Zhan Long

Chapter 1077: I can fly


In the crisp sound, the head of a falcon was directly cut off by a sword, and the blood splattered. Yinlong Xiaobai took a bite and suddenly bit the falcon's body. Then he refused to enjoy it and instantly took it. The body of this falcon has been eaten, and the silver dragon has already eaten a lot of falcons in this battle. The original falcon is a hunter in the air, but it is only a white-scale silver dragon. It was a good meal.


Breaking through the last clouds, the detailed battle situation of Tianzhu City is already in sight. Countless catapults, siege cars, and ladders have already begun to attack the city. The walls of the city are full of flames burning and burning. There was also a dragon crystal cannon on the wall, and there was no difference in bombarding the players outside the city. However, the absolute disadvantage of the number of people caused the battle of Tianzhu City to be not optimistic at all.


Yinlong Xiaobai swooped down and went straight to the edge of the city pool under the drive of Lin Biaoer. When he was not near, Lin Biaoer shouted: "White, fire, is now!"

Xiaobai suddenly snorted, and the dragon scales on his neck were bulged. The frost flame inside was almost visible, and a continuous dragon inflammation was spurted out, like a magma-like burnt crowd on the ladder outside the city. At the same time, Lin Biaoer helped the dragon's neck with the dragon's blood fusion to control the flight of the white, and flew around the city wall, all the way to spurt the dragon's breath, and instantly reduced the pressure of the wall at a distance of 100 meters.

I have left the back of Xiaobai, the sword is in hand, the thousands of frost wings flew past, the body whirls, "嘭" slammed through a siege car, and many players and NPCs can be seen at the moment of broken car. Falling from the sky and making a mad scream, but at this moment, the sound of the spring came from afar, and a catapult blasted a huge stone to the city!


The megalith in the night sky is simply a giant, it seems to be a stone monument in the forest outside the city?

At the thought of this, my heart trembled, and Pei’s mausoleum was also in the Yulin Army. Wasn’t her tombstone destroyed?

Instant anger burned, I stood up in the air with one hand and one hand, the force of the heavens launched, suddenly controlled the stone monument flying in the air, the backhand was a broken drink, forced to return the stone to control the reverse flight, "嘭" A loud bang, the fragile slinger immediately became a pile of scrap iron, and the surrounding NPC was also killed a few, the NPC of the small city is really weak!

The short-term use of the Royal ability will not let me break away, and the current situation seems not worthy of my use of the large Royal Sky, even if I want to use it is not a good opportunity, the dragon crystal cannon outside the city siege coalition is too far The power of the Royal Heaven is not sensed, and naturally it cannot be controlled. Just like Lin Biaoer’s reading, he can only read people within ten meters, and it is impossible to go far.

The sword flies around the city wall and slashes the players who try to climb the wall. The swords are sloppy and no one can get close. After all, there are not many peaks like Sky Rose, Lee, and Brown Scorpion. The city walls on the four sides of the city are so far away. It is even harder to meet such a master. It is conceivable that such an epic siege scene is also expected by every player master. Everyone fights in their own battlefield and kills them. A rookie of his own, who will eat everywhere to hunt and kill opponents who may threaten their lives.

So, in this way, Lin and I were fighting outside the south wall of Tianzhu City. I attacked with thousands of frosted wings and blitzkrieg, and she relied on the silver dragon's power, plus her own skills. Constantly cutting the enemy, outside the city wall, a group of dragons, frost and constantly illuminate the clouds in the air, but also make the battle of the South Wall full of magical colors, although the dragon did not participate in the whole army, but I and Lin Yier The characters appear in the south wall, but they also make the Chinese players here more confident, and the influence of the top players can never be ignored.



I was slashing and killing a few Japanese players who climbed the ladder. Suddenly, a flame of fire broke out behind me. It was a dragon crystal cannon that just hit my back and bloomed in the purple cloak and the sacred god. The bombardment of 8W blood, but small meaning, I always have 20W of blood, but also can **** blood, unless three dragon crystal guns bombard me!

Just thought of this, it is the two groups of flames quickly hit, really come!

I was in a hurry and shunned at my fastest speed. On the way, another blade slammed into the air, and the two dragon crystal guns exploded on the wall. Fortunately, there was a white cast iron surface on the wall. The defense of the gun exceeded any metal, and Luo Shulin had already ordered the entire outer wall of Tianzhu City to be cast into white iron. It was really wise. It seems that this kid has long predicted that Tianzhu City will encounter a siege war.

"Aiming at being free!"

Under the city, a bowman of a guild leader of a Japanese flag screamed and pointed at me with a bow and said, "This guy has taken away the Qingyan City that belongs to us!"

I couldn't help but smile. I was a little surprised by the empty hand. When I didn't have time to respond, I was swallowed up by the wilderness. I leaned over and rushed to the earth. The sword swept through the crowd and stirred up a violent cyclone. If people enter the uninhabited territory, there is no one to stop killing all the way. In fact, I have also seen it. There is no such thing as a master with a level of more than 180. The killing of these people is equal to the abuse of food. It is purely earning points.

In the air, a group of dragons broke out. Yinlong Xiaobai is a dragon of the Shenglong class. The resistance to the dragon crystal cannon is not generally strong, and the self-healing ability is also very scary. In the middle ten times, the dragon crystal cannon has no pressure.


I have been killing crazy outside the city wall for more than two hours. I was finally tired, and I was set too much. The gods were almost burnt red. I immediately flew back to the city wall to repair the equipment.


When I landed on the South Square, I found that Yanzhao was unparalleled, and there were a large group of players riding in Prague. There were a lot of people, at least 10,000. Yanzhao Wushuang also saw me and couldn’t help but smile: "Happy, are you coming in?"

I nodded: "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Can't let the city wall always bear the pressure." Yan Zhao unparalleled with a fist, smiled: "So I have combined dozens of guilds, ready to send a million cavalry out of the city, to go around with them outside the city, ease the pressure on the wall, I believe 24 hours can still hold it."

I nodded in agreement: "This is also a good way, come on, I am going to repair the equipment!"

"Well, are you coming together?"

"No, I will fly...Where you have to eat dust on the ground..."



The blacksmith shop in the South Square is not far away. When I walked over and repaired the equipment, I found that there was a golden canopy in the distance. Is that the emperor’s snuggle?

I frowned and asked the old blacksmith: "What is going on there?"

The blacksmith looked at the badge on my shoulder and said in awe. "General, the city of Tianzhu was besieged. His Majesty has decided to personally command the battle. You don't know? There is a military conference hall temporarily set up in the Great Hall. ""


I was speechless, and the sword went away. Sure enough, the Great Hall was surrounded by the banned army. One face was full of the same enemy, and the city of Tianzhu was besieged. Instead, our NPC army was united.

There was no blockage along the way. After all, these NPC soldiers knew me as a big ruling. In fact, when the war arrived, I had automatically upgraded to the Imperial Marshal. It was a military commander!

When I stepped into the Great Hall, I heard the sound of Luo Shaolin’s shackles and said that I must hold the Scorpio City.

"Li Shi!"

When I saw me, there was an excited look in the eyes of Luo Shaolin. I quickly stepped forward and held my wrist. "Li Shi, you finally went back to Tianzhu City, great!"

I smiled a little: "Scorpio is my home, how can I not come back?"

Luo Sholin nodded: "Just back to Li Shi, you come to listen to everyone's opinions!"


At the end of the seat, the Purple Lingjun commanded Hu Yanli and held the fist boxing: "Li Shuai, the end will wait for the seamless defense around the city pool, I believe that those barbarians can not capture the Tianzhu City in a short time!"

Zhuhai, the head of the seat, sneered and said: "According to the information I got, these braziers are three times as powerful as ours. Their number of dragon crystal cannons is four times that of ours. Even though the city is strong, it is not a solid soup. According to the opinion of the veteran, the two banned troops, the Yanlong Army, should be sent to the North Gate, and the escorts will be taken from the North City Gate to go to Jiuli City to continue to sit in the overall situation. Jiuli City is in danger and easy to defend. It is the land of the king!"

Luo Shaolin looked for me for help, as if he could not refute the words of Zhuhai.

I smiled a little and said: "Hai Gong is right, but his majesty is the emperor of Tianzhu City, the emperor of the Scorpio Empire. He is the king here, and even if the opponent is strong, we don't have to give up the Scorpio. City, without Tianzhu City, lost the strongest power to recover lost land. If there is no Tianzhu City, where do we come from the tax to create a blade armor, where the food to feed the soldiers, one step wrong, step by step, so simple Do you not understand the truth?"

Zhu Haidao: "Li Shuai can't help but see the situation too simple?"

I said a little faintly: "I am a big mango, and I have the final say in the war. Haigong does not have to say anything, heavier!"

I wish you a glimpse of the sea, his face is blue, his beard is flying, but there is no way to take this Li Shuai.

I looked at the left and right again and said, "Since it is a wartime meeting, please leave the rest of the people without military power!"

The attitude is clear, my order is directed at all the ministers, and the main target is Zhuhai.


I wish the sea to go, and Luo Shaolin held back his smile.


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