And this time in the small group of players.

[Suifeng: Hello, everyone. 】

[Star Dragon: Hello, boss. 】

[Tian Qiong: Guys, stop flattering each other. By the way, guys, have you seen the stuff in the mall? 】

[Xingkonglong: After seeing it, I really like that first-generation machine. I decided to save money to buy one in the future. 】

[Suifeng: First-generation machine? 】

[Starry Sky Dragon: It’s that one called the Dragon God-class mecha. Don’t you think it looks very similar to the first-generation mecha? 】

[Suifeng: From what you said, it seems like this is really the case. By the way, Mr. Starry Sky, how is your script optimization going? 】

[Starry Sky Dragon: I don’t have any ideas yet. I’ll try it tomorrow to see if I can find an optimization solution. 】

[Tianqiong: By the way, fellow veterans, when do you have time tomorrow, let’s make an appointment to go online together. 】

[Starry Sky Dragon: I have time all day tomorrow. 】

[Suifeng: Me too. 】

[Tianqiong: In this case, let’s go online at eight o’clock tomorrow morning. 】

Several players also chatted about various joys.

The first is the quality of this game, which is no worse than any other game they have played.

As for the reason, it is naturally very simple. After all, except for the official game, this is really the way it is in the current world.

There are too many technologies that are relatively powerful, and people’s patents are not open to the outside world.

If these technologies are not broken, it is simply impossible to reach that level, but it is obvious that no one can break it, so several players also have various expectations for this game.

[Brothers, we are just asking if there is a possibility that this game may become the second-ranked game in our world. 】

[It is too early to make this decision now. After all, veterans, you should know very well that this matter is not that simple. First of all, it is the pressure from the same industry. Secondly, the most important thing is that we have only experienced a lot of the game so far. A small portion of content. 】

[What is the status of the official game? It’s not like you don’t know that the content of the design is very broad. The most important thing is that it has everything. Although the experience of this game is relatively good at present, what about the design of other scenes, or it has left the novice area, and other areas are What kind? 】

As the player's words fell, everyone fell into silence.

It is true that whether a game is good or not depends on the overall layout, rather than a certain area. It is true that a good area can attract players, but the problem is that if this area is done well, other areas will be very good. If it's bad, then it's all in vain.

If all areas want to be perfect, then the investment cannot be low, and this also involves a problem. How much did the other party invest in this game? If it's less, it's simply unrealistic to produce high-quality products, and they know this track very well, and the pressure is very high.

As for these pressures, they mainly come from several directions.

First of all, the first direction is that the amount of investment in the game itself is directly related to the quality of the game. The second direction is how big the scene created by the game is.

They are currently in a space station. To put it bluntly, if the scene of the space station is done well, this will not be a big problem. After all, it is such a big space. No matter how you dig into the details, it doesn’t matter. Deduct wherever you want.

But if the entire environment is enlarged to the universe, then it is a completely different concept.

Such a large scope cannot be solved by just picking out the details, and the most important thing is that even if you pick out the details, you have to consider how much to deduct.

Without a mature team, it is difficult to create a scene that is large enough and grand enough while maintaining quality.

Although there are people who have done this before, there is only one person who can do it on the entire Blue Star.

They are not sure whether this game will be the second one, but they still hope that this game will be the second one.

As for the reason, it is naturally very simple.

For them, the better the game is, the happier they will be able to play and at the same time make more money. First of all, it is very simple. If a game like this can become popular, then it will be easier for them to play it in the future. With more people, players like them in the first batch of closed beta will have various advantages.

And these advantages are income for them.

It is not difficult to convert these advantages into income.

At least it's not difficult for them.

Considering this matter from their perspective, it is actually easy to understand. For example, everyone creates a guild, and then uses their own advantages to recruit a group of outstanding talents in advance, and then follow up after having the manpower. The development will naturally be much faster than that of others.

Of course, the income will also increase. With your own identity, you can do some Internet things, such as video accounts, details, guides, etc., and because of the blessing of this identity, their traffic Not low.

Once you have a fan base, you can start accepting ads.

This is also part of the income from the game. If all the income is added up, they can devote themselves to the game full-time.

There are many people in Blue Star who play games, but the income from the games they play is not high, so this is just a side job for them.

If you want to play games on the homepage, only a small number of people can do it, although the policy of Blue Star for games is relatively good.

But it does not mean that every game can be operated like this. Now more than 95% of the games still adopt the krypton gold model.

That is, others charge money in your game, and then you can get income.

But the best game at present does not have this model at all. It directly puts ads in the game and makes money in this way. Of course, the ads he puts are in places such as the game square, not when you play the game.

Because its volume and attention have completely reached this level, the other party's revenue model has completely changed. Compared with the traditional model, this model is undoubtedly a new way.

They also hope that this game can achieve this level, so that they can get much more than this, and they feel that the other company should have such an idea, because after they entered the game, they did not find where the recharge interface is, did not find the recharge interface, and did not find where the recharge interface is.

It means that the other party does have such an idea, otherwise they would have arranged the important things such as the recharge interface at the beginning, so for the current players, they have great expectations for this game.

In this way, several players have various expectations for this.

Then they chatted for a while, discussed some small details they found in the game, and then went offline.

As time went by, it soon came to the second day.

The next morning, several people logged into the game.

As soon as they entered the game, several people couldn't wait to come to the control room and start the experiment.

"The operation of the old irons is similar to the simulation test, but it is much simpler."

At this time, Xingkonglong explained some details to several people while operating.

Through the explanation, several people quickly became familiar with it.

After getting familiar with it, the next step is to officially start work.

At this time, seeing the performance of several people, Chen Yao also nodded with satisfaction.

Originally in his plan, the players should have entered the game for three to five days before they could start work normally.

However, now it only took two days for the players to start working.

At this time, watching the busy players, Chen Yao also quietly left the control room.

The players were busy over there, and there were naturally many things to do here, such as the most critical issue of food.

The clones controlled by the players also need to eat.

So Chengyao also began to prepare.

If you insist on saying it is preparation, it is not really preparation, just put all the edible things in the space into the processing equipment and process them into nutrient solution.

Although this thing tastes bad, it can maintain the body's functions.

Under the current conditions, who cares about the taste, as long as you fill your stomach.

After doing all this, Chen Yao sent the food to others, and then he started to busy himself with other things.

"At present, things like space must be understood as soon as possible."

"Especially the logs in recent years."

As he spoke, Chen Yao began to look through them.

In fact, what he was most concerned about was the group of pirates who often visited his space station in recent years.

"According to the current situation in my space, if these people come again, we will definitely not be able to hold on."

"So the weapon system needs to be repaired, the energy system needs to be repaired, and the ecological circulation system needs to be fixed as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Chen Yao couldn't help but feel a headache.

The number of support points consumed here is not a small number.

Thinking of this, he can only hope that the players can help.

For Chen Yao now, the group of people who always visit his space station are really a time bomb. God knows when they will explode.

If we wait until some safety measures are repaired here, or wait until we have enough self-protection power, then they will come again, basically there will be no problem. I am afraid that before I develop for a long time, the group of people will come again.

Although they were beaten away last time, the space station suffered serious losses. According to normal circumstances, the other party is very likely to find this, so when they come here next time, the number of fleets sent should not be low, because once they encounter such a situation, the other party's first thought must be to take it down in one go.

"So should I repair the defense turrets of the space station first, or what?"

This question is also a very difficult one for him to decide. First of all, if you repair the turret directly, it is indeed possible. In this way, there is no problem in blocking the opponent. After all, he knows the power of the space battle turret.

But the problem is that if you want to repair the space station turret and want the turret to operate normally, then you must consider the energy facilities of the space station.

In addition, the current situation is that it not only has to consider the problem of turrets, but also the problem of food and some other basic life issues. If all these things are taken into consideration, how many energy facilities should he restore to meet the functional requirements of these things.

First of all, if the energy level is to undergo a qualitative change, how many resources should be consumed? Secondly, what should be the order of repairing these facilities?

Should I repair the turret first or the basic living facilities first? Then I will repair the basic living facilities first. After I have repaired the basic living facilities, I will repair the turret. Will the enemy have come?

After all, if these are really taken into account, the energy facilities that may have only taken one or two months to repair in the plan before will take more than half a year or even longer, and then repair other things. The whole cycle may be longer.

He lacks everything now, resources, equipment, and time, and his current situation only allows him to make one choice, and this choice must be correct, otherwise when the other party comes, he will have no power to resist.

For him, this is a big problem, a very serious problem.

This is the case for anyone.

He knows very well that his decision now will directly affect his future destiny.

"Why bother so much? Now I have the help of the player, I may only rely on him. Compared with the players who control the mecha with food such as turrets, the combat effectiveness will definitely not be bad."

"Instead of thinking so much, it is better to gamble directly."

"First of all, the energy facilities do not need to be restored too much, just need to ensure the normal ecological cycle. For me, what I lack most now is food. After solving the problem of food, there is no need to consider other problems too much."

"In this way, the repair cycle of my entire space station facilities will be greatly reduced. After solving the problem of food, there is no need to consider other problems. Just consider the two problems of resource collection and force."

That's right. After some thinking, he felt that he wanted everything and had to do everything, and the final result could only be that he could not do anything well.

Just like what he is worried about now, he is worried about working hard, considering other facilities in the space station, and wanting to consider everything. He simply does not have so many resources and time to consider these things. What he needs to do now is actually not that complicated.

He only needs to ensure survival first, then ensure safety, get these two basic things done, and then consider other things. In this way, he does not need to delay much time.

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