Zhan Long

Chapter 1019: God wind ride


At the forefront of the crowd, the 180-level Fenglin was drunk with a long sword. The surface of the sword was filled with a vein-like texture and a burning fire. The appearance of the Fire Rock Swordmaster is still cool, plus he rides. Riding a different animal shaped like a dragon, the mount fell down on the terrain like a dragon, but there was a pair of flesh wings on both sides, and I didn't know if I could fly.

Feng Lin was drunk and looked up at the sky. The Jianfeng was raised and smiled slightly: "I am free, long time gone, why not go down and win?"

I also looked at him from afar and said: "I am alone, you are thousands of people, it is too unfair, or if you come to heaven, it is fair, right?"

On the heads-up, I am not afraid of him as a big sword master.

Fenglin was so drunk that he couldn't help but said: "My mount has wings but can't fly. Compared with your thousand-winged wings, if you don't dare to fight on the ground, let's leave early, this starry sky. Lin is our site!"

I took a glimpse of it and found that I had already entered the map of the Starry Sky. I was on the map of Linhai City. At the same time, there was a shallow voice in the guild channel: "The Forest of Starry Sky The people were all withdrawn, the Indians invaded, and the forest of the stars was already occupied by them. The myths, heroes, and the people of Prague have already withdrawn!"

I didn’t say much. When I turned the sword, I turned and flew to the Huize Plain. In principle, the Huize Plain was very close to the Wushen River. The default was the site of the Chinese region. The border between the plains and the forest of stars.


Overlooking the earth, the distant starry forest is innocent, but the jungle is constantly shaking. It is a sign that the army is marching. Thousands of Indian players hidden under the jungle are attacking aggressively. In the north, a large group of players are being killed. The forest of stars and sky, and farther away, you can see that a large Chinese guild is on the Huize Plain to face the battle.


Dive to the earth and go straight to the main position of the dragon. Lin Biaoer is carrying the lineup with the dagger and the moon. The iron horse of more than 1W is listed in front of the queue, one by one with the Heilongjiang sword and the body wearing the ice demon. The set, the players of the rest of the guild continue to cast an enviable look, the strength of the dragon's riding warfare has been invincible, and this is an indisputable fact.

“啪” landed, I came to Lin Biao’s side and said, “How is our situation?”

Lin Yier turned and smiled with a pretty face. He said: "All are ready, and the masses led by Li Mu will arrive soon. This time, the number of people participating in the battle has reached 8W. Is the number awesome?"

"Yeah." I nodded and smiled. "Very good!"

8W people, this is a very impressive person in ancient times, and in modern times, the person who can command the 8W army has long been the commander-in-chief of the group army. I feel a little excited when I think about it.


On the side of Xiaolong, the heroes are gathering, and the sword is at the forefront of the crowd. They have no secrets. The latest mounts are all lined up, Baiyuan ride, Xianlin BOSS level mount, the four hoofs of these horses. Surrounded by water waves, you can step on the water, and have the super skill of the abyss force field, reduce the speed and attack speed of the enemy targets within 30 yards, plus the very good attributes of the mount, this Baiyuan ride has already been One of the peaks of the Tianzhu City.

At a glance, the number of Baiyuan rides is quite a lot, about 1W people go up and down, all of them are the same as the figures revealed by Tang Qi. The 1.2W people’s Baiyuan ride is really a must-have combat power. Asking the sword for a calm and steady command, Baiyuan riding will surely emerge in this king's hunting activity.

Looking at the direction of mythology, the mounts on the paper have also been changed. The mounts of Lu Chunyang and Xuanyuan Feng are exactly the same. It is a dark blue war horse that wanders around the wind. I can’t help but frown. Say: "What is the main mount of mythology?"

The moon is shallow. It is the information NO.1 of Xiaolong. He blinked and smiled: "The main force of the mythical cavalry is still a green cow ride, the number is about 18,000, but recently developed a kind of mount, that is, happy brother, you see On the paper, the charm of the painting, Xuanyuan Maple, the kind of cyan mount they ride, called Shenfeng riding, 165 level Xianlin BOSS level mount, the upper limit of blood is 21000 points, the moving speed is 550%, and the disease is very fast. It’s a little scary!”

Lin Yier opened Zhang Xiaozui: "Is it faster than our melting **** iron ride?"

“Yeah.” The moon smiled and smiled. “Would you like to call it a **** wind ride? But the battle property is not as good as that of the melting **** iron. It is not even as good as the hero’s Baiyuan ride. The total number of Shenfeng rides. About 8,000 people, the main task should be to use mobility to sneak attacks, assaults, reinforcements?"

I grinned: "That party song should not let the **** wind ride on the front of the battlefield."

Wang Hao smiled: "Happy brother, you think too simple, this time the king will hunt but earn points and earn merits. Myth is definitely the more people want to kill, even if it is to ride the wind to perform raids. It must be waiting for the frontal battlefield to finish, and will send a Shenfeng ride to chase the remnants to earn points."

My heart trembled and said: "If it is really to chase the defeated soldiers, then the speed of the Shenfeng ride is really terrible!"

"Yeah!" Song Hanzhong focused on the head and said: "At this stage, most players use the mount speed of 270%. The speed of this Shenfeng ride is double. Who can get rid of the chasing of the wind? Kill!"

He swayed the greed Hydra Tomahawk in his hand and said, "On the frontal battlefield, or our melting **** iron ride is stronger! It doesn't matter, if you really fight with myth, we will not lose, say this group. The Indian players are still not attacking, and the brothers are waiting for some impatience!"

I smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's always coming."


A few minutes later, Fang Geyu sent a message: "Happy, meet in front of the mythological position, the big allies are coming, talk about how the king will hunt in the end how to fight?"

"it is good!"

Zema went straight to the mythical position, my sacred dragon horse swept past a row of Shenfeng rides, let the painting on the paper and Lu Chunyang be one of them, and the painting on the paper said: "I bet 100 yuan. The free ride is faster than the wind!"

Lv Chunyang said: "Not necessarily?"

The enchantment on the paper will catch up: "How long is your sacred dragon horse moving?"

"620%, what's wrong?" I asked with a smile.

"It's okay, thank you!" The painting on the paper was very sweet and smiled. He turned and said to Lu Chunyang: "Thank you for your 100th, go directly to my account, thank you!"

All the way to the foothold of Fang Geyu and others, the guild-level players of all major guilds are there, asking for swords, Ye Lai, Jian Feng Han, Mu Yu, Yan Zhao Wu Shuang, Wang Zecheng, Fei Long in Tian, ​​Liu Ying, etc. All of them are even rumors of the deputy commander, but this kind of goods has almost no achievements in the national war. It has long been seen as cumbersome, and few of his words are willing to listen.

"Small is coming, let's get started!" Mu Yan took the staff and said, "Hurry up and talk, I have to go back, the position is so far, I walked with two legs, unlike the riding system of you. There are horses that can increase speed."

Yan Zhao's unparalleled smile: "I will take you a ride."

Mu gave him a look and said: "The two constellations are not in harmony, I am sorry."

"You don't know my sign."

"It doesn't work anyway!"

I couldn't help but laugh, turned over and said: "Hurry up, talk about how to fight? What plans are there?"

Fang Ge said: "There is no good plan for the time being. After all, this activity is limited to a few maps. It is not a siege. We cannot directly attack Linhai City, so we can only do what we can."

"What can we do?" Liu Ying asked.

Fang Ge slammed his hand and smiled: "This hunting relationship is related to Linhai City. It is a key issue that does not belong to China. It is an indisputable fact that the Indian theater is rebelling. The key to this activity is the points, the two sides. If you have more points, you can master the sovereignty of Linhai City, so we must kill more people than the other side."

Said, Fang Ge coughed and coughed, said: "On the frontal battlefield, the Chinese theater will never lose, our NPC army is much stronger than Linhai City, so the major guilds must constrain their guilds and Friendship. Don't let them attack at will, we only play the frontal battlefield, we will win, and the small and medium-sized guilds will not go to other maps without authorization. Otherwise, all the dumplings will be killed by the Indian players. We can lose the Linhai City if we can't match the points."

Rumors said: "We are just waiting for the rabbits, will the people in the Indian theater will be fooled?"

Fang Ge said: "There is no better way than this. If they don't come to attack, we will advance into the forest of the stars, and they will always fight."

I nodded: "Okay, then fight the battlefield."

"Well, everyone cheers!"

Fangge 阙 阙 阙 鼓舞 鼓舞 鼓舞 鼓舞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The association's beauty deputy lord Luo Yan smiled with a long gun: "It seems that the ally has succeeded, and finally smashed the small oil in the oil, how is it?"

Mu Yan’s face is red: “Look back and talk...”

I am silent, and I am going back to the dragon position.


Behind the drums, the NPC regiments of Tianzhu City also began to appear. Yan Longjun and Xia Junjun appeared in the field of vision, and I also sent the Yulin Army to play. Soon after, a black and bright dragon crystal cannon appeared. Behind the position of Xiaolong, the Royal Forest Army will not play, let the dragon players harvest points and say.

About 20 minutes later, there was a wave of intensive shaking in the forest of the stars, and the team of players in the Indian theater appeared in our field of vision. It was so dense that the war was at its fingertips and the sword was arrogant. Almost everyone could not breathe.

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