Zhan Long

Chapter 1008: Female meteorite

What we can't think of is that the soul of the Gonggong is haunted by a **** blood after 50% of the blood, and the moving speed has also increased a lot. The hatred value is repeated OT, and the attack that I try hard can't contain hatred. At this time, Mengyao's temple sighs the ruling skills to be forced to hold, and the knights around the melting gods are also holding the BOSS with justice to prevent the BOSS from rushing to the remote and replenishing team. Killing.


In the sound of the giant cymbals, the soul of the labor suddenly rushed to the right. There was a direction in which Li Mu led a group of people. The work was like a cannonball-like electric shot. The next moment, he slammed into a illusionary giant in the air. Above the column, immediately after the promenade, there is the effect of the collapse of the mountain. The flames in the air fall into the crowd, causing the damage of AOE. It is the fourth skill of BOSS - the anger is not overwhelming. !

This skill is too strong, Li Mu hurriedly drove the skills of the enemy to storm outwards, and the sword of the fire screamed into the body of the BOSS, but after Li Mu, at least 20 Rongshen iron rides It fell into the hot meteorite, and it was terrible. The air smashed from the rock, and everyone ducked. I also drove the MISS attack with the thousands of wings, and threw the butterfly out. Continue to hold back BOSS, the entire scene has been out of control.

Wang Hao went to the horse, suddenly passed the BOSS, galloped under the attack and stun success, lasted 3 seconds, fiercely grabbed the horse, turned around is a A-level continuous strokes, force Xiang Xiang, straight assault under the sweep Flying across the heavy smash, instantly hit five times of damage, and then once again, the whirlwind quickly retreated.

Being harassed by Wang Hao, the offensive rhythm of the spirit of the Gonggong is slightly disordered, the body has not stood up straight, and the distant cockroaches are also carrying the artifact axe. The greed Hydra with the power of the sanctuary is once The wrecked boat fell on the chest of BOSS, followed by the whirlwind, and when the Qilian people appeared behind the BOSS, BOSS turned around, but then quickly and savagely jumped into the back of the BOSS and turned around. Going back, returning to a battle axe projection and destroying the BOSS up to 4W of blood, the consistency of operation is amazing, and surely, the hard power of 冉闵 is now absolutely super-class level, and the wild PK encounters Ye Lai, Jian Feng This kind of peak player also has a winning percentage of no less than 30%. Of course, everything is based on his skills and equipment, and his attacking routines on these skills are also very familiar, so that the combat strength at this time is far. It is better than the civilian and civilian skills in the All-Star Game.


The soul of the labor is constantly roaring, wielding a long sword and starting to summon the skills of the waves, but it has been stunned again in the original place, but it has been stunned by Lin’s chiseling. Our beautiful lady is very skilled in the operation. Sliding to the back of the BOSS is a backstab and a ring strike, the ring between the fingers flashes away, the spring of the Spirit Springs launches, restores 100 energy points, the spin of the ice blade, the gods fly, the grace The body volley around the BOSS is 7 consecutive attacks. When the co-workers resumed waking up and raised the sword, Lin Biaoer quickly slid out the iron umbrella, wrapped around the golden 17-level Shield of the dust, and he slammed the BOSS. The frontal blow, not entangled and returned, the palm of the hand, the ice cone vortex broke out behind and then control BOSS.

The moon slammed from the flank and summoned a stunt shield to protect itself from injury. The foot was subtly savvy, and the soul of the co-worker passed over and turned instantly. It was an ambush effect behind it, and quickly retreated. The grip of Firefox is heavily smashed on the body of the co-workers, and at the same time, Jiao said: "One second brother, block up!"

One second of the hero rushed over with the shield, Zhangba snake spear waving, after the sacred provocation is the **** trial, the BOSS hatred value was temporarily dragged, the shield was repeatedly attacked by three swords, the moon demon came, "嘭" slammed into a hero for a second, swaying the greedy shield and summoning the greed of greed, while the blade was a few attacks, firmly grasping hatred.


Therefore, Xiaolong's super-class players pull back and forth, each exhibition can contain BOSS, everyone does not regret the skills CD and stunt CD, the effects of various effects emerge in an endless stream, the soul of the labor is firmly controlled in the field, although There are still players who continue to fall, but after all, the soul of the work is already under our control.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and the soul of the labor has only less than 3% of the blood, and our 500 people have 170 left. In order to kill this BOSS, it is almost the super-class player of our dragon. All died, but fortunately, Li Mu, Wang Wei, Lin Biaoer and other peak-level players are still there, so the ability to suppress and contain BOSS has been still there, and in this process, the soul of the work has angered 5 times. Not Zhoushan, at least 50 people are killed each time, but at this time, his life has finally come to an end, it is time to get a box lunch.

"If you have no objections, let me kill BOSS?"

I waved butterflies and splashed Mars and blood on the BOSS chest. I said, "My charm value is 1728 points. It is not the experience of greedy BOSS. It is only when I kill BOSS that the explosion rate can be increased by at least 3 times. If you want to get more artifacts, let me kill them. How about?"

Li Mu is about 20 meters away from BOSS. He is instigating the horse to start the assault and prepare to gallop. He laughs: "There is no objection. When the BOSS has 0.5% blood left, you come!"

"it is good!"

It was another two minutes of fighting. The soul of the Gonggong killed three of us before the death, including the unlucky child from the white, and finally it was locked by the chopping of BOSS!

It seems that the life of BOSS has reached the end of the end. The butterfly sword in my hand is also excited and screaming. Suddenly, the stars in the sky flashed, 20% of the power of the stars triggered successfully, and the arms poured into the arms. The heat wave is the effect of a fatal blow. It is 8 times more damage when it is superimposed. I took a shot and hit a seven-star broken Yuelu, and suddenly the soul of the work mourned, and the big damage number on the top of the head ——


In the tragic sound, the soul of the work was finally smashed, and at the same time a golden light fell, I rose to 179, this time there is only one step away from the 180 level mark!

Most of the players around are upgraded, and the players who die are more bleak. The experience of BOSS is not enough, but the equipment can still be divided, if the luck is good enough and can be ROLL.

Looking at the ground, the soul of the Gonggong broke out a total of three pieces of equipment, a long sword with flashing dark blue floating energy, which is the weapon in the hands of the workers, and the other one in his hand. The flashing shield, followed by a collar cloak, I kneel on the ground, picking up the equipment, first share the attributes of the sword for everyone to see -

[Break the sea sword] (artifact ★ ★ ★)

Attack: 7700-10050

Power: 415

Physical strength: 412

Spiritual Skills: 410

Agile: 400

Additional: Increase user's 140% attack power and 75% attack speed

Additional: Ignore the 35% defense of the target

Additional: Increase user's 32000 health limit

Special effects: Mastering swordsmanship and improving the user's 15% damage effect

Special effects: divine power, increase the power of the user's 3500 points

Stunt: Breaking the sea, swinging a sword forward, can open a certain range of rivers and seas, consume 100 points of anger, cooling time 30 minutes

Need charm: 400

Requires level: 174


The properties of the weapon are very good. Immediately, the system automatically screens the player to ROLL. The level, charm, output, etc. are all matched by the Swordsman players. Li Mu and Wang Wei are among them, but this time Li Mu is not so lucky. The Broken Sea Sword gave Wang Hao a ROLL. In fact, this sword has a very good output. The Divine Power has improved the power of 3,500 points. It is very easy to use. As for the stunt "Break the Sea", when will this stunt be seen? Used, maybe in the naval battle, the broken sea sword can be a trick?

Wang Hao has already been happy with the equipment, and I continue to look at the second equipment. It is the shield. In fact, the shield is very chic and somewhat transparent, but the surface is obviously able to see the unique texture of the rock. The shield is like a giant rock cut and carved. Ten differently, reaching out, the attribute of the shield is turned into a slide floating in the air. Everyone is a glimpse. The attribute of this shield is more than the greed shield. Strongened a lot!

[女娲石] (artifact ★★★)

Defense: 6400

Power: 435

Physical strength: 420

Agile: 414

Spiritual Skills: 410

Additional: Increase user's defensive power by 190%

Additional: Increases the base defense power of the user's 3500 points and the base attack power of 2000 points.

Additional: Increase the user's 55000 health limit

Special effects: no hard to push, the user receives 30% damage reduction, and increases 3000 defense

Stunt: The guardian of the niece, summoning the power of the niece, provides a shield of the gods in the surrounding 1000 yards, absorbs a certain degree of damage, absorbs the damage as the user's attack, the total sum of defense, consumes 100 points. Anger value, cool for 2 hours

Introduction: After the female meteorites, the co-workers and the evil spirits are not touching the mountains, there is a huge crack in the sky. The female niece immediately fills the sky with colorful stones. When the sky cracks are filled, there are still some gods and women left. I used this stone to cast a shield, which means that this shield is used to protect the peace of the human world. This is the female shield.

Need charm: 400

Requires level: 172


Looking at this powerful attribute, almost all the Cavaliers players are shocked, and the female rock is actually designed as a shield, and the attributes are actually so embarrassing, all kinds of powerful, the added stunts are also super strong. Very incomparable, some of the meaning of the sky.

A group of knights and ascetic players of the dragon, the conditions are consistent with only a few people, the moon demon, the second hero, Tang Xin, Nan Gong decided.

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