Zhan Long

Chapter 1165: Break through the ambush line

"Archer, set fire!"

Behind the stone behind the harbor, a group of players from the Japanese theater gathered together. The wizards, archers’ staff and long bows pointed at me. Even they didn’t even see who I was. I only saw one. The red dragon with golden brilliance descended from the sky, and the raging spurt of the flames swept across the earth.

"Brushing brush..."

One arrow splattered on the shield of the raspberry body, and the damage done to me was negligible, even with only three digits of damage. On the one hand, the defense of my set of overlord suits was high enough. On the other hand, the skill of the Dragon's Shield of the Raspberry has been launched, and the invisible shield can greatly enhance the defense and resistance of the body.

"Up, get rid of this dragon knight!"

In the bushes on the side, about 40 Japanese war zone players rushed out. I saw it really. These people are all members of the Wars Guild. The ranks are between 190 and 205. They are all Japanese theater rankings. The players in front are far away from the abdomen of swordsmanship, swordsmanship and other long-range attacks to bombard the abdomen of the raspberries. At the same time, they stand up one by one, and the golden six-pointed star is swept on the blade. It is a combo skill!

I can't help but laugh, and directly launch the skills of the raspberry - the dragon's whirlwind, instantly forming a huge cyclone like a red star. These melee players want to encounter me and have to suffer the continuous damage of the dragon's maneuver. At the same time, the raspberry The child screamed and slammed his front paws, and a paw prints out of the air, causing damage to all three players.




Kill one, kill two, this red dragon claw hit skill must superimpose my attack power, otherwise it is too exaggerated!

Inspired the raspberry to continue to fly forward, I am on the dragon's back to launch the sword and the storm, due to the dragon riding effect, the scope of the sword storm is increased by at least 50%, and instantly kills a group of people, the sword grows, the long The distance of the seven-star broken Yuelu blasted out, the original seven-star broken Yuelu only had a 40-yard attack distance, but after riding the dragon, there was at least a 70-yard range, and suddenly a group of archers and wizards made a terrible noise.

Behind him, Lin Biaoer also rushed to the silver dragon. The little white bite made a group of assassins trying to hide in the bushes invisible. Each one was sprayed with blood, just to escape, a silver moon mark Falling in the center of the bush, Lin Biao raised his arms and launched a storm of the moon, directly killing dozens of **** assassins.

At the rear, the battleships have been stranded on the beach. One player can only swim in the water, but the heroic squatting ride has no restrictions in this respect. Under the command of the sword, this group of Baiyuan rides has already sprinted. Come, the first time reinforcements, with the sharp edge of the knife into the left of the Japanese players in the crowd, such as into the unmanned.

On the top of the head, there were a total of 31 dragon knights from the Dragon City. The dragon guns and dragon swords were printed on the ground again and again, killing the coastal defense players and the NPC army and fleeing. .


After landing all over the line, after a while, most of the Yulin Army and Xiaolong players have all stood on the ground. In front of us is the vast expanse of the vast wilderness, and in the center of the island is the real location of the army of Rob, and, The main guilds of the Japanese theaters, such as the trenches and the new moon, are also there.

The frost forest and the demon month are not stupid. I know that they are not our opponents on the coast. Their heavy artillery resources are not worth mentioning compared to the heavy artillery resources in the whole of China. The only chance is to land on the islands within the land. Come to defeat us.

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed.

Several more impulsive generals demanded that they immediately attack the city of Longwei Island, but I was vetoed, ordering everyone not to be radical, first stationed in the same place, and sent people to explore all the terrain around the survey before deciding how to enter. Anyway, we are already on Long Island, and the initiative is in our hands.

At this time, I seem to be more and more like the commander of the three armed forces. What I want to do most is not to go to the charge, but to strategize and get the biggest victory at the lowest price. After all, we are all experienced six or seven. Only arrived in the hour, long-distance attack, once you die, you need to run again, and even if the war dead want to run again, there may not be extra ships carrying them.

Half an hour later, the eagle eagle and the dragon knights who came out all came back. The specific maps of the entire Longwei Island were put together one by one. Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yue, Wen Jian, Hua Gun and others were all watching the big map. Can not help but secretly marvel, the size of this island is very large, our original sweeping plan can only be stranded, must be step by step, otherwise it can only be deeper and deeper here, after all, our real combat number is only less than 50% of the opponent.

"What do you think should be done?" I asked.

The flower gun pointed to the map and said: "The dragon forest surrounds the main city in the center of the island. There is a circle of mountains in the forest surrounded by the city. The entrance has only a rugged and steep valley. If I am a frost forest, I will definitely be in the valley. On the side of the mountain range, we will be able to hold the gate. When the grain of the Yulin Army is finished, we will be trapped on this island."

Long Hao's face was pale, saying: "Zhou Ning led the adults to say that...we must take the city and get supplies in three days, otherwise we can only dig wild grass in the woods."

Matcha rubbed his eyes and said: "The real key is to enter a few roads in the mountains?"

Lin Biaoer holds the dagger: "The field must be in the jungle."

I smiled a little: "Well, then be prepared to act. We won't suffer in the jungle. The people who came here not only have top archers, mages, but also dozens of dragon knights. The air and ground advantages are there. So decided, step by step, give up the valley geography, we kill directly from the two wings."

"it is good!"

Quickly divide the soldiers, the dragons all the way, the Royal Forest Army all the way, the heroes all the way, the guns all the way, everyone started to act, the dragon knight spread out four reinforcements.


Tens of minutes later, tens of thousands of Snapdragons have spread over the mountains of Shenlonglin. Xuerou, Li Mu, 冉闵, Wang Hao, Fox, Song Han and others led the crowd to the ground. I and Lin Yuer rode. Flying high above the jungle at the low altitude, ready to respond, in fact, we all understand that this is a real war that will force others into a desperate situation. Once they defeat the Japanese theater again on Longwei Island, Frost Forest, The level and equipment of the demon moon and other people will have to open the gap with our true meaning. The next step is that it will be a stagnation. It is hard to make a comeback.

"Be careful!"

Lin Xiaowu on the ground warned, "There are assassins and archers in front of you!"

I immediately looked at Li Mengyao and said, "Meng Yao, brave!"

Li Mengyao smiled and mentioned the female stone shield and instigated the horse. He said: "The temperament of more than 30W people is with me, breaking their ambush!"

A group of sacred iron riders rushed forward in a defensive posture, and the war horses stepped on one trap, and the vines were raging in the woods, but they couldn’t help us, when the archers of the other side all stood up from the bushes and arched. At that time, Meng Yao and others have erected shields to display the defense array of Xuantian Shield Wall.


The arrow swells on the shield and does not make too much damage.

I suddenly sighed and rushed down the raspberry, whispering: "Raspberry, the flames swept them!"

The raspberry opened his mouth wide, and suddenly a bite of dragons raged in the crowd where the other archers were, as long as they squatted at least 15W of magical damage, and when I raised my arm, I threw the sword out and the strong will The spiral airflow was killed in the crowd, criss-crossing, and 9 consecutive kills, which has already caused the other party's lineup to be chaotic.

Lin Biaoer drove Xiaobai to spurt the dragon's breath, and the spread of hundreds of meters of dragons caused a fire attack on the mountains, and Meng Yao and others also quickly launched the charge. Li Mu, Xuerou and other offensive players also swept past and quickly. The Japanese ambush on the top of the hill was destroyed. After the players in the Japanese theater hanged, they were resurrected in the city center of the island.

But it doesn't matter, kill them once when they attack the city, and they will be able to fight!


As night fell, the flames of the various hills had skyrocketed. Even the Knights of the Knights who commanded the Yulin Army of Han Yuan took the Shenwei guns to the mountains, and they squandered them indiscriminately, as if the gods had descended on the island.

Moving forward, there are many Japanese players ambushing on a huge rock on the foothills. At least there should be tens of thousands of people, and there are more than a dozen mountain cannons to help out, but this is hard to beat us, Lin and I Acting as a breakthrough, plus Qinglu led five dragon knights to help out, directly suppressing their air superiority, Li Mu, Yan, Wang Hao, Xuerou four generals rampaged with "unreasonable" tactics, no skills at all, Purely with the strength of strength to crush opponents.

Players in the Japanese theater have fallen to this island, and the leveling resources are already very scarce. There is no chance to fight against the different demons. The monsters that survive on this island are at least 5 times lower than the mainstream leveling in the city of Tianzhu. Level 10 also caused the players in the Japanese theater to upgrade slowly, and the average level is more than 8 levels lower than ours. This level of disparity is absolutely fatal, so that many Japanese players attacked us by level suppression and weakened. The hit rate is also greatly reduced. Li Mu, Wang Hao and other 200-level players are rampant. They are even ignoring each other's seven-star arrow and other stun skills. The level difference is above 10, and the stun probability of the seven-star arrow is about 20%. ?

The other side arranged for more than 50W people to set up between the mountains, but did not play much role.


Close to the dawn of the game, there were good news in all directions, and successfully broke all the defense lines of the opponent.

When the first Xuyang was illuminated on the red scales of the raspberries, the densely-played Scorpio City players and the NPC army were already arrayed inside the valley, and further away, a pale gold main city was bathed in the morning light.

Golden Scale City, the only main city in Long Island.

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