Zhan Long

Chapter 1071: Courage and pride

"what happened!?"

I asked in the guild channel: "Why is Jiuyi City lost so much? What is this called, have you been beaten for a long time?"

The moon is shallow and helpless: "There are too few people to sing the songs, and they can't stop the attack of the 20W ancient magic soldiers. The Chinese players in Jiuyi City are almost killed, and they can't keep it. Fang Songyu, Wen Jian, Yanzhao Wushou and other people are all killed in battle. You can see the details of the national war. You can see that Fang Ge is directly killed by the Magic Mountain. Asking the sword hanging and Uncle Yan Zhao to hang in the hands of the 7K."


I have closed the relevant notices because of the high number of high-end players killed by each other. Now I have opened it and found that the battle in Jiuyi City is too fierce. Fang Gewei, Yan Zhao Musou, and Sword The top 20 of the CBN battle nets, such as Jianfeng Han, died again and again, and even the party songs hang 2 times, exaggerated!

Someone in the guild channel is sending a picture of Jiuyi City. Sure enough, it can be called a **** sea. The city is full of corpses everywhere. The body at the gate is piled at least ten meters high. It is scary. The player is also fighting, and the Magic Mountain has been killed three times. He still chooses to resurrect again, and continues to attack the Chinese player team with his own people.

The battle was not lost and met a respectable opponent.


"How is the battle situation in Fanshu?" I continued to ask.

Li Mudao: "It is very interesting to say that the brown scorpion has decided to lead the people of Zeyuan City to bypass the Fanshu City and the Wushen River and directly attack the Tianzhu City. But the Sky Rose is a fiery temper, saying that it is not a normal book city. I will definitely not attack other cities. It is said that she has dispatched a lot of dragon crystal cannons and NPC troops from the Iron Cranial City. This time it is impossible to destroy the city."

"Oh shit……"

I couldn't help but swear and said, "Wait for me, I will return to the Book City!"

"Is the battle in Wangyue City fixed?"

"Almost, the resident NPC is enough to withstand the smile, Waterloo's hand."

"Well, okay, come back, you need more bookstores!"


I once again explained the related matters of Lin Biao and Lei Umbrella. Their mission is only to defend the city. Thunder umbrella is the commander of the Guardian of the Moon City, but must obey the Queen. As for Lin Biao, after confirming the safety of Wangyue City, you can retreat from Wangyue City. The Moon Moon Empire, which is held by Fiona, is the vassal of Tianzhu City. It is not necessary to impose military power in Wangyue City, otherwise it will cause quite a lot of misunderstandings.

However, Wangyue City is adjacent to the Iron Cranial City and Zeyuan City. This is indeed a hot potato. It is not a good gift for Fiona, but Wangyue City is equal to our bridgehead and aircraft carrier in the West. The next round In the national war, we can talk to Americans and Russians in the West on the basis of Wang Yuecheng.

From the beginning, it turned into a flash of lightning disappearing into the sky, the fastest speed flew back to the book city, with my flight speed, less than 2 hours to arrive, nothing.


On the way to my flight, a new battle report came from afar. A total of 700W people in the Japanese and Korean war zones went crazy. They crossed the magic dragon's nest from the edge of the Eighth City and directly reached the Yubeilin. They will soon launch the Tianzhu City. The offense, and the famous players such as Frost Forest, Yaoyue, LEE and other small and medium-sized servers in a total of 17 sub-primary cities around Tianzhu City, a total of at least 3000W people are prepared to implement a "cruel blow" to Tianzhu City. It is.

This is also a long-awaited matter in the Japanese and Korean war zones. It has already been boiling in their official forums. The most popular post on the official homepage of the Japanese theater is that the frosty hair is "not succumbing to death, to revenge for the lost homeland", the post is written Very angry, the Japanese server 1000W people were actually bullied to even the second sub-main city is gone, how can we endure?

The Korean server, Lee's post is more bloody, the title is "If the players of the destiny ask us why we will lose their homes, how should we answer? Fight, write our dignity with our blood, prove ours to the Chinese theater "Courage and pride!" Basically, the Japanese and Korean theaters are now boiling, so the servers in the 17 sub-primaries around Jiuyi City, Tianzhu City and Huoyuncheng are all shaken, including Vietnam, the Philippines, etc. The server of the small country, the military front directly pointed to the city of Tianzhu, and this time the number is enough. It is said that the NPC army is more than 200W. There are also many troops stationed in these sub-main cities. The dragon crystal cannon is more than a thousand. !



A message from the thrift of Tianfufu, the first person in the Chinese theater, said: "Happy! It is really sorry, we finally did not keep the city of Jiuyi, oh, I tried my best..."

I turned on the communicator and smiled. "You don't have to blame yourself. It's a common occurrence to win the battle! But this time the trouble is too big. We have now become the target of public criticism. Almost in the war with the whole world, Jiuyi City is definitely no longer Continue to fight."

Fang Gejun agreed: "Well, I really can't play Nine Miles City anymore. I didn't think that the players in Jiuyi City would be so tenacious and unyielding, and I wouldn't stop at that point. Resurrection on the line, the original place with us desperately, this game lost, and we will fight the city of Jiuyi, Tianzhu City will be gone."

I smiled and said: "Nothing, the initiative is still in us. You bring Tiancai people back to Tianzhu City. Counting, how many people are we willing to resurrect and continue to defend the city?"

Fang Gewei smiled slightly: "About less than 1500W, the total number is less than half of the other party."

My heart is cold: "This number is too pessimistic... No matter what, I will keep it first. I have left a lot of NPC troops and heavy artillery in Tianzhu City. The defending city should not be too big a problem, and the NPC strength of the Eight Desert City. There are also hundreds of thousands, and if necessary, they will reinforce, although it is indeed a bit of a bucket of water."

Fang Ge’s thoughts are heavy: "Yes, just..."

When he stopped talking, I laughed: "Are you worried about clearing the ink and the magic mountain?"

Fang Ge阙 some accidents I actually guessed, and did not deny, smiled and said: "Yes, this time we played the magic mountain is really too painful, the magic mountain is not a big man, compassionate, he Once the 2000W people in Jiuyi City are encouraged to attack Tianzhu City, I am afraid we will lose the first main city."

"This may not be..." I thought about it and felt very annoyed. "In fact, I shouldn’t attack Jiuyi City at the beginning. I have already agreed to live in peace with Moshan. Now it’s good... Qingyi Tuo Mo and Feng Lin drunk is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If they also attack Tianzhu City together, we are really finished!"

Fang Ge couldn’t help but laugh: “Do your best, the situation has developed to this situation, and it’s useless to say anything. Yan Zhao’s unparalleled and I said one thing...”

"what's up?"

"I want to persuade us all to give up the City of Books..."

I am ashamed, but bite my teeth: "No, the book city is the root of the dragon, I will never give up!"

Fang Ge smiled and said: "Well, I guess too. If you really agree, you are not the Li Xiaoyao. Don't worry, we need the town of the town to keep the Western portal and block the iron hoof of the United States and Russia. I will dispatch 200W people again. To reinforce the city of Fanshu, and strive to let Fanshucheng and Tianzhu City support the last moment of the second round of national war."

"Well, I hope it!"


While flying fast between the clouds, I turned on the communicator again and found the account of Magic Mountain. The person was still online, so I sent a call request, and kept praying in the beep, hoping that he could pick up my information. Otherwise, it is really difficult to fight this national war!

As a result, I waited for nearly half a minute, and finally Magic Mountain connected the voice call -

"HI, Happy Lord!" His voice was as good as ever.

I also smiled and said: "Congratulations to the Magic Mountain lord to regain the city of Jiuyi!"

Moshan smiled: "Don't congratulate me, do you Chinese people fight us enough? But, hey, let us recapture the city of Jiuyi this time. You have to swallow this bitter fruit." ”

I am ashamed: "You don't really want to attack Tianzhu City?"

Moshan Road: "If people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If someone commits me, I will commit a crime. If I don't step on the city of Tianzhu, do you really think that Chinese players are so bullied by our brothers in Jiuyi City? There is nothing to say. Happy, we are friends, but our positions are different. After all, we will not have a battle, build the walls of Tianzhu City, and wait for the iron hoof of our Jiucheng City army!"

After that, Moshan did not wait for me to hang up and hang up the communication call.


I was shaking with a fist and I was so excited that I really had to meet the attack of over 100 million players.

The attitude of Magic Mountain is so determined. Obviously, I don’t want to give up. This battle is destined to avoid it. If this is the case... then let go of the battle, no matter whether we win or lose, we will not regret it.


Soon after, I got a new battle report. Linhai City was besieged. Lin Biaoer and 200W belonged to China. The troops were surrounded by the city. Qingmo Tuo Mo and Feng Lin were still reluctant to give up Linhai City and led more than 2000W people to besieged. Crazy attack.

Linhai City has changed hands repeatedly and has a lot of fate. It seems that it is not destined to belong to us.


Soon after, I have already arrived at the edge of the desert, and then fly a few minutes forward, where the book city appears in the eyes, but now there is the shadow of the original book city, the entire city has been shattered, it is like a pile Ruins, countless iron skull city, Zeyuan City players are still in the crazy siege!


After diving from the sky, the sword was unsheathed, bringing out a sword light to kill on the edge of the city wall, and slashing a dozen or so players who had just boarded the wall, and at the same time, a hand in the wild, the wilderness community launched, will An archer remotely kills. When I landed on the wall, Wang Xiao, who was not far away, smiled and said: "Happy brother is finally back!"

I rolled over and flew down to the city pool and smiled. "Everyone cheers, I am going to fix the equipment, it's going bad!"

"Oh, the blacksmith shop in the South Square is gone. No one is going to repair your equipment. Go to the North Square."


"Two hours ago, a dragon crystal cannon passed through the crack in the wall and flattened the blacksmith..."


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