Zhan Long

Chapter 1166: Lien Chan

The army slowly advanced until it stopped about 2,000 meters away from the Golden Scale City. The next step was the siege war. At least one million troops in the Golden Scale City were waiting for us. However, their morale should have been reduced to the lowest point. The continuous defeat, coupled with the disparity in strength between the two sides, has made the players in the Japanese theater somewhat desperate.

The Japanese and Korean theaters occupy the islands of the princes, but most of them occupy the island of Longwei are Japanese war zones, so our battle is also exceptionally like an extinct battle of revenge.


The morning glory fell on the armor of everyone. The melting iron camp behind me was already eager to try, but I didn't intend to let them do it right now. Now I will definitely lose a lot of hands. The other side has the advantage of the wall, but we have nothing to bring. Siege vehicles, ladders and other siege equipment, however, the walls of the Golden Scale City are built with the island's boulder base, there is no casting of metal shells such as white iron, and we have brought countless dragon crystal cannons and Shenwei cannon, my idea is to directly reduce the city defense of the Golden Scale City into a ruin.

This city is located in the east of the eight deserted city and the cold dragon city. To some extent, it belongs to our inland islands. It is not necessary to have a city or a pool. It is enough to provide food and supplies to the distant dragon city.

Looking up, let the sun bathe on the face, a burst of warmth and full body, feel the climate temperature, it is really suitable for farming, grazing, the ecological environment is ten million times better than the bad cold dragon city, if I Can conquer this place to become the rear of the cold dragon city to give up the land, presumably flow cream, Zi Shu can also be more unabashed to resist the attack of the evil spirits.


"How is the situation?" asked Jian with Tang Qi, Tang Gu and others to come over.

I said, "Wait a moment, after the dragon crystal cannon and the Shenwei gun are in place, directly cast the wall to us and then attack it directly. Right, how are you there, find the frost forest, not the national war, so look Go to the killing tip."

"Found it!" asked the sword to smile.

"What about the results?" I asked.

Asking the sword to laugh and not to speak, but the sword tears on the side said: "My brother spent a total of 21 swords to kill the frost forest, there is nothing too strong counterattack from the beginning to the end of the forest."

I was a little shocked. I didn't think that the frost forest that was once known as the first person in the JBN battle network would actually fall to this map, but I know that the main reason is that the sword has been assembled with the Tenglong suit. The strength has been completely different from the previous one. Looking at the dragon, my winning rate for the sword is about 60%. Lin Biao’s equipment is about five or five points. Xuerou’s equipment and grades are not fully up, and the winning rate is about 40%. To put it bluntly, Xiaolong now only two people have encountered the sword to have a chance of winning.

Fortunately, we are friends now, and we will be friends in the future. We don’t have to kill each other again.


"I didn't expect the Japanese to be so vulnerable." He said: "I thought they could resist it for a while. I didn't think of it... it was directly defeated."

The gun and a pot of wine carrying an iron spear, smiled slightly: "This is very simple, they have no place to pick up the task at the moment, the grade is slow, and there is almost no chance to participate in the version task, large task to get star artifact equipment, the overall equipment grade It’s too big to be pulled by us, but it’s normal to play.”

Tang Qi smiled and said: "Then our next task is to beat the dog."

At this time, Han Yuan came to the horse and held a fist. He said: "General, the 400 dragon crystal cannons that we shipped ashore are already in place."

"Start bombing until the walls of the Golden Scale are flattened."



In a few minutes, a cannon was fired, and 10 Shenwei guns and 390 dragon crystal cannons fired at the same time. They almost couldn’t see the golden scales. The city was instantly flooded with smoke, and the power of Shenwei guns was really scary. A shot left a hole with a radius of ten meters on the wall. Two more times, a section of the wall collapsed, and the players on the wall and the NPC died in desperation. This is absolute power, Japan. People finally experienced it once, just as their heavy artillery swept through the land of China. They also experienced the kind of despair and helplessness at the moment. It is really worth living.

After 20 minutes of continuous shelling, the Golden Scale City was screaming for a sea of ​​fire.

It doesn't matter if the city is destroyed. The cultivated land outside the city is not destroyed. I am constantly squatting on this road. I cultivate it here and send the food to the cold dragon city. This is the basic strategy of this trip. In fact, the frost is for the grain. It is a brainstorming, and even want to establish a glass greenhouse in the north of Longcheng, but that kind of glass is generally only the home of the royal aristocracy. The quartz collected from the mountain is too expensive, and the cold dragon city simply bears it. Can't afford it.

Moreover, with the increasing number of dragon dragons, the demand for food is getting bigger and bigger. The amount of food for a dragon is equivalent to the food intake of 100 adults, and all the meat is required. You let If the dragon eats bread, it may no longer have the strength to take off. The frost can not do this kind of thing, preferring not to eat it yourself, but also let the dragons eat the meat.



The sword is out of the sheath, I raised the butterfly sword high and whispered: "Offensive, capture the city, kill all NPCs and players in the Japanese theater, and keep the life of the Duke of Rob!"

The horn sounded through the clouds and officially began to attack!

After I had the raspberry, I didn't use the thousands of wings to keep the mount shape. After all, riding a sacred golden dragon was originally a huge deterrent, which may be more powerful than the deterrence caused by my single kill. This kind of deterrence is more effective, especially for servers that have been scared in the Japanese theater.

As a result, as I thought, the city was broken, and it was hardly deterred. At least a million people were playing in the Japanese theater. After being killed by half of the heavy artillery, there are still more than half of the number. It is two or three times more than mine. However, when the Fushen Iron Ride, Baiyuan Ride, and Iron Wall Ride are charged, it has caused a massacre effect.

In the distance, the scorpion smashed the frost forest once a month, the matcha brushed over the sword, and the smashed successfully flew. Lin Biaoer once again had a dagger combo, and the frost forest hanged on the back of the wind dragon, and it was terrible. It is.

The street fighting is even smoother. Our cavalry strength is completely above the opponent. A charge will disintegrate their interception. The four deputy commanders of the Yulin Army all summoned the dragon to help, so that the entire Jinxiancheng is above the foot. The crotch of 37 dragon knights is definitely a very deadly deterrent, so many people are reluctant to go online after the death.


The slaughter lasted for two hours. The demon moon and the frost forest were killed more than 7 times, and the ranks fell below the 195 level. It can be said that the entire Japanese theater was seriously injured in this battle and completely lost its resistance. The forests of the Frost Forest and the Moon are also exploding in seven or eighty-eight. Now, the dragons will come out and a team leader will be able to win them alone!

After the "叮" sound, the system announced that the Golden Scale City was captured by the Scorpio Empire, and I chose to occupy the city, this Golden Scale City became the second city under my name, from the Royal Forest Army. Changzhong draws one person to be appointed as the city owner, begins to rebuild the army, and expels the alien players. I chose the password for “online expulsion”. After the Japanese players on Longwei Island go online, they will be prompted and choose within 60 seconds. Any piece of unowned map in the system's big map, otherwise it will be deported by random transmission. As a result, there will be no threat to Longwei Island.

However, I still left the 1W Yulin Army to defend Longwei Island. After the reconstruction of an army in Xia Ye, the Yulin Army can be evacuated. The only difference is that the reconstructed army is still my person, loyal to me, and later The Cold Dragon City provides supplies, and no one has anything to discuss.

As for the Duke of Rob, it was escorted by 100 Yulin soldiers, and the Clippers returned to the Eighth City to deliver the Queen Angela.


After more than two hours, return to the warship to plan the next step.

To the east of Longwei Island, a sporadic island appeared in the field of vision. Han Yuan carried a long knife and smiled: "General, there are a total of 17 islands closest to Longwei Island, but they are relatively small, the largest one. Not more than 1,000 people."

I nodded: "There will be scattered, and the 17 islands will be quickly recovered and assembled in the sea ahead."


The mission was relatively simple. I took a 1W person with a dragon to board an island called "Black Rock Island". I did not bother to kill the 700NPC defenders and get the island's sovereignty. Xia Ye sent a centurion. Acting as the island owner of this black rock island, the centurion naturally rejoiced and rebuilt the army of 100 people, and became the emperor on this island.

In less than an hour, a warship was assembled in the front sea. Through the Grand Canal interface, the warships were almost completed. After the Battle of Long Island, only 11 ships were sunk or hit the rocks. Sinking, the total number of casualties of the Yulin Army is no more than 2,000. This is an unprecedented victory. Of course, there are still 3W players who have died in the war and have to count this.


The big map was once again spread out in front of him. Xiao Li slammed on the map and touched the sign on the map. He said: "The next step is to occupy Ulsan Island in front of us. The area is about 70% of the area of ​​Longwei Island. Less than 10W, but many adventurers are fighting together."

"It’s a Korean player." The moon said shallowly.

I nodded: "The choice of Ulsan Island as the next target of conquest, the tactics are still!"



The battle in Ulsan Island was still very smooth. Our arrival was so sudden that their NPC army could not cope quickly, and the people in the Korean theater experienced a bruise after the First World War. They have not recovered yet, so they also It can only create a massacre in Ulsan Island.

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