Zhan Long

Chapter 1076: Uncollected dragon

The ice wing stretched slowly. I kept the same level with the silver dragon that Lin Biaoer rode. The butterfly sword in the hand slowly flowed with blood. Those who were killed in the Indian theater before the city left the game. While flying, while watching the players in front of a group of Jiuyi City, 7K, Purple Bagpipes, the two guilds in Jiuyi City did not scream with Tiancai, now why will release the 40WNPC army in Lin Shuer’s hand, People can't understand.

Moreover, there are at least 50W Chinese theater players in Linhai City. At this time, the speed is out of the city. The absolute disadvantage of the number is destined to be unable to compete again. It is not necessary to continue to defend the city and only return to the price of the city. There is no need to insist on fighting.

I stopped in the air, standing there and motionless, and Lin Biaoer instigated the silver dragon flying across from me. The two people looked at the NPCs and players in the Chinese theater and quickly evacuated the city like the door gods. It was not so much that we were driven out of the sea. City, it is better to say that we are "please" out, the players in Jiuyi City have given the face.


However, it is obvious that for the loss of Linhai City, the child is still very unruly, and the things that are in hand let others **** it away. The little girl’s heart is definitely not able to pass.

I think that it is wise to give up Linhai City. Let the Indians and the people of Jiuyi City compete for it. In this case, the pressure on Tianzhu City will be weakened. This is what I am happy to see.

The NPC and the players who evacuated from Linhai City quickly advanced to Huoyuncheng, which is more like a main city in China, and there are enough defensive forces. Li Mu, Wang Wei, Yue Ti and others are there, Mu Yu, Ye Lai also led the appearance association and the judges to the Huoyuncheng reinforcements. At least in this national war, we must protect the city!

In fact, there is always a game of chess in my heart, and the most important hostile pieces are the players of Jiuyi City, Indians, and US-Russian servers. These three pieces are absolutely deadly to us. Now two of them are about to be In a group, players from the US and Russia to cooperate with servers such as Japan and South Korea are ready to attack Tianzhu City, which is destined to be relatively safe. Otherwise, I should have a headache.

At the same time that Chinese players have withdrawn from Linhai City, Jiuyicheng players and Indians have already become a group!

7K, purple bagpipes and other guilds led by the Jiuyi City camp is very strong, but Qingyi Tuomo is not a fuel-efficient lamp, want to win the Linhai City, 7K, purple bagpipes do not kill a few teeth is impossible.


I gently fell on the back of Xiaobai, and Lin Biao silently turned and held me.

I hold her and I don't speak. She is definitely not a taste in her heart. She is a girl who wants to be strong. She also hopes that she can help me in the national war. Unfortunately, the military power of Xiaolong and NPC troops is almost in me. In the hands of the people, it is a miracle that the children can take the opportunity to lay down Linhai City. Even if she has the wisdom of clearing up the ink, but there is no soldier in her hand, it will not help. After all, Qingyi Tuo Mo has repeatedly created a miraculous record because what? She has tens of millions of people to drive, and Lin Xiaoer can only command less than a million players, and the gap is too big.

Gently patted her back, I said: "It’s okay, Linhai City will take it back sooner or later."

"I know, just not reconciled."

"It's fine……"



When he withdrew from Huoyuncheng, Fenglin’s drunken man who had brought the siege had retreated. He also found that it was just a waste of time to continue to attack Huoyuncheng. Without enough NPC heavy artillery, it was impossible to shake this sturdy city and dig. It’s too late for anything.

On the city of Huoyun, the flag of the Scorpio empire is in the wind, and a five-star red flag is inserted on the side. The flag of the player’s hand also means that the main city belongs to China, and it is drunk with Qingmo Tuo Mo and Feng Lin. Said, this flag should be very dazzling? Actually... Why don’t they want to erect the Indian flag on the head of the city of Tianzhu?

Yes, Ye is right. In this strategy game, you can either be a sheep or a wolf. There is no choice.

Entering Huoyuncheng, Li Mu, the monthly return to the details of each battlefield, the war in the book city has stopped, the Americans, Russians have lost interest in this sub-primary city, or collapsed on this hard bone There are too many teeth, so they turned their interest to Tianzhu City. Now, the players inside and outside the big map of Tianzhu City have exceeded 5000W, which is 2-3 times that of Chinese online players. It is terrible, and the sky rose has already On the way to attack Tianzhu City.

Looking at the total score of the national war points, my points are still high, and the points of the dragons are also high -

1, Happy (China) National Warfare Points: 1142140

2, Fang Geyu (China) National Warfare points: 971020

3, Sky Rose (United States) National Warfare Points: 892710

4, brown scorpion (Russia) national war points: 870020

5, Cangyue (China) National Warfare Points: 852010

6, Fenglin Drunk (India) National Warfare Points: 812230

7, 7K-SAN (Netherlands) National Warfare Points: 771290

8, Magic Mountain (Germany) National Warfare Points: 762200

9, Mu Yi (China) National Warfare Points: 742910

10, for the pursuit of love (Portugal) national war points: 721220


Within the top ten, I and Dongcheng are in the top five, while in the 11-20, Lin Biaoer, Li Mu, Lin Xiaowu, and Xueyang Qianyang enter the rankings. This is absolutely amazing. A guild has 6 people entering the country. In the top 20 of the total battle rankings, and in the 21-100 rankings, we still have a lot of people. Wang Hao, Death Elegy, Meng Yao and others rank quite high, which is naturally due to the three major servers in the West. Five days in the siege of the book city, such a ranking of points is also a feat of their creation.

Taking a deep breath, I don’t want to laugh a little. Anyway, in this national war, our dragons are really worthy of our hearts. We have done our best and we will see the next. How to defend the songs, ask the sword, Jianfeng cold, Yanzhao Wushuang, Wang Zecheng and so on to defend the city of Tianzhu.

Wang Hao walked with a long sword full of blood and said: "Happy brother, Tianzhu City is surrounded by water, what should we do? Do you want to go to reinforcements, come to the outside?"

"This one……"

My hand holding the butterfly shivered and said, "I think too, but the brothers have lost too much. They continue to go to the battle of Tianzhu City. At least 4 or more deaths will be lost. The cost is too great. And too many overkills are not enough resistance, we used to suffer too much."

No matter what, I am the lord of the dragon, I have to think more about my brothers, can not let them fight, but give the results to those who are small.

The moon was shallow and smiled. He said: "We really want to help Tianzhu City, but the real-time picture is coming back. Tianzhu City is surrounded by water, three floors and three outer layers. It is said that the thickness of the wall is at least 10 miles, even people from the NPC village 20 miles away from Tianzhu City have many small servers. Can you imagine?"

Lin Xiaoer licked her red lips and said: "I just got the news that Eight Desert City and Jiuli City were also surrounded, but fortunately, the suburban main city is surrounded by small server players, relying on the players of the two sub-main cities and The NPC is almost able to stay until the end of the national war. The main problem is the Scorpio City. If we don't do anything, Scorpio City may really fall."

I am leisurely saying: "Forget it, in fact, there is no choice... I have not died since the beginning of the national war, and I can fly, I go to Tianzhu City to represent Xiaolong alone... You are on fire Yuncheng, now the mission of Xiaolong is to hold the city of Huoyun, and then pay attention to the battle of Fanshu City at any time. Huoyuncheng and Fanshu must be held in our hands."

Li Mu nodded: "OK, I know!"

Lin Biaoer took my hand and smiled. "There is nothing else in theway. Will I go to Tianzhu City with you?"

"Well, then let me take a ride?"

"it is good!"


Yinlong Xiaobai’s back is very wide. It’s not a problem to sit on a few people. So when Xiaobai flies into the sky, I rushed to the dragon’s back. The dragon flew into the clouds and rushed to Tianzhu City. In the direction, while I was sitting on the back of the dragon, I grabbed my girlfriend's waist, but I didn't want Xiaobai, the silver dragon guardian, and suddenly began a flip.


I grabbed the dragon scale in one hand and kept myself from falling off the dragon's back. Lin Biaoer smiled and said, "If you don't see it, Xiaobai is more and more brave. The most unfortunate thing is that someone is hooligan!"

At this time, Yinlong also turned his head, and a pair of longan eyes looked at me murderously.


I pulled out the blade: "This dragon is owing to clean up, let me poke it a transparent hole and say it!"

"Don't..." Lin Biao yelled and held my arm and said, "The white is very good, don't bully it, wait, the city of Tianzhu is coming..."

Silver Dragon's flight speed is really fast. When we rush out of the clouds, far away, the contours of Tianzhu City have already appeared in the distance, but when we look at the earth, it has a feeling of soul shock. Ten miles, there are crowds everywhere, the flag is flying intensively, people shouting horses, and a giant cannon is spreading outside the city, bombing the walls of the city of Tianzhu, the attack has already started.

"Be careful, there is an attack!"

Lin Biaoer suddenly exclaimed, in front, a group of black hunters rushed over, these falcons are the natural nemesis of the eagle riding eagle, Yan Ying riding shooter, have killed us a lot of air units.


I stood up, stepping on the dragon's back with one foot, and "the slap" of a golden flame, the armor lingering around the form of the wall of vindictiveness, and stood up, quickly launched the dance of ghosts and spirits into the group of falcons. While the arms, face and other parts were ravaged by the falcon's claws, the long sword fluttered, and the wind smashed out of the air. The golden light illumined the hollow, and a group of falcons were screamed and screamed.

Lin Biaoer was not idle, wielding the dagger, playing a few times, the blade of the gods suddenly broke out in the flock group, plus a breath of silver dragon white, suddenly a group of falcons were burned to ashes.


Unwilling falcon forcefully bite the body of the silver dragon, but this is a dragon, the hardness of the scales can not be pierced even by the long sword, let alone the claws of the falcon?

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