Zhan Long

Chapter 1070: Repeated change hands

"Open the city gate!"

With Queen Fiona, I stood under the gate of Wangyuecheng and shouted loudly. Soon, the figure of the thunder umbrella appeared on the wall, and the door opened slowly. He looked at me. The horror asked: "Adult, these thousands of troops?"

I took the hand of Queen Fiona next to me and lifted it up and said, "This is the Queen of Fiona, the Dark Moon Spirit. From now on, she is the master of this Moon City. She is coming to the army with the Dark Moon Spirit. Scorpio City, in the future, you need to take orders from her and rebuild the city of Wangyue into a city where human beings and the moon spirit live together."

"Yes, adults!" To my command, this gladiator is very obedient.


The Dark Moon Spirits entered the city, and the newly-built defending army also rushed out of the city to push the carriages of the Arrows and the Longbows for the Moon Spirit girls. The rumbling of the rumbling sound continued, and the 40W Dark Moon Army took a long time. Still not all entered the city, but in the distance, the horn screamed, and the players in Wangyue City had to launch an attack!

"Let the people behind you hurry!"

I stood on the wall and held the handle of the butterfly, and said something anxiously.

Fiona nodded and passed down, but it still took at least half an hour to get all the dark moon spirits into the city. The players in the English and French servers were not willing to wait any longer. The original horseshoes on the plains, the black crowd Under the starlight, I rushed to the city of Wangyue. I frowned. "It seems that it is too late, so that the moon spirit that has not yet entered the city will return to the West Gate and enter from there."

"it is good!"

I pulled out the butterfly and said, "Ready to fight, everyone!"

On the wall, a group of defending armies who were slaves looked at the players in the distance. The ranks of these defending armies were between 175 and 185. As for the grade, most of them were only thunderous. NPC only, the strength is very general, even the strongest Thunderbolt, it is only the BOSS of the spiritual order, I can play ten!

Fortunately, the Dark Moon Spirit girls are very high, and Queen Fiona is a Samsung God-class BOSS. The success rate of her and these Dark Moon Girl’s guarding the city has improved a lot. What makes me more confident is that I smile. The hands of Waterloo and others led millions of people from the Chinese theater to return to the city. They have been seriously damaged under the city of Fanshu, and they have been killed by the army of Lan Nasir in Wangyue Valley. All the heavy artillery weights have been lost. Want to attack the city can only rely on iron hooks, long ladders and other props, and the wall of Wangyue City is preserved very completely, the defense power is not reduced at all, with the dark moon spirit's super long-range precision archery guard, defending the city The effect of 200% is proper.

A group of defending troops began to burn the oil in the pot on the wall. Soon after, the oil was already boiling. In addition, there were many preparations for the Rolling Stones. They are still very good at doing these things.

Look at the interface of Wangyue City. The NPCs that can be used are no more than 80W. The rest are basically NPCs with some civilians and pampered. There is no warfare at all, and the Moon City outside the city is originally at least 400W. Above, it is dense, and it is controlled by a master like Smile and Waterloo.

In the distance, the sound of horses screamed together. Under the stars, a group of cavalrymen wielding their swords had already approached the city, and the dragon crystal cannons on the wall began to wreak havoc. The mushroom cloud bloomed on the earth and will have fallen. At least 3 players smashed into pieces, and at the same time, Fiona made a slap in the dark, and the dark moon girls smashed their arrows and smashed the cold arrows. The precise shooting was in the cavalry’s eyes and neck. The weakness of the class makes it extremely lethal.

I stood on the edge of the city wall, the sword was squirted, and suddenly rushed down. The dance of the sword and the ghosts of the ghosts broke out in the crowd, killing a dozen people in a blink of an eye, and blessing the wings of the thousand wings, so they carried the foot of the wall in the crowd. Flying at low altitude, Jianguang with a little bit of cold, will be half-blooded, **** players to harvest, this is a great opportunity for me to earn points, originally had fallen to the third place in the national war standings, this time is not good If you kill a little more people, I am afraid that the ranking will drop even lower.

In the distance, there was a shout of smile: "The siege ladder, stand up!"

The so-called siege ladder is a kind of building. The structure inside is very complicated. It connects the long ladders of 10 meters each to climb to the edge of the 50-meter wall, and the ladders that are commanded by the smile are made by the guild. It does not belong to the NPC camp. Xiaolong seems to have such a ladder. The craftsman is a siege device built by the player. Although it is not as effective as the Dragon Crystal Cannon, the melee combat siege is quite effective.

As many as dozens of siege ladders approached the wall area, and a long ladder was placed on the edge of the city wall. Then the dense players began to attack the city. They occupied an absolute number of people and they dared to attack this city.


"Pour the oil!" Fiona in the city gave a command.

Suddenly, the iron pan quickly poured down, and the hot boiling oil swayed down the ladder. The players who were stained with it dripped a lot of blood, plus the bow and arrow of the dark moon archers in the city, the role of the ladder. It is also extremely limited. About smile, the hand of Waterloo did not think that the city will suddenly reinforce the 40W Dark Moon Spirit army. This is a big change!


The hot oil of hot water fell down my cheeks. I continued to open the thousands of frosted wings to kill in the crowd outside the city. I was fortunate that I was not disfigured by the hot oil. At the same time, the town knife and the butterfly sword were cut out and the group was rushed up. The player is killing. At this time, I don’t have to go back to the city to supply it. I will kill it everywhere in the city.

"The sorcerer, set fire to him, killing free and easy!" A flag-bearing player screamed loudly, and the bearded man with this face had long been fed up with the feeling of being crushed and attacked.

Immediately, a group of archers and wizards began to move closer to me. Only 40 yards away can form a fire-killing effect on me. Soon, numerous advanced skills such as lava abyss, thunder eagle, and icicles are mixed with the dragon. Arrows, broken armor and other skills raging together, and what I can do is to take the position to minimize the damage!


The boots splattered on Mars on the wall tiles, and suddenly shot a zigzag line, and there were countless MISS behind them. At the same time, the butterfly sword was inserted into the chest of a knight, and the combo injury burst directly to kill it. Skills surround the surrounding, who wants to kill me will bear my skills to continue to attack, the town of Yue knife swept, spurred a sharp edge.


Even if my resistance is super high, but the other party's skills are still bombarded on the sacred gods, leaving a mark of flame, and I am a blood bottle while the rain treatment, while not forgetting to burst in the crowd Out of a sword to kill people back to the blood, but this is not the case, long time, my equipment durability will not keep up.

Suddenly looked up and looked at Fiona, saying: "Let the moon spirits aim at the spirits, the gunners and the archers to shoot and kill, don't be afraid of the arrows!"

Perhaps because of my identity as a big man, or because I have already tempered the temperament of the commander under the baptism of war, Fiona is a little bit of a dark moon, but she quickly orders me. The moon spirits shot the remote, the arrows in the air are like rain, and the spirits in front of me have been broken shields, spikes, and turned into a vacuum zone.

Very good, what is needed is this effect!

Continue to attack in the lower reaches of the city, no one can grab the head with me, as long as my butterfly sword can get the place, no one can resist my offensive attack, smile, Waterloo's hand and so on are not willing to fight This South City Wall, because here is the main force of the Moon Spirit, there is also a Queen of Darkness, the level of the Samsung God, and I am here, there is no benefit here.

Not long after, a guard captain ran to report, the East Wall was attacked fiercely, and it was almost unable to support it. So Fiona added 50,000 Dark Moon Spirit to help, and the city was strong enough, as long as the defending city NPC There are plenty of them, and if there are enough arrows, there is definitely no problem.


The defending city war has been going on for nearly 6 hours. The city is already a pile of dead bodies, and the players in Wangyue City have also exploded a lot of equipment, potions, etc., no one is going to grab, my parcel space is limited, even if It is a waste of turning all the equipment into a **** soldier.

The dawn light once again reveals the clouds from the top of the oriental jungle, and another day has arrived.

Under the golden glow, the rumbling sound of the horse's hooves came, a fierce man rushed out of the jungle with a long sword, and behind him was a dense cavalry, holding the flag and holding the flag. The emblem of Tianzhu City is Tianzhujun. Lin Biao is finally here. There is no problem here. Wangyuecheng will be very stable!


"Oh, is that?" Fiona looked at the distance in horror.

I smiled a little: "The Scorpio Army, the army of Tianzhu City, is ready to open the gate to welcome them into the city. This time we will not worry that the city can't keep it!"

Fiona smirked and wiped the sweat on her chin and smiled: "The adventures of those adventurers are really crazy, but there is a day when the army is going to help guard, and the city of Wangyue is really impregnable!"


Under the city, Lin Biao carrying a long sword like a sharp knife with a heavy cavalry of the Scorpio army chopped a guild originally belonging to the city of Wang Yue, more and more reinforcements in the rear, rushing directly into the city, 10W Tianjun Junluo The formation of a black river, so that the English and French server players who are exhausted and exhausted, are very helpless, the player's energy is not comparable to the NPC.

However, when Lin Biao led the Tianfu Army's Wanfuchang on the wall, I still saw the tired color on their cheeks. They stayed on the road overnight, and they must have worked hard.

"Li Shuai!"

Lin Biao smiled and said: "We are here, isn't it late?"

"Well, it’s not too late!" I applauded his shoulder and said, "You are here, and this Moon City really belongs to our Scorpio Empire! Be sure to hold it, at all costs!"

"Yes, I will obey the order!"


However, at this moment, suddenly a ring of bells echoed in the sky -


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Magic Mountain] (German District) successfully destroyed the throne of [Nine Miles City] (China), has successfully recovered Jiuyi City, and the reward points of this Jiuyi City are too low, all rewards have been Convert to experience value and issue it to the appropriate player!


Jiuyi City, was taken back!

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