Zhan Long

Chapter 1098: Transducer

Almost three hours in the afternoon, I was swimming between the mountains, killing countless monsters. We hid in the jungle and the jungle, avoiding the surveillance of the air units, and gained a lot of experience, but still could not find the blue. Where is Naser in the end?



Dongcheng Yue suddenly pointed his finger at the distance. I saw a hole in the blood-red mountain range rising from the front. It was like a cave. If there were people with intensive phobia, I couldn’t stand such a scene.

On the map, the map on the front is the most bloody. I said, "Without an accident, Lannasel is in the mountain of the mountain."

"But there are so many caves, where is she?"

"I don't know this..."

I counted a total of 49 caves, and there was a trace of blood in the inside. God knows which cave is Lan Nasir being held in? Moreover, almost every cave outside the cave is guarded by the evil spirits, which is even more difficult.

"This task is really enough for BT." Lin Xiaowu said with a long bow and squinted: "How can you see which cave is true? What should I do?"

I held the handshake, the butterfly, and the reins of the horse. I said, "No matter what, let's go in and talk about it, start from the far left, how about?"

"Yes, that's all."

MD, even if it is 49 caves, I have to go in and find it. I must find Lan Nasir. After all, she was imprisoned because I was unable to take responsibility.


Outside the door, the 7th-level savage wolf rider is responsible for guarding the cave. The number is 20, because it is a 7-level relationship, so don't be too cautious. I rushed directly to the dance of ghosts and gods. Attracted, then open the sword and storm and ride the wind to slash, Dongcheng Yue, Lin Xiaowu also like this scene, group killing skills littered, killing all the barbarian wolves in minutes.

Enter the cave!

The entrance to the cave is no more than 2 meters high. The riding horse can't enter, so the frosty wings, and then the dry and hot rock wall slowly enters the cave. The light inside is very good. I walked carefully ahead. Lin Biaoer followed, and Yinlong Xiaobai screamed outside, unable to enter and was included in the pet space by the beauty owner.

"Be careful, there are strange in front." Lin Xiaowu is an archer, and the perceptual ability is the strongest among us.

Sure enough, a flash of fire came in front of it. In the open road, a huge monster came. It was a big spider with a lot of fire. It was too big, at least 3 meters in length, and the height was similar to me. I have not waited for it. When I approached me, I shared the attributes in the team list -

[Glowing Widow] (8th level)

Rating: 205

Attack: 21000-33200

Defense: 24000

Qi and blood: 4200000

Skills: [Stinger] [Spinning] [Burning Blood Pool]

Introduction: The burning widow, a highly toxic creature living in the underground magma layer, is a highly toxic spider, but few people who are attacked by it can rejuvenate, and it can weave a tough fabric. To bind the opponent, it is possible to spit out the flame power contained in the body to condense the blood pool to burn the target. It is said that a married man who encounters a burning widow must become a widow.


"Hey... Red Widow..." Lin Xiaoxiao chuckled: "Lord, you go first!"

I did my best, and the two swords rushed up in a round. The long-distance floods of the wilderness were consumed, the poisonous spiders screamed, and suddenly they trembled, and a stinger on the back flew over. I saw it really, Shen As soon as the sword advances, the ingenious MISS off the stinger effect, while the butterfly strokes a few golden six-pointed stars, heavily bombarded on the poison spider.

Lin Xiaowu and Dongcheng Yue also started killing skills. At this time, the poisonous spider's blood was drastically reduced, and the mouth was a white spider silk spit out!


The spider silk is sticky and very moist, and it instantly binds my feet. No, I have a heroic effect. How can I eat this kind of imprisonment skills?

After thinking about it, it seems that the entanglement of the spider silk is not one of the effects of dizziness, confusion, lethargy, and toxic. It is just a physical entanglement, as if I fell into the valley and was entangled in a lot of vines. In the same way, the heroic effect in this case will naturally not tang the vines for me.

Fortunately, this spider silk is only a short 2 seconds, but the poisonous spider has also released the flame blood pool under my feet. The boots are stepping into the blood pool and there is a burning sensation. The flame burns under the blood. Straight off is a continuous blood loss skill.

I am also unambiguous, and the double-sword dance continues to attack the blood to **** the blood, and the hot widow is solved in three or two, but this is true!



The poisonous spider did not explode any equipment or gems, but it burst out a red-hot card to see the attributes, hey, a very good consumable card -

[Glowing Widow Card]: Adds a quenching effect to the user, uses a physical attack to hit the target, weakens its 7% defense, and provides a bloodshed effect for 3 seconds, using the required level of 180 for 120 minutes. .


I waved the card and said, "Little dance, do you want it?"

Lin Xiaowu shook his head: "No, I use the Dark Shooter card, which provides 20% remote physical attack and 5% crit rate, which is slightly better than this."

"OK, then I used it."

The palm of the hand is raised, the card is turned into a BUFF blessing to me, anyway, I am a melee, definitely to touch the monster. When the card is used, the dry and the butterfly will suddenly have a faint flame luster. Is that the effect of quenching? It looks pretty good.

Along the way, killing the hot widow, and bending for nearly 10 minutes, finally came to the deepest part of the cave, when I bypassed a rock wall, everything in front of me shocked me -

It was a huge blood pool altar, and Lan Nasir was nailed to the totem pole in the center of the altar. The arms were pierced by the iron rope, and a huge sword was pierced between the two peaks. The blood would completely cover her clothes. Reddish, while the feet are tightly tied by heavy chains.

On the side, the responsible guards are 10 Inferno Spear Warriors and 1 Blood Wolf Flag Guard, and the combat power looks normal.


Lanna Thiel gave a soft sigh, and there was anger, not dead.


Suddenly, my heart was burning in anger, and the blade pointed out, "Go!"

Solving 11 8th-level monsters is not a big problem. After I broke into the wall of vindictiveness, I successfully killed all of them. The total time is no more than 3 minutes, while the children, Dongcheng, and Xiaowu are three. MM also saw the horror of Ranaser and felt angry, almost as firepower as me.


The boots were on the waves of the blood pool. I waved the waves to the center of the altar. I raised my hand and grabbed the giant sword that pierced the chest of Ranaser. I struggled to pull out and pulled it out. It also brought out a hot blood.

Lanna Thiel also looked up at me, there was no strength in a pair of scorpions.

Waving butterflies and cadres, flashing up and down several times, smashing all the chains of Ranaser, she fell into my arms, and looked at me in a faint manner, saying: "Thank you, dear adventure. By……"

Behind him, Lin Biaoer eagerly said: "A pig, be careful!"

I was also surprised. Lan Nasir knew me. She would call me Li Xiaoyao and never let me be an adventurer. Unless she was washed away and remembered, it should not be possible.

At this moment, the expression of "Lanna Thisell" in her arms became awkward, and her face was bulging with a horrible sharp cone. The originally weak palm turned into a sharp blade, and "噗嗤" was sent to me. The heart of the heart, bring out the number of damage of 7W, screaming and screaming: "Thank you for coming to death, hahaha..."

I quickly retreated, lifted the boots and kicked her away. At the same time, I looked at the wound on my chest and couldn't help but sneer: "Sneak attack? But this is the point, the sneak attack can't kill me!"

This thing finally reveals the real body, all of which are pointed cones, which look like a humanoid hedgehog.

Easy-shaped, 205-level one-star god-level BOSS.


"Is this a new species?" Dr. Shui Shui raised his hand and treated me with blood. He smiled and said: "The **** 沧澜 This first BOSS refreshed really brought us a lot of surprises!"

I waved my sword and smiled: "Quickly, kill him!"


It took less than 5 minutes, and the easy-to-shape BOSS has fallen under my sword. Because he is too ugly, Lin Biao refused to use the pretender ring to make such a monster's illustration, or disguise. The ring can only make 10 pictures, and you should cherish it.

But when we walked out of the cave and entered the second cave, but like a glimpse, it was still Lanna Sail, who was pretending to be a shaper, so that time was wasted a lot and people felt a little distressed.

A total of 49 caves, even if we are very efficient, killing a monster in a cave in 30 minutes, it will take 24 hours, too long, and hurt.

"What to do, can't really find one by one?" Lin Xiaowu said.

I looked at the group of monsters that were swimming in the distance. Suddenly my heart lit up and smiled. "With, you see there, is there a group of sickle devils who are responsible for carrying bodies and food? As far as I know, this kind of sickle The status of the 2nd level of the demon has been very low, and it is more serious by the upper level of bullying, and it is more greedy, so... 婉 变 变 变 变 变 变 变 变 变 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林The specific place of detention in Sur, so that we can save trouble."

Dongcheng Yue Clap: "Good idea!"

Lin Xiaoer chuckled: "Well, you are waiting for me for a while."



A few of us waited in the grass and the jungle, and Lin Biaoer turned into a fire flag, and she walked over with the spear fire flag, and the group of sicklemen carrying the boar corpse stopped immediately. Down, yelling at Lin Biao's screaming, a very respectful but very warm look, I can even see Lin's daughter's smile, I don't know if she can understand.

PS. The members of the Cold Leaf League and the Dragon Hall members will be brave and sing BUFF in an hour. The attack and defense 100% propose to his girlfriend. Here, we wish him a successful marriage proposal and a beautiful woman. Go back~~

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