Zhan Long

Chapter 1020: 10 times explosion rate


The greedy Hydra Tomahawk in his hand trembled slowly, and his face was filled with excitement. He smiled: "This must be a big kill, oh!"

I said: "You don't want to go too far ahead of the old K, don't forget, the attribute of the greedy Hydra is to kill one person to increase the 1% explosion rate, infinitely superimposed, but once you hang up, then the effect is gone. As long as you don't die, this axe can make a lot of high-level equipment for you. When you sell the equipment, you will have money to buy a housewife. Do you want to want a wife?"

Devoted nodly: "Want..."

My mouth is a bit raised: "That's calm, conservative, don't be impulsive, so... Meng Yao, you have a female artifact, this Samsung artifact shield, you will protect your brother when you fight it. Don't let him hang up."

Li Mengyao smiled and nodded: "Know, brother!"


At this time, the drums of the thunder and the dense Indian players gathered in front of the edge of the forest of the stars, spreading the endless front line. On the number of people, the major cities are probably the most and the most united. After all, the Indian theater has maple. Lin drunk, Qingluo Tuo two soul characters, and these two people are alliances, so the relative cohesion is relatively high, but the Chinese region is also good, at least when the national war or the activity version comes, everyone will be consistent, this It is also a tacit understanding.

The moon slaps its wings, flies up to 30 meters high, and looks at the distance with a pair of beautiful eyes. He said: "Happy brothers, they also have heavy artillery, dragon crystal cannons and fire rock cannons. The number is about... about 500 doors. Right or left, don't worry?"

"It doesn't matter." I suddenly pulled out the long sword and shouted: "Whoever dares to look up and see who I am, ready to fight! Save it."

Everyone wiped their mouths and pulled out their swords to prepare for the battle.

In the distance, Fenglin was drunk and raised his sword. After a low drink, the team slowly marched, and Lin Biaoer said in my ear: "The weapon of Fenglin is a four-star artifact, and the attack power is very good. If you encounter it, be careful, but It doesn't matter, the main battlefield in the world is facing the trial, the heroic position, and the relationship with us is not too big."

I nodded and smiled: "Understand, ready to kill, and you will have to rush forward with a little bit of squatting. After all, you are not riding a battle system. The lack of blood in the mount is too bad."

Lin Xiaoer chuckled: "Reassured, I will protect myself. You will get more points."




A dragon crystal cannon suddenly broke out in the crowd of the tyrants, officially announced that the battle began, the two sides cannons, the dragon crystal cannons, and the Yulin army behind us has carried at least 500 doors. The dragon crystal cannon and the fire rock cannon are more than 1000 doors. The sound of the guns is constant. The players of several Linhai City guilds opposite the dragon are immediately crying and tearing.

I raised the butterfly and shouted: "It’s time to stop the shelling, rushing, and scoring the points!"

The hooves echoed, and thousands of melting gods on the dragon's front line quickly began to travel and speed up. After a few seconds, they reached the speed of galloping, and we were opposite, organized by some unknown Indian theater guilds. The team also rushed, and the shelling of both sides came to an abrupt end, and it began time.

One hand butterfly, one hand town knife, I don't have a thousand wings, keep the speed with the melting iron ride together, the Jianfeng shake is a 19-level seven-star broken Yuelu bombing in the crowd, Zhenyue knife horizontal From now on, it was a 19th-level 璀璨 skill burst, and several golden six-star stars swayed on the blade of the town’s knife. The four riders in front of him saw me, and immediately lifted the shield to defend, suddenly Zhenyue Knife with the effect of the 19th-level combo "铿铿铿" on the three shields splashed out the dazzling Mars, although they defended, but at least each person lost 10W blood, was rushed by the rear of the melting **** iron All killed!

The rush is extremely fast, and the greedy Hydra slashes on the shoulder of a half-blood swordsman, directly killing, and triggers the "nine-head" effect, causing significant damage to the surrounding 9 enemies, but this The goods rushed too far forward, the body was continuously penetrated by the sword, and the other swordsman quickly caused him to set fire. The 14W blood was only 5W away.

Fortunately, Mengyao's speed is fast enough. A Z-word walks quickly in front of the front, lifts the female stone shield, keeps the impact forward, and the female stone absorbs the effect of a round of sword rims. After that, Meng Yao suddenly slammed the effect on a senior swordsman, knocked it back, and continued to stun for 3 seconds. Not only that, but her quick sword was a dragon blade, and the swordsman snorted. It’s falling off, and he can’t think of a knight’s attacking power in addition to his super high defense!

Many of Meng Yao's equipment are made for me, and the attack power is naturally not bad.

With the protection of Mengyao, the embarrassing offensive is even more uninhibited. The greedy Hydra is raging in the crowd. After a whirlwind, it can kill more than a dozen people. The greed effect of the greedy Hydra must be It is also superimposed. After the old K kills thousands of people, the 10 times explosion rate is improved. About... The person who was killed by him will even burst out of his underwear.


The dragon's riding battle system is too strong. Today, a total of about 1.3W melting God iron rides into the battle, quickly swept the front of the rabble, the melting of the iron ride after the sweep, a whole piece of galloping stun effect, those small and medium guild players thoroughly We have fought, and there is still the power of resistance, which can only be reduced to the goal of being slaughtered.

The battle was very smooth. Almost the Indian players in front of the area where the Dragon Club was located were either killed or fled. No one was willing to play against the Iron God. I was rushing to see the soldiers around the melting iron. The blade, all of a piece of blood red, anyway, we have earned a lot of points.

Li Mu shakes the blade, and the blood on the fire sword is quickly burned into a fly ash by the flame. He smiles and says: "Well, I have a feeling of being invincible. Who else?!"

I sighed and said: "One second hero with 3000 melting iron ride to stay in the position to continue fighting, the rest of the melting iron ride with me lateral impact, decompression for the rest of the guild!"


Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yi and others have chosen the number of people. Soon, 1W people melted the iron ride, and Lin Yuer, Yue Ti, Song Han and other melee masters are not idle, followed by the melting **** iron ride forward, anyway It is a great opportunity to earn points and cannot be missed.


All the way to the east to rush to the past, everything seen in front of us is not what we saw on the 斩 dragon position, the strength of the top ten guilds in the Indian theater is really not bad, under the force of their nesting, the closest to us The tyrants of the tyrants are almost unable to support them. The front row players have died in batches and batches, and the squadrons who are known as the third guild in the Indian theater are still slamming, and even a team leader raises his sharp voice and shouts. : "Cut the head of the West Chu King!"

Too embarrassing!

So we are even more arrogant, 1W melting God iron riding kills the sound of the sky rushed over, the players of the Flow Cloud Guild react very fast, an elder player quickly judges that the enemy in front of him is not so good to deal with, immediately raise the staff, this The middle-aged uncle who is full of gas is a big voice, the sound is deafening: "defense, remote preparation for shooting dizziness, blocking them, treatment to keep up, do not interrupt, this group of people did not supply, kill one less, let them see the flow of clouds strength!"

I am a sword, and I whispered: "Then we will see it!"

The sacred dragon horse slammed forward and rushed forward, and I was rushing to the forefront, constantly stalking to avoid attacks, but also attracted a lot of seven-star arrows, but the seven-star arrow did not produce vertigo effect for me, won A group of fans of the guild guild are dumbfounded, and no one can understand why this person will not eat vertigo.

Just as they were horrified, my ride wind broke out in the crowd, and it was an explosion in the state of the thousand-winged wing. The original attack range of about 5 yards became 10 yards, and the 19-level ride quickly condensed into 15 Dao Lingqi Jianqi cuts in the shield array, and a large number of damage numbers fly up -






The attack by the wind is constantly superimposed and raised, and the shield in front becomes a corpse in an instant. The players on the edge are stunned: "This... What is this nonsense attack!?"

Before they understood what happened, the whirlwind of the cockroach had already been swept away, and Wang Hao followed the last whirlwind, and then opened the stubborn stunts, and did not kill the blood. All the players were harvested, and Li Mu rushed over with the enemy's enemies. The dozens of players in front of the shield gnawed their teeth. One of them shouted: "Not afraid, the basic defense of Laozi is 27,000, and I can't stop it. This ugly man?!"

"Who do you say ugly?!"

Li Mu snorted and suddenly increased his speed. The sky above the front of the Shield condensed a Tianzhu effect. He was intercepted by Li Mu, and the anger of the Zhoushan skills broke out. The majestic man with a defensive power of 27,000 collapsed under the fire sword of Li Mu, and Li Mu talked about the defensive power with the double effect of the enemy's anger. This is simply a joke, it can be said that the whole server, no one can Can't stop the attack of Li Mu.


Sweeping past, the defensive array of the 2W people of the Flowing Clouds Association could not stop the charge of the Fushen Iron Rider. We were stopped by the waist, and all the way through, and the lineup of another Indian theater guild, no one can resist. Once again, I passed through the heroic battlefield, but I found that Baiyuan’s ride was really brave. I didn’t need any help at all. Before I finally met my real opponent, Fenglin was drunk with a group of fine cavalrymen. Hit Longxiang's position.

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