Zhan Long

Chapter 1097: Local law

Along the way, I did not encounter any obstacles. Lin Biaoer disguised as a fire flag and Lin Qian’s appearance did not dare to block the road. Presumably, Lin Mo is also the same as the emperor in this area. Lin’s acting is also really good, keeping the forest dry. The momentum of the arrogance, until we opened the city gate to the north, no one found any abnormalities, but after they found the dead body in the room, I don’t know what to expect, I am afraid that by then, we will bring Ranaser is hard to return, it is a bit tricky, our players can go directly back to the city to avoid obstacles along the way, but we went back to the city, Lan Nasir but stayed in place, the task still can not be completed, must take She is leaving.

The horseshoe of the sacred dragon horse stepped on the wasteland, and I suddenly realized that I thought too much. The first thing to consider now is how to rescue Ranaser.


At 4 o'clock in the morning, we still shuttled through the blood-colored mountains, but the valley still refreshed some of the 7-level magical demon squad and the 8th-level demon double-winged demon, the purgatory spear warrior, it took a long time to kill the way. The time, while Lin Xiaowu, Dongchengyue, etc. MM has been suffocating again and again, now is not a national war, there is no need to fight every second, I said: "Get a good sleep on the line? We will be on time after 10 hours, um, I see Look, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone is eating a good meal on the line, and completing the task with a bang, how about?"

Lishui 囡囡 nodded happily: "Support!"

Lin Xiaoer smiled: "Okay, I have already wanted to mention it, so sleepy..."

"Then look for a safe spot to go offline!"

I reached for a piece of high rock not far away and said, "There is no refreshing monster on the top. I will take you up, and it is safer to go offline."

The rock is about 20 meters away from the ground. It is very spacious. I opened the thousand-winged wing, and I will hold the forest dance and the Dongcheng month on the rock, and Lin Biaoer will not call Yinlong Xiaobai, and I will open my hand and wait for me to hold it. When the four MMs are all brought to the rock, they are off the assembly line.


In the early hours of the morning, I ate something on the lower line and lay in bed. I looked at the lights on the street outside the window. Instead, I didn’t have much sleepiness. I picked up the tablet on the side and looked at the forum of destiny!

There is no major event in the forum of the Chinese theater, that is, the myth begins to expand and recruit, the hero 冢 Bai Yuan rides into the ice fire wilderness and is intercepted by the Indians, etc. In addition, there are many Vietnamese and Filipino server players in the cold flame city, fishing There are not many tourists around the city, but these people are not willing to take the main city, so they are still thinking about it, but they have been culled by trials, Longxiang and other major guilds. Ye Lai led the 1W trial iron ride to kill in the middle of the night. It’s just a joy, and the flower gun and a pot of wine are mobilized from the NPC army by 2,000 heavy cavalry, plus Long Xiang’s 5000 riding warriors, and the leaves are in the forest around the city of Han Yancheng. It is not a national war period, but murderous equipment is also a happy thing.

Looking at foreign forums, the forums of servers such as Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines are stirring up all night. Everyone is gearing up for the next national war, and they are all dying. But these servers are not in the right place, and some people ask for it. Organizing troops to harass the fishing city and the city of Hanyan. Some people think that they should get something in the Wushen River to make Chinese players unable to level up, so as to delay the expansion of the gap between the two levels and equipment. Some people think that they should gather first. The troops attacked the book city, and the national war did not open, killing the NPC army in the city of Fanshu.

In short, there are different opinions, but no one with full authority has come out to make a final decision. Even the king of the Korean theater, lee, is useless. The Vietnamese do not buy it at all. They are still blaming the Koreans for the fall of the fishing city. On the other hand, the frost forests, demon moons and other people in the Japanese theater recommended to implement the scorched earth policy, purchase enough attack orders from the Iron Cranial City and Zeyuan City, and then gather the superior forces to bring around the Tianzhu City and Huoyun City. Players stationed in the city pool one by one, first weaken the player's power, in the vacuum period between the two rounds of national war to minimize the Chinese theater.

In fact, the Japanese people’s ideas are indeed very unique, and they are also threatening. In the first national war, Huoyuncheng was already in our bag, and a total of 27 player stations in Huoyuncheng have been China’s major guilds have taken over one by one, and even the Dragon Guards have occupied one of them. These guilds are our reliance. Once they are captured, they will lose their economic resources and slow the progress of many guilds. Absolutely not a good thing.

In the future national war, if we want to fight for thousands of miles and the world, we must face 3-5 times of our enemies. Every Chinese player must become a warrior who must be a master, and must also equip, skill, and level. After all, operations, tactics, etc. are related to talents, and they are not trained to practice.

On the other hand, Tianceu recently held a meeting.

Yanzhao Wushuang suggested taking sincerity and joining the core players of Xiaolong to Tiancai. The last time the national war has been seen clearly, the power of Xiaolong Qunying shocked the whole server, if Xiaolong and Tianqifu Concentric, the overall command of the Chinese theater will have the highest level of combat effectiveness.

The rumors expressed the willingness to accept the unparalleled opinions of Yan and Zhao and are willing to show enough sincerity.

However, when Fang Geyu said my conditions, the rumors immediately retorted. My condition was to immediately dismiss all frugality and thrift, then nominate 100 people in Tianceu, then vote, the first number of votes Thrift, the 2-9th is thrifty, and so on, but this means that the days of rumors are over, how can he give up the power in his hands?

It is said that it is difficult to do things when there are too many people. The rumors are that Tiancaifu will become the ruler of his family, and as long as he continues to hold the power, I will not agree to join Tiancai, the national war, I I have already had enough of the days of being crippled everywhere. Now I have someone in my hand, and I want to have soldiers, why are you subject to people!

Tiancaifu, temporarily let them go to trouble, I want to consider when the matcha officially returned, join the dragon, the Linhai City decentralized to the Portuguese goddess purple bagpipes and the 7K guild, so let the winter, 7K led The Linhai City army is better against the magic mountain of Jiuyi City, so that we can devote more energy to the enemy of the West.

I thought about it for a long time and didn't go to sleep until 6 o'clock in the morning.


I slept for 8 hours and got up to take a bath. At 2:30 in the afternoon, the chef had already cooked, but Lin Shuer and Dongcheng Yue had not got up yet. Good guy, sleeping for 10 hours was still asleep. Is this sleeping in life?


I knocked on Lin's room door and there was no sound.


After another knock, there is still no response.

I was anxious in my heart, and immediately twisted the doorknob, but I didn’t want to forget that she had forgotten to lock the door. “When I clicked, the door opened. When I walked in, I found that Miss Beauty was still sleeping with the quilt, summer. She slept too much, and the upper part was all covered in a cup, but a slender, slender leg stretched out from her pajamas.


I smiled secretly in my heart, reached out and touched her snowy legs, then covered her with a quilt, opened the quilt on the top, and smiled: "Hey, get up, it’s almost time to agree, hurry. ""

Lin Yier stumbled open a right eye and looked at me. She closed up lazily and said, "Dear, what time is it?"

"Two and a half, there are still half an hour, hurry, Dongcheng has not yet got up, I called."


When I dialed the phone call of Dongcheng, Lin Biaoer had already climbed my arm and buried my face in my arms. The voice of Dongcheng Yue was heard on the phone: "Oh... what?"

"Get up when it is time, what are you saying?"

"Oh, it won't work for another ten minutes."

"No, get up immediately."

"Okay, really fierce..."

I looked down at the nephew, she seemed to fall asleep again, so I bowed down to her red lips and kissed, and the palms swam around her waist. After being stimulated, the breath of the beautiful lady became In a hurry, my face was red, and when I held the elastic peak, she opened her eyes and left my lips, shyly said: "The soul is weak, it is bad in the early morning!"

I looked at the sunshine outside the window and said, "In the afternoon, what is this early in the morning? Get up soon, or you will be on the spot."

She immediately smirked, pulling her pajamas to cover the fullness and pride, a pair of beautiful and provocative, laughing: "On the ground, right? Then you come, I want to see how you are on the spot..."

The voice of Tang Qi came from outside the door: "Oh, have a meal, it’s so sweet..."

Suddenly my heart sank suddenly. How can this be done right? With Tang Qi’s cultivation, as long as my breath becomes disordered, he will definitely notice it.

Pat the baby's hips: "Get up, I will go out waiting for you."



Hastily ate a lunch in the afternoon, on the line!


At 3:11, I was on the line. I found that Lin Xiaowu and Lishui were already sitting on the stone and boring to the stone scissors. Two more people could put a table of mahjong.

"Ah, you are finally willing to come!" Lin Xiaowu looked at me: "How late?"

"The two get up too late." I am helpless.

"Hey, I thought you had to wake up at 3 o'clock to get on the line!"

"How is it possible, we are all so pure..."

"Oh, is it?"

At this time, Lin Yier and Dong Chengyue went online together, and finally they can start our journey to rescue Rana Seir.


Going forward, the mountains have become steeper and the altitude has risen all the way. In the air, there are countless two-winged demon and sword spirit cavalry flying at high altitude. The magical territory of the demon territory is well-prepared, if it is replaced by human NPC. The words of the AI, maybe we have been found all the way to kill.

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