly to support these plants until they mature."

"The establishment of this plantation can be used as an activity to enrich the game content for players."

Thinking of this, Chen Yao immediately started making arrangements.

Jiang Yao has been paying attention to them for this period of time.

Through this period of observation, he actually had a deep impression. Originally, he thought that according to normal thinking, the difficulty of the other party's development of civilization should be much lower than his.

But now it seems that it is not on the same level at all.

It was much more difficult for the other party to get started than it is now. First of all, he was a Zerg at that time. The advantage of the Zerg was that he did not need to worry about food. Even if he was born in a space station, he could survive by eating the iron-skinned bugs on the space station.

But Chen Yao is completely different here. He controls the human race, and there are too many things to consider, not only food, but also many other things that need to be taken into consideration.

If all these messy things are taken into consideration, then the problem will arise.

There are so many things he needs to cover.

In the early stage, you only need to let the bugs go out to search for resources to develop rapidly. It not only has to search for resources, but also has to think about survival issues. After a series of things are pressed, various problems arise, the most critical What is unique is the speed of development, and the advantages of race are most vividly reflected at this moment.

As long as there is reorganization of resources, it can develop rapidly at a geometric multiple, but the other party is different. He needs to convert the resources and then produce the corresponding buildings before he can finally explore them. If it were not for the system he provided for him, I am afraid that he would have to wait for him. After repairing these things, the other civilization would have already attacked and destroyed his group.

Sometimes the innate advantages of the race can indeed play a decisive role in the early development. Although the two models are the same, the operational ideas and difficulty are completely different.

"If under such circumstances, he can develop civilization and reach a high level, then I don't know how many things I can learn from him."

In fact, he is extremely curious about this. By observing the other party's development, he can understand his own shortcomings and make up for them. This is undoubtedly a way to promote his own development.

Through various ideas to get out of the comfort zone, only in this way can we usher in better development, just like him now.

To be honest, although he is facing various crises now, he is also very confused now because he doesn't know what his next path should be. There were still too many things that he needed to consider before going, but he didn't have the ability to solve all these problems.

A series of problems were bothering him, and he didn't know how to make a choice.

He needs more references. He has observed civilizations before, but it is completely different from this time because he used to observe some normal textures, and this is the first time for him to see a civilization similar to his situation. After all, it is too difficult to find such a person in the universe, so we can only solve this problem through our own creation.

But fortunately, his idea is feasible. At least for now, many things are being solved bit by bit according to his plan.

Regarding the current matter, he actually had a headache sometimes, but it didn't matter.

Because these problems can always be solved, it just depends on the method of solution and the length of time it takes to find and solve the problem. What he needs to do now is to shorten this time as much as possible.

Different levels of civilization have completely different understandings of the concept of time. Take the current situation of patent medicines as an example and give them hundreds of years, and their speed can increase rapidly.

A few hundred years were enough for it to transform from a civilization huddled in a small area to a powerful civilization, galloping around the universe.

But hundreds of years may not improve me at all,

So he has enough patience and time to observe the growth of this civilization and understand everything.

That's how it goes sometimes.

It looks complicated, but it's actually very simple.

Of course none of this matters.

Now he just needs to continue to observe according to his own plan, and record everything they develop to see if there is anything he can learn from.

And while he was still thinking about these issues, he was on the side of Civilization No. 1.

"The other party can now completely hide themselves. At least within this light cone, we cannot find them through conventional means."

"They should have already obtained the technology of Civilization No. 2, and the first thing they studied was related technologies, so they made such a big breakthrough in such a short period of time."

"The bugs have already done some research on this technology."

"At that time, their technology was able to hide from the enemy, and now they have strengthened this technology. It is really difficult to find them under such circumstances."

As they talked, everyone couldn't help but feel a little headache. They knew that the longer the delay, the more the Zerg would recover. When facing a Zerg in full force, they would have to be cautious.

In fact, they also felt very uncomfortable. They were not uncomfortable with the Zerg. What they felt uncomfortable about was how the No. 2 civilization could be so disappointing.

If the No. 2 civilization had persisted a little longer, they would not have been so passive. Now basically all their plans are centered around the topic of the No. 2 civilization.

There is no way. The negative impact of the No. 2 civilization on them is too great, and now they can only see some superficial phenomena. There are more impacts that have not appeared, but as time goes by, these impacts will gradually surface.

Headache? For this matter.

They have a headache.

For them, it can only be regarded as reaping the fruits of their own actions. The reason why the Zerg was able to develop so quickly was that they were also participants. In fact, the loss of control of the Zerg is inevitably related to the two civilizations.

After all, if there were no two civilizations pushing the Zerg from behind, the Zerg would never have reached this point. However, it was because of the two civilizations pushing the Zerg from behind that the Zerg pushed too hard to reach such a height.

"No matter what, we must find them as soon as possible."

"The other party is now too out of control, and has reached the point where it can cause harm to our civilization. If it continues like this, according to their development speed, I estimate that it won't take long for them to even surpass us."

"Look at how well they hide. There will be flaws in everything. I don't believe they can completely solve these problems. We will always find clues. What we have to do now is to find this thing as quickly as possible, and we must get rid of them no matter what the cost."

For this group of insects, the only thing to be thankful for now is that they know the insects' means of attack, and they have also developed corresponding solutions for these means of attack. This is their advantage.

If there is no such solution, they will not be so anxious. What they are worried about is that the next time they meet the insects, the insects will completely change their means of attack, and they will develop new ways of attack. This is the most embarrassing.

If you take action now while you have the corresponding countermeasure cards against them, you will be much more effective. If you wait until they have developed a new way of attack and then take action, you will be blind and may suffer a great loss, or even get yourself involved.

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