Zhan Long

Chapter 1007: Spirit of labor

The third floor of the underground ice cave, the monster is a 180-level 7-level magic, called "communist tribal warriors", a lot of classification, there are swords, pikemen, swordsmen, cavalry, archers, chariots At first, it was a simple knife, a pikemen, and a swordsman. It was still relatively easy. Later, there were rushing cavalry. Li Mu, Wang Hao and others also simply rushed to kill these with the stun effect of the melting iron ride. The cavalry is a monster, but it also kills very quickly.

Until later, the chariot appeared. The chariot was a compound monster. The chariot was a long-winged cavalry, while the chariot stood on the chariot. The edge was a soldier with a long gun and a war. The car is actually composed of 12 monsters. The fighting power is fierce and fierce. A rush of ours, our melting iron ride can't be stopped for a short time. Later, Lin Xiaowu suggested that the archer's seven-star arrow stunned four horses, which stopped the battle. The car is rushing straight.


Among the three floors of the gallery, more than a dozen chariots are rushing from each other, and our archers are not enough. Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others are riding with the melting iron, and they are fighting straight ahead, one in front. The chariot rushed straight to the five-person squad where I was, and Dongcheng’s mouth was raised: "Okay, it’s finally our turn!"

"What are you afraid of?"

I comforted a sentence, the butterfly in the hand, immediately flew over the frosty wing, waving the blade several times against the edge of the chariot, the pikemen on the edge of the chariot also used a long gun to greet me, the result When the chariot rushed to the front of Lin Biaoer, my Necklace Champion Blade finally triggered the effect of a courageous champion, "嘭" smashed the iron frame at the edge of the chariot, and repelled heavily, dizzy for 1 second, Lin The small dance and Dongcheng Yueshang are covered with AOE skills.


A cavalry riding a horse and a horse screamed, and when he waved the long raft, he rushed to me and yelled at me. "The co-workers will be afraid of the horses?"

When I swayed the butterfly, it suddenly became the three swords. As a result, the cargo was very bad. The butterfly triggered the effect of the sea. "嘭" hit the steel plate and set it in place. At the same time, I also replied 50% of the blood, safe. Now, with a hit of 17-level combo skills, the body of the week is soaring, and the dazzling brilliance of the 17-level skills makes the surrounding players stunned!

One second of the hero carrying the eight-snake spear, suddenly asked: "Lord, how did you do it? This... This is at least the 16-level skill light? My highest level skill is only 15..."

I laughed happily: "Yong Jie, this is actually the brilliance of the 17-level skills. It is estimated that the 18th level will be even more dazzling!"


Li Mu also stunned: "My combo is only 16th, and I am confident that my leveling time is much more than you. How can you even hit the 17th level?"

I don't hide it, saying: "In the Legion system, all the commander-level players have acquired a house. There is a battlefield in the house. Players attack the wooden man. The skill CD is greatly reduced, and the skill proficiency is doubled. I practiced yesterday night and only rose to level 17. Do you think I am easy?"

Li Mu immediately looked charming: "Happy!"

I categorically said: "I don't have to say it...the only one who can play the martial arts field can use it. If others use it, they will not gain a little proficiency, or do they struggle hard..."



Therefore, everyone continued to savage skills in angrily, although the 17-level combo is actually the same as the 10th level, it is 6 consecutive rapid attacks, can not see any changes, but the change is the degree of attack damage, 17 Each blow of a combo has at least about 85% of the damage, and 10 of the maximum, no more than 65%, and the degree of splendor of the damage is completely different.

More importantly, the higher the skill level, the more prelude to the prelude before releasing the skill is more dazzling, most of the games here are young people, who want their skills to be more gorgeous, so that the girl can do more with less!

Everyone continues to work hard in the blame, and the three corners of the Gonggong Ice Cave are raging, and we are gratified that these co-worker tribe warriors can still burst out the Ice Devil suit, which means that we can collect the Ice Devil suit. Continue to implement, after we finish this big map, at least we can make a 1W set of ice magic sleeves, plus the melting God horse, this 1W melting God iron riding in a few months in the mainland will definitely not be a problem, or even directly In the face of the evil spirits, the army will not fall behind.


From 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, after eating the nightingale, I continued to fight. I continued to kill at 7:00 in the morning. Finally, we came to the end of the map. It was filled with an ice-cast palace, and the two sides of the main hall were ancient. The Warrior stands there, and in the center is a throne. On the top of the throne sits a god-destroying general. Don't think, this person is the legendary water **** working together!

In the battle of not returning to the sea, we killed the Serena King Selin and got the water god, but the water **** in front of me did not know what kind of equipment would be given to us.

"First and then take the side guards and kill them."

I carried the butterfly and carefully said: "Everyone should not move, the little dance to blame, use the range of the meteor arrow to blame, 90 yards attack, will not attract more monsters, one by one."

Lin Xiaowu nodded, very quickly, we spent less than 30 minutes to clean up 20 quasi-BOSS level guards, 500 people scattered around, ready to open the final BOSS!


When the Overlord boots stepped on the frosty steps, a cold wind raised my cloak. I suddenly felt a little guilty. This is the work of the water god, and the collapse of the mountain is not the case. If this cargo gives me such an impact, Am I going to be smashed? Look at your own attributes, get courage and get ready!

Far away, lock the work together, and suddenly hit the wild world!



Strong defense, actually let my double injury not have 10W!

Suddenly, the co-workers looked up and revealed a semi-rotted face, which was very scary. At the same time, he slowly stood up from the throne, holding a glossy and heavy shield in his left hand and a Huaguang in his right hand. The twinkling sword, okay, in fact, the weapon of the joint work should be the water god? About being snatched away by the Siren King Selin, so use this sword to temporarily replace it!

When the comrades rushed to me, I also shared the attributes of the BOSS in the guild channel -

[The soul of the water god? Work together] (God level BOSS ★ ★ ★ ★)

Rating: 182

Attack: 32500-42500

Defense: 35000

Blood: 1.5 billion

Skills: [The Shield of the Wilderness] [Surprising Waves] [劈波连斩] [Furious Touching Mountain]

Introduction: Gonggong, Gonggongshi, the ancient gods of the water, control all the floods in the world, the character is fierce, the behavior is very violent, because of the fire and the fire is not allowed, after the war, the defeat and the anger are not Zhoushan, after many years, sealed The co-workers have broken down, leaving only a fierce godhead to still guard the Gongli Ice Cave. Legend has it that the people who killed the workers can get the artifacts in his hands.


Look at the introduction, the last one has already made everyone cheer, but the attributes of the workmanship are also so powerful that we are so devastated that such a heartbreaking attack is simply not to let the players live well.

As I stepped back, I said loudly: "Prepare, the armored bow reduces his defense. Remotely try to use the deceleration and stun skills to hold down the BOSS. I come to T. The rest of the melee systems don't go up first. Cut BOSS to increase the output!"

The voice has not fallen, the soul of the work has already flown in front of me, the sword in the hand suddenly is awkward, bringing up a wave of attacks, a bit like a thousand waves of a gun and a pot of water, but obviously attack damage To be much stronger, when the blade fell on my scorpion, there was a tear-like pain coming, and the blood plunged, and this wave of smashing was too strong.







In fact, my total blood is also 25W, has been spiked, but fortunately, the treatment of a few pots in the water, thousands of pools of the pool is very timely, the instant countdown treatment successfully left my life value around 5W, an instant The soul flies, the double dragon effect is hit out in the first time, hurriedly raining the rain, the butterfly instantly erupts the combo, the sea effect is also out, and the two bloods are recovered continuously, free from spikes -




The soul of the laborer roared, and suddenly a long sword, a wave of waves appeared around it, and it was a violent attack. The players within about 20 yards were within the scope of the spread. Fortunately, I let everyone spread, only me. In the middle of the man, it is 9W qi and blood damage, but I am not idle, the butterfly town Yue knife smashed out continuously, and the skills of a ride as a thousand also swayed out, it is completely desperate to play, but this also **** Come back a lot of blood, so that the bloodline has been kept at 30% up and down, and may be spiked at any time.

Knife Mang flashed past, Zhenyue battle song blessed successfully, a second hero also waved Zhang Ba snake spear, to the surrounding players blessed Zhang Feizhi BUFF, and Yue Yao Yan with a greedy shield, a spoiled, greedy The shield was launched, and the players around 200 yards were protected. I also lost 50% in 120 seconds and saved!

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, everyone rushed over and was able to launch a round of skills immediately close to BOSS. If they could not get close, they would launch a sharp-edged blade to kill. The remote skills of Lin Xiaowu and Dongchengyue were also bombarded. Down, the blood of the soul of the workmanship brushed straight away, but he was not idle. After I slashed a few swords, I blessed the skills of a wild shield, so that most of the players’ attacks were almost undefeated. It is.

It’s very difficult to kill. After 30 minutes, BOSS still has 50% of blood, and our melting iron ride has already killed more than 40 people!

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